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Latest revision as of 17:18, 13 December 2018

With Drinks
Date of Scene: 10 December 2018
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Logan breaks the news about leaving Avengers to Tony and Cap.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Wolverine, Captain America

Iron Man has posed:
    The Mansion is in a decent state of repair. Truth be told, the lower areas are far more stable and looking better than the upper floors. The repairs are zonal: the main rooms upstairs are getting attention first as well as the roof, and the basement has a different crew on it. The basement contains a lot of robots, and the work style is different. They don't take breaks, and they work at night. So of course they are further along.

    Somewhat more rested and refreshed, Tony has returned from Mexico. Though he's been at his tower for the last day or two, he has come to the mansion to check on the robot work crew personally. He is looking through their work now, at a long table with an array of monitors set into it. Two robots are nearby, awaiting further instruction, as Tony pours over plans and blueprints. The tables are from medical, but have been borrowed for this purpose: technically this area IS medical, but all of the basement of the Avengers mansion is sort of multi-purpose to Stark.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan enters Avengers Mansion once more, this time with a frown. He was wearing his regular outfit, having not worn his "working" uniform in some time. After going through security, and being let in, he wanders around looking for either Stark or Rogers. AT least today he wasn't smoking a cigar. Meandering around a robot, Logan shakes his head, and tries to find someone that was alive.

    Finally, after his nose sends him searching a few areas, Logan happens upon medical. Walking by, he stops, sniffs, and nods. "Stark." Logan says with certainty as he walks into the room, his sense of smell pointing him in the right direction. "I see you are working through some issues here. I can come back."

Iron Man has posed:
    "I can do both, take a seat. What's up?" Tony asks, welcoming without turning, panning a palm over to a set of four various lab chairs that were moved aside to allow the robots better space to work on some overhead lighting. The general lights go down, making Tony light up oddly from both the lighted monitors in front of him as well as some mild light out of his own chest, since he's just in a t-shirt.

    The lights come back up a few moments later; Tony looks entirely unconcerned about it.

Wolverine has posed:
    Looking sideways at a robot, Logan looks it up and down, and then turns his gaze back to Stark when the lights come back on. "Naw, I can stand. Look, I wanted to drop by, and talk to you about me taking a step back from the Avengers for a while. The X Men and the School are needing my help, and I feel terrible splitting my time between here, Alpha Flight, and the X Men."

    Logan then says, "I know you need my help with everything, including this stuff with the Sentinels, but I think I'd be a better help on that end." Logan pauses and adds, "Forge got me semi-up-to-speed, but if you need me, I can hang around to help deal with that before becoming a reservist, or whatever it's called."

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony blinks at the monitors and brushes his hand across, pausing what he's doing, very clearly. He comes around the end of the table and sits on it with half his butt, folding his arms loosely and giving Logan full attention. His head is a little tilted. Tony's good with people, with his casual, comfortable style. When he unplugs from other things, that is. He's curious, but not upset.

    "Hey, sure. We're all working on this mess together," Tony agrees. There's no pressure from the inventor, and no guilt now at all. He just seems surprised, but adapting. "Our ranks here are pretty deep right now; we'll manage," Tony teases, but it's realistic. Avengers is in good shape. "Besides, I'm great with keeping the communication wide open between Avengers, X Men, and Alpha Flight. Just hoping X-Men aren't in trouble?" Tony asks, with a more steady look.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan moves further into the room, and brushes some dust off the desk with his left hand fingers. Crinkling his nose, Logan's frown grows deeper, and he shrugs. "That's good ta' hear. I didn't want to leave ya' in the lurch 'er anything. But I know ya' need my help, so I'll help from that end."

    Logan takes a second, and then shakes his head, "Naw, the X-Men are okay. Just a lot of absences and stuff happening ta' tha' big guns. Especially the pyschic part of the team. Seems like one thing after another. I know you know how tough that is on tha' teams." Logan smiles, wanly. "But then again, I'm always around if you need me."

Iron Man has posed:
    "I noticed. I've been working with some of them. Psylocke did a lot of heavy mental lifting after we had some brains fried on the field," Tony says in a relaxed way, leaving out the part that he was among those people. "They need you in there right now, I get it. Also, hey. I've SEEN Psylocke." A quick lift of brows follows, but Tony's just teasing.

    "Besides, I know where to find you," Tony adds, with a grin, arms unfolded now into a more open posture, leaning back on his table some. He doesn't take the 'loss' personally. "The better all the teams do, the better we all do. And hey, if there's ever questions, bring 'em to me. We know a lot here, things that maybe a psychic can make more sense of."

Wolverine has posed:
    Crossing his arms across his chest, Logan grunts, and says, "Yeah. She's something, ain't she?" Logan grins at Stark's comments on Betsy. "I appreciate this Stark. I know you are up ta' here with stuff." Logan motions to his forehead with his right hand.

"Ya, you do know where to find me. Not hard ta' find, that's fer sure." Logan chuckles. "Thanks. Seems everyone knows where ta' find us lately." Logan shakes his head, and says, "As fer this thing with the Sentinels, I know the Xers wanna help, so we'll be there ta' watch yer back."

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony looks surprised by the Sentinel topic. "The what? The robots from Mexico, you mean?" Tony asks, blinking. It's like Logan had brought up some minor thing, like the color of what the walls in the medical lab should be painted. Disorienting a little bit. "They're rudimentary. Why are they important?" Tony queries. He moves off the table corner back to standing, hand on the arrays, but still is looking at Logan.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Forge mentioned them to me, that's all. I am sure that something rudimentary can grow to be something bad and evil and hard to knock down. The ant hill gets more and more solid as it grows." Logan shrugs. "Anyway, Forge can be our laision if'n I'm not around." He moves to head towards the door. "Anyway, you tech guys speak the same language. I'm just there to stab things, and if I get lucky, slash a few things too." Logan grins. "I'm just the muscle, Stark. You guys'r the brains."

Iron Man has posed:
"We can each have a hobby, though," Tony teases. "Don't ever be just one thing. Not when you can be eight things," Tony says, but nods simply, flashing him one of those patentedly easygoing finger-guns as he starts to exit. "We'll have a drink. There's other kinds of language we can share; Steve brought back Asgardian mead for me, after all: while it lasts," Tony laughs, which is a sort of opened offer for later. He turns back to his project.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan snorts, and says, "Well, I'm a member of 8 or more teams. Does that count" Logan chuckles and says, "I am always in for a drink, Stark, especially when you are buying." Nodding, Logan's smile grows as Stark mentions Asgardian mead. "Now that stuff has a kick. Nice. Well, we'll do that then. The three of us. Four if you can snag Thor. Anyhoo, I'll let you get back to work. Let me know when Steve's around, and we'll continue tha' chat then." Heading out, Logan waves and starts to exit out the door...

Captain America has posed:
The sound of boots coming down the far steps from the main floor won't be missed by anyone with sharp hearing. They travel down the hallway towards the room wherein the brightest lights show (and the sounds of mechanical progress are present); the cadence is brisk and confident. Must be none other than --

Steve in civilian get-up appears in the doorway and almost bumps into Logan in the process. He's got a piece of toast slathered in raspberry jam in his hand and takes a step back with a short huff of a laugh. "Logan, hello. Can't believe I missed you arriving." He offers out his free hand for the X-Man to shake in case he's so inclined. The Captain's eyes then flick to Tony. "I tried making toast and almost shorted out the kitchen. Any way you can make the work less of an energy drain down here?" He's teasing by the glint in his eyes. He knows that the repair crew is hard at work and they've tangled skeins of extension cords lying everywhere around the mansion.

Iron Man has posed:
    "I heard 'almost'," Tony says, turning to smirk a little. "That means you didn't." He looks very put upon, though. "Someone did not follow my directions for proper wiring," Tony complains. He shoots a look at the two robots near him. They do nothing. One of them seems to fidget just a little bit.

    "There's more than enough power to make a world of toast for most of eternity. Or, well. Technically there /was/. I changed it out when our security was mostly down. As much fun as someone walking off with that could possibly have been."

    That was a tangent. Tony gestures to Logan, turned to lean backwards on his table, hands resting on it at either side on hip level, facing the other two men. "Logan is leaving us," Tony states simply, matter of fact.

Wolverine has posed:
    Stopping at the doorway, Logan pauses his exit, and turns to look back at Stark. Then, smiling slightly, he looks at Steve, at the toast, and then back at Steve again. "Rogers." Logan nods. "I snuck in with the rest of the robot help Stark has wandering all over this place." Logan looks down at the hand, takes it in his, and shakes it firmly.

    "Toast. Almost shorted out..." Logan chuckles and says, "Yeah. Another thing not working around here." Logan thumbs towards the robots. "As long as the geniuses around here don't end up creating some monster intelligence made of adamantium, we're okay." Logan nods. "Yeah, Steve, I'm going on the reserve list for now. Haveta help out the X types, and the kids. We're a bit short staffed." No pun intended. "I'll still be available when you need me."

Captain America has posed:
Ah, a tangent -- score. Steve tries not to look too pleased with himself. There's a tiny part of him that still believes in work done by human hand rather than metallic pseudo-intelligence, but his tease is in good-natured fun regardless. Tony's news, echoed by Logan, however, brings a solemn cast to his face.

"Duty calls, huh? You've been a big help around here, even when we weren't short-handed." He glances briefly to Tony in commisceration. "You'll be high up on the reserve list still, don't worry about that," he assures Logan with a small smile. "Tony offer to take you drinking yet?" Another glance over at the genius-inventor, this time with a lift of brows in mild expectation.

Iron Man has posed:
    It's indirect human hand. Tony's hands are more human than most. Depends how many degrees of separation from human hands are acceptable, perhaps. Tony's looked down at his monitors and has switched to a screen that is very evidently related to schematics of the upper floor and kitchen, panning through it. Toast may not be a priority, but mistakes are. Those aren't acceptable, if that's true.

    "Oh, they're connected to an aux power, because the contractor-borrowed machines holding the roof up aren't ones I want on our main. Weird." As if Steve or Logan actually cared about that.

    "It won't explode," is what Tony says smoothly. He doesn't comment about the drinking thing. As if he needed to interject. His smirk is all the answer necessary.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan nods, the relief and appreciation evident on his face as Steve comments on the loss. That was where Rogers was so good at doing what he did. "Yeah, thanks Rogers. I appreciate tha' kind words." Logan smiles. "Duty calls. The kids need me, and they must always be my first priority." Logan looks back at Steve when the drinking comments were made.

    "Stark did mention some high quality Asgardian mead was on the table. Ya' guys might need it ta' prevent me from drinkin' ya' both under the table." Logan grins.

    As Stark mentions engineering and contractor stuff, Logan tries hard not to tune out. "If'n ya' need me ta' intimdate the contractors Stark, I can pop a claw or two?" He looks back to Steve. "Promise not ta' hurt them...much..." A glint of amusement appears in Logan's eyes.

Captain America has posed:
That toast has disappeared as Steve considered those electronic schematics on display before the genius-inventor. He nods once at hearing where the issue of power drain is occurring; he'll leave that one to Tony to delegate, given the man's engineering skills outstrip his own. A snort of a redirected laugh from the Captain at Logan's thoughts.

"You're a sight with those claws, Logan, but maybe leave the threatening to Tony. There's a bill to foot and nothing like dissatisfaction from a client to make a contractor sweat." He's including himself in that statement. Who wants to let Steve Rogers down?! "But yeah, that mead." The Captain then shakes his head in wry amusement, his teeth flashing briefly. "There's only one barrel, so we'll have to be sparing, but you're invited to the Christmas party, of course."

Iron Man has posed:
    "They're on my payroll; I'll handle it. Looks just like some wires were crossed." Perhaps a literal statement. "Can't expect most people to understand how this place is laid out, power-wise," Tony continues, reasonably. It's the Avenger's mansion. Poor contractors! "But it's not Stark Tower," Tony adds, with a mild scoff in his tone. Stark Tower, the nightmare of technological nightmares, to those who aren't genius inventors.

    "I have some other options to augment that one barrel," Tony reminds them, dismayed that they would think he can't cover something like that.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan chuckles, acknolwedging how much of a sight he is when his claws are poped. But this time, he differs to Steve's analysis, and nods letting Stark handle things, when Stark says he will. "Fair enough." At the mention of the party, Logan says, "Deal. I'll try and make it, no one can turn down a barrel o' that' stuff, that's fer sure. Especially if there may be a few stoogies involved?" His eyes look back at Stark. "Will those augment that barrel?" Logan grins.

Captain America has posed:
"I don't think we should be augmenting a barrel of Asgardian mead." Here comes Steve, mansion fuddy-duddy. "It won't look good if we end up with folks needing to be taken to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Plus, you really want Thor trying to tempt Banner into a wrestling match?" He gestures around them and includes the whole of the mansion in it. Poor contractors. Imagine the results of such an escapade footing the bill.

Iron Man has posed:
    "If they take it off site.... maybe," Tony says with a clearly very tempted tone. He likes to poke at Banner, it's a weird little hobby of fun. Just to see.

    "That's what the Hulkbuster is for." Not to mention that Tony would also be entirely trashed, and that would be even worse.

    "Wait. Banner doesn't usually drink anyway," Tony points out, something that has always frustrated him. He can't get liquor into Banner in appropriate amounts!

Wolverine has posed:
    "Logan snorts, and says, "My moneys on Thor." Logan chuckles. "It would be an interesting fight, I'll give ya' that." Logan shakes his head. "As fer Banner not drinkin' ah' thinks that's best fer everyone." Logan says, with a slighlty passionate tone. "I've gone one on one with him, and I can still feel it after all these years."

    Logan grimaces, and stretches a bit, as though the phantom pain returned. "I think it's best to not get the anger ballon drunk, unless there are a few pretty girls around ta' calm him down. Red heads do it fer me." Logan grins.