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Latest revision as of 01:42, 17 January 2019

Marshmallows or Whipped Cream
Date of Scene: 17 January 2019
Location: Xavier's School - Kitchen
Synopsis: Bobby and Lorna chat over Lorna's place at the mansion and with the x-men with her return.
Cast of Characters: Iceman, Polaris

Iceman has posed:
The water was already on the boil by the time that Bobby and Lorna came inside. While he doesn't really need to wear clothing against the cold, he dresses the part - including the scarf that Lorna gave him for Christmas with his name in block font. Moving over to the pantry to get out the instant cocoa, he's still trying to figure out how to approach the subject.

"You want marshmellows or whipped cream?" he asks, a glance over towards Lorna and a weak smile offered to her. "I'm more of a marshmallow guy myself."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna tugged off her jacket, scarf, and gloves as she settled inside and hung them up with the multitude of others at the entry way before she came in the rest of the way. She'd plucked up a pair of slippers rather than track in snow through her boots. She settled on a stool in the kitchen, a twitch of her fingers opened the fridge and dragged the can of whipped cream out in a haze of green magnetism.

"Whipped cream gal. Home made is better, but I //suppose// this will have to do." She heaved a sigh, as if she were greatly put upon for it. She offered a faded smile, and turned her gaze back to the mugs as Bobby prepped the hot chocolate for them both. At least the water was already hot.

Iceman has posed:
Watching the can dance by him, Bobby smirks. "And what if we had a tub of Cool Whip in there?" he asks here with a wink, before takes a bag of marshmallows out, bringing them over to join the part. As he starts to spoon out the powder, he offers a polite, "Tell me when?" he asks her, as he concentrates on meteing out the powder.

And not at all on stalling about talking about thing. His eyes glance from the cup and back to Lorna, and then dart right back to the mug again as he pops a piece of white fluff into his mouth.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna rolled her eyes, "Then I'd have let you get over there and open it up if it wasn't in there." She grinned, "I can sense it was there already so. Why not show off?" She watched as Bobby scooped the powdered chocolate mix into the mug and she peered over the edge of the counter, legs crossed and her chin propped up by a manicured hand. She let the silence linger for a while, letting him fill up the mug a good amount before she said 'when' for him to stop.

But then there wasn't anything else to add as she watched him pop a bit of marsh-mellowy-goodness into his mouth. The smile faded from her face again and she pursed her lips as she reached down to the various bangles and bracelets that hung around her wrist to twist them around and between her fingers. "What happened Bobby?"

Iceman has posed:
"I wasn't paying attention." It's the easiest way for Bobby to put it. As he works on making his own cocoa, he draws out a breath. "Rogue was kidnapped.. or whatever happened to her. And we went to rescue her. She was being held in this warehouse, and I went in through the roof. You know, all cool and stuff." he offers to her.

Dropping in a couple marshmallows to get them to melting. "They were armed with automatic weapons - and I was trying to cut a couple of them from getting a drop on Storm and Scott - and just didn't see someone behind me on the ground." he reaches up, his hand touching his left shoulder absently as he closes his eyes. "Funny part is; I didn't feel a thing. Just heard it shatter, you know?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grimaced, looking down at her cocoa as she grabbed a spoon from the drawer with a wave of her hand. The flatware floated to her grip easily and she stirred the mug of hot chocolate with a twist of her finger tips. She was silent for a long time, seeming to focus intently on what Bobby had to say and slowly take in what had happened. "That's why Rogue was in the medbay, why she'd been asleep and had no memory then." She exhaled a breath, her eyebrows furrowing sharply as she turned her gaze back to Bobby.

"And we don't really know what happened or how or who was behind it?" She kept her voice angled low, soft and measured. Just in the event that students walked through.

Iceman has posed:
"Not a clue. I'm sure the higher ups do, but you know me, Lorna." Bobby gives a nebulous shrug of his shoulders. "Good enough to be an X-Man, just not good enough..." for anything else. That's left unsaid and on the table as he lifts his mug to take a sip, a little chuff of frozen breath chilling the hot chocolate to make it just right.

"So, my arm came off, and Scott told me to stay in my ice form. Because you know, the little pieces, they were ice, not you know.. me." he frowns a little. "We ended up taking more ice and snow, and I made a new arm, and what do you know, it seems to have worked. Haven't had a problem with it yet."

Polaris has posed:
A slow nod followed and Lorna pursed her lips together, unhappiness settling in the fine lines of her brows and in the set of her shoulders. It was hard to pinpoint exactly why, at least until she spoke. But even then she lingered over the silence, mulling over what to say. What //could// she say? She slowly reached out a hand and plucked up her mug to sip at it once. She hadn't waited for it to cool to a more comfortable temperature, but she didn't seem too concerned over it.

Slowly, she set down the mug and turned her gaze back to Bobby. "You're good enough Bobby, it's bull that you think you're not enough." She sat up, her shoulders rolling backwards and it was clear that she'd learned a trick or two about her posture while in Genosha.

"Still.. I'm glad to know you're okay." She exhaled softly.

Iceman has posed:
"Thanks, Lorna. From you.. that means a lot." Bobby's not sure what else to say on the matter as he turns his attention back to his mug to take a longer draw from it. Then he turns his dark eyes towards her bright green ones, and finally asks. "So, how long you going to be around, Lorna? It's.. good to have you around here." he offers to her.

Polaris has posed:
A faint trace of a smile pulled at the corners of Lorna's mouth as Bobby thanked her and she met his gaze briefly before she turned her green eyed gaze back to the hot chocolate before her. She lifted her hand, and the spoon pulled itself from the steaming mug to twirl lightly in the air, bending and twisting in an idle manner as her gaze went distant at his last comment about her being around again.

"I don't know. I.." She stopped and started, lifting her gaze up again.

"I feel like no one tells me anything here Bobby. I feel lost. Like I don't fit in again. Genosha is.. my life there is so vastly different than anything here. And while I still have friendships here.. It's.. it's difficult to say."

Iceman has posed:
"Lorna." Bobby gives her a little bump with his shoulder and he gives her a reassuring smile. "You've only been back here for only a few days now. You have to give people time to know you're back. I'm used to being in the dark." he gives her a grin and a wink at that before he slurps happily on melted marshmallow mixed with chocolate.

"You've read the boards and all of the stuff that is on the social media and all that, right? I mean if you do that, you're probably about as caught up as the rest of us." he points out to her. "If you want to know more than that, you could always set an appointment with Scott or Jean to get you more up to date?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna bit back another sigh as she lowered the grip on the spoon and set it down again. She grabbed her mug of hot chocolate, wrapping her hands around it tightly and pulling it close. She pursed her lips and shrugged, "I glanced over it. But that's about it. It was confusing, by and large and there's a year worth of stuff to try to figure out. You know? I feel bad about having gone like I did.." She trailed off and leaned forward over her mug as her gaze dropped to it.

"I don't want to bother Jean and Scott. They're busy. And I don't know how long I'll stay for."

Iceman has posed:
"It's not about being a bother. It's about trying to figure out what is going on and what you can do to assist." Bobby responds to her comment and then adds, "You did what you had to do. Genosha is important. Not just to you, but to mutants and the whole thing. Some of us reach out and make great things happen." he points out to her.

"And some us stay around here just to do their own thing." he winks at her and sips from his mug. "You have got to stop beating yourself up over this - because you know, there's already enough people looking to drag us down, you don't need to be doing it to yourself. You've already proven yourself, Lorna Dane." He smiles at her. "And noone would ever be too busy to help a friend."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shot Bobby a look, a small twitch of her lips that was just shy of a full smile, but close enough followed. Her more morose thoughts pushed back for the moment by the warmth of Bobby's personality and his attempts to wave away her own concerns. Much easier than he had his own. She sipped at her hot chocolate with care, watching him from over the rim. "I couldn't be a teacher here. I'd lose my mind, probably chuck wrenches at the kids for instructional purposes and get fired. I've got no patience for it." She flashed Bobby a warmer smile then.

"So you're doing something I couldn't do."

Iceman has posed:
"That was a good try. But you're already a Princess." Bobby gives a wink at Lorna as he finishes off his mug of cocoa. "Look. Noone's asking you to be a teacher. There's a lot of things you can do. You can stay and train. And you know. Be one of us." he points out to her before giving her a smile in return, "Home is where the best cocoa is after all. And there's no better cocoa than that made by someone else." There's a a pause for a moment as if he's about to say something else, and lets it go. "But hey, even if you do go back. At least keep in touch?" he asks her quietly as he moves to rise to his feet. "I should go grade some papers."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna smiled and a faint huff of a breath escaped her, "Hey, being a Princess is easy. I didn't even have to do anything to be counted as one. That was all my father's doing. Technically." She joked lightly about it and she sipped at her hot chocolate with care. The whipped cream and everything was sweet, and warm, it was a good way to end a snowball fight. Even with the topics of conversation being somewhat of a strain between the two of them. Particularly as Bobby seemed ready to say something and didn't.

She arched a brow upwards. "If I go back, sure, I'll try to stand in touch. Have fun grading."