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Latest revision as of 18:09, 27 January 2019

Park Shenannigans
Date of Scene: 17 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kaelyn Silverleaf, Yin

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
An afternoon out in the park and all, and well Kae can be seen trotting out of a copse of trees. She's carrying a large burlap sack and shaking her head. Near her is Wendy, her apprentice, who's walking along side the absolutely huge centauress. Yup< Kae's gone 4 on the floor. She sighs and looks the bag over curiously, and then carefully sets it in another leather bag..." There that little 'bomb' should be diffused now.." She mutters...

Yin has posed:
Brooke is in a different park than her usual on account of 'business', standing on her hands with her legs wrapped around her in a shoulder-pressing pose. Eyes closed, yet she still raises her eyebrow at your approach.

She takes a slow breath and unfolds slowly onto one foot, then the other, rising and letting the tension out. Dark skin, early college age, So Alive, and a study of relaxed grace. "A bomb. Should I be worried?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head curiously and looks at the bag "Nope not really." She says, her tone rather chipper. Her tail lashes and she hands the bag to Wendy. "Get that back to the shop, I'll be along in a bit.." Wendy smiles up to Kae and salutes, before waving her hand and stepping through a ripple that appears which then goes away.

Kae then glances around.. a fore-hoof idly scuffing the ground, before she looks down "Stooooop, no tearng up the sod." She mutters, maybe to her self... She then glances to Brooke. "Sorry about that, lower bod sometimes has a mind of its own."

Yin has posed:
Brooke ohs silently and examines you. "I can imagine. Your ch'i flows look like they might be a jumble through the transitional sections. I'd have to get hands on to know for sure. Are you often shaped like that?"

She looks around at a thought. "And should I be keeping an eye out for random passers by?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "No not often shaped this way, kind of an accident. But litterally my reality is right now well, I'm a sleigh horse, from the waist down.. a clydes dale to be precise... Been this way for a little while now. I really don't have a problem with it too much any more, just getting used to things." She says with a slight grin...

Yin has posed:
Brooke ahs, with a knowing nod. Silence. Breath in, breath slowly out. Tranquil.

After a couple seconds, she offers, "Would you like me to see if I can get the ch'i flows organized a bit better, then? It might help with any integration issues, if that's something you think you wouldn't pay for later. I can't predict if it would raise or lower dysphoria issues in advance, though."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae ooohs "Naaah, things will be fine, it's the nature of the magic forcing me into this form that's messing with Chi, it's chaotic, thus makes it difficult for me to remove the spell... I dunno if that makes sense, but I'd be changed back for the nature of things, and it tends to act out against anyone who tries to mess with it... " She says and shrugs "It'll wear off in time." She then tilts her head "Soo practicing yoga?"

Yin has posed:
Brooke shrugs faintly. "Among other things. I found myself here today. Going through some asanas seemed less disruptive than some other things I might practice." Grounding breath, draw in ch'i, cycle.

"Why are you dealing with chaotic magic? Again: Should I be worried?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shakes her head "Imps somehow got into my store, stole a bunch of stuff, have been bundling it together and detonating magical items and potions and stuff... I've been cleaning up the mess and fixing others transfigured by their antics... Sooo maybe? maybe not? I realy wouldn't worry too much, it's really pretty harmless... just very annoying."

Yin has posed:
Brooke ahs quietly. "Imps. And you have dealt with this issue?" She tilts her head at the forest from which you came.

Her eyes track over to the path nearby, then back to your eyes, gesturing at her ear. "We could have company soon. Monster, ninja, jogger, it's too soon to tell."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs slowly... "Well for the most part been dealing with it when I can find their little stashes.... They like to booby trap em and set off the items all at once, that big release of magic can cause trouble at times... It all seems to be winter-holiday themed, like they didn't get enough christmas." kae says with a shrug "Or maybe not enough Yule, or not enough Solstice... who knows..."

Yin has posed:
"Leftovers, maybe?" Brooke opens a metal water jug and sips, then lets it hang lightly from her fingers. "Clearance aisle."

She steps lightly around you, graceful, to keep both you and the probable jogger in sight without moving behind you. Casual. Maybe overcautious, but it seems habitual. "What should I watch for?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae shrugs "Hard to say... But definately Christmas-y looking packages in wierd places... Might be a little rippling round the outside of em." She says, that long tail whipping once... Kae then settles back, sitting much like a giant dog, but with hooves might, before she bends down and takes a hoof pick to her left back hoof now... "Anyhow any wierdness that could be themed for the holidays, anything from movies associated with those holidays to shows to traditional things... any packages or areas exhibiting those tendencies..."

Yin has posed:
An older jogger rounds the corner, slows at the weird sight, widens his eyes at Brooke slightly, inclines his head a bit, and continues around the bend.

Brooke mms, inclining her head in return and watching him pass. After a few seconds, she remarks, "That rules out one possibility." She looks back to you. "If I find one?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae umms "Definatly do not disturb it... Call my shop, Enchanted grounds on yer cell phone or whatever, One of us trained in dealing with em will deal with it..." She says and shrugs "Disturbing those stashes can cause them to destruct, if yer at ground zero yer gonna get magicked heavily and you'll then definately need to get a hold of me..." She says.. "I can break the magics on others, could even do it on my self, cept I'm constantly having to fix other folk's issues, and well, seems me being allready affected gives me a certain degree of immunity to the issue."

Yin has posed:
Brooke ahs. "Reasonable." She pulls a phone out and fiddles with it briefly. "I know the feeling. Sympathies. Imps will imp." She puts the phone back and looks around lightly. "Where are you off to next? Do you need help with anything?"

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae tilts her head "Not really... when I head back home, I'll just gate there like my apprentice did... Figured I'd be sociable. I try not to stay locked up too long, even with the wierd looks I get." She says with a slight smile.

Yin has posed:
Brooke nods and pulls out a business card for a yoga studio in Canada. "If you need me for anything." She smiles softly. "I usually end up dealing with students and clients, myself."

Kaelyn Silverleaf has posed:
Kae accepts the card, and digs through various pockets, including the saddle bags, she has a ton... She eventually finds one and offers one in return. "If you find any of those packages, gimme a call... One of us in the store willr emove it."