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Latest revision as of 18:10, 27 January 2019

Sentinels: Further Concerns
Date of Scene: 17 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Captain America
Tinyplot: Sentinels

Iron Man has posed:
    Francine is on duty again, and she scans over her schedule. She releases a frustrated, disgusted breath, though, and skims back through the various updates she's had over the course of the last three days. Mr. Stark has rescheduled his check in approximately eight times, and once again, there's a cancellation. And this is even after Rogers' appointment was moved to this slot due to the change. Sigh.

    She sets that aside, though her scowl remains, as she rejoins Captain America. She'd been waiting for him to remove his shirt, so that she could check on the progress of his chest injury. She does carry her frustration with her. Caring for these superheroes is rough on her heart, sometimes. Particularly the ones that can be so difficult about caring for themselves, so focused are they on others.

    "How are you feeling, Captain Rogers? Any pain?" she asks Steve, beginning the examination.

Captain America has posed:
"Nope. Nothing lingering that I can feel," he reports. The feeling of the stethescope's metal round on his skin invites a little inhale and passing goosebumps. The skin once scarred by both bullet and life-saving surgery has healed over with nary a mark as proof of the risk he was once in. "Nothing catches when I breathe or throw a punch." Indeed, it seems that the muscular torso is as good as new.

"Good," says Francine by reply, the barest note of the frustration still in her tone. She wraps his wrist in a thin band that will report blood pressure, heart-rate per minute, and other various sundry biological instances. The vitals that blip on the screen are normal for the Captain, at least. "From what I can see, you're good as new, Captain Rogers."

"Something I like to hear, Francine. Thank you," replies Steve with a small, earnest grin -- the one he uses when he can sense someone's dealing with a few frustrations.

Iron Man has posed:
    One of the Captain's curses, perhaps, is that he does tend to attract people to trust him with things. A burden, really. Yet a useful way of getting information.

    "I wish all of the Avenger leadership were as dutiful as you in maintaining yourself, and saw it as a priority," Francine ends up saying, which is about as negative as she deems appropriate at the moment. She looks at him fondly, then over her glasses as she taps a pen stylus on her tablet edge.

    From the comm system, suddenly intrudes Tony. "Hey Cap, I could use you in here. Lab four. Something interesting," Tony says, upbeat, in his tunnel-vision way that he often gets with 'interesting' things can often can leave a mark.

    Francine scowls, and stabs the butt of her pen towards the comm as it cuts off, as if making her point.

Captain America has posed:
Steve drops his chin and laughs quietly to himself. A little flick of brows and he reaches for his shirt.

"I'll see what I can do about getting him in here," he says quietly as he pulls the cotton-weave in grey over his head. "I know he's due for a check-up, at the very least. Diagnostics." Rising to his feet, he gives Francine another small smile. "Could tell him that you miss him."

"I doubt that would work," grumbles the nurse, but there's the tiniest flicker of amusement that betrays her as it ghosts across her face. She turns away from Steve to double-check that his readings were correctly saved in the proper files and taps at her tablet a few more times. "Tell him I won't reschedule again."

The Captain nods. "Yes, m'am. That should do it." With that, he leaves the medical bay to head for laboratory suite number four. Upon arrival, he heads in Tony's direction.

"Francine's not impressed with your rescheduling, Tony. Said she won't do it again,"he comments.

Iron Man has posed:
    Tony isn't in clothes that would suggest a need for protection; he's just in his usual comfort clothes: jeans, graphic tee. He's in a pile of parts on a variety of tables. The weird piece is the large robotic head of a 'Sentinel' robot that is located on one of the benches, with a variety of leads and other things strung into it like a bizarre web.

    "She's good people. I'll see that she gets a raise, she's overdue," Tony answers, in an evasive way that suggests that the rescheduling nightmare will continue. "Stand over there, will you? I want it to scan you," Tony says, pointing loosely towards an empty zone on the floor between the tables.

Captain America has posed:
Without much concern for his safety, Steve meanders over towards the empty space in the lab. He pauses there and slips each thumb into the front pockets of his jeans in turn, adopting a loose stance.

"That's not gonna make her happy, Tony. She cares about you. You're due for a check-up. You really wanna make a nurse mad? That's like..." He pauses, thinking of a proper comparison. "Insulting your wait-staff. They're gonna spit in your milkshake. Nurses, however, have needles," he points out with a wry little smirk.

Iron Man has posed:
    "She'll survive. I have a toy in the tower that does scans on me anyway. I don't need the guilt trip right now: I know I need to do a repair," Tony says casually, as if it wasn't his life support he was talking about. And like always, when things are serious and he has the ability, he changes the subject.

    Tony refers to a monitor, playing his hands over the holograms that flow to life under his touch as the weird Sentinel head passes a red scan over Steve. Tony's fast, and pulls down through the menus he's after. "Interesting. All right. You're also it's best friend. Almost as much as me," Tony says, rubbing the back of his neck with a few fingers, turning to pivot to face Steve. He rests the edge of his butt on a table edge.

"The thing really likes humans. It would sacrifice itself for me. Sort of interesting programming here. I was expecting Skynet," he says. And pauses. "That's a reference to 'the Terminator', where the robots 'got smart' and tried to murder all humans," Tony shares, with some reasonable patience. "But this one here wants to kill something specific. It's doing somewhat advanced biological scans that are pretty deep. Motives behind doing that aren't happy ones. I was hoping it'd be simple, before I just brute force hack in..."

Captain America has posed:
In regards to Tony's dismissal of his own health, it's clear that Steve wants to say something like, 'Your funeral', but that's been an all-too-real risk for every Avenger at one point. Instead, he gives the genius-inventor a look and slowly shakes his head. Captain America's disapproval might not work on Tony, but at least it works on the junior Avengers and most of the general populace.

He frowns at the robot as Tony describes precisely what it's up to. "So it's not tracking anyone who's human... What's it tracking? And how'd you manage to get it?" Now Steve gives the man a dubious look as he walks out of the scan zone and over to the general work-space area.

Iron Man has posed:
"It scanned Wanda earlier when she was near one of the body parts and thinks she is the devil incarnate, so I hoped it might also find you terrible, as you're 'super' in your serum way," Tony teases. "This is from the battle in mexico; it was torn up by the alien fungus. I appropriated it when it fell on one of my buildings." Fair enough.

But then his expression finds a more serious and direct thing, a hardness coming into Tony's jaw. Tony rarely comes to this more focused look. "I'll see what I can dig out through a more direct check on its programming, but we're looking at a mutant and alien purging thing here, Steve. I mean, it can't be a surprise after what's happened, with the telepaths and the BlackSleep and the alien fungus and Loki. Almost a surprise it wasn't sooner." He looks at the large robotic head.

Captain America has posed:
Looking down at the metal head, Steve grits his teeth. It's the infamous bulldog expression, wherein he's deciding to hold a severe grudge against someone -- or in this case, something -- that directly conflicts with his own morals.

"It has to be for non-humans," he agrees, " - and specifically those with advanced genetics. Otherwise, you're right. It would've pinged on me. It'll go after those born with powers." He runs a hand over his mouth and then folds his arms, giving Tony his full attention. "If anyone can figure out how to shut these down from the inside-out, it's you, Tony. Otherwise, I don't want to think about what it might take to bring down an army of these things..." By the set of his jaw, it's a harrowing notion.

Iron Man has posed:
"Yeah. I'll get a better run-down of it's capabilities and so on. I'm confident I can shut down these without much effort. The tech is pretty far behind mine. It's just loaded with a lot of self-destruct stuff, so I'm being ... respectful at first," Tony says, but shrugs some, scratching his jaw, rubbing against his goatee a little, as if the respectful time might be over very soon.

"Also, these things are starting to get some global reach. There's a LOT of them. But, yes. I'm focused on being sure we have a good way to stop them, if we need to." Tony shakes his head at the robot head as if it had been naughty. "Come back in a few hours," he suggests. "And bring me Chinese food," he teases as well.

He turns towards the robotic head, and draws his console toward him. "Shall we?" he asks the head, before starting to key in some commands.