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Revision as of 07:22, 6 December 2018

Rise of The Outsiders: Arsenal
Date of Scene: 06 December 2018
Location: NYC
Synopsis: Tim Tracks down Arsenal with an Offer.
Cast of Characters: Arsenal, Red Robin

Arsenal has posed:
It was at night, because that's the only time when criminals were reasonably bold enough to perform the grand stuff...but much to everyone's surprise?

It's quiet. Almost too quiet. Roy is significantly uncomfortable with this as he stands at the corner of a rooftop, looking onto the streets below as he holds two fingers to his earpiece. Listening in to police channels most like.

He's currently wearinga black trench coat with his usual attire as Arsenal underneath. Red and black bodysuit with various degrees of minor body armor and extra gear. He even has a well-worn utility belt! Collapsible bow in hand and red/black Domino mask over his eyes, he hums.

"Well, guess it's just one of those rare nights." which he absolutely doesn't believe...but who knows who he could end up meeting?

Red Robin has posed:
"A good Night to cut a deal." A man says, voice modulator, clearly a gotham thing. The man leaning against the wall has a long black trench coat, with a pair of black wide band shafes thaqt go from ear to ear, as well as the usual black kevlar and utility belt underneath. "You must be Arsenal, Titans, Team Arrow... nice resume, but I was wondering if you wanted to join the big league?" The man says as he pushes off the wall. "Call me Draper, I reprisent a group of Individuals like yourself, looking to get out from under the gaze of their so called mentors." he says as he flicks his hand to produce a black card, the Outsiders symbol on one side, and a number (if put under a black light) on the other.

Arsenal has posed:
Arsenal sighs a moment, before he draws an arrow into his bow and aims it directly at the man in black in the blink of an eye. "What's with people and voice modulaters these days..." he mutters under his breath, but this guy seems to know him. Yeah, he had a stint with the Titans and he's an on-again, off-again member of Team arrow. "Well, at least you read a good book." he lowers his bow, raising a brow at him.

Accepting the black card, Roy looks it over. "The Outsiders?" not a terrible name. He wasn't exactly in the norm of things either, but he shrugs and he looks on the other side.

He's been a hero long enough to know that he's GOT to shine a black light there. "Well, Draper, what's this 'group' actually about? I like to at least read a resume before I try hiring."

Red Robin has posed:
"Doing what has to be done, reguardless of who it is it needs to be done to." Draper says with a smirk. "Professor zoom wont stop commiting crimes, cut his leg off. The Joker bombs and orphanage, put two in his head, star sapphire tries to make the world forget about their crimes, cause a feedback loop in her ring. Things your average Hero wouldn't do because of morality." Though on that list of villians, only the joker warrents a death sentance. "Lobotimize Luthor.. things like that, The public and other heroes might frown upan it, but what they want, and what the world needs are seperate."

Arsenal has posed:
Arsenal...strangely agrees with this guy. He kinda wants to ask who the leader is, but instead, refrains. Let him figure that out for himself when he meets him in person. Arsenal chuckles a bit, before he looks at him. "Alright...you have my attention."

Roy finally puts that arrow back in his quiver. Seems he might have found a place to belong after all.

Red Robin has posed:
Tim Drake nods and smiles. "The outsiders Main goal is to find Metas and Mutants who are out of control, or who lack control of their powers... get ot them before things become Fubar, train them, or bring them to people who CAN train them. Another goal, and this is important, is to get as much information as we can, to prevent crime from happening. Like what batman does, though, without the whole 'dark brooding get out of my town' shtick." Draper says with a smile. "And trust me, not him, or big blue, or any of the other older heroes will control this group, we are on our own, and finded in house." he says with a smile. "If they don't like it.. well, I know how to take out every super I've come across."

Arsenal has posed:
Arsenal puts his bow away and crosses his arms, staring down this Draper guy, who he's pretty sure has a lame codename, but hey, when you try and subtly take care of things that you are probably gonna end up being hated for? Might as well have those subtle names. "Well, good. I don't exactly like kicking people out unless they are very deserving." but if they are that deserving, best to just put them down.

"and good, nice to not have an elder hero breathing down the neck. Well, I hope this card as an address on it. Or is this a mobile team?" at the knowing how to take them all out comment, Arsenal chuckles. "Yeah, I've got a few ideas too about that, so we can compare notes." what, Roy did his own studies in case he got caught in a sticky situation with the older heroes again.

Red Robin has posed:
"Text the number on the back of the card, and an adress will be sent to you when the first meeting is to happen. There you'll meet your Leader... you might be surpised." he says as he moves to the roofs edge. "Once you text that number, I'd destroy that Card, and tell no one about this meeting." he says before falling off the roof, his coat opening up as he glides away, yeah, deffinately a gotham hero.

Arsenal has posed:
Arsenal is listening, though once Draper falls off the roof and glides away all batman-style, Roy sighs. "Yep. Gothamite. Well, things are gonna get broody real fast." He looks at the card, before he digs into his pocket and shines a blacklight on it. Yep. there's the number. He pulls out his phone, which has a secure line, and he texts the number.

As for the card? Well...

Let's just say it gets destroyed and we leave it at that. "Well, guess my time back home is gonna get interesting in a real hurry."