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Latest revision as of 19:59, 13 January 2019

Black Queen to White Prince...Check.
Date of Scene: 01 December 2018
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thomas Raith, Black Queen

Thomas Raith has posed:
It's Thomas' favorite time of the day. The Blue Lady is open, but the crowd has not yet swelled to the size that it is hard to have a conversation. He's sitting at the bar, nursing a drink from a crystal decanter and simply soaking in the atmosphere of the place. There is obvious pride in his eyes, the pride of someone who built something that is his own, against all the odds as it were.

Black Queen has posed:
Entering from the streets, Selene takes note of the place and it's atmosphere. She dressed appropriately at least, and starts walking in with her red dress that reveals a lot of leg, and a large v-neck down the front. Like most of her clothing it is designed to accentuate and show what god? evolution? Evil magic? gave her. And she walks slowly, and easily in the direction of the bar, smiling a bit at the bartender and just taking a moment to look around. When she sees Thomas she smiles a bit more, "A quaint little lounge, is it not?" Quaint?? She takes a more purposeful and appraising look about.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Yosa, the bartender, rather resembles Bruce fillies... with an eyepatch and scars that look like the eye was likely torn out by a large bird. Thomas smiles a bit boyishly and says "Good of you to say so. I'm Thomas Raith, I own the Blue LAdy." He offers his hand to her, and if she allows it, kisses the back of it. In a normal person, the touch of Thomas' bare skin agienst her own would be pleasant, though not overly a sexual pleasure. More like the feeling of petting a purring kitten. His lips however would send a bit of an electric thrill from them. "Can I buy you a drink then Ms.." he's obviously already intrigued by the woman. Despite being an exceptionally attractive member of the male species, it's not that common for women to walk up to him and initiate conversation. It's just not how the game is played.

Black Queen has posed:
Well, Selene will never refuse old charm, she rather appreciates it. And her hand is offered, and kissed, and she smirks a bit as her eyes momentarily open a bit wider at the kiss. She senses the feeling tickle her spine, "Interesting... it is a pleasure to meet you Thomas. I, am Selene, and you can buy me a drink if you so wish. Whatever your choice is, I will take. I like to judge a man by his choice in drinks. Just a fun little game." And she does not quite sit at the bar, but instead stands next to it, making it so she's even closer as she's on that side of the stool, leaning only a bit against it. "I have never been to this place, and so I figured it was time. Have to see the world, every little bit of it."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit and stands and steps behind the bar, "Well I'd offer you what I am having, but I'm not sure you'd enjoy it.." He says with a wicked smile. "And normally, when I make a woman a drink, I try to tailor it to what I think of her." He examines his choices as he continues, "So this could be an interesting test. You get to learn what I think about you..." He offers that boyish smile again. After a moments decsion he pours a shot of Bowmore 100 Degrees Proof whiskey, half a shot of Carpano Antica Formula vermouth, a large splash of Jagermeister, a smaller splash of Benedictine DOM, and a splash of Mangoyan mango liqueur. He stirs this over ice for a few moment, then garnishes it with a grapefruit peel and slides it over to her. His expression obviously confident. As though he /knows/ she will approve.

Black Queen has posed:
Waiting as Selene watches Thomas go about making some kind of drink for her, and she's sitting there waiting. And raises a brow as the things mix and she takes it. "Hmm." And she brings it to her mouth to take a sip before settling it on the bar, "It is a game, as I said. I get to not see what you think about me, no, that is clear as day. I get to see what you want me to think you think of me. That part is the most interesting. How much is the difference of the tide? Where does the water line reach?" And she smiles a little more, taking another sip, and not having any other real response to the drink as she settles it once more on the counter. "So, Thomas, owner of the Blue Lady. Tell me something of yourself. What does a Thomas, such as yourself, do? For fun, work, secretly in dark alleyways?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a bit and comes back around the bar taking up his glass and gesturing with it to the club as a whole. "Behold my little fiefdom. What do I do for work? I own the Blue LAdy. What do I do for fun? I own the Blue LAdy. It is my work and my passion. It lets me keep myself fed and entertained in more ways then one. And of course it brings beautiful women to me, like flies to the Spider's parlor." He sips his own drink, adding "As for dark Alleys, that would be telling now wouldn't it?"

Black Queen has posed:
There's a soft bit of a laugh that comes from Selene as she listens to Thomas boast about his bar. "You do realize that in spiders, as it is in most of the animal kingdom, the women are the actual hunters. And in particular, with spiders, they are the ones who live. The males either die after procreation, or continue to live but only long enough to defend the female spider." She takes another sip of her drink, and then tilts her head a little, "Only really in humans do men do the hunting by and large, but that is because humans are weak, fragile creatures." She pauses a moment, "We, had to have it be that way because the male human was less... important... to survival of the species. I only bring this up, because you play a dangerous game if you are purposefully attracting such odds against yourself. I am concerned for you, is all. Who would run the Blue Lady if you were to be up and eaten by a lady spider?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith grins a little bit at her remark, leaning back and looking at her curiously but amused all the same. "In spiders, I'll agree there. But I never saw myself so much of a Spider as a wolf. And there are two distinct types of wolves. You have the pack wolves, usually lead by one strong couple with a few underlines them. Then you have the lone wolf. Now the lone wolf has the same needs and desires as his ensnared pack brethren. But when he is hungry, he hunts and feeds. No tribute to an Alpha. When he wishes to move on, he moves. No concern for his fellow." He smirks a bit, "And when he wants to fuck, more often then not the local Alpha is none the wiser of what his women get up to out of his line of sight."

Black Queen has posed:
"You have a very narrow perspective on wolves." Selene mentions, "They are skittish, and fearful of others. Run away, they are so weak and docile, for the most part, that in a zoo they are the only animals that are generally hand fed." Selene shakes her head, "We so wish for dogs, Man's best friend, to be the king of the jungle. That role has already been taken." And she smirks a bit, "It is not the lion who wins the day. I spent some time like you. Boisterous, empowered by desires, running left as I saw fit, moving on whenever I wished." She sighs and shrugs her slender shoulders, "There is certainly an appeal to being young, and stupid. And devilishly handsome. Well, not literally as handsome as the devil... but you know what I mean."

Thomas Raith has posed:
"Well the Devil was supposed to be the most beautiful of all the angels, so I'll take it as a compliment none the less." He says with an easy grin. "So, pray tell, what happens to bring you into my parlor Ms. Selene?" he asks with a bit of a grin and a tone that makes it sound like he spelled it 'Prey tell'

Black Queen has posed:
With a pause, and a small smile on her face, "Was? The devil is as handsome as ever." There's a slight leaning in as you ask your question about why she's come inside. "I have never been. There are places all over the world that are not places I have been. I make it my business to find those places, and explore. What is your excuse? You own a successful business and yet you are here. You could be exploring. The world is nothing, if not an oyster. You should pick it up, crack it open and devour it... while you have the chance."