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Latest revision as of 21:24, 21 December 2018

J'onn and Cap
Date of Scene: 18 December 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Captain America, Martian Manhunter

Captain America has posed:
Having recently returned from dealing with extraterrestrial chaos in Roswell, Steve is minding his manners (if you will) and not doing anything notably strenuous. After all, his stitches have recently come out and he has a clean bill of health unless he decides to go and do something foolhardy. It grinds on him to have half an eye on his person continually, even within the Avengers mansion, but delving into an encyclopedia is generally enough of a distraction for him.

The blond Captain is seated at one of the many library tables with the heavy book spread out, apparently cross-comparing it to an article on Wikipedia given the laptop also on display beside it. He's currently frowning and glancing between the two sources of information. Maybe there's inaccuracy? The librarian has gone home for the night, leaving Steve as the only visitor to the library currently.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn is escorted in, nods amiably to the staff member who leaves immediately. J'onn hovers a few inches above the floor as he nears you. "Captain. I am sorry to interrupt your research...but I have recently returned to the League after an absence, and there is something I feel we need to discuss." He stays a reasonably far distance from you, out of politeness.

Captain America has posed:
Upon hearing footsteps - one set - Steve glances up. Oh, but two bodies, that's a visual dissonance along with J'onn's singular appearance itself. His expression of surprise is polite, eyebrows lifting, even as he sits up from his studious slouch. The laptop makes a quick click as he closes the screen and rises to his feet. He's in civilian garb this evening, looking almost the graduate student in his tan slacks and light navy-blue zip-up sweatshirt overtop a plain grey t-shirt.

"Manhunter. J'onn," he amends not unkindly as he closes the space and offers out a hand for the detective to shake, in case J'onn feels the need to follow through on Earthly customs. "How can I help?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn J'onn hovers closer, then lands in front of Steve, and politely shakes his hand. "I am sorry to say that this is not a social visit. In fact, it is the precisely the opposite." There is a tenseness across the facial features that you don't often see on the usually stoic Martian Manhunter. "I come to you with a complaint, of sorts. It is not something that I would usually do. But the stakes are too high for me to accept the current conditions. I am certain you are unaware of the situation I am about to describe, so understand that I am coming to you because of who you are, and not because of what's been done. I returned to the League specificially because of the nature of the threat coming from the Astral Plane. I wanted to ensure that my teammates were secure in case a psychic assault was made against them. While so far, the League has not been targeted, we also have not allowed to be directly involved. What I mean by that is, members of your team have specifically told us to...just deal with other problems around the globe. Considering the problem this...Shadow King, is causing, the League should be in a direct coordinated assault against him with the Avengers. I am certain you see the tactical advantage this would present us."

Captain America has posed:
Once the handshake is exchanged, Steve settles into a listening stance. His brows slowly begin to meet in a small divot as J'onn explains the nature of his visit. The Captain's face moves in the micro-turn as to imply that he's closely listening indeed and like as not, at least mildly concerned about what he's hearing.

A short sigh when all is said and done and he smoothes his veneer to calm poise once more. "Given that we do need every resource available to us in order to combat the effects of the Shadowking from that Astral Plane, I'm concerned as well. You can be candid with me. Who spoke to you all about focusing your efforts elsewhere?" The small lines at the corners of his flinty blue eyes betray his exasperation even if he keeps his stance fairly loose, resting his thumbs at the belt buckle of his jeans.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn folds his hands behind his back as he peruses the library. A great wealth of knowledge is here, and J'onn is as interested in learning about his adopted world as Steve is about filling in the gaps in his past. "Tony Stark seems to think, perhaps, that we would be better off doing other things. He shared some relevant information with the Flash, and I feel like my own discussion with Dr. Strange and a recent encounter Wonder Woman had with Thor resulted in the same ideology. We are the Justice League. We are not someone else. We are junior to no one, though we feel the same level of respect for the Avengers. I am not altogether certain that feeling is mutual among some of your team's membership. Perhaps I am overreacting, but if the Shadow King is a global threat, rest assured, the Justice League are going after him. It would be best if our efforts were therefore synchronized and we were working with the same ideology. But if the Avengers wish to tackle him on their own and want us to mind other matters...I am not interested in that being our strategy."

Captain America has posed:
"That seems...both like and unlike Tony," Steve finally replies, at least attempting to remain fair, given this is the first he's hearing of the Justice League's friction with the Avengers. "I can see Thor saying something like that, but out of pride, not out of a wish to destroy relations. I can't speak for the Doctor himself." The Captain lifts and drops a hand back to his belt buckle in a gestured shrug. "He's the expert when it comes to the Astral Plane. That stuff is beyond me."

He briefly follows J'onn's regard with his own around the library and then looks back to the Martian. "I was out of commission briefly, so if the Doctor's updated any of our team with new information about the Shadowking, I haven't heard it yet. Just got back on the horse." He can see Stark Tower from the windows of the library and considers it with a passing squint. "Tony's good about getting word out. We'll talk and figure out what the big plan is, see if we can coordinate efforts," he reassures J'onn calmly.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods his head once. For some this might seem like an almost insulting or curt gesture. But J'onn is a shapeshifter, and his use of body language is as fluent as any you'll find. He nods once because once is all that is required. It is neither an insult or a statement. "I knew that talking to you, directly, would move things back in the proper direction. Conflict between our teams is completely unnecessary, and only helps our many adversaries accomplish their goals while we accomplish none of our own. I know you are busy, and I am glad to hear that your recent wounds are nearly fully recovered. If there is anything that the League can do for you, Captain, you need only ask."

Captain America has posed:
"Appreciate that, J'onn." Uncertain as to whether or not the Manhunter has an official title other than his nom-de-guerre, Steve uses the name, also without means to insult. "I assume we can ring the League up at the main base once there's news to be passed along?" Already, the Captain's making up a mental checklist to go over with the genius-inventor; despite this, his stern and enviously-composed attention remains irrevocably in the present.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn hovers in the air and floats towards the door. "Indeed. There is always someone on monitor duty at the Watchtower. It is the best method for contacting us. News travels fast among League members. Farewell." And with that, he floats through the door. J'onn is all business, and once his business is done, he tends not to linger.