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Latest revision as of 02:02, 6 December 2018

Central Park Snowfest 2026
Date of Scene: 01 December 2018
Location: Central Park, New York City
Synopsis: The festival of snow and nice and kids screaming as super powered people push them down snowy hills on sleds!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Ekaterina Vespucci, M

Rogue has posed:
The first big snow of the year after Thanksgiving tends to result in a party in Central Park dubbed Snowfest. This year its happened a week after Thanksgiving after a big snowfall in the city.

From snowman building competitions to igloo building, to winter dances and snowball fights! Live music has started after the sun has gone down and there's a huge hill setup for snow sledding, with lots of people zipping up and down the powdery freshly fallen snow from last night.

Rogue is in attendance, the college-aged Avenger has gotten a bit of public fame from her time in the spotlight of being a very strong 'tank' of a super hero, which she embraces fully. She's at the top of the sled hill and has been designated the official 'pusher' due to her super strength. Of course, she's going easy on those she shoves down the hill, especially depending on their ages.

But either way, she's been launching folks down the hill for awhile now, and is all done up in her winter clothes, with a dark green jacket and a yellow wool cap with a little fuzzy ball ontop. She's all smiles, her brown and white hair waving around in the wind from beneath her hat and down over her shoulders.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
At an adjoining end of the park an Ice sculpture contest is going on. An amazingly detailed copy of the Statue of Liberty is being completed by a small girl with large cornflower blue eyes and an angelic face. Ekaterina Vespucci or Kat as she prefers is well and truly ahead in this contest. But she has an advantage with her superhuman senses - a fringe benefit of being a mutant. Her powers perhaps much less visable than Rogues. She is already in the top three. More than a little tempted to use her telekinesis to shove her closest competitors sculpture over. She decides at length not to.

M has posed:
    Monet is bundled up in a genuine fur coat -- which, despite the glares of onlookers who don't assume it's faux, was acquired at a pretty penny from an ethical furrier atelier in Sweden -- and she's watching the festivities going on from a nearby bench where she's seated, legs crossed, and nursing disgustingly expensive java from a top-of-the-line thermos. She's always loved fall and winter, especially the fashion lines for the seasons -- well, let's be honest, there isn't a season of fashion she doesn't like. But, she has a special fondness for fall and winter, and she's always loved snow. So, while she might be a bit of a snob, there's something special about this time of year that loosens her up and makes her smile more freely. She watches as yet another youngster is sped down the hill by a carefully gauged push from Rogue, the little one squealing in delight, bringing a smile to Monet's face. She stands and makes her way over to the top of the ledge, stepping up next to Rogue. "Let me know if you wish to take a break, enh?" she says kindly in a very thick French accent. "I could be of some 'elp for a time," she smiles.

Rogue has posed:
If there's one thing about being a mutant that makes it an enjoyable experience, its creatively finding ways to make your powers FUN rather than a perceived burden. Sure, Rogue often feels as though her natural mutation is a giant... giant burden, and usually its at the worst times that that feeling comes up inside her, but then at other times her mutation has granted her a wealth of fun!

Case-in-point, shoving a loud mouthed teenager down a hill and hearing him go from being a braggadocios jerk while in line, talking about how she's not going to push him that fast or that it doesn't look that scary--to now hearing him squeal like a kid half his age as he's sent down the hill? Well its just plain fun!

After pushing him, Rogue is bouncing back up to her booted feet and is looking over to the fancy coat wearing Monet. One thing Rogue and Monet have in common is that French connection, in that Rogue was trained to speak it flawlessly since she was a little girl and her mother taught her. Right this second? Just speaking English though. "You wanna give some of'em a push?" She asks Monet back, grinning big at her. "Oooh, thats awesome! That girl's got some skills." She notes the sculpture of the Statue of Liberty in the distance and points it out with a motion from her right mittened-hand.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
The contest wraps up and Kat comes in second place she accepts defeat graciously. The reason for her loss perhaps her lack of originality. Alot of people had made Statue of Liberty ice sculptures in the past. Perhaps not as photorealistic. Kat cants her head after accepting her ribbon and leaves the artsy crowd picking up a long black coffee and ambling in a random direction that takes her up to where Monet and Rogue are. "Looks like fun," says the small girl sipping her coffee and smiling. She looks about freshman age when in reality she was born literally back in the Dark ages. Getting carded at bars always ticked Kat off.

M has posed:
    Monet smiles to Rogue as she addresses her, and nods, "Oui, it looks like fun. Normally, I don't concern myself wiss zuh enjoyment of uzzers, but..." She pauses and looks around, gesturing to the night, as if to say: it's a night for being kinder than one usually is. She looks in the direction of Ekaterina's ice sculpting and makes a 'huh!' face at the girl's finished piece, seeing her take second place in the contest. "It is somezing, to be sure," she agrees.
    She smiles to Kat as she finally makes her way over and she nods her head, "Zat was my zought, as well. She's is doing excellent work," she nods her head at Rogue. "If we join forces, we can push more people at once, non?" she wonders aloud, looking at the length of the steep ledge, trying to calculate how to safely do it so no one would get harmed.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is watching a few others go sliding down the hill having not asked for her assistance, generally those are the parents pushing their own kids even if the kids sometimes say they'd rather have the Avenger do it!--That just makes Rogue grin ear to ear though!

She sweeps her green eyed gaze back to Monet and just smiles at the French woman. "You want the next one?" She asks, pointing to a guy who looks like he's in his late 30s wearing a bit smile and holding up a sled, he looks nervously excited to have ONE of them push him down a hill!

When Kat approaches, Rogue's grin turns back into a smile and she waves to the girl with the blue eyes. "Heya there, Sculptor Supreme. I liked your work over there." She says in a flirty sourt've way, because... thats just her style.

M has posed:
    Monet arches a brow as she turns to look in the direction Rogue points and, seeing the excited man, she returns the red-head's grin. "Oui, je voudrais," she replies. Lining herself up behind him, she waits for him to get secured and ready. "Hold on tight," she says with a cryptic smile to the man and, placing only one hand on the back of his sled, she gives him a nice push.
    From outward appearances, she barely pushed him, barely made an effort... But, the man goes saaaailing down the hill at a nice clip. It's not /too/ fast, but certainly faster than he probably expected. She rights herself and smiles, taking a sip of her coffee as she rejoins the others, waiting for the next person in line for a push. "Congratulations on second place," she agrees, looking to Kat.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over to the man as he walks to Monet to get ready for his turn, she claps her mitten'd hands together encouragingly. "Here we go! here we go! Fast ball special!" And when he's pushed, she hops and laughs... watching the older gentleman go on his merry way down the hill. Rogue looks to Monet with a large grin. "Je crois qu'il t'aime bien." She replies to the other in the fancy fur coat.

With an adjustment to her woolen hat atop her head, Rogue looks to Kat as well and nods once. "Yeah, I would've voted you for first, that other ice thing was way lamer." Truth be told, Rogue isn't sure who won first or what they sculpted, but she tries to be nice so she supports Kat's really awesome Liberty Statue all the same!

"All right, kiddos, pile on!" She motions to kids over to a two seater sled, and as they stumble over each other to board it she moves around behind them, all smiles as she gets them into position on the apex of the slope and she speaks low to them. "Hold tight, and whatever ya do, don't scream!" Then she gives them a good solid shove and they zoooooooooming! Totally screaming their heads off too.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat watches Monet push the kids down the hill and smiles sweetly at Rogue holding out her hand to shake, "Sono la Contessa Ekaterina Vespucci," she says in Italian, "But people call me Kat". She looks back at the sculptures, "yes a pity they don't last," she says. Looking back at Rogue, "Southern belle," she says smiling, "What is it about you gals that gets all the fellas going? It's positively unfair for the rest of us. Especially short Italians." but then Kat was actually dating a billionare at the moment so perhaps she shouldn't complain.

M has posed:
    Monet's warm hazel eyes widen at Rogue's teasing comment, and she laughs loudly, clapping a leather-gloved hand over her mouth. She regains her composure and grins, shaking her head, murmuring, "C'est dommage pour lui, alors." She chuckles softly, again, at the thought. She glances at Kat as the girl gives her mouthful of a name and smiles in response. "Monet St. Croix, or as some might know me...M." Rogue, if she is in contact with any of the X-crowd, will have probably heard of her as a fellow mutant and on decently good terms with them.
    Her attention is drawn by a young couple who wave her over. They'd seen her push the older man, and ask for a bit more speed, so she gives it to them. "Hold on tight," she repeats before she gives them a push, again, with one hand. The other's holding her coffee thermos, after all. She smiles as they /zoom/ down the hill, shrieking and laughing. "Zis was a great idea," she says to Rogue in an approving tone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue firstly responds to Monet's words returned to her about the man that went down the hill in a blaze. She laughs and her head shakes side to side. "Oh no, my docket is all full up on creepy older men." She laughs a little more then before her hands come together and she breathes some of her poofy steamy breath into her mittens to warm her dangerous hands up isnide of the floofy gloves.

The southern gal's green eyes go to Kat then and she lowers her hands to smile brightly at the artist. "Well, sugah." Rogue starts, fully charming with the Mississippi accent native to her. "We just know how t'tug on their heart strings better'n most. Gotta just tease'em in all the right ways, and they melt like ice cream on a summe'ah afternoon."

And with that said she jumps as someone pokes her in the butt with a sled! She spins around and the kid who did it to her starts to run away in fear! "Stop! I'll push you, come back!" She shouts after the pudgey little 10 year old, but nope, he's waddling away like he just saw the return of Space Hitler!

M has posed:
    Monet simply grins to Rogue as she refuses the older man, too. "Oui, a shame for him," she agrees, laughing softly. She lifts her brows as she listens to Rogue charm-it-up for Kat's sake, unable to keep a ghost of a grin from her face. She turns to see the next group of sledders lining up and, as always, she tells them to, "Hold on tight," before she gives them a push. The younger sledders, as Rogue has done, she pushes much more gently than the teens and adults. She keeps a steady line of them going, the increase in sledding hopefuls adjusting to the quicker pace of the waiting line.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue sighs and gives up as the pudgey kid runs off, and ends up rolling down half the hill on his way back toward... wherever he came from. "So much for confidence." She comments before turning back toward Monet to watch her next victi--er, participant. She walks over toward her friend from Xavier's and she waits for a moment before asking her. "What've you been up to lately anyway, Heartbreaker?"

And after asking that her eyes scan around the rest of the festival going on, she's eyeballing that live music area quite heavily... not being 21 yet she doesn't get a chance to drink too often, but those places generally got people who're pretty willing to give a girl like her some beer if she asks kindly enough for it... another perk of her life! But, thats for later.

M has posed:
    "Me? Oh, you know," Monet smiles to Rogue after sending another set of youngsters down the hill. "My usual selfish zings," she says without much shame. She can't help who she is, to a large degree. "I've been getting bored, zough. Wondering how I can spruce up my daily routine," she admits, before adding, "...and avoid zat inevitable fear of commitment fight or flight response." She grins crookedly.

    "What about you, mm?" she asks of the pretty red-head. "What 'ave you been busy doing, Miss Avenger?" she grins warmly, taking a sip of her coffee. "I was planning on going to Cabo, but zere was some kind of kerfuffle zat kept my jet grounded. So, I decided to stay 'ere. Glad I did, now," she says with a genuine smile. It's almost like the festive atmosphere has revealed a softer side of Monet!

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches the kids on the sled heading down the slope and toward a few more that are walking past, luckily they dodge the bullet and miss a collision! "Ooo, that was close." She mutters softly before she looks back over to Monet. "I'm my own jet, ya know... but its too damn cold t'fly anywhere this time'a year, least for my picky butt anyhow. I wouldn't even know where CAbo is either, probably couldn't even point it out on a map." She grins at her own absent geographical intelligence on that place then draws in a breath only to let it out slowly. "I've been doin' that stuff, the Avengers stuff, but ya know they got a pretty great team and I don't know if they need me that much... more like a substitute now and then? Not sure if I'll stick around, but I get paid, so thats nice. Between that'n school though, I don't got a lotta time. "

She shakes her head softly then, uses a mittened right hand to swipe some of her white hair out of her eyes and then glances back to Monet. "Been considerin' transferin' back t'Xavier's now that they got college courses, but, I don't know. Sounds like a lotta work t'set all that inta motion."

M has posed:
    Monet's eyes are on the same group of people that Rogue's watching and maaaaaaaaybe her TK was helpful in making sure the less positive outcome didn't happen. But, Monet's not speaking up on the matter. She simply smiles at Rogue's comment and nods, "Very close." Then, she grins, "I'm also my own jet, but as you say, it's quite chilly. A private jet wiss warm interior, champagne, gourmet meals... Preferable, when available. And, for me, it's available," she smooths the fur of her coat down around the collar as Rogue speaks. "Ahh, Cabo is somewhere warm and /away/, zat is all zat matters, so don't worry over it," she waves a dismissive hand.

    She nods her head as the red-head talks, sharing her recent activities and thoughts. "Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about z' paperwork. If you were coming 'ome? I'm certain zey would roll out z' red carpet, so to speak," she replies with a grin. "If you feel you would be 'appier zere? Go. Follow your joy. Zat is what I am doing, always," she says, adjusting her coat and sniffing once. People might denigrate her for her hedonism, but it's a viable life philosophy.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"You're an Avenger?" Kat asks of Rogue. I would have figured you for one of Charles Xaviers. He sussed me out with that Cerebro thing the other week and called me in to play chess with him in the park. I think it would be too cold to do that now. He was a very avuncular gentleman." Just what CHarles wanted to speak to Kat about is up in the air. But she probably was some form of mutant too. Though she definitely did not look it. "Private jet?" she asks Monet. "And me stuck with my tiny broken down hatchback." Kat was close to being a billionaire but never spent money on things like cars and clothing and such.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is a bonified thousandaire so she just shakes her head and grins at the words from Monet. "Well... goin' t'warm places has its own set'a issues for me. It means I wanna wear less clothin' and that there then means everybody around me starts t'get a serious case'a the 'Uncomfortables'." Monet would likely know what she's implying there, but Ekaterina wouldn't. "That bein' said, if you ever do go somewhere with your jet and its fancy'n warm, I might still tag along if ya want company'a my caliber."

At Kat she looks then and smoiles to her. "I'm an Avenger, yep... Entry level one, or something, I guess. Stark doesn't really say much about how that all works and I haven't talked to Cap in quite awhile. I DID hang out with Thor recently, but... he's a mess'a problems all unto himself. Fun guy though." She says that with a sly grin. "But yeah, I might transfer back to Xavier's. I don't know. I'm still pluggin' away at my teachin' degree, time t'get a position as an Assistant to a full fledge teacher, which made me think'a... everyone back at the mansion." Like Charles, to which Rogue nods to Kat about. "Such as the Professah yeah, he's a good guy... saved my life, really."

M has posed:
    Monet nods her head in understanding. She /does/ know about the implications Rogue hints at, having some fair amount of knowledge of the X-crowd that have spent time at the mansion. She smiles at Rogue, "Mm, I will keep zat in mind. You and I could have a lot of fun. But, as you say, there are definite benefits to enjoying zis cold for a while."

    Monet smiles to Kat, "I'm of z' opinion zat money is only as good as one can spend it for zeir comfort and happiness, so I spend lots of it and almost solely on zings zat make me happy. Extravagance, in my family, is a way of life." She looks back to Rogue and nods, "I believe zey would be very 'appy to 'ave you back in zeir embrace. Zey are so clingy," she teases and grins. "But, if you will forgive me, I 'ave a dinner reservation zat I must make. Appearances are everyzing, somtimes," she sighs at the burden of being rich and powerful. She winks and waves at the two young women before making her way out, giving one last set of people a good push before she goes and steps into the car that's been idling for her this whole time.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"An entry level Avenger? I met Thor and Steve Rogers. I also fell afoul of a Dark Elf the other week. Darn bitch outright killed me. Freaked out a bunch of people when I came back right in front of them." Skipping over that subject as though it were nothing. "Hey I also teach. Art History at the community college in Queens," Kat says happily.

"I've never been short of money but there are few things I truly enjoy. It makes me come off as austere. I guess." As she leaves Kat waves to Monet, "Nice meeting you!" she says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is waving one of her mitten covered hands toward her Xavier's School friend on her way off. "G'bye, sugah!" She shouts after her, grinning after Monet goes. She sighs softly. "Someday they're gonna remake that super old show 'Green Acres' and I think she's gonna star in the lead lady's role in it." She'd seen clips of it on Youtube! It was totally Monet's future! At least in the southern belle's point of view.

She turns her gaze back toward Kat then and listens to all of that, her dark eyebrows raise up toward her wool hat, a look of surprise on her face. "Sounds like you get up'ta lotta trouble for a teacher!" She exclaims, then looks the young woman over. "Hell, you don't even look old enough t'be a teacher! So I'm impressed. Jealous too. I'm still neck deep in school work, and all I wanna do is teach a language course, nothing fancy like a history class."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Well I'm not just a teacher. Charles might have told you about me if you'd spoken to him a few weeks back. I'm a homo superion like you. Think of me like Apocalypses bratty little sister. I'm the same sort of mutant. I'm a bit younger than him though. He's three maybe four thousand years old. The eldest of us is just shy of ten thousand. I'm one of the babies at a humble 1200 years old. I'm dating like a twenty year old at the moment too. Talk about being a cradle snatcher. You don't need to study history too much when you've lived it," Kat explains. Hard to look at her and think of the huge menacing Apocalypse. She was about as far from being threatening as concievably possible. And also she wasn't blue.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is standing there now watching the sledders enjoy their evenings, taking a break from participating since she'd been doing it for over an hour now. She just stands there, watches and glances over at Kat.

"I haven't spoken t'the Professah in... months." She idly comments. "Not even sure when, back in May I think I talked to him on the phone about some school stuff." She then exhales and shakes her head to the rest. "I don't know who Apocalypse is, but it sounds like he's an old dude... as you are a deceivingly old lady." She offers Kat a grin then. "I'll keep all that in mind though, can't under estimate no one these days, huh? And at least you've got a steady date t'go on, one that doesn't vanish on ya I hope." Like hers seems to love to do! "And he's lucky cause you're still like a kid in appearance, but must be... experienced! Win win for that guy!" The 19 year old laughs softly at herself then.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Pray you don't meet 'Poc but if you do toss me a line I have a bone or two to pick with him. Family politics." Kat shrugs, "I'm Catholic old school so I can count the number of lovers I've had on one hand. I only got married twice - netiher time for love. You'd be surprise how awkward I would be." She looks at Rogue. "Bet you have no shortage of gentleman callers probably more than a few lady ones as well. Have your eye on any of them?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue nods to the Apocalypse part, but its not something she puts much thought into since she has no idea who that is or the legacy behind them. The rest just has the southern belle grinning though and she shakes her head. "I got a guy I got my eye on, now and then, when he's around." She replies, glancing back to Kat. "He used t'be a teacher at Xavier's, till I came around and ruined him for that." She seems proud of the fact she apparently seduced a teacher into quitting his job at the school, silly girl!

"Beyond that." She shrugs her shoulders. "I got a lot social media followers now that my face'n such is public with the Avengers. Get a lotta... odd and interesting messages outta that. But my mutation is the inability t'touch skin on skin with another person. So that kinda puts a damper on the whole, ya know... Stuff." She sniffs her nose, cause its cold out and thats what folks do in the cold. "People drop dead, basically, if they touch me and I steal their soul... Good times!" And thats said sarcastically, of course.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Ow that's terrible," Kat says genuine concern in her eyes. "And of course you can't let people paw at you. Got to be bad if someone wants a selfie with you and they snatch some shoulder." Kat kicks some snow. "I got kinda screwed myself. I mean I literally cannot die. I've been burned at the stake. Decapitated. Killed more times than I can count. And I don't age. But I have this central sesatisation problem where I feel a hundred times more pain than anyone. I keep on complaining that I'd rather stay gone. Feels damn awful dying." She smiles, "I picked up all the tels though - teleportation, telepathy and telekenesis. I'm like a Jedi! Can't complain about that."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just huffs out a burst of steamy breath at the other's words and glances back to her. "You got a real grab bag there." She comments with a slight grin. "Sorry t'hear about the death and pain stuff though. I'll make sure not t'touch ya... cause I'd leech all that away from ya, not sure you'd come back from that. Known others that sure didn't." She shakes her head right to left then and eyes the festivities off in the distance. "I certainly don't wanna die, so I'm envious'a that. But, I did... steal'a buncha stuff from a pretty prominent super powered lady, several years ago now. Luckily she's forgiven me for it though, cause it... it was a big damn misunderstandin."

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"I'm not sure what your ability would do to an External like me but as far as I know there are only a couple of ways we can die. And the most prominent one is being killed by another one of our kind in a very specific way. Best not to try to leech me though. I have been known to produce negative reactions in those who try. I'm lethal to vampires who try to exsanguinate me for example." Kat looks her up and down, "You really are a cute kid. The whole no touchy thing is going to break alot of hearts." Kat shakes her head.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue laughs softly at this from Ekaterina's words and she shakes her head inside of her puffy dark green winter jacket. "Don't worry none, missy. I ain't gonna suck your powers'n'life outta ya. I got no reason t'do that. And quite frankly I don't even like doin' it. It comes with a whole host'a issues, like takin' someone's memories and personaly traits too." She takes a second to breath in and then softly release it, the air crystalizing in the cold of the night. "I still find myself doin' all kindsa strange military-type stuff, cause'a the person I did permanently absorb. I can fly a helicopter, and I ain't ever even BEEN in a helicopter before." She did save one from crashing this past fall though... that made some headlines!

Rogue smiles over at Kat then. "Thanks for the compliment too, sugah. I'm sure you get lotsa your own compliments, you got those summer time blue eyes'n all. People probably talkin' at ya about how they get lost in'em and all." She snickers somewhat, having heard similar about her green ones, especially in the online comments on her various social media accounts.

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
"Heh. Yeah this guy pulled me aside at the club that I own Aeterna and told me he saw all of creation in my eyes. Didn't quite know how to respond to that. Sweet. A fair bit of cringe there." Kat smiles.

"So what are the Avengers up to? I wasn't able to ask Steve Rogers the other day when I ran nito him. He was in a hurry."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins at the bit about a club. "Own your own club too, I can't imagine how ya find the time for all'a that stuff. Guess ya had planty'a years t'practice!" She draws in a breath then and watches more kids go down the slopes of the hill, grinning at their cheering or terrified screams and then glances back to Kat.

"Oh, uh, I don't know. Fighting stuff in and around a... thing. They don't really tell me a whole lot. I just sorta wait t'be called and said 'Hey Rogue, we need you t'come and punch this stuff for us'." She mimes the use of a phone with her hand near her ear while saying than and then laughs softly and shakes her head, swiping some more of her stark white bangs out of her face.

"But nah, its a good group. They're all just a lot older than me, so I don't fit in that well." When her phone buzzes, she draws it out of her pocket and reads a text message. Shen then frowns and looks over to Kat. "I gotta head back t'my place, guess my dog has been barkin' ever since I left and the landlord is pissed off now." She grumbles softly then. "I'm gonna muzzle that guy if he doesn't stop doin' that crap."

She starts to turn around then and she smiles brightly to Kat. "NIce t'meet ya, Teacher Club Owner Super Old but Still Young'n Sexy Lady Teleporter Kineticpathic." All of this is said in good humor of course, she's a upbeat kinda girl after all!

Ekaterina Vespucci has posed:
Kat waves at Rogue as she retreats, "Likewise. Hope to run nito you again." She'd say take care but then Rogue could probably handle an army of problems. "Darn what was I doing?" she asks herself all of a sudden. Booting up her phone, "Maybe I'll justr play some Pokemon Go again."