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Martin Li (Scenesys ID: 7387)
"There's no amount of good he can do, that I can't corrupt."
Full Name: Martin Li
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: Marvel (VFC)
Occupation: Philanthropist / Crime Lord
Citizenship: China
Residence: Chinatown, New York City
Education: Xiamen University
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 11 March 1992 Actor: Stephen Oyoung
Height: 177 cm Weight: 77.1 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


After a dangerous, experimental drug imbued a Chinese petty thief with the powers of Darkforce and Lightforce energy, two vastly different personalities emerged from the fallout: "Martin Li," the humble community organizer and social activist with the miraculous ability to heal others, and "Mr. Negative," the vicious, monochromatic Kingpin of Chinatown whose mere touch can corrupt even the noblest of heroes. Some say "good" and "evil" are too abstract to truly exist. They're wrong.



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As Martin Li, he is an athletic, perfectly-postured, and dapper Asian man in his early thirties. High cheekbones and an impeccably side-parted black coif round out a quietly powerful aura that radiates total professionalism. From his crisp, white dress shirt, to his chic, black business suit and tie, all the way down to his expensive, black Italian shoes, the man is a picture-perfect example of class, self-dignity, and confidence.

As Mr. Negative, the polarity of his look is literally reversed, his clothes and skin becoming monochromatic akin to a photograph negative. His skin color can only be described as a translucent, smoky void -- dark enough to obscure any features that could indicate his race -- and is complemented by his impossibly white hair, eyes, suit, and tie. Outside of the stark contrast of his general appearance, however, what are perhaps most striking are the occasional blue smoke trails that slowly dissipate from his eyes and the black Han Jian sword slung behind his back, crackling with Darkforce energy even from within its scabbard.


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Not much is known about the man who existed before "Mr. Negative," but it is whispered among the criminal elite that a Chinese Snakehead gangmember, paid to traffic illegal immigrants from China, was the sole survivor of a horrific slave ship crash off the coast of New York. Stealing the identity of one of the deceased Fujian immigrants -- "Martin Li" -- before leaving, the desperate criminal turned to petty theft in New York's Chinatown before eventually getting kidnapped by the Silvermane crime family. It was here that he and two other victims were unwilling subjects to a new, experimental drug bankrolled by the Silvermanes that unwittingly gave them superpowers.

Infused with the powers of Lightforce and Darkforce through the experiment, Martin soon developed Dissociative Identity Disorder, where his psyche was divided into two very different personalities with their own sets of memories, personality quirks, and even powers.

Martin Li, the inspiring philanthropist, would use his business know-how and natural ability to create the F.E.A.S.T (Food, Emergency Aid, Shelter and Training) Project, a soup kitchen and resource center designed to help the poor and disenfranchised in New York. His alter-ego, Mr. Negative, however, would go on to create and run the Inner Demon gang -- a highly-organized and ruthless criminal organization with a stranglehold on Chinatown.

Interestingly, his Martin Li personality is completely oblivious to the presence of Mr. Negative (though, interestingly, not vice versa), and his double-life between humble humanitarian and vicious crime lord has put him shoulder-to-shoulder, and sometimes at odds, with some of the most influential people in New York City. And while the truth of his previously shady background lies buried underneath the surface of fabricated memories, one could argue that his Mr. Negative persona must exist for Martin Li to thrive as well.


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A humble, self-made humanitarian and social activist, Martin Li has dedicated his life to helping those less fortunate in New York City. A family man and philanthropist with legitimate ties to the people of his community, Martin prides himself on knowing the names and stories of everyone who comes through the shelter, and has made it a point to impress the importance of compassion and empathy upon his staff. From steadfastly working to get the F.E.A.S.T. Project off the ground, to running its daily operations, to spearheading more social justice initiatives throughout the city, Martin has earned a stellar reputation among both citizens and elected officials, as evidenced by his countless awards for activism.

As Mr. Negative, however, he is a cruel and calculated leader -- brutal in his methods, meticulous in execution, and ambitious to the very core. Inspiring the Inner Demon gang through his willingness to get his own hands dirty, it's Negative's ability to lead that makes him such a formidable foe. Able to corrupt even the most noble of people, he views New York as his for the taking, but manages to do so without coming off as an egomaniac to his underlings. This humility, even in his villainous persona, has forced his competition to recognize him as a legitimate threat, as his soft-spoken approach to leadership lends itself to a shrewd wisdom not seen in a typical crime lord.


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Though a bit too loud and showy for person of his sophistication, Mr. Negative can project massive concussive blasts of pure Darkforce energy from his hands. At full strength, these blasts can level buildings and turn send vehicles soaring into the air, if not outright destroying them.

As Mr. Negative, the crime lord's calling card is his "corrupting touch," a direct opposite effect to his healing abilities as Martin Li. When touching someone, even through clothing, Mr. Negative has the ability to temporarily change a victim's temperament, effectively brainwashing and controlling them for his own nefarious purposes. When corrupted, a subject's skin and clothing shift to the same monochromatic appearance similar to Negative's, and their physical abilities and superpowers become amplified, typically in relation to the amount of "good" in the victim, pre-conversion. This effect lasts until the subject has been physically knocked out, though it has been noted that intense, emotional strife can break Negative's mind control, as well.

As Martin Li, the humanitarian gives a whole new meaning to "repairing the community," as his very touch can imbue people with Lightforce, resulting in miraculous healing properties. From the common cold to bullet wounds, a concentrated touch from Li can heal even the most terrible afflictions, with some even claiming that -- with enough concentration -- he can cure someone's cancer. The kicker? He isn't aware he even has this ability.

Negative's touch can also be used to "corrupt" inanimate objects, temporarily giving them his trademark photo negative appearance and enhancing their physical properties for combat. By just grasping them, Negative can amplify a melee weapon's strength and durability, or give guns the ability to fire bullets laced with Darkforce energy. Typically, this process is used on weaponry wielded by Negative's Inner Demon gang, but is most definitely utilized on the Han Jian sword the Kingpin of Chinatown keeps slung across his back.

When transforming into his criminal alter-ego, Mr. Negative's entire body and wardrobe are consumed with Darkforce, manifesting itself in a monochromatic appearance akin to a photo negative crackling with electrical energy. This manner of appearance also befalls anything he elects to use his corrupting touch on, be they people or weapons.

Also fueled by Darkforce energy, Mr. Negative's agility and reaction time have been amplified, allowing him to not only dodge bullets when needed, but also slice them in half with his Han Jian sword. Mixed with his proficiency with martial arts, Mr. Negative has been noted to be quite the terror in close-quarters combat.

Thanks to the presence of the Darkforce in his body, Mr. Negative is incredibly resistant to injury and can take beatings that would put some of his non-powered rivals in the hospital for months. It is unclear, however, whether the Darkforce is shielding his body from harm, or simply regenerating the trauma at an accelerated rate, though the restorative presence of the Lightforce will heal him, regardless -- especially upon transforming back to Martin Li.


While not on the same level as perhaps other superpowered villains in New York, Mr. Negative's Darkforce-infused super-strength has enabled him to lift and hurl large chunks of debris, as well as send heroes and villains flying with something as quaint as a simple palm thrust.


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Though the "Martin Li" persona believes his weapons training comes from a proper martial arts background, Mr. Negative knows that his skill with knives, swords, and other bladed weapons is the result of his long-buried history as a Snakehead gang member in Fujian, China. A virtual nightmare up close, specifically with the Han Jian sword he keeps across his back as Mr. Negative, the crime lord has also shown incredible proficiency with throwing knives, which -- when enhanced by his corrupting touch -- can be just as deadly as any firearm.

Though Martin Li is considered by many to be a pure philanthropist, he certainly didn't come into that money on his own. Whether it was securing seed money from wealthy investors or criminal, monochromatic alter-egos, Li is a consummate businessman and is an utter hawk when it comes to making sound investments (specifically in the medical and STEM fields). He is largely self-taught in the art of the deal, and is particularly revered for his natural affinity to negotiate, as his warm, honest demeanor is an easy sell to people looking to do business with someone they can trust.

At his core, Mr. Negative is a man of ruthless aggression, but it's his intelligence and cerebral approach to crime that frightens his rivals the most. No stranger to bribery, extortion, or full-on murder, Negative is a calculated thinker whose scope and knowledge of the criminal game is near-limitless. The biggest shot-callers in New York, the strengths and weaknesses of every rival crime syndicate, the down-on-his-luck beat cop with a family to feed, the junkie who hears everything going on in the streets -- everything and everyone are potential factors to his success, or pawns ready to be played by the man with the "corrupting touch."

More a skill of Mr. Negative's than Martin Li's, the Kingpin of Chinatown is a man who knows what he wants and isn't above doing whatever it takes in order to get it, especially if his corrupting touch isn't a viable option. Learned from his time as a gang member back in China, Negative is no stranger to physical torture, but has also been known use someone's own background against them, threatening victim's property, business, reputation, or even a loved one.

Though Chinese (Cantonese and Mandarin) and English are his primary languages, Mr. Negative and Martin Li strangely know different sets of languages completely independent of each other, helping each persona immensely in their chosen fields. As Martin, he is secondarily fluent in Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, and Farsi, while Negative is fluent in Japanese, Russian, and Italian.

Perhaps the most important trait that both personas tend to share is the natural ability to lead and inspire. As Martin Li, he is a tireless and humble servant of the people -- often the first to show up at F.E.A.S.T. in the morning and the last to leave. As Mr. Negative, he is a ruthless boss who insists on getting his hands dirty along with his underlings in order to cement what he expects of them. In both cases, he is the epitome of leading by example, and would never ask anyone who works for him to do something he wouldn't do, himself. By virtue of this, alone, his respective crews have nothing but complete admiration and reverence for him -- be they advocates for social justice, or cold-blooded murderers.

Both Martin Li and Mr. Negative are trained in a range of martial arts, though they use vastly different methods when forced into hand-to-hand combat. As Martin, he employs Aikido and Judo to redirect opponents' momentum and energy for an effective, but largely peaceful, approach. As Mr. Negative, however, that mindset is turned on its head, as he relies more on striking from a cocktail of Muay Thai, Wushu, and Tae Kwon Do.


One of the few insanely rich people in the world who means it when he says he doesn't care about wealth, Martin Li has gone on record for years stating, "What good is money if you're not using it to help others?" A loved community organizer and hero to the poor and disenfranchised of New York (though he'd never see it that way), Martin stands for social justice in ways many people wish they could, often to the chagrin of career politicians tired of seeing more protests. Serving the underrepresented? Empowering those without a voice? This is the struggle that no one talks about in a city of Spider-Men and super-soldiers, and is a fight that Martin constantly serves as a vanguard for, both on and off the streets.


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Not surprisingly, much in the same way Martin Li has connections within social and political circles, Mr. Negative has amassed his own impressive network of the city's most capable criminals, mercenaries, and hackers -- all ready to operate for the right price. Additionally, Negative can also count on a particular cadre of shady lawyers, dirty cops, and the occasional crooked politician to tie up any loose ends or get the legal loopholes needed for his growing empire to thrive.

Utilizing his scientific resources for evil as well as good, one of Mr. Negative's deadliest breakthroughs is a DNA-based, biological weapon called "Devil's Breath." The poison, itself, is triggered solely by the DNA of the specific person or family lineage engineered into the formula, making it harmless to literally everyone else but that specific target. Through this method, Negative could release the untraceable gas into an entire arena, and only his chosen victim would succumb to the poison. (OOC: Naturally, this would only be done with a player's consent, and would most likely only be used in Plots, anyway.)

A 24/7 soup kitchen, homeless shelter, and resource center for low-income families all in one spot, the F.E.A.S.T Project (Food, Emergency Aid, Shelter, and Training) is Martin Li's first major philanthropic initiative and his biggest achievement as a humanitarian, to date. Focusing on serving the people of Chinatown (though other F.E.A.S.T. sites are currently in construction throughout New York), it has been responsible for feeding and sheltering the less fortunate, while also offering services such as employment assistance, drub rehabilitation for addicts, and after-school programs for students living in rough areas. Currently, Martin is the sole owner and operator of the center, but employs over three dozen people to keep the center going when off-site.

A double-edged straight sword used throughout the Ming dynasty, Mr. Negative's particular Han Jian was imported from China and is used effectively by the crime lord when engaged in close-quarters combat. The blade, itself, is about thirty-one inches in length and 1.5 pounds in weight, made even deadlier when imbued with Darkforce energy.

Despite being a billionaire, Martin lives a rather simple life in a modest apartment with his wife in Manhattan. This, naturally, is the complete opposite of the massive underground hideaway he owns under Chinatown as Mr. Negative, stocked with vehicles, weapons, labs, and everything else he needs to keep his grip on the city.

Often accompanying Mr. Negative wherever he goes, the Inner Demon gang is a loyal collection of henchmen he employs to keep his stranglehold on Chinatown. Uniformed in simple, black business suits and Oni-style demon masks, they are typically seen wielding high-tech versions of Asian weaponry from katanas, to nunchaku, to bo staffs but have no qualms about using handguns and rifles, as well. Fearless in combat, much of that can be attributed to the fact they are infused with Negative's corrupting touch, granting them enhanced physical abilities as well as the power to heal from even fatal wounds within a matter of seconds, making them difficult to keep down in a fight.

Having invested millions of dollars into scientific and medical research for the betterment of mankind, Li has no idea that his various foundations and lab resources are also being by used his villainous alter-ego for more sinister means. While his scientists and researchers may be looking to fight diseases during the day, at night, his labs are being used by different scientists to develop experimental drugs and high-tech weaponry.

No bones about it, Martin Li/Mr. Negative is incredibly rich. Strangely, however, though the "Martin Li" persona is convinced that his wealth is due to strong investing and his relationships with smaller businesses, what he doesn't realize is that at least half his billion-dollar net worth is tied to his criminal alter-ego. For every successful start-up he's personally seeded, there's at least one racketeering operation or hostile takeover with Mr. Negative's name on it.

Through his stellar reputation in philanthropy, Martin has rubbed shoulders with some truly high-profile politicians, and has worked with the New York's mayor as well as several district representatives throughout New York to plan for the future. Though he would never consider going into politics, himself, Martin is admired by virtually every politician he's ever met and is often called upon to consult when insight on social issues is needed.


Mostly due in part to F.E.A.S.T, Martin has forged amicable relationships with a few street-level superheroes who see the center as a shining beacon in an otherwise crime-ridden area. More than once, heroes have brought crime victims in need of support to F.E.A.S.T., while others have utilized the center's "neutral ground" standing within the community to take witnesses and informants when in danger.


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In social work and humanitarian ventures, there's no finish line -- there will always be someone to help. Due to this, Martin is compelled to aiding those in need -- even at the cost of his own health and wellness -- and is susceptible to clouded judgment and bad decision-making when someone's in dire straits. This can be (and has been) used against him when trying to get his attention, or just as leverage when attempting to further one's own political or criminal agenda.

If you don't have enemies, you're not doing things right. And if you're an ambitious crime boss with the goal of taking over New York, you better be prepared for blowback by your competition. As a relatively new upstart in the criminal underbelly of the Big Apple over the last few years, Mr. Negative has made quite the splash, earning the ire of everyone from the Maggia crime families, to the Yakuza, to even some of his countrymen in the Triads. Whether it's fighting over turf, the drug trade, arms dealing or human trafficking, all is up for grabs, and Negative's vision for his empire encompasses everything. Whether or not it he'll achieve that, however, is now firmly in the hands of every other crime lord in the tri-state area.

Though Martin Li isn't aware of his criminal alter-ego, Mr. Negative is certainly cognizant of Martin Li, which he's used against him numerous times without his knowledge. With two personas sharing the same body, the threat of both worlds violently crashing into each is certainly a possibility -- enemies made by Negative could manifest into problems for Martin, his family, or F.E.A.S.T, and vice versa: if Mr. Negative is put in jail, so is Martin Li. And if Martin Li is ever killed, the inevitable vacuum of power left behind could be disastrous for Chinatown.

Though it's against his very nature to acknowledge it, a billionaire like Martin Li can't walk around New York without being recognized for his philanthropy and humanitarian work, specifically in Chinatown. A man like him could potentially make headlines wherever he goes, and the amount of attention he gets on a daily basis will always pose a threat to his loved ones and F.E.A.S.T. should the wrong people ever have a problem with him.

Though Mr. Negative doesn't have the same legacy in New York as Wilson Fisk or even Silvermane, he's still hammered out quite the reputation for himself among the NYPD and their masked vigilante counterparts. From the look of his Inner Demon gang, to the unique energy signatures whenever his Darkforce powers are unleashed, you'd have to be crazy or stupid to not know who Mr. Negative is in the hierarchy of organized crime. This, of course, has put his particular brand of crime under an incredibly strong microscope -- one that could spell the end of his empire before it even begins if New York's superheroes have anything to say about it.

Though no one seems to know exactly why, Mr. Negative's criminal past back in China is shrouded in secrecy. Why was he on that ship that crashed in the first place? Did he have enemies back home? Who or what could come back to haunt him once establishing himself as a major shot-caller in New York City? Though he certainly doesn't let this bother him outwardly, Negative is actively preparing for the day the other shoe drops.


Martin Li, at his core, is a tireless workaholic whose job is never done. With something as complicated as social work, especially, there's never enough money, never enough resources to take care of the people in New York. Having fought behind closed doors with both stress and anxiety over the state of F.E.A.S.T. and his other initiatives, Li's repressed feelings often manifest through Negative, making his evil counterpart stronger the more Li continues to bottle up his anger.


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