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Latest revision as of 13:16, 5 January 2019

Pied Piper: Loki Done Good
Date of Scene: 03 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Loki finally does something worthwhile. For once.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Loki
Tinyplot: Pied Piper

Thor has posed:
    The weather is dark and foreboding though not at the intentional behest of the God of Thunder. The clouds are angry and pregnant with rain meant for after sunset, a sky that would give sailors a sense of dread and bring fishermen into the harbor if only to save their boats. Yet though Thor's mood is stern, his attention is focused on the here and now, on the task at hand set before him which is composed of matters and conundrums that are of the ilk that drive him mad.
    For what is before him is an illness, a condition that he cannot solve with his strong hands. The people fallen, lost to the dark sleep that sees them unable to be woken, it leaves the great man feeling helpless. And such is a poor mood that fits the Thunderer ill. And thus the sky is ominous.
    Within the confines of the shelters provided, he stands asking of a healer what they have learned. Then he turns and asks another what there is he can do. The answer is, all too often, nothing.
    Yet it's there in that hub bub, the converted shelters turned into makeshift pest tents, that Thor remains at the least... standing sentinel. And looking much chagrined.

Loki has posed:
    There are lots of visitors. Many holding vigil over their loved ones. Families have siblings fallen to the sleep, parents, children. Everyone is connected, and so many are in this strange condition, comatose and unresponsive.

Loki hasn't really come by very often, or if he has, he hasn't done it in a way that reveals his identity, or allowed himself to be seen. Truthfully he has visited, though invisibly, and has a magical sentry set up so that he can look at the status of the sleeping people anytime he wants to.

    He's there now, though, visible; the Asgardian prince stands at one of the entrances, arms folded, as his eyes sweep the room. And then finally stares at Thor. When his brother finds or feels his gaze, he'll lift his head in a very clear 'this way' motion, and steps out of sight outside.

Thor has posed:
    If the Trickster's brother had feathers he'd come off as a clucking hen, concern clear on his features even as he looks this way and that. No answers spring forth to him, no ways to remedy this matter. No clear course of action. It's maddening. Yet just when he seems about to turn, to storm off in one direction or another... there's Loki.
    His one good eye meets the green of the Asgardian Sorcerer's and he gives a single stern nod in recognition of the gesture. To the side he murmurs, "I want to be notified if anything changes in my absence."
    "Yes, my lord." One of the elders of the settlement say to him without looking. But then he is off, footsteps carrying him towards the double doors that lead outside.
    He takes an instant to find where Loki may have moved and heads in that direction even as his shoes crunch the gravel while he walks.

Loki has posed:
    "In the interest of time, I'll spare you the game today, for the moment," Loki says, tone playful, but there's a strong undercurrent of self-satisfied arrogance. Loki is very proud of something, and will be milking the moment for all of the credit and accolades he feels he deserves for it. Considering the situation at hand, that could be extremely obnoxious if it's off-topic, or a very, very good sign.

    "Unless you'd prefer it, to be certain I'm not a doppelganger?" Loki questions, expectant of Thor falling in beside him to walk away from the tent a short distance.

Thor has posed:
    "A wise choice, brother." Thor says as he looks towards Loki with that rather grumpy look that he'd often seen in the past when a game or gambit had worn on his last nerve. Not that he is blaming Loki for what has passed, more just that his patience was exhausted before the Trickster showed up.
    But at Loki's last few words he waves them off with a hand, looking away as he murmurs. "I do not believe you would play games with the fate of our people, Loki." He crosses his arms over his broad chest, gaze distancing as he looks back towards the pest tent and likely thinking of the people therein.
    "But tell me what news you carry with you. I hope it offers us respite in some form at the least."

Loki has posed:
    "Respite? You underestimate me. Sad, really. That I don't hold higher regard in my abilities," Loki says, mock-insulted. He slows as they get a short distance away, and spreads his hands in a slight motion of showmanship: as if he were about to perform. "I have found a way to cure all of our people of the sleep, as well as a way to prevent it overtaking those who do need to rest," Loki says, smoothly and sweetly.

    "As soon as you give /leave/, I'll begin. If you prefer details of what it entails first, I don't mind. However, the longer we wait, the worse everyone becomes, as their bodies atrophy."

Thor has posed:
    A snap look to the side and suddenly Loki has the entirety of his brother's attention. It's a brief moment of hesitation as he looks the man in green and black over, then gives a single nod as he murmurs... now with a hint of a smile, "Perhaps if you think so highly of your talents you can work and inform me at the same time."
    And with that he'll rest a hand briefly on Loki's shoulder and then gesture him towards the shelter. "Tell me what you need and I shall bring it before you. So swears Thor, Odinson." His attention rests solely on his brother, intent and hungry for information.

Loki has posed:
    "Narrate as I go? You need hardly ask," Loki says, eating up the hungry look and attention. He turns on his heel and heads back towards the shelter. "It is not difficult, really. The thing which feeds on them holds them in this state, but it has limited range for this."

    Loki reaches the facility swiftly, he can move quick when he chooses: very quick. "I need an open space, about the size of a table."

Thor has posed:
    Pushing open the double doors, Thor enters with much more presence than Loki likely commands in that moment. Because he is a larger figure or more charismatic? No. Simply because after Loki says what he says, Thor is louder.
    The healer looks up, her pinched features abuptly severe at being drawn away from her task.
    "My brother may hold the answers we seek. He requires room. Clear some space." Some of that was for her, though much of it was more for the attendants there as he gestures with one hand, motioning for them to put things into action.
    Tables are pulled away. A space is made ready, and from those in the tent Loki now holds the attention of those within. Thor turns back to him. "Aught else?"

Loki has posed:
    Loki revels in the full attention granted to him when Thor announces him in that way. His expression is serene, peaceful. There's no self-doubt in it at all, even that Thor would detect. Loki's sure about what he's doing. He's just enjoying getting credit for it. He approaches the space, drawing a small artifact from his sleeve, and promptly casts a spell. A surge of light of gold and streaks of silver erupt as a wide portal appears, filling the room with illumination. A scent of autumn leaves drifts from the portal, sunlight. It is rather pleasant. Loki clearly maintains a focus on the portal, but does still narrate.

    "I created a place outside of that range. In this place, our people can finally rest and dream; it will also break any coma they are in. I will hold this portal, and you will move them. They will be free: so long as they don't sleep /here/ again. I am not going to stand around and hold the portal open indefinitely, though. A pity we lack the bifrost."

Thor has posed:
    "That will awaken them." Thor says though perhaps with a hint of a question mark as he considers his brother. But then he nods to the attendants and Harlgird to do as they're told. He rests his hands on his hips, the wood under his feet creaking as he shifts his weight to the other foot. "But they cannot stay away forever and if they sleep here once again then they shall fall victim to what preys on them here?"
    He shakes his head, frowning. "Who is responsible for this, brother? Who has trespassed so upon the people of this world? Perhaps more direct action is needed." For is that not ever the most popular plan in Thor's thoughts. Direct action.

Loki has posed:
    "If they don't sleep here, they won't suffer it. That's all. I'm going to suggest YOU don't sleep here, either, but that's up to you," Loki shrugs. He'd be okay with throwing Thor through a portal: really okay with that.

    "In a few days' time the whole of Midgard will be asleep, slaves to this thing. It's exponential, Thor," Loki says firmly. "As for what this is, you may as well try to hit a dream with your hammer. It is a monster of the dream plane of Midgard. And lacking Dr. Strange, who currently believes he's some ordinary man, is not helping matters, but I'm arranging mages to try to do something about it. Due to /that/, I can't just stand around and be a makeshift bifrost, either, but everyone is safe on the other side of my portal, assuming nothing happens to me."

Thor has posed:
    Scowling, "This is infuriating." Thor says levelly. He crosses his arms tighter and looks towards those that are being ferried through the gateway. "This may be a short term solution but we need something moreso to protect all of New Asgard. Perhaps then the rest of the world."
    He shakes his head and steps back towards the door. "I will gather the runecasters, perhaps with this information you can work with them and create something to protect our people." No request there in those words, but it is more the frustration speaking than anything else.

Loki has posed:
    "Yes, if they're all supporting me, we can do something, or at the very least, set up a more permanent portal," Loki says. As people are moved through, there's sounds from the other side, as they awaken almost instantly. There's confusion as well, as the people come out of dreamless sleep, and react.

The area through the portal is a small island and a structure of a library, peaceful and remote. All the books in the library are gone, but the place itself is sunny and warm enough, if a tent were set up for sleeping area, it would not be a bad situation.

Loki smiles sleekly as the sounds of people recovering comes through the portal, and gives Thor a 'see?' look.

Thor has posed:
    Lifting a hand, Thor points at Loki and says loudly, "You have done well on this day, brother. All of Asgard will aid you in these efforts." He looks around as if to make sure his words are heard by the people nearby who lower their eyes or nod their agreement. That having been said he steps to the double doors and pulls them open.
    "I shall gather the wise and bring them before you." He steps outside. But then he pauses.
    "And brother?" A moment to make sure Loki is looking at him, "Thank you." Sincerity in sentiment given, he turns to enact his words.

Loki has posed:
    "I am pleased to be able to save our people from this plague," Loki answers, with a soft little incline of his head. He holds in his pleasure for the most part, though it is clear that he did get what he wanted from all of that: esteem, proper recognition, for his efforts.