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Latest revision as of 18:36, 13 December 2018

Date of Scene: 09 February 2018
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Thor

Phoenix has posed:
It was a fairly busy Thursday night in Xavier's School. There are a lot of students in the facility this time of year, and it was growing later so many were already gone back to their rooms for the night.

Jean is coming out of the dining hall after eating dinner with Ororo. She's holding a few books up against her torso and she's walking toward the east wing where she intends on going toward where the Wellness Office was, its where she liked to do her homework... considering she was in college forher doctorate.

The redhead is wearing a dark grey shirt and black skirt with heeled black shoes on her feet. She pauses in the foyer to talk to a couple of students who were on theirw ay up the main staircase.

Thor has posed:
    There is a single heavy booted sound echoing in the foyer at Xavier's school and a blonde man seems to be poured into said boots. The laces are barely tied and the tongues of the shoes are swallowing the thick shins and calves covered by blue jeans. The man in the tight pants has a black shirt tucked into the hem of the jeans with a brown belt keeping him stylish.

    The cold doesn't seem to have sway over the blond hunk of a man as he's wearing a simple tan or beige sweater with the zipper up front kept open. "Hark Xavier's Institute! I come bearing messages from the Anthony Stark. Tell me red haired maiden, where can I find the head of this institution?"

Phoenix has posed:
Jean's eyes look away from the students who are now headed up the stairs toward ths econd floor of the mansion. She looks right to the booming voice of Thor and measures him up... "My goo--" Jean mutters a second before catching herself. She then clears her throat and walks toward him.

"Hello." She says, recomposing herself. "I'm Vice Principal Jean Grey." She extends her right hand toward him. "Welcome to Xavier's School, and if you're here on behalf of Mister Stark then you're talking to the right person. Professor Xavier is on business in Boston and is away at the moment, so I'm the one left in charge in his stead.... Would you like to come in and sit down?" She motions toward a pair of chairs just to the side of the western wall within the foyer here.

Thor has posed:
    "Miss Jean Grey the Red!" Thor says with a boisterous laugh before he steps in with his right foot and his right hand reaches out to grab her hand at the wrist and giving her a mighty hand shake from the Asgardian side of the Nine Realms.

    "Then this letter is for you!" The god says before reaching behind his back below his sweater and pulling forth a single letter and extending that out towards Jean just as he lets go of her right hand and stands at his full height, looking almost a full head over Jean.

    "I will come sit down with you Jean the Red, but I am not sure what more I have to discuss with you, but it will be a pleasureable sit." Thor says rather straightforward.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean would smile up at the man and then she'd accept the letter and move to sit down at the table that the two chairs were parked beside. "Well, if you run away before I have a chance to read the letter then you won't be able to give Mister Stark my response to it. Right?" She says to the Asgardian. "And you can call me just Jean, though 'the Red' part is flattering, I suppose. If one likes that shade." She laughed softly before looking to the letter.

"Gosh. I haven't received a hand delivered letter... ever, in my life." She commented before moving to open it carefully.

While opening it she spoke over to him again. "I can have a drink brought to you, sir, if you're thirsty?"

Thor has posed:
    "Jean, the flattered the Red, I will attempt to alter my speaking patterns to make thee more comfortable." Thor says as he follows behind the redheaded vice president. The man slowly pulls his chair out and slips down into the furniture with a groan from the wooden piece as he sets his huge frame down.

    Summary of the letter is Tony is trying to organize superhero groups to better respond to the rioting, and specifically wants tech people to come on board to fix the communication hell. Thor himself knows none of this as he's been given instructions to deliver the letter, not read it. So the man is here, in Xavier's sitting on a chair opposite Jean with his legs spread wide as he tries to be comfortable on the tiny piece of furniture, or at least it's tiny in comparison to the Norse God of Thunder. "A drink would be most kind, but I am not thirsty."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean reads over the letter and then releases a light exhale. She looks up and ahead for a moment while considering the words presnted to her within it and then shakes her head softly.

"A drink then, yes." Jean stands up and motions for Thor to follow her. "I'll take you on a tour of our facility here if you're even the slightest bit interested..." She says to him. "Thor, right? Thats what you prefer to be called in short form?" She asked, showing a slight grin as she stepped back toward the center of the Foyer.

"Come on, I'll take you to the kitchen first, we got just about everything you could want... except alcohol. We try to keep that off ground... down at Harry's Pub on the highway leading here, thats as close as we like it to get." Jean shows a continued little grin while moving to the western wing hallway.

Thor has posed:
    "Jean the Re- My apologies." Thor says with a smirk as he stands up as Jean does, the chair squeaking once again. The god falls in line behind Jean and catches up to walk beside her. "I do not need any sustenance. I have had food and drink plenty at the Avenger's mansion. Yes, you can certainly call me Thor. That or Odinson is what everyone else calleth me."

    "I get the sense you want to show off how wonderfully huge your house is. I will follow wherever you lead powerful maiden. We gods can tell when a mortal as yourself is something special."

Phoenix has posed:
Jean couldn't help but laugh softly what Thor's words and that jovial-way about him, his confidence and all... it was amusing, plus she was a young woman and he was a very nice looking man. That helps too.

"Oh, this isn't my house. God no... I grew up in a three bedroom house at the end of a cul-de-sac." She said with a little huff of a laugh while they walked into the west wing hall.

"This is Professor Xavier's family home, he donated it to the cause of this school that he founded... to benefit children who're being effected by powers and abilities that they don't fully understand. We're attempting to help them cope with that while acquiring a quality education to establish them for a future... to ease them into society with control of said powers."

Jean explained while she walked the large Asgardian through the hallway toward the kitchen area. Once ther ehse passes into the kitchen and moves to set the letter down on one of the granite countertops. She opens a glass door on a drink cooler and starts to look over all they have there-in.

"We have just about everything..." She says back at him while reaching for a bottle of dark red juice for herself... one of those fancy kinds that are so good you know its expensive.

Thor has posed:
    Thor follows Jean into the kitchen but circles around the outside of the island countertop and starts to lean against it with his buldging arms as he watches the lithe woman find a drink to drink. "I would take a ... soda soft drink. I believe that is what Midgardians call them." Thor says as he pushes himself back up from away from the counter top. He's broken them before, so he's cautious about leaning on people's islands and any kind of extended surface.

    "Jean, You said you have everything except alcohol, so whatever you grab will be just fineth with me." The lord of thunder says, giving a passing student a sublte nod of his head, a wave of long blonde hair sent wafting due to the motion.