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Latest revision as of 19:41, 13 January 2019

Field Trip!
Date of Scene: 13 January 2019
Location: Avengers Mansion, New York City
Synopsis: Diana and Carol hassle Thor about his sister.
Cast of Characters: Captain Marvel (Danvers), Thor, Wonder Woman

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol walks in looking much refreshed after a good round of exercise and a shower to cap it off. But work out does have a habit of building an appetite, and she doesn't feel like cooking or getting someone else to do it for her, so she's looking for volunteers to head on out. "Anybody around who is not doing anything and up for something delicious?"

Thor has posed:
    In the mansion things are quiet and had been for a good bit of time. What with the way the ranks had thinned out a touch and how so many of their members were busy with other tasks. Yet when the lovely Captain's voice chimes in on the comms, she'll hear a response after a moment from the wall speaker.
    "Aye, Captain. I am hosting Princess Diana and she only just now inquired as to what delicacies the city offered." Of course the speakers do nothing to really stifle the actual booming voice of the Asgardian who is answering... from just down the hall. Apparently having not seen her down the way.
    Thor straightens up from his place next to the speaker, then seems to remember something and leans back down to push it and adds, "Over." He clicks the button again.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana had come to the Avengers Mansion by invite of Thor and she was dressed in civilian attire. A deep maroon hued leather-like jacket over a similar shaded top beneath it, black pants and black heeled shoes making her stand at a little over six feet in height. With her dark brown haired tied back in a pony tail behind her shoulders she's with Thor when he responds to the comm message, her eyes wander around the area a bit as he speaks and she grins at his mannerisms on comms.

"That was Captain Danvers, yes?" Diana says back to Thor, and then points in the direction that she heard the voice of Carol not too far away. "I believe she is just down here..."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol hears Thor's booming voice, even without the comm device and smirks. Instead of replying, she just follows the voice down the hall. "Hi Thor, and Princess Diana, didn't know we had a guest...you always keep to royal company, Thor?" Carol muses, before teasing slightly, "you know, now that you're a King and everything. How goes it by the way? Is it really good to be the King, like they say?"

Carol herself is dressed casually, black crop top with the golden lightning bolt of Ms. Marvel on the front, a red leather jacket, and washed up jeans. Red converse, no heels.

"So I'm hungry after a good workout, and I was hoping someone would tag along, you guys in? Not sure if it fits royalty, but I know of a good Shawarma place, Tony recommended and he was right for once in his life."

Thor has posed:
    "Tis good," Thor smiles as he steps forwards to greet Carol at first with a handshake clasping for her forearm and if allowed it will allow him to draw her into a very brief hug. Greetings having been given he steps back to make introductions. "Princess Diana of Themyscira, this is Captain Carol Danvers, of the United States Aerial Force and the Avengers Initiative."
    As for Thor he's wearing civvies as well but not quite as nice as one would imagine for meeting royalty like Diana. White sneakers, blue jeans, and a grey hoodie is what he sports for now. But at least if they do go out he will blend in.
    But then he answers Carol's question. "Bah, Carol. I have time for any of my comrades, find me and my attention will be yours!" He announces with a nod. Then to Diana, "We were considering food as well. I am sure whatever you might suggest we will find excellent."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana simply stands off to the side as Carol arrives, smiles at her and watches she and Thor interact with one another before she looks to Thor first. "She and I have met a few times already." She tells him when he introduces them as though it was the first time, but how would he know anyway?! So no harm, no foul!

"It is very good to see you again, Carol. You are looking very lovely." She tells the blond haired Avenger powerhouse.

"A... Shawarma place?" She looks between the two of them. "That is Middle Eastern food, yes?" She shows a smile and a light nod. "I would be happy to go along. I have admittedly never tried that before."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol mimics Thor's manner of handshaking, usually one to go with the flow when it comes to these things, though as she's drawn into a hug, she returns the gesture. "Good to see you, Thor, always nice to have someone else appreciate the worth of both fighting and drinking after," she winks playfully before turning to acknowledge Diana. "So, what do you say Princess?" Carol offers, "join us commoners for a meal?" It takes less than a second to correct her lapse, "I mean, commoner me, Thor's a proper royal, King of his castle and all that."

"Thanks, Diana," Carol says at the compliments, "I grew my hair longer again, glad it's not jarring." She gives Diana a thumbs up for the willingness to try new things, "let's go then...we can take the subway, ride among the everyday people," Carol quips and heads out towards the door already. She's hungry.

Thor has posed:
    Following towards the door, Thor curiously lets Carol precede them... perhaps because she is leading them to their location. But he holds the door open for Diana. Perhaps it has something to do with guestrite, or perhaps he just likes her way more. Who knows!
    Once they're all heading out and heading to the subway, the Asgardian slips his hands into his pockets and smiles to them both with that open easy-going smile when he tells them. "Oh did I mention, I have a sister now?" That might draw a second take, then again might not.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
While heading towards the subway, Carol slows down to be closer to Thor and Diana to allow for conversation. Hearing this bit of news about him having a sister all of a sudden, Carol turns to look at him suspiciously, "you didn't do anything untoward to Loki, did you?" She just has to make sure, never know when it comes to Asgardians, they're worse than a soap opera.

Thor has posed:
    A snort comes from him as he continues walking with her and then stepping out onto the sidewalk. This time of night there are a fair amount of people wandering around, moving through the snow and the frost. But not as many as there are during the day, and to be fair with their clothes they don't exactly stand out. If someone got a good long look at them maybe then, but for now, not at all.
    At Carol's words, however, Thor smirks and shakes his head as he looks away. When she makes the crack about Loki he casually puts a hand on her shoulder and gives a small shove, just enough to break her stride a step or two much like an older brother shoves a younger sibling.
    "I did not." He says with feigned offense, "He is well, it is just she is an older sister. Much older. Before I was born and had a parting of the ways with Odin."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana assuredly and quietly thanks Thor for holding the door open and she steps out onto the streetway with them both. "Well I like the long hair, it looks great on you." She says to Carol a moment or so before Thor makes his sibbling announcement so suddenly and without fanfare. This gets a look back to the Thunder God and she stares at him for a moment judging his physical mannerisms to see if that announcement was a good one, or a bad one, but she couldn't quite tell. He guarded his emotions quite a lot after all...

Diana glances to Carol, and then back to the tall man. "What is your sister's name?" She asks firstly, just to test the waters further on this topic.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Not having quite expected the shove, Carol stumbles for a short moment, before regaining her footing rather quickly, chuckling at Thor as she finds the humor in this. "Just making sure, one can never know." Upon hearing it's an older sister as well as a actual one, and not merely Loki after a misfortune, Carol looks surprised, "I thought it was just you and Loki, hmmm, you need to catch me up on all this Asgardian royal family stuff. You guys are way better than the British royal family. So what does that mean...? Is she going to fight you for the throne?" Carol can only draw from her experience with human royals, and that usually what would happen with such things. "Because you know, you can always call on my help if anyone dares challenge you, Thor, one of us and all, y'know?"

Carol looked a bit hesitant about letting her hair grow longer again, but at Diana's approval, it seems she settles on it, "great! I was worried, been a while since I wore it longer, I appreciate it Diana. Makes me feel better." When Diana asks Thor about his sister's name, Carol flushes a bit, "I never ask the basic questions, do I?"

Thor has posed:
    Smiling a bit distantly, Thor lifts a hand as if to wave off the need for such an oath on her part. Instead he says with a smile, "She and I seem to get along passingly well. Her name is Hela." He tells them both, looking to Diana and then back towards Carol. "And she has sworn to support my rule so that is at the least not at issue for now."
    Pausing at the corner of the street, he waits until the little red standing man changes over to the little white walking man then steps out with them. "But she may take some time getting used to how things are now."
    But then Carol and Diana speak about hair styles and only /then/ does Thor think to actually notice. "Zounds, forgive me Carol. Your prior style was lovely in truth. But now none could bespeak me a liar if I were to claim that I was accompanying two of the most beautiful women on Midgard." He nods soundly at that, as if he were speaking but the truth.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana's hands go into the side pockets on her jacket while they walk. She smirks at the shove, but she knows Carol could give Thor a run for his money if she so needed to! A grin is shown to Carol when she talks about asking the basic questions. "I like to start small." She respond to that though she's certainly interested in the answer Thor holds for Hela's larger-picture desires.

"I have never met Loki. Only Balder." Diana then sends, glancing back over her shoulder. "Just once, at the Avengers Mansion." She looks back then the way they are going. "I would very much like to meet the rest of your siblings some time." She's heard enough about Loki to know that he would be trouble, and little does she realize she may have actually recently met him and just not even known it.

Diana shows a smile at the compliment that Thor affords she and Carol and then crosses the roadway with them. "It is possible that the three of us may not be so simply hidden by wearing... normal... clothing." They've likely already been spotted by some keen observers, but she hasn't paid much attention yet to notice.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Hela...?" Carol looks dumbfonded at the name, than again, Norse Mythology isn't quite her strong suit, "did she name herself after Hell on purpose? Is this her trying to scare people? Or a hint at her being horrid to deal with?" Carol jokes, because that's how she usually handles stuff like this, make light of it. "No offense, I mean, your sister and all, not sure how you really get along. But that name...my god." Carol just starts laughing, before looking very impressed at how things turned out decidedly not like they would in a human royal family. "Seriously? She agreed to support your rule? Wow...either you're a great diplomatic king, Thor, or she was actually happy to have a brother."

Carol absolutely glees when Thor mentions his sister might need some time, "oh I remember you figuring out some of the stuff we have on Earth, I'm sure it's a riot. Remember to tell her not to break glasses when you go to a pub, and that we don't communicate by ravens."

As Thor only notices her change in hair style after Diana's compliment, Carol grins, "you're very smooth, Thor, anyone told you that before?"

"Breaking a problem to components and work based of that? That's smart, Diana," Carol notes as she takes them to the Q line train, en route to tasty, tasty shawarma.

Thor has posed:
    Looking between the two of them, Thor says levelly. "Best for me to let you both meet her and make your observations yourselves. Personally I like her, though I fear for her for she has been hurt deeply in the past. I would not wish her to feel so harmed again." As to what that actually means he gives a single nod.
    Then he snaps his fingers, "Perhaps we should have a gathering some time soon? Allow you to meet those of us in New Asgard. Perhaps... a ceremony of some kind." He hrms and his gaze distances, thoughtfully.
    Though that's the moment when he considers that they might be found out and he waves off Diana's concern, "Bah. For most people seeing us in our civilian clothes will be enough to grant them the message that we wish to be left alone. Assuredly they will respect those wishes."
    With that he descends the steps, walking behind the two women as if making sure they are safe from an approach from that quarter.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana descends the stairs toward the subway platform alongside Carol with Thor behind them and she just smirks softly at Thor's words about the public giving them their space. She doesn't comment on it, even if she has her doubts. And as they're descending a couple of young girls start taking photos of them with their fancy glass-cell phones.

"Carol asks a lot of sound questions about your sister, showing up so suddenly and oddly." She quietly adds. "I would keep your wits about you on this situation, Thor." She seays, glancing over her left shoulder back at him to show a bit of concern on her face.

"That being said, I would happily attend a gathering at New Asgard. It has been too long since I was there. I want to see the progress that your people have had building it since."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"So, you got a sister, she's troubled, but you guys are cool?" Carol seems to run the summary of it from what she heard thus far, "well, I guess if it's no trouble to you, it's no trouble to us. Just make sure she doesn't turn out like Loki..." yeah, Carol remembers when Loki brought war on New York, she did not appreciate it one bit.

"Hey, if that will include your famous drinking feasts, I am all for it Thor," Carol certainly cheered up quick at the mention of a gathering at New Asgard with ceremony and such.

"We should get there soon, just three stops down," Carol shares, and grins as Diana seem to pick on her intentions with her question line that was a bit less thoughtful than Diana's, "yes, that is exactly my point, Diana. I just like to be ready for anything that could happen." She pauses a moment and snorts, "granted I wasn't ready for a magic curse putting people to sleep, but generally."

Thor has posed:
    "Yeah," Thor says with curious inflection, then he adds with that same weirdness, "We're cool." As if the words didn't fit him really well. But Thor isn't ignorant to their sentiment and he says, "Perhaps would be different with her if New Asgard was a prize she sought. But I think in its current state her ire is placed elsewhere."
    But Thor flares his hands as if he didn't really understand for sure, but it fit him for now. "Trust that I do not take my place as monarch to my people lightly. I know what is possible, I just choose to try and grant people what benefit of the doubt I can."
    That having been said the subway car continues on, and once it slows at the appropriate stop he'll stop forwards and to the side, one hand holding open the door just in case and allowing the others to exit before he does so.

Wonder Woman has posed:
They definitely have been spotted on the subway ride as well, though most people tend to have their faces stuffed in their phones these days in modern day 2027, some occasionally do look up and around at the others seated on the transit ride with them...

Diana continues to not pay heed to that though and instead focuses on Carol and Thor. "Rarely are any of us ready for magic curses..." Diana says back to "In my time away from Themyscira over the course of this past century I have found that magic, tends to always be the hurdle most challenging to vault over."

When its their stop, she rises up and walks over to the door waiting to disembark with the others, standing at least a head over most of the others on the train aside from the tall men also aboard who eyeball her and her traveling companions.

Diana looks back to Thor. "Had Asgard not gone through... the fate that it had, do you feel she would have then challenged yuu for your rule?" She asks a 'harder' question then as they continue on ahead.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Prize...? Is that how your kingdom is seen? What could be a better prize than ruling over a kingdom?" Carol is just musing at this point, after all, she would be the one girl who would choose a sword everytime if she was offered to choose between tiara and sword.

"Well, I had two brothers, both were assholes, and I know it holds with your brother Loki, but maybe you were lucky and your sister isn't a total lying psycho," Carol says and somehow manages to sound like she's just teasing, rather than full on trashing Thor's siblings.

As Thor holds the door for them, Carol laughs as she heads out, "you're quite the gentleman king, Thor," she says before offering a thumbs up at Diana, "now that's a tough one...but I don't think it really matters at this point. Thor is fine with his sister, I don't know a thing about her, besides the fact she has a terrible name. So, whatever he says go, I mean, he kept Loki well behaved since he promised to do so..." and under her breath she adds, "lucky for Loki, because I was going to punch his face in if he wasn't being nice."

Thor has posed:
    "Possibly," He steps off after the others with a small hop which might seem almost child-like as if avoiding the small small distance between train and platform. "She held great offense against mine father, and in truth he may have done her ill. But Odin was not one to... make unwise decisions." At least that is the thought.
    Of course when he mentions 'Odin' some of the people who had been watching now realize that no they're not mistaken and suddenly there are cellphone cameras brought to life, various small flashes and whirring noises are heard as they try to capture the trio of them as they depart the train. Only a few follow off the train, however.
    "Yet I feel she is more likely to aid those of us who have survived if only that it might be considered an insult for any other culture to assault us. Asides she has her own kingdom to tend to in Niflheim."
    But then he addresses Captain Marvel, "In any case, if matters take a turn I'll be sure to enlist you instantly, Carol." His lip twists, amused, but most likely means it too.

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana ignores the cell phones and onlookers, though she does take a moment to smile at the very least. She then just looks over to Thor and Carol. Part of her wonders if what Thor says of his father was true, or if he just suffers from idolizing his parental figure and doesn't know Odin for the man he truly was like this Hela might. Either way, its not her place to say.

"I will certainly stand with you should any situations arise." She does softly state. "I will have to do a little reading on this Nilfheim, however. Because now I am quite curious about her and why she would choose to show up now of all times. No offense, of course. If you say her intentions are not in the wrong place, then I believe you."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"That so...? Maybe I'll get along with her after all, I held great offense against my father, though to be fair, he was a total misogynistic douchebag." Carol pauses to look from Diana to Thor, and with a shrug notes, "never met Odin, but I guess he's better than my dad? Just a wild guess."

Carol feels like she's out of her depths when Diana and Thor discuss divine affairs and sure enough, when Thor mentions the kingdom his sister has to worry about, Carol looks a bit dumbfonded, "Niffleheim? Sounds like a beer. A German beer." She beams with pride when Thor agrees to turn to her should things take a turn for the worst, "I think I should enjoy being part of an Asgardian War for once, must be exciting stuff when it happens. I kinda dig the vikings, you know."

In the meantime she ignores the flashes, and leads them to the place of deliciousness, "I know it looks dingy, but just smell this meat, this place is great, my treat," she offers as she goes on further ahead to get 3 orders for the lot of them.

Thor has posed:
    "The land of the dead," Thor offers in explanation as to the kingdom she rules. "And, to be fair, she is our goddess of Death. But that does not necessarily mean ill tidings." The tall blonde man says as he continues walking along with them, though his brow knits slightly as he moves, frowning as if he might be more trying to convince himself than anyone else.
    But then they reach their destination and the vibrant Thor is back as he smiles to them both, "Ah, thank you then Friend Carol. We shall assuredly enjoy this meal and the purveyors will know our eelings one way or the other!" And with that they enter, likely to leave a lasting impression upon the small Shawarma place before the night is out.