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Revision as of 04:51, 10 December 2018

Armstrong (Scenesys ID: 7396)
Full Name: Aram Ani-Padda
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Other (FC)
Occupation: Wanderer / Bon Vivant / Troublemaker
Citizenship: Citizen of the Wrold
Residence: Mobile
Education: Life
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: {{{AAge}}}
Date of Birth 1 January 4512 B.C. Actor: Jack Black
Height: 200 cm Weight: 145 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Brown
Theme Song: "Wonder Boy" by Tenacious D
"Awakening" by Unleash the Archer


An immortal bon vivant with a bit of a gut, Aram Ani-Padda possesses great super strength, a back of tricks and an immense appetite for fun and adventure. There may be a small cult of people who think he's the Antichrist, but he tries not to let that get him down.



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Armstrong's a handsome, scruffy and rather large man of indeterminate years. His dark brown hair is a bit wild, having not often seen a comb, and often gets crunched under hats of various types. He maintains a beard, if 'just not shaving' counts as maintaining, although he keeps it trimmed enough that it isn't down across his chest. He has brown eyes with a few amber flecks, a fleshy nose and a wide, wide smile that comes easily and often. His accent is rather hard to distinguish, partially because it actually seems to change, varying from Slavic hints to Romantic flourishes. He smokes too much and in every form imaginable, much in the same way he drinks.

Aram tends to favor layers, the topmost of which is almost always a heavy canvas duster, road-worn and a bit tattered at the edges, with deep pockets and wide cuffs. Beneath, he wears check shirts and sweats, baggy jeans and thick-soled boots. He smells of tobacco and rum and cinnamon and musk and garlic. He's a massively built individual, six and a half feet tall, easily over three hundred pounds, what the youth of today call 'a thicc daddy'.


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Aram Ani-Padda is the middle son in a trio of immortal brothers who first came into existence over eight thousand years ago in the fertile crescent of the Middle East, emerging from the primitive tribes and pre-civilizations. Aram doesn't know from whence his immortality came and, if asked, will tell you he doesn't particularly care. While his brothers pursued noble causes and service, Aram pursued pleasure, decadence, exploration and whatever amused him at any given time. He travelled widely, learning different languages and cultures. He may have occasionally stolen (sometimes art, sometimes wealth, sometimes wives), gotten in a few brawls and generally made mischief wherever he went. Being immortal, super strong and hard to hurt, he usually got away with it.

Sometime during the Greek period (he can never remember exactly when), Aram crossed a particularly zealous group of individuals who formed themselves into a crypto-cult, regarding him as a great Devil that must be driven from the Earth. Somehow, unlikely as it seems, this little gnostic sect has persisted even to the modern day, small but relentless, hounding him, chasing him, trying to kill him, exposing his identities and generally just being a pain in the tush. He tries to stay lighthearted about it, but they've spoiled plenty of good times by suddenly sprouting out of the woodwork.

In modern times, the immortal scoundrel has taken great advantage of modern travel and convenience, flying here and there, hitchhiking across Europe and generally finding the world far more civilized and welcoming than it was even a couple of hundred years ago. Of course, between the emergence of other superhumans and the proliferation of modern media, keeping a low profile isn't quite as easy as it used to be. At least he usually has a large bottle of whiskey close at hand just in case.


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Garrulous, jocular, mischievous, devious, unrelenting in conflict, Aram Ani-Padda tries to live life to the fullest and, given that his life is over eight thousand years long so far, that's a lot of life. He tends to do things to excess, doesn't have a great deal in the way of morals but doesn't like hurting people either. He'll protect innocent people if he sees them being scammed or threatened, but he doesn't go out of his way to look for wrongs to right. He's more than content passing his immortal nights half-wrecked on rum and playing cards in seedy dives, preferably with a beautiful woman and a nice piece of art close at hand. He's an absolute bon vivant, but more noble than he lets on, playing up his own wickedness as part of his reputation when he's actually quite a softy underneath. That said, while he's very slow to anger, he can be quite ferocious if properly provoked and isn't someone to be angered lightly.


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Armstrong is an immortal being with ties to the innate power of the Earth, mystically enchanted to be unaging and eternal. Put simply, he looks about forty and has looked about forty for over 8000 years. He's immune to the effects of time and resistant to all forms of conventional illness.

Armstrong possesses a particularly potent regeneration ability, enabling him to recover from injuries at a vastly accelerated rate. He can heal a simple gunshot in about an hour, a broken arm in a couple, internal injuries in about half a day. He's resistant to all forms of conventional illness and sickness. Poison, gas or ingested, can affect him as normal, although he will only enter a state of temporary unconsciousness rather than dying from lethal chemical attacks or poisons and will regain consciousness after a relatively brief period, although he may feel sick or unwell for a period thereafter.

Aram possesses a significant level of superhuman strength, enabling him to perform astounding feats of might, although he's not on the level of a true superhuman powerhouse. He's somewhere in the mid-range, able to lift/press around 45 tons.


Aram's a pretty tough customer, although he's not bulletproof by any stretch of the imagination. He does have a significant ability to withstand blunt force trauma, his body durable and his bones a bit harder to break, enabling him to use his superhuman strength without harming himself and permitting him to withstand blows equivalent to that strength (45 tons) without much more than bruising.


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Aram has been singing songs, writing poems and generally entertaining himself and others for most of his life. He has a natural musicality, is a surprisingly good dancer for his size and knows how to command an audience and hold their attention. He might even do the occasional cartwheel, although he tends to save it for special occasions. He plays many musical instruments, including lute, harp, guitar, violin, piano, flute, drum and French horn.

Armstrong parties hard. He can drink much more than most, although he's still affected by the booze, it just doesn't entirely incapacitate him as fast. He knows all the good hotspots and fun places in any given city and frequently befriends and ingratiates himself with the raucous and the hedonistic of an area in which he resides. He also smokes, gambles, womanizes and, in general, shows a complete lack of character, fiber and dignity. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

Armstrong's been through a lot of things, having survived through the entirety of human history. As such, he's often got touchstones for situations or just generally has learned a lot of life lessons that can be helpful. It's difficult to quantify but, suffice to say, he's not prone to panic and tends to keep a cool head in a bad situation. This, too, shall pass.

Aram's been getting in fights longer than most civilizations have existed. He's not a martial artist by any stretch of the imagination - his technique is straightforward brawling. Kicks, punches, headbutts, body slams, that sort of thing. What he lacks in technique he makes up for in sheer power and ferocity. He's particularly fond of throwing people around and has a habit of doing a significant amount of collateral damage.

Armstrong's a veteran of supernatural adventures and happenings. He knows the ins and outs of the occult world, can identify most of the creature and recognize the various signs and markings of sorcery. He's deeply familiar with folklore and mythology, even obscure tidbits, sometimes even knowing parts lost to antiquity that he can recall from the original occurrence. While not a sorcerer himself, he can play his part in ritual magicks directed by others and has a significant amount of mystic learning.

Armstrong speaks most of the major languages of Earth and even a few obscure subsets including Native American dialects, African tribal languages and some of the dead languages like Atlantean, Sumerian and Esperanto. This isn't to say he can always remember them off the top of his head, sometimes it takes some concentration and rumination to recall all the distinct flavors of a particular language, but he usually manages at least a pidgen version of just about anything.

Aram has made much of his living over the years as a thief. For all his girth, he's an adept burglar, capable of surprising feats of climbing and stealth. He's excellent at sleight of hand, including the legerdemain of the magician, able to do card tricks, make things disappear, pull rabbits out of thin air, etc. He's a nimble pickpocket of great dexterity and guile. He can pick most forms of conventional locks and is a skilled escapologist, although some of the more modern tech tires and stymies him still.


Armstrong's picked up a lot of simple, practical skills over the centuries. He can sew, cook, navigate a ship, perform simple carpentry and plumbing. He's worked as a lumberjack and a miner and a librarian and a teacher of history. Almost all of his knowledge tends towards the practical, outside of his general appreciation for the arts and music of the world, those creative moments lending authenticity and joy to the daily drudgery of everyday existence. He's not going to invent a supersuit or solve any world problems with his great learning and genius, but he's almost always useful in some form or another.


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Armstrong's an extensive world traveler, often in shady or illegal circumstances. He has a ton of contacts: smugglers, fences, assassins, drug dealers, priests, politicians, fishermen and shepherds. He'll often pull an old acquaintance out of his hat and call on them for advice or assistance in times of need and often makes a point of trying to remind himself of who owes him favors in any given place he visits.

Aram has collected a lot of valuables, bits of treasure, and general wealth in his years of life. Payment for services rendered, stolen goodies, that sort of thing. The occasional artistic masterpiece. He sells them periodically for travelling money, maintaining a few hidey-holes in major population centers. In theory, he has a great deal of wealth, but he can only access it through illicit or underground means. It's not like he has a bank account. Still, he usually has a decent amount of cash on hand, just for tips at the very least.

Armstrong has a drawstring back that can hold an exceptional amount of things. A magically large amount of things. Essentially, the space within is more equivalent to a large vault than it is to a simple sack. As a result, he carries a LOT of things around with him. He usually has some cash on hand, but he focuses mostly on various knick-knacks, weapons and mystical toys he can use. No major artifacts or anything like that. He's not going to pull Excalibur out of the bag. While he doesn't have anything close to a complete catalogue, here are a few examples of the level and variety of things he has:

  • A horn that puts mystical livestock to sleep
  • A crystal skull that translates alien languages
  • A whistle that makes pumpkins explode
  • A magic ring which disguises you as a specific dog
  • A bag of seeds that grow small cottages
  • A book of sensual tales of the Aesir
  • A talking stopwatch that's very tired of being ignored.

That sort of thing. No world changing objects, no infinity stones, no weapons of mass destruction. Just knick knacks and goodies and silly little things that he has to sort a few minutes to find, but they often prove useful in the midst of his various adventures.


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Armstrong is drunk at least thirty percent of the time. He's hedonistic and irresponsible. He breaks smoking prohibitions. He eats vast amounts of food and can't always pay for it. He's a big slob. Basically, not everybody thinks he's great and, while he's okay with that, it can definitely cause him the occasional problem.

Armstrong is not a small man. He's 6'6" and well over three hundred pounds. While that does have advantages, it can also be problematic. The world tends to be a bit small for his frame. He has trouble finding a seat or finding a place to hide. He's a rather big target. While he's pretty nimble for his size, he's not anyone's idea of speedy and that can be a problem when you have to run as often as he does.

Armstrong has no particular resistance to magic spells and enchantments, which is bad because he knows a lot of wizards and has a habit of making them mad.

A dedicated sect of zealots, a cult of several hundred, exists and is dedicated entirely to Armstrong's eradication. They regard him as an Antichrist figure, an abomination, although there are doctrinal and internecine arguments about the specific theology involved. But they all agree that he sucks and should die. They have persistently harassed him through the centuries, spoiling his schemes, exposing his covers, getting him arrested and, of course, trying to kill him by any means necessary. Aram has tried to keep good humor about it, but, honestly, it's starting to get old.


Armstrong is extremely difficult to kill, but that's not the same as impossible. If he were to be decapitated, disintegrated or receive damage to more than two/thirds of his brain, he would not be able to regenerate again and would either die or lay dormant so long as to make no difference. While poison or chemical attacks won't kill him, they can render him unconscious or make him sick just like anyone else. He can drown or suffocate and wouldn't be able to recover until a significant amount of time to regain his breath.


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