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Latest revision as of 21:31, 21 December 2018

Changeling/Falling Frost: If a Tree Falls in the Forest, Does Everybody Hear
Date of Scene: 19 December 2018
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Steve comes to visit Logan in his hideway with Clint and Skye, the Winter Soldier follows him. People are shot and Skye ends up cutting way more firewood than anyone wanted.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Captain America, Quake, Hawkeye (Barton), Winter Soldier
Tinyplot: Changeling
Tinyplot2: Falling Frost

Wolverine has posed:
    Outside the cabin, Logan is leaning against the nearest tree, the cigar smoke from the cigar between his lips mixing with the frosty breath from the chilly air to give him a cloud of "fog" around his head. His frown is evident on his face as he adjusts his brown leather jacket. The hiking boots, and jeans would not be a chosen winter wonderland clothing choice to most people, but Logan is not most people.

    It was like he was at home. After all, except for the breath and the smoke from the cigar, Logan almost blends into the tree he was leaning against. And, he never made a sound, listening to the wilderness, waiting for the other shoe to fall, as it always does.

Captain America has posed:
Amazing how a text can rouse someone from relaxation. He can ask for forgiveness later for borrowing one of the Quinjets again without asking (and without a copilot). The craft, in stealth-mode, travels across the northern reaches of the American continent with much haste, and despite the advanced technology making it impossible to see against the grey of the winter sky, there won't be any missing the sound of its arrival to someone like Logan.

Steve sets down the craft in a nearby clearing in the trees, far enough off that he's not immediately visible. However, he appears soon enough from the vertical maze of old evergreens. In a fleece-lined bomber-jacket in black and, interestingly enough, his navy-blue tactical suit (oh yes, that one with the white star-and-wings across the broad semi-plated chest), his boots make small crunching sounds in the snow as he walks towards Logan. A raise of his hand is silent greeting. He reaches back to check that the shield is there out of old habit and then, when in hearing, murmurs,

"Good to hear from you. You said you had a report?" He stops at a polite distance from the cigar-smoking man and eyes the cabin in silent curiosity before looking back to Logan again.

Quake has posed:
"What I don't understand," Skye complains as she tromps behind Clint as they restock the pile of firewood inside the cabin, "Is how I'm supposed to practice my abilities when I'm not even sure what they are."

So far all she'd figured out is she made things shake. A lot. Like seriously a lot. If she knew how to do it on purpose. Startle her, and get her adrenaline going, and things just happened around her, but she'd not really grokked how to *make* it happen yet.

Operation teach Skye how not to be a threat to others wasn't going so well.

"Love you and all, but I think I need someone who knows what the hell they're doing, Hotshot. And just whose idea of internet is this, anyway? I swear I've seen old TSRs on 1600 baud modems download faster. If Fury wants me to get anything substantial done on this whole Benefactor thing, someone is going to have to pop for the real internet, not this no name brand crap. We have holographic crap, don't we? Can't we just hide the stuff?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint leads the way, shuffling his burden of wood in his arms. "I hear you," he says. "I dunno, I thought it'd come more naturally, that if you could calm yourself, you might be able to find the trigger, but guess I really am the wrong Avenger for figuring out powers."

He lets out a puff of breath. "Maybe we should ask Logan if he knows any mutants that might be able to help?" he suggests. "I mean some of them have stuff on your scale and they had to learn to use it somehow."

As for the internet, he pauses. "Been thinking on the net thing too, maybe we should give May and Darcy a call requisition some better tech. Failing that, I can give Tony a call."

Winter Soldier has posed:
Oh, the weather outside is frightful, and the fire's so delightful, etc, etc, etc....

For the clouds that Steve's just come down out of are heavy, pregnant with what will surely be snow. Logan can smell it on the air, the changes in humidity and pressure that presage the coming flakes, the shift of the wind.

There's the scent of the jet, of Steve himself (surely that particular kind of heroism just smells like clean soap), woodsmoke, Skye and Clint, and all around the conifers that are starting to whisper with the rising breeze. They haven't yet begun that tidal rushing that makes a night in a windy forest sound like an evening at sea, but....surely it won't be long. And on that uncertain, fluttering wind, is the scent of someone else. The barest thread, the tang of an alloy that doesn't belong to the Quinjet, or Steve's shield, the sharp scent of solvent.

The Soldier has miscalculated with the shifting direction of the wind....and now he's somewhat upwind of the cabin and its occupants.

Wolverine has posed:
    Grabbing his cigar in his left hand, Logan takes it out of his mouth, taps away the ashes, and sighs. Even with the stealth on, Logan recoginizes that the Qunjet was coming closer. As Steve gets closer and closer, the small crunching sounds of Cap's boots sounding like rain on a metal roof, Logan straightens, and puts the cogar back in his mouth. Now, he was more visible to Cap as he approaches. "Yeah..."

    Logan thumbs back at the cabin, and says, "Barton's inside. With...a SHIELD agent makin' a name fer herself lately. "Clouds", or "Horizon", or "Atmosphere" er somethin'." Logan grunts. "Johnson." Logan shrugs. "Whatever. You alone?" Logan asks, sniffing the air suspiciously. His eyes narrow, as he looks in Bucky's general direction. "We might have company."


Captain America has posed:
Steve, now knowing the reason for the singularly-isolated cabin on these B.C. woods, nods. A good idea -- he read the reports on Miss Skye, after all. He's got his mouth open to comment on the fact that he's been wondering where Clint's been, having not seen the man around the Triskelion, when Logan scents something odd. His words leave him instead in a puff of white breath and he immediately looks in the same direction as the man, eyes narrowing.

"I didn't bring a copilot." Already, he's shifting from companionable chitchat mode into a steely air of readiness for trouble. "What do you got?" he asks quietly, his voice containing a thread of stress. At least he's got the shield this time...? "They need to know about this," the Captain quickly adds, glancing to the cabin to indicate Clint and Skye inside even as he's reaching back to retrieve aforementioned shield from its back-holster.

Quake has posed:
"ffft," Skye corrects. "Darcy might be the paper pusher, but Nat's who we want pulling specs on systems. You know she's who May will go to anyway." Unless, of course, May just hands the job to some random person in IT, the though of which makes Skye shudder inwardly. "Natch that. We'll ask her to go to Nat. She might be cranky about it, but the odds are better at getting an upgrade."

Mind you, it wouldn't be hard to improve upon the current setup. Though to be fair, it was unlikely that it was expected anyone would run the internet setup at the cabin through the kinds of paces Skye was putting it through. Or how vital it was to the safety of those around her that she have access to the net on a regular basis. It even ranked above coffee in the greater scheme of things.

She stomps her boots on the door lintel, and ponders the wood they'd gathered. "Think we have enough firewood? And I have to say, this whole powers thing looked a hell of a lot easier in the movies. All this struck by lightning, congrats you're a hero bullshit left me with unrealistic expectations." Her lament is supposed to be an attempt to lighten the mood. "Do you think Logan would.. do that? Help us find someone?" A pause. "I might have a lead on someone, too. Just.. it's really complicated."

Like clandestine meetings in the park while you're not supposed to be out of the Triskelion and making your boyfriend cover the fact you've technically slipped your detail kind of complicated.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint doesn't bother stomping the snow off his boots, no, he wasn't raised in a bar, worse, a carnival, he shoulders through the door and heads inside.

"Nat? She's good with computers and all and she has the pull but she's a field agent, asking her to do IT work might be a bit...insulting," he reasons as he track snow over the inside of the cabin. "We can ask May though, and let the chips fall where they, ahem, may."

He puts down the wood by the fireplace. "And for the record, that was unintentional," he says of the pun.

Dusting himself off he looks back at the floor and sees his snow trail. "Aww, floor," he groans as he looks about for a mop. "And best way to find out if he will is to ask him. I mean, worst he can do is say no, right?"

"Who's the other option though? Or is that classified?"

Winter Soldier has posed:
To Logan's nose, there's that metallic thread again, cold alloy rather like Steve's shield - here, there, borne on the icy wind. And then gone.

A beat of silence, and then... a supressed rifle shot is still plenty loud, especially to someone with senses like Logan's. Even the others can hear the sharp *crack* of the report, the echoes muffled by the thickness of the forest around them.

Which is when the silvery star on Cap's chest is marred by a hole, at first no more than a dark smudge.....but swiftly surrounded by a spreading scarlet halo. It'll be a little before the pain hits in earnest.

Wolverine has posed:
    Grabbing the cigar and tossing it towards the window of the cabin with a "plink" it then bounces into the nearby snow drift. Logan grunts as it sizzles and goes out, looks sideays at Steve, and says, "If Barton is as good as you think he is, he already knows. He'll drag Cup'O out here, and hopefully, stealthy, so as to not tip our hand."

    Logan doesn't explain "Cup'O" to Steve. Lowering his voice, Logan sniffs again, growls, "Bucky." Logan's eyes look at Steve, and his response to his words. "He's here." Then the shot rings out, and Logan snaps his attention to Steve. "Rogers!" Ignoring his instincts, he moves to stand in front of Steve to block the shots from the direction the bullet just came from.

    "SNIKT!!!" rings out through the woods, and echoes, "snikt, snikt, snikt, snikt..."

Captain America has posed:
Maybe Karma heard Steve make the crack about being shot as a benchmark. Now there's a new standard! It's not like in the movies, where the body flies backwards as if attached to some giant rubber band.

Steve jerks minutely in place as a small misting of blood erupts from the relatively sturdy weave of his navy-blue suit. Not sturdy enough, not this time -- Winter chose calibre well. Logan gets a confused look for all of a second before the pain hits. It seizes up his mind and the first cough is short, choked off as he fights to keep composure. Next goes his balance, even as he struggles to keep the shield held before his chest futilely. He sags heavily to one side and to one knee behind Logan's guarding stance, giving another small cough. More blood spreads into the dark-blue chest-piece as he stares off into the woods around the bulk of Wolverine, eyes gone pinpoint in gut-fear.

"Don't...don't let them get hurt," he grunts to Logan, meaning Clint and Skye.

Quake has posed:
"It's not IT, Hotshot. And I need state of the art. Not what some IT jockey thinks is state of the art." Skye sighs. Clint? does not know computers. He probably doesn't get it. Even if he is right and Nat might have more than a few choice words to say about being asked to gather a Skye-worthy setup.

"And of course it's classified. Have you met me? Do you have any idea how many people's secrets I -"

Right. So she's learned to tune a lot of the noise out. Because, really, constant reverberations from everything gets old really fast, and much like a telepath, you have to do something to protect yourself. Only, it's not quite like telepathic shields, and she can't *block* the sounds, so much as learn not to focus on them (which might be a clue for her in the future. Hey, Skye, are you listening? (see what I did there?)). But this sound? It doesn't fit. It's the faint metallic hiss-pop that she's learned to associate with target practice. "Uh.. Hotshot? They don't hunt up here with sniper rifles, do they?"

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"Okay that's a bit more badass than I envisioned, still, May's our gal for that, no?" Clint asks as he makes way for Skye to put down her share of the logs by the fire.

"And surrre, rub it in," he says of the secrets. To be honest he's glad he's not carrying all those secrets. What ones he had were heavy enough of a burden.

When Skye pauses, Clint does too, his eyes cutting to where his bow and quivver sits against the wall. Her question though has him crossing the room to grab both. "No, they do not," he says. "Grab a weapon, let's go check this out."

Then he's heading for the back door to the cabin.

Winter Soldier has posed:
No, these woods have no Manson Bambis that demand high caliber rifle rounds - the sort intended to stop small vehicles or heavily armored combatants or big lugs of supersoldiers. For that's what's hit Steve. There is no follow-up shot, however. The gleam of adamantium in the scope was enough to make the shooter reconsider any subsequent attempts - he knows enough of Wolverine's capabilities to be sure that he couldn't do much more than tickle at a distance with anything short of an RPG.

Now he's packed up and is making tracks away from his hide, counting on the coming snow to erase his trail before a coordinated search can come on. Assuming the guy with the tobacco habit and the ginsu knife hands doesn't catch him first.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan snorts, and shakes his head, turning to face where the gunshot had come from. "Typical, Rogers." Standing in the way, Logan knew the general direction, but not the exact location of the shooter. And with his claws out, it made him a pretty juicy target. "We're sittin' ducks right now..." Logan says, waiting for the bullet to strike him next.

    Grimacing slightly, Logan says, "I f**kin' hate gettin' shot ya' know." Logan says to Steve, as he recovers. "He's movin'."

    Logan hears sounds coming from the cabin further back where Pizzaman and Cup'O were moving. They heard the sounds and probably the gunshot. Good. "You okay to move Rogers?" Logan sheathes the "knives" with a "SNIKT!" and sniffs the air. "South west. And we better hurry." Logan offers his "claw"-free right hand to help him up. "Storms a' comin' An' not the good one."

Captain America has posed:
Another soft cough and Steve shudders as the pain almost whites out his vision. He's more heavily kneeling now, needing the shield to held keep him upright by proxy of angled object alone.

"I can make it," he replies, voice gone raspy. Of course he can. All of twenty feet, maybe. Still, there's that bulldog attitude on full display. Bummer that the Winter Soldier doesn't get to to see his target slowly work his way to his feet with the aid of Logan's offered hand. A few careful inhales and he glances at the cabin. "He's not stupid. Buck," and another cough. A bit of red stains his lips now. "Don't kill him."

Oh dear, the world's going tipsy as his inner ear reminds him that rapidly depleting blood pressure is a right bitch.

Quake has posed:

Which meant business. And the look on Clint's face confirms that.

"Got it." Because of course they'd brought those things too. "I'm guessing not the bows." Because while Clint might be able to manage a mono a mono with his bow against a sniper rifle, Skye couldn't. In fact, she was likely going to best be suited to pulling up the rear if things got ugly.

Of course they don't know someone has been shot yet. Or that that someone is Steve. Bleeding out on Logan's front snow.

Good thing they hadn't undressed yet, right?

Weapons in hand, Skye follows Clint's lead. It was good, sometimes, not to be ranking Agent (not that this has ever stopped her before).

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
"No bows," Clint confirms as he throws his quivver over his shoulder. He knew she wasn't ready for combat with them yet, but guns, that he knew she could shoot.

He grabs his own bow, and snaps it open, ready to shoot. When Skye's ready, he shoots her a look making sure she was ready before he kicks open the back door and scans the surroundings, bow drawn with an arrow on the string.

"Clear," he says. "Which way to the shot? Lead the way, I've got you covered." Then he moves the direction Skye leads.

Winter Soldier has posed:
He can, indeed. Wait, that is. Which is why he's doubled back a little, the better to watch his own trail, see if anyone is pursuing. Hell, if Steve's down, it might be worth coming back for Logan, in pursuit of secondary directives. He's not sure Steve's dead.....in fact, if he can lure them after him, he can come back and get Steve, who surely isn't going anywhere. So instead of continuing his beeline away....Winter's started to circle back around.

Wolverine has posed:
    Helping Rogers up, Logan pauses when he sees the state Rogers was in. As he gets dizzy, Logan offers to help him sit, and then kneels beside him. Logan then says, "Dammit Rogers, why are ya' always gettin' shot when I'm around? Same thing happened in Normandy couple years back." Yeah, like 1942. Putting his hand on Roger's shoulder, Logan looks at the wound, and frowns. "Ok. This is going ta' hurt, Cap." Logan slowly allows one of his claws to extend from his right hand. "That bullet's gotta come out." He looks over his shoulder, and says, "Bucky kin' wait." That was when Logan used his limited skills to try and get the bullet out of Steve's chest. Carefully.

Captain America has posed:
It's way better on the ground, even if the snow is cold through his tactical pants. Oh well. Cold's okay. It means he's still alive.

"Wasn't in the chest," Steve argues weakly with a grimace to Logan's completely truthful observation. He watches that adamantium talon appear and pales as he swallows, looking from it to Logan. A quick few nods and he reaches down to his belt. Out comes a leather glove and he takes it folded over on itself to sit between his teeth.

There won't be missing the sounds of agony barely stoppered up by gritted teeth and soft hide. Steve clutches to his shield and at his belt with white knuckles and fights to keep himself conscious. Oh. It hurts.

Quake has posed:
"Do I look like a homing pigeon," Skye retorts to Clint's 'suggestion' she lead the way. But he's got a point - she's the one heard the gunshot first, and she knows a general direction. Except that that's as far as it goes. Whoever, or whatever it was, is long gone and far out of any range she might have..

Logan and Steve, however aren't. And while it's hit and miss, trying to hone her listening down to a more specific area, a few things carry. Like those sounds of agony. Which, ironically help her actually narrow things down significantly - if only because she knows what way Logan's cabin is. "Oh god, Hotshot, I think Cap's been shot."

Because hiss-pop + moans of agony should logically follow person with gunshot wound is making the noise. That or Steve is really really fond of Logan, and has gone into some mourning ritual.

She doesn't wait for Clint, scooting off towards their neighbour's place. As much as one can scoot in this snow.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint keeps his eyes on the woods even as he quips, "Well in the right light and if I squint-" he just does it on auto-pilot, the quipping it's what keeps him steady.

He follows, his feet barely making a sound as he moves through the snow. "Cap? What the hell is Cap doing here?" is the first thing out of Clint's mouth, the second is comes shortly afterwards and urgently. "Where is h-"

Skye's already moving and Clint's following, keeping his sharp eyes peeled for threats as well as Logan and Cap as they move.

Winter Soldier has posed:
He knows they're both SHIELD....and can't resist the targets of opportunity. The light of the day is declining down towards night, but there's still plenty to see by. It's another misjudgement, though, in terms of who constitutes the greatest threat. For it's Barton the Soldier aims at, and another sharp report echoes off the distant hills and loses itself among the trees.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Okay. Done." Logan looks at his claw, and drops the bullet into the snow. "It'll heal now." Loagn looks over his shoulder, and nods as Clint and Skye appear. As he brings his attention to the other issue, Logan sniffs, and squints, and can feel the barometric pressure start to drop as the snow begins to fall. Combined with the wind shifting. "Dammit. Johnson, Barton. It's Bucky. He's out there and has a bead on us." Logan squats down, his body right in front of Steve's to ensure he gets hit first.

    "He's around there." Logan points south by south west, right where the sun was setting through the clouds. "But I can't get a bead on him. Ya' better believe he has us in his sights though." Logan says, "Stay low. Unless he tries another..." He leaves it open. Four against one. Well, three and a half anyway. "Rogers needs time ta' recover, kid." Logan says to Skye, directly. "Unless ya' got some magic, we're sittin' ducks."

Captain America has posed:
Breathing like a winded bull, Steve drops his chin to look woozily around the fold of the leather glove bitten nearly through in his teeth. He nods weakly and winces as he feels an ebb of blood escape through the collapsed tunnel of bullet-travel. The bullet was blocking some of it; hopefully gravity can do the rest? He spits out the glove; it lands on his lap like a fallen leaf.

"S'good, Logan, thanks... Gonna...gonna take a quick nap now, jus...jus' be careful...he's...he's..." His voice slurs into silence as consciousness leaves him entirely. His head slumps to one shoulder, but he continues to breathe weakly, as stable as the super-serum can enable him to be.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Logan's warning is met with a look of surprise from Clint. "Bucky?" Clint says, alarmed. He turns, "Skye get-"

He hears the echoing of the shot and a pain in his leg, it's a coin toss as to which sensation he feels first. All he knows after that moment of searing pain, he's face down in the snow.

He pushes himself up, his arms are working but not the one leg. "Skye, stay down," he shouts turning over and trying to figure out what happened to his leg. The blood on the snow tells the tale.

"Oh shit," he says. "I've been shot." Shock was most definitely setting in.

Quake has posed:
A few weeks ago, Bucky would have been right in assessing that the greater threat at the moment was Clint. However, that's a few weeks ago. Much has happened since...

"Why is everybody yelling?!?"

Only Skye is yelling. She's just hearing everything overloud, a byproduct of *trying* to hear. Possibly a mistake, but sadly, not a thing she can shut off at the drop of a hat. So Logan's question is as loud as Clint's admonition to get down is as loud as that second rifle crack is as loud as that dull *thunk* of sound as bullet meets flesh followed by that stunned realization by Clint that he's been shot.

And poor Skye, caught in the middle of it all is fast losing all sense of direction, let alone calm, things narrowing down to a dull roar of sound that isn't anything distinct anymore, mostly because it's the rush of blood in her system pounding through her ears, much the same as someone with a head cold hears that swish swish thump thump of their own body, and nothing else - only amplified.

The shock of Clint being shot (she sees that now) and being turned around without any clear idea of where the attacks are coming from blows away any semblance of control the girl might have, the forces she felt back on the Hydra base building up within her, only adding to her fear, because she knows what she did there, and she doesn't know how to stop this.

Winter Soldier has posed:
They haven't taken cover in the cabin - not daring to move Steve, perhaps. Nor have they set out in pursuit. Steve's down, Barton's down, Logan's pinned by tending them. Skye's the stray, and even if he doesn't know what she can do, she's still another one he knows is SHIELD. So there's a third rifle shot, aimed at the newest agent. If he can isolate Logan, he might have a chance against the Wolverine.

Wolverine has posed:
    It was uncanny. Logan was listening as the others were panicking in their little worlds. When Barton was shot, Logan waited, concentrating. He heard Skye call out. Barton's cry of pain. Cap's breathing, laboured from the bullet wound. It was all sureal.

    Logan's eyes were closed, his senses on full, and he waits. The snow was falling around him with preternatural grace. The soft, velvet cold touching down on his nose. His left check. His arms, fists clenched in readiness. And he heard it. The sinews of the finger ready. The slight clink of metal on metal as the firing pin moves to strike the bullet, and with that, Logan moves. Two feet to his right, and "THUNK" the bullet strikes him with a grunt of pain.

    Shaking it off, Logan growls, releases the demon within him, the Wolverine, and with a "SNIKT!" the claws come out once more. His eyes stare at the exact point where Bucky was sitting, and he smiles. "I'm coming for you. Now." Logan then starts to move towards the Winter Soldier, ignoring the pain tof the shot meant for Skye, and crunches through the snow towards the assassin in the wilderness.

Captain America has posed:
Were the Captain to be conscious, there would have been a wry comment about finding cover -- or utilizing the Quinjet left basically with engine running a dozen yard off into the trees. However, man's still out like a light and as such, useless save for a meaty doorstop.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint can see Skye slipping away, losing herself to the panic.

"Skye," he says. "C'mon, you gotta get a hold on this Skye, you've got to rein it in," his words are hoarse and he seeks to look her in the eyes from where he's laying. "C'mon, I'm here, I'm going to be okay, but we need you to help me and Cap get to the cabin and call for backup."

After all Logan would be dealing with their sniper, Bucky or otherwise.

"Think you can do that?" he asks.

Quake has posed:
Skye doesnt' know how close she came to being hit by Bucky's third shot. All she knows is that Logan is hit. That's Cap. Clint. Logan. There's only her left.

Clint's words are just more of the dull roar in her ears. Skye is well and away too far gone to hear him, or anyone else. And worse, she's gone from staight out sheer terror, to angry. The forces within her well up and inevitably spill over. Only spill isn't the word. They push forth out of her in a massive bast wave that travels from her, outward at least 100' in all directions. A near perfect circle of devastation that snaps old growth forest trees like twigs, and uproots younger ones like she was pulling weeds from damp garden earth.

Interestingly, Logan's cabin survives nearly unscathed - oh, he'll need to put up some new roofing, and fix that chimney, but otherwise? Nearly untouched.

Skye, herself is caught in the sheer force of her own wave as it builds, and then exits, and even as she feels the pain sharding up her arms, and the trickle of blood at her nostrils, the rest is lost as her eyes roll back in her head and she passes out.

Winter Soldier has posed:
The Soldier's turning on a heel, preparing an orderly retreat to a point he picked out earlier - somewhere he'll have more an advantage of the ground in case of pursuers. All cold control-

Until suddenly he's in a fight to the death with a grove of very old trees. A stumbling step, two, as the ground bucks underneath him like a terrified horse....and before he can get his bearings, there's an ancient conifer coming down him like a ton of bricks. Winter's able to get just enough of a roll to avoid having his ribcage crushed, but it's caught one shin solidly...and there's the softer crack of shattering bone, before he's pinned. No way to get it out quickly....and Wolverine is coming. Sickened by waves of pain, trapped, but still a threat.

Wolverine has posed:
    That was when Logan was on him. Logan's bleeding, slightly from the bullet wound to his upper right chest, and a nose bleed from Skye's use of her abilities, but his eyes! His eyes were those of pure rage. Something inside of him snapped when he was shot, and then Skye's powers must have impacted him, bringing out the beast! Raising his right hand, he was ready to end Bucky, a killing blow that would leave him without several body parts if it lands! Logan was deep inside his rage, inside his body, and right now, he wanted revenge!

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Clint's call of "Skye!" is drowned out by the shockwave as it rushes overhead lifting him off the ground and flinging him backwards to land in a heap in the snow. He'd lost his grip on his bow and it wasn't for his quivver, which was literally magical, there'd be arrows all over the snow.

Some part of him was both amazed and terrfied by what he'd just been a part of. He'd never seen Skye's powers cut loose before, he'd seen the wreckage, but not the real thing first hand. He suddenly, viscerally, understood her fears about them. Though all of that is pushed to the back of his head as he crawls over fallen tree branches and snow to get to Skye.

Logan, Cap, Bucky, may as well be on a different planet right now.

Quake has posed:
Skye is blythely unaware of all this, still out under the effects of the blast she's just released. It seems her concerns were well placed, and it's likely that she's not going to be any less concerned when she wakes from this. However, now that everyone else has had a taste, maybe she can get some rather more concrete help and direction.

She's in a small circle of earth that has been blasted clean of snow. Not a twig or a stick nearby. It's terribly clear where the epicenter of this was, and who it came from - even if you hadn't witnessed it yourself.

Winter Soldier has posed:
That's something out of his nightmares, if the Soldier has nightmares - Wolverine in one of his furies coming at him, while he's wounded and pinned. It's not hard to find him; the shifting wind brings the scent of gun oil, solvent, alloy and human fear to him....followed by the iron tang of fresh blood.

When Logan bursts from the trees, he's greeted by the sight of a young man in a ghillie cloak in the almost monochrome mottling suitable for a winter forest, one leg pinned beneath a fallen spruce. The blue eyes are wide and wild, and he gets off a few shots with a pistol, though for all the good it does he might as well be throwing wedding rice at Logan in congratulations. Only a frantic writhing of his body's enough to bring up the alloy arm in an attempt at defense - perhaps whatever it is can hold up against adamantium claws, at least for a round or two. Not that he's got any way of striking back.

Wolverine has posed:
    Ktang! Ktang! The shots fired from Winter Soldier's weapon hit Logan, dead on, one even ricochetting almost back at Bucky - off Logan's forehead. It was eerie, as the wound made by that bullet was already healing in front of Bucky's very eyes. Logan's strike comes down, ready to end Bucky, but instead, frees him from his jailor, that tree. Logan's left arm grabs Bucky's metal arm, and with a wrench, tries to uses a martial arts move to toss Bucky against another nearby tree. Hard. Even through the madness, Logan grunts out, "Surrendur, or it's over, bub!" Logan struggles to maintain control, and shakes off the gunshot wounds. His claws inch towards Bucky's throat, ready to strike if it was necessary.

Hawkeye (Barton) has posed:
Reaching Skye in that blasted section of earth, he takes her hand. "Hey, Keyboard, you alright? Wake up. We need to get to cover."

He doesn't know what's going on with Logan and Bucky but he's not waiting on a winner before making a move.

Winter Soldier has posed:
Wolverine's strength is enough to tear him out from under that tree, but it does prodigious damage to the injured leg in the process....and then he's hurled against the broken trunk, getting the wind knocked out of him in the process. He ends up thumping down at its base, trying to curl in on himself. Logan's order to surrender gets him a bewildered look - it's as if he's forgotten English, for the moment. Then it filters through, and after a frantic glance around betrays that he's got no way to carry on the fight, he nods mutely at Logan.

Quake has posed:
Low moans issue forth from Skye, who is rousing but nowhere near cognizant yet. "Mmmmm.. Hurt."

She hasn't opened her eyes. She's also small enough, and out of it enough that she's not about to protest being dragged off or carried bodily away into cover.

There's also a small matter of Steve, who also is exposed and not in great shape.. Hey. Quinjet. Idling. 90' feet or so over there, in that conveniently cleared path. Good thing for vertical takeoff, huh?

Wolverine has posed:
    Grunting, Logan nods, and maintains control, even though all of his instincts are saying to stab Bucky and end it. Breathing in laboured gasps, Logan nods, and says, "Good choice bub. Yer coming with us." Leaning over, Logan says, "Ya better hope Steve's okay, or it won't go well fer ya." Logan takes the next few moments to secure Bucky. But somewhere, deep in his mind, he thinks that it was too easy...