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Revision as of 21:39, 8 December 2018

Brutale (Scenesys ID: 7380)
"In the testament of my home country, strength is law, and authority is virtue."
Full Name: Guillermo Barrera
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Theme: DC (VFC)
Occupation: Freeland Enforcer
Citizenship: Hasaragua (In Exile)
Residence: Bludhaven, New Jersey
Education: Hasaraguan Paramilitary Forces
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 29 Actual Age: 29
Date of Birth 15 September 1997 Actor: Benicio del Toro
Height: 170 cm (5'7") Weight: 77 kg (170 lbs.)
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Drowning in a Daydream" by Corrosion of Conformity


Guillermo Barrera was a secret police cadre interrogator in Hasaragua, fleeing the country when leadership changed hands. He came to the Bludhaven underworld, and donned a gargoyle costume, seeking to make his name as an assassin and enforcer for hire. Taking the name 'Brutale', he is a natural surgeon, seeing others as anatomical and neurological tics and movements, breaking down the basic structure of even a dog to simple movements and attributes. Where he differs, however, is that where a surgeon seeks to offer good advice, he's used his skills for evil, so many times that everything he advises is a potential recipe for pain, pestilence, and madness. An expert with handheld and thrown knives, he carries many small, razor-sharp blades and knives to fight with, knowing how to illicit the most pain possible with each precise throw, and how to extract his employer's will from anyone he needs to muscle.



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Brutale is a short man with a broad, muscular build, wearing a body-fitting grey Kevlar suit of body armor. A pair of black goggles allow him to see, with demon ears on the sides of his head, and a fanged mouth stitched shut over his real mouth. A crisscrossing bandolier is over his upper body, with throwing knives lining each. He's an accomplished athlete from the way he moves, his precise gait careful to the point of nonchalance. His hands are covered by thick gloves, and there are a pair of military boots on his feet.


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Guillermo Barrera was born in Hasaragua, a small South American country known for its exports of various nuts to the First World. Although nuts are often seen as a humble staple product in many American households, there are precious few places to grow, process, and sell them from, giving Hasaragua a blessing and a curse. The world would always look to this humble Latino nation for an essential staple, but the people would always be under the yoke of capitalist oppression. Guillermo's father was a planter, that ran a small farm, and one day, when the CIA decided that the local farmers fomenting for better conditions was dangerously Marxist, his father lost his farm to a huge farming agrobusiness corporation.

Guillermo was nine. Normally, he'd be yet another employee of the corporation, slaving in squalid conditions, but he was a natural entomologist, and he was also very well read, having taught himself English.

Guillermo was taken from his father, sobbing his last tears, and placed within a boy's school for future Hasaraguan patriots. Guillermo had wanted to classify rare species of insects, to benefit farming and planting, as a child. Instead, he would learn the most lethal surgical techniques known to man, his humanity slowly removed with inhumane sociology from various world militaries, gathered over the course of human events and placed in the hands of American drill cadres sent to Hasaragua by the nameless, faceless masses that just wanted a jar of mixed nuts for the holidays.

Guillermo was raised into a proper soldier, learning mathematics, literature, psychology, military theory, and science. He also learned how to shoot, fight hand to hand, drill in ranks, and he learned the proper military bureaucracy to function within any hierarchy. As he got older, he was introduced to anatomy, counter-intelligence tactics, propaganda history, and military ciphers. Graduating from the academy at sixteen years old, he was placed into the field, and became a security analyst and interrogator for the Hasaraguan government, that had become independent of the CIA years ago, changing politics having meant distance between the regimes.

Civil wars raged in Hasaragua, the funding from the West that the dictatorship relied upon to stay in power having faded away. Instead, Guillermo worked with DEA agents that could barely stomach him, the young sons of America having changed in their inclination. He was no longer with the father that taught him to kill, instead he was with half-brothers that hated him. He represented something savage to them, something they were ashamed of. Guillermo, hated them in return.

When the Hasaraguan government was overthrown by a people's revolution, Guillermo fled the country. He found himself in the Yucatan peninsula, in a whiskey saloon where American tourists spent their largesse on a party that only existed where vice and history crossed profanely. He heard, from a Mafia tough guy, that there were people with incredible abilities that weren't like Superman's. These men and women, both the cops and the crooks, had found a place where their exceptional abilities made them superstars.

Guillermo, the next day, got into a coyote's truck (human smugglers), and began his path to New York, Gotham, and Bludhaven, to eventually become Brutale. He stitched a Kevlar costume for himself, and put himself to work, as a hired assassin, dreaming of the day when national honor would return to the Latino countries, and he could see what he thought was his vision of Latin America be fulfilled.

His vision never existed except to his conscious mind. In his subconscious, he only wished for his father.


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Brutale defines his moral code with his own personal ability in a situation. He makes decisions rapidly, he isn't afraid to reverse or modify them, and if his standing in a conflict wanes, he is completely willing to re-orient. He finds himself to be a virtuous human being, and resists the social conventions of those around him, with the deficit of not blending in to local culture. He performs this trick by finding currency to be representative of like currency, always within the culture of Hasaragua (in particular, the regime he lived under), which may make him appear out of place. He is orderly, rigid, and follows a set of psychiatric barristers from Latin America, instead of from the United States. He believes that loyalty is decided by ability, and will strike an incompetent criminal into being an authority giver, and strike an alien (read: American) source of authority into being a non-combatant.

Brutale's defining persona to most is his compulsive sadism, that colors his every interaction. He is always analyzing how best to piece apart an individual, having turned himself into a tool of war where it comes to interrogation, torture, and assassination. Every situation is a potential leverage position, whether moving around his employer's mezzanines, or out on the street talking with someone at a cafe. His every bit of advice is related to levering things into the proper position to disrupt, something which he often tries to use to benefit himself.


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Brutale has had an elite, CIA-grade education in the fundaments of life. Mathematics, world literature, social sciences (psychology, sociology, economics), military combat, and the core sciences (physics, biology, chemistry). He can easily function as a self-sufficient human being, and is conversational on many subjects he's picked up over the course of the life, with this basic background enabling him to be proficient as a scholar.

Brutale is in high physique, and has been trained in American hand-to-hand combat techniques since he was a young boy.

Brutale is exceptionally skilled with knives, pressure points, and anatomy. He is capable of levering the human mind by manipulating the body with third degree interrogation (torture). This skill isn't sheer sadism, as he also understands complex games of psychology and how they interact with the body's pain points.

Brutale is an exceptionally skilled knife fighting, either using knives as hand-held weapons, or throwing them. He is impeccably precise, either way.

Brutale understands military ciphers as a counter-intelligence operative, very skilled at global propaganda and various signs that would affiliate one with any particular group. Whether this be slang, hand signs, euphemisms, nom de guerres, aptitudes, or particularly areas of interest, Brutale is skilled at modern world espionage's telltale hearts. He is particularly skilled with labor and the common man, having fought communists.


Brutale is a professional soldier, knowing marksmanship, close range fighting, marching, weapons maintenance, drilling, and military bureaucracy. This particularly assists him in the life of an assassin, understanding the methods to which he can pass through checkpoints as a modern espionage agent, as well as spot spies as a counter-intelligence agent.


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Brutale has ties to Latin American fascist governments (such as the Contras), as well as rogue CIA and ex-CIA members (Hugo Strange, Dr. Moon, Amanda Waller) that were involved in these operations. These connections are his bases of support, if he ever needs to go under, obtain false identification, or surface as an agent. (Non-canon NPCs will be used in lieu of canon NPCs with the possibility of an arrest of an established NPC - major use of these canon NPCs will be employed with staff permission).

Brutale has connections to many Mafiaso groups for his jobs, including Tri-State Area Mafiaso such as the Falcones (Carmine, Sofia Gigante, Mario) and Intergang (Bruno Mannheim of Metropolis) and the Desmonds (Roland Desmond, aka Blockbuster, of Bludhaven). He also has connections back home, to Latin gangs and drug cartels. These connections are his primary source of income, performing protection money enforcement, torture, and gangland hits for various circles as an elite freelancer. (Non-canon NPCs will be used in lieu of canon NPCs with the possibility of an arrest of an established NPC - major use of these canon NPCs will be employed with staff permission).


Brutale is worth a modest sum of money, most of it held in trust by a Mafiaso banker that manages various assassins. He lives in a small apartment with an oven, microwave, refrigerator, small television, couch, single bed, and decent bathroom. He can afford to eat very well, and prefers authentic Latin cuisine. He does not drink, smoke, or do drugs, with a single luxury item being his addiction to top shelf, millionaire quality cured hams from Portugal and Spain.


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Brutale doesn't accept any other way to be correct, besides the ways of his country. Despite never succumbing to the moralities of a new area, he never blends in, either.

Brutale is a war criminal, still hunted by the United Nations for his actions in Haragua.


Brutale is compulsively sadistic, all of his advice putting people in potential harm, be it advice in a combat situation, or dietary advice.


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

Title Date Scene Summary
A Profession of Doubt February 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Branching Out January 10th, 2019 Summary needed
Ants Drawn to Sugar December 14th, 2018 Summary needed


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To Refresh Character's Log List Click Here. Then hit the resulting button to dump the old cached list.

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Bounty Notice - Brutale February 5th, 2019 Summary neded


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