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Latest revision as of 13:17, 5 January 2019

Pied Piper: A Matter of Justice
Date of Scene: 03 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wonder Woman, Loki
Tinyplot: Pied Piper

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana Prince had arranged for her apartment to come a little later in the day as she had a lot to do on this particular day. But her late afternoon was clear to speak for at least a couple of hours.

As such when her appointment arrives the staff of the Hall of Justice bring them to the Meeting Hall where Diana is located near the corner of the table's edge. In front of her she has a laptop that is open and she's taking notes upon a tablet pc beside that. Diana is dressed in a black sweater and black slacks, her hair tied back into a draping ponytail and her overall 'look' is calm and peaceful.

Loki has posed:
    The mage did have good references: having worked with Dr. Strange, and part of the recent group that fought against the Shadow King and the fungus, there was good reason to grant an interview, even if it came from a name that isn't one the Justice League has personally talked to before. But with the world crumbling as over a quarter of the worldwide population has become comatose, it does change matters when someone says they want to chat about solutions.

The man that arrives is of adult age, but a guess of maybe forty is really just a guess. European, pale and blonde. He doesn't look extremely magical at a glance, though he does carry a simple wood walking stick with elegant black metal and runes adorning the top. Once he has been led to the room, he offers a comfortable smile and incline of head that conveys his own personal regal bearing. He feels like something older or 'other' than he is, to those who are perceptive. "Thank you for making time. We're all quite busy indeed, chasing this ...plague."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Perception is something Diana Prince has in spades, and as the man enters she rises up from her chair but she doesn't greet him any different from really anyone else. He gets a smile and is intercepted by her as she walks to meet him and offer him her right hand in a shaking manner. "Mister Wakefield." Diana says then. She'll come to quickly there-after motion to a chair at the table on the other side from where she'd been sitting and she'll walk back to where she had been before, but her eyes remain on him.

"I hope your trip here was a calm and pleasant one. Do you need anything? Water or tea perhaps?" Diana remains standing while this question persists, though her assistant is still in the room after having helped the man get to this particular place within the JL's HQ.

Loki has posed:
    "Tea would be welcome," the mage 'Leon Wakefield' says smoothly. He has a quality of comfort and ease; this is a guise and character he has significant investment and practice in. He accepts the handshake, with a little bit of firmness to it, and a direct look in the eyes. There isn't a challenge in his eyes, but there is a clear inspection and sharpness to it. He is not actually relaxed, but quite watchful in this place. He's aware of her power, and is getting a handle on who she is by her actions and expressions. His own is a little mask-like, but friendly.    

"Caffeinated. No one wants to catch a nap these days," Leon says in a dry joke referencing the #BlackSleep, smiling ruefully.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gives a glance to the young intern who nods and leave the room to go and fetch the drink from the kitchen area which is just down the hallway a few paces.

"Indeed, as unsettling as that is say..." Diana replies to the man then as she does then take her own seat back and settles into it though she remains with her back straight and her hands folding together on the edge of the table in front of her.

Her blue stare goes over to his face and she nods once to him. "I know many who are in this sleep and... I wish to find its cause and solve it, swiftly. As does the rest of the Justice League." She dips her chin just a little then while she looks to him. "Have you any advice or insight on ways we may be able to accomplish this?"

Loki has posed:
    "Yes," Leon answers simply, fully seated now. He doesn't fully relax, there's no sprawl. It's a measured, well-cultured man's position, though he isn't uncomfortably sitting, and posture isn't perfect. "Let's start with the networking. Lacking Dr. Strange has been troublesome, but I have called several meetings of the powerful magi to take steps to restrict this .... plague of sleep. I'm here to look for any additional resources of magic that we might be able to pull in and use. And also to give a direct warning: if we don't act as a group, I would expect a few more days, at the most, before sleep overtakes everyone here."

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I agree entirely..." Diana says to that last part as the assistant steps back into the room and carries with them a pair of teacups and a pitcher on a tray. She sets them down beside Leon and she pours him his glass before she offers it to him.

"I have long pushed for the organized teams of powered individuals to work more closely together. I have made efforts to ensure that this happens, at least on my part. It has been met with... mixed results, I am afraid, but it is likely due to a number of reasons that are always challenging to overcome."

A light breath is taken and Diana glances down at her tablet then back up to the man across from her. "Admittedly the ways of magic are not my strong suit, I have always had to rely on others... such as Stephen Strange for advice and counsel on such matters. Though there are many powerful people in that sphere who yet still remain awake, it is their unification that is desperately needed in this hour specifically so."

Loki has posed:
"Should you have a particularly powerful person you would prefer not be asleep, I can .... do something about that," Leon says, his tone slipping a little bit towards a serene sort of lofty tone. It draws something otherworldly into his attitude, or old, or ancient, or all of those. It's a behavior Diana may have seen before off of those more aloof entities of the world, the 'gods', or similar. He accepts his tea without really acknowledging the assistant/servant, attention remains on Diana.

"But I am being careful with that for now, as there is no sense in alerting our enemy prematurely, as he may do something unpredictable or speed up his plan." Leon looks at his drink, rolls one hand around the top: a subtle quick little purify spell. He doesn't trust people.

"And I am not prepared at this moment to mass awaken the whole globe, or even a quarter of it. But it isn't an impossible idea, if I have the proper support."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana considers these words and she seems a bit glum by their prospect. "If you are capable of that then I would have to recommend that we ensure Superman is capable of staying awake." A glance is given to a window on her right, its covered by white sheer drapes but there's enough light visible and a slit between them that she can still see outside. "I have a belief that putting everyone to sleep is not this person's plan's end."

She places her eyes back upon Leon then. "It seems more likely that it is the plan's simple beginnings. It would be most wise to have Superman awake should that time come that we are all forced to slumber. He would do the best to ensure we all wake up again, however long that might take."

Loki has posed:
"I'm immune to it, so you'll be stuck with me awake as well," Leon says, amused. And inclines his head slightly to the Superman item. "The thing is, unless you fall sleep, you'll be fine. Stay awake, if you can. It is more that once you fall asleep, you don't wake up again." He does yawn a little, and then grins a little.

"This entity keeps people asleep, for his own ends. Sleeping itself isn't what it's after, no. I think it has to do with what it can do with all of these people in his power. But I'm investigating, in between all of these other errands."

That seems to remind him he shouldn't linger. "I can leave a contact for me, should Superman collapse or you find a few spare mages or magic relics we could use?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"I am able to stay awake for quite some time, a week perhaps. But I require sleep almost as much as the next person." Diana says with a light smile. "My question for you though is if you know if there is a 'range' to this sleep... power's reach? Would going to the Watchtower in orbit of Earth be far enough away from its compelling magicks?"

Diana then draws in a breath and she nods to him. "I would love all the contact information you have to provide, any information that you can provide now and in the future will be widely appreciated by everyone within the league. I will give your name and information around to the others and it is entirely likely some of them will reach you to you as well with additional questions."

Loki has posed:
Leon drinks his tea, though, he doesn't seem entirely in a rush to bolt out of there. Perhaps he's at least interested in finishing the tea. He smiles liquidly as she asks him the question about the watchtower. "A good thought, but it is still in range, I'd say, based on the magical field of the planet. But if you came up with a starship out of orbit...?" Leon answers, lifting his free hand with a smile, in a way that suggests he already knows the answer to the question, but has chosen to assist her in coming to the conclusion on her own without directly telling her.

"Still, take care with any mass exodus. It may cause a reaction we don't want, before we're ready," Leon warns smoothly. He draws a card from his sleeve and flicks it with two fingers to let it land on the table between them. It has a magical glimmer to it, and ordinary information otherwise. Contact things. "Pressing the rune will work, or using the phone numbers."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana gently nods her head to the man's advice of not causing any worse reactions to this mass sleep by making the creator(s) behind it push harder to put Earth into a full slumber. "Yes, of course." She softly says in response.

Her hand reaches out over the table to slide the card toward her and she brings it up, roams her eyes over its contents and then sets it down beside her laptop and tablet computers. "Thank you again, Mister Wakefield." She says to him. "We will certainly contact you, likely very soon." She shows him another polite and soft smile.

Loki has posed:
"Good. Things will abruptly become very lonely and quiet here if we don't make something happen very, very soon," Leon observes, with a sudden very direct and serious look. It is a serious look that might remind of some particular thunder god: the mage's borrowing it, in addition to the stern mouth set along with it. He sets his tea down. "I've more allies to gather. You'll excuse me?" he asks, standing.

Wonder Woman has posed:
"We will find a solution." Diana says confident then and she rises up to a standing position again. Her assistant appears once more and she nods once to her. "It is what we are here to do after all." The assistant motions for him to follow her once more and Diana remains within the room. "Thank you for coming, good luck on your own searches." She reaches for the man's contact card again and brings it up once more to look at its surface.

Loki has posed:
    "Yes. Protecting the world from those who'd presume control over it, and all of that," Leon says, though he doesn't completely leave. He lingers in the door, pausing to look back, as if thoughtful of something else to add. He doesn't say it yet, but he does linger, probably confusing the assistant that is leading the way.

Wonder Woman has posed:
The assistant does take a few steps further ahead before she notices that Leon hasn't accompanied her. She pauses, looks back to him and she speaks up then and thre. "Sir?" She says to him. Diana's looking at the card again, no real particular reason why other than she's memorizing the information but she does look up when she hears the questioning singular word.

"Is everything all right, Mister Wakefield?" Diana then asks upon seeing him lingering in the doorway. The card is once more set down onto the table and Diana's tall form starts to walk toward where he is at the exit to the meeting hall.

Loki has posed:
    "I was only struck by the reality that everyone here is most probably going to be in the sleep tomorrow," says Leon, looking into the hallway with some people in it, then back to Diana. His expression is difficult to read, but shows some type of sorrow, or displeasure. "Whether there will be enough left to do anything.... I suppose your optimism is necessary, even still. Human hope. A pity we can't USE it in some way." Leon smiles at her and then starts to finally go.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana pauses near the doorway and she makes eye contact with her assistant who looks back to her. "Oh, we put it to use. I assure you." Diana says then back to the man before she offers him a little smile, though this one is more reserved.

When he starts to go again she lingers her stare before she turns to return to the meeting hall table where her things are.