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Latest revision as of 18:13, 27 January 2019

An uncanny creation
Date of Scene: 18 January 2019
Location: New York City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Cyclops, Rogue

Cyclops has posed:
    It's a shallow night in Brooklyn, and some of Rogue's college friends, the ones that didn't want to see her go had convinced her to come hang out with them one last time before she really disappears back north, but they all end up at the subway system to get Brooklyn and while they're all heading up stairs to go the Michelle's place, Rogue might see something that catches her eye.

    Down on the other side of the platform at one of the tracks, there's a girl with long orange, almost flaming hair that follows behind her like a cape almost, flashing before she walks fully into the tunnel of the subway. She was wearing all black, or what looked like it, but it was hard to tell, just a creepy woman walking down where the trains are.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is happy to be with this group of college friends, they're fun and they don't give her crap for her mutation... but they're also not 'fake' about their support for mutants like so many at NYU are, searching for some kind of social brownie points for pretending to support mutant causes. Thats one of the things Rogue loathed most about NYU, how filled with fake people it is.

All the same, she's trailing behind the others, bundled up in her black navy peacoat with a charcoal gray baseball cap on over her white and brown hair, some dark pants and black leather boots that go up to her knees.

She pauses when she sees the flaming, person, out of the corner of her eye and she at first thinks of Jean, but.. thats not Jean, why would Jean even be here of all places? "Hey, yo. I'll catch up with you guys, one second." She says to Tiffany and Erica, then steps back around the subway station stairs to go investigate!

Cyclops has posed:
    "Okay, but make it quick! Michelle promised shots and boys." Tiffany said before she locks arms with Erica and they climb the stairs towards the turnstyles. Rogue however, would be left with herself, and the departing train with a heavy WOOSH and a vaccuum like sound as it leaves the station. The track the girl that wasn't Jean went down however starts to have that odd glow, meaning a train is approaching and quickly.

    Without any commotion or worries, the train arrives and drops off the next load of people with no sign of blood or damage or anything on the front...

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continues to snoop around, watching that second train arrive she expected it to have some kind of alarm go off and she winced from the thought of the girl being smooshed, but... that didn't happen, nothing happened. Did the train driver even see the girl? Do these trains even HAVE drivers anymore? Rogue's not sure!

Either way, she glances back in the direction that her friends had gone and then looks back to the train to walk to the end of it and wait for it to unload/reload and then leave the station again. When it does. She peers over the edge and into the tunnel... looking for the firey-hair again... Though she's starting to lose interest. Figuring maybe she didn't see what she thought she saw.

Cyclops has posed:
    When Rogue reaches the end of the platform there comes from deeper in the tunnel a sickening howl, as if a cougar was prowling without any hint of a mate near by. It's a horrific primal kind of scream. Like what you hear in emergency rooms or during attacks. It's the kind of howl that signals someone's lack of hope.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is joined at the edge of the platform by a couple of 20-something bro-dudes who saw 'hot chick' and thought they'd come and see if she needed help. "Call the cops." Rogue tells them. "And don't worry, I'm an Avenger." Which isn't true, but hey, the Avengers can come and tell her to stop saying that if they want to!

With that said, she 'steps' off of the platform and just flaots down to the tracks to appear as though she landed, but she didn't... she knows enough to know that one of those damn tracks is the electricity one and even if she's invulnerable she doesn't wanna live through that... so she just flaots down deeper into the tunnel.

"Hellooooo?" She calls to the noise. "Helpless damsel here. Come out'n plaaaaAAAaay..." She says loudly.

Cyclops has posed:
    Odd in that the bro-dudes didn't react to the sound, they only reacted to Rogue being her vulnerable looking self. "Why is she going down there?"
    "I don't know man, she's nuts. Thinks she's an avenger."
    "Psh, whatever." And they walk away without actually doing what the Avenger asked them to do.

    Something rattles in the shadows behind Rogue, across the tracks and the rocks beneath them from one side to the other, but before she can react to the sound, a voice speaks, "You are no damsel." The words coming from in front of Rogue, directly on the train tracks, but she can't see or feel anyone before her.
    "That is why you are here." The voice finishes with a faint laugh.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue doesn't believe in ghosts, or monsters... she may not be a sciencey-person but she knows enough about science to know that everything has a scientific explanation, thats something she's believed in since she continued her highschool classes at Xavier's and eventually graduated.

"I'm not?" Rogue says to the voice as she continues to float near to the ground, but she does a full pirouette and looks in a full 360 degree angle around her as she flaots there in the darkness of the tunnel.

"What are you laughin' at?" She asks the voice. "I didn't come here t'be laughed at. I came here t'help whoever it was I saw comin' inta this place. Its dangerous... and it smells like hobo urine."

Cyclops has posed:
    There's a soft red light from a near by EXIT sign, and as Rogue floats into it, she starts to finally see the outline of a body at the other end of the red light, and slowly it's moving towards her. The figure moves at the same speed as Rogue and ... in the same way. It's not walking, but instead it's flying as well.

    The voice never answers Rogue, in fact it never answers again. The figure bathed in the red glow slowly approaches still.

Rogue has posed:
"Woah, hey." Rogue says as she sees the 'thing' in the dark. She's starting to believe in ghosts now! "Careful there, sugah. Ya gotta buy me dinner before ya can just move up all on me like that." The Belle quips before she moves to keep a distance from 'it' and float around until SHE is at that Exit passage way.

"Who the heck are ya and what are you doin' creepin' around down here?" She asks next. "I'm an Avenger, ya know. All I gotta do is place a call and I can have the full Force'a North America's finest heroic types here t'crack down on your little Halloween freakshow ya got goin' on down here..."

Cyclops has posed:
    The figure floats opposite of Rogue, as if they were moving around a single point and the person lifts their hands up, to brush from their eyes up over their hair, long and wavey it seems, the light not showing much color in the tunnel. The thing doesn't respond to Rogue, but it does respect her distance, not approaching her futher when she stops moving. It's almost ... mirror like the way it moves, but after it runs its hands through its hair, the thing floats forwards. Closer towards Rogue and the light from the sign above her head. Bathed in red light the figure's face is slowly revealed to Rogue -
- Herself.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue comes to touch down on the cement of the Exit doorway's stoop and she raises her gloved hands up to aim them toward the spectre in front of her. But when it reveals its face and its... her own she just lowers her dark eyebrows down and then seems to be a bit confused, but not really worried. "Come on." She says to the 'thing' in as charming of a southern voice as she can muster. "Don't keep playin' games with me. I know me, and me? I wouldn't treat folks like this. Especially not down here in creepy hobo land. So... whats... up? You wanna fight me or somethin'? Cause I ain't afraid'a you!" She raises her fists up now at the thing!

Cyclops has posed:
    The 'Thing' looks at Rogue with her own green eyes, listening to Rogue's words, but it never responds, and never seems to react to those words.

    Without warning, she is gone like a flash! The ceiling exploding with dust and debris as Rogue-ling suddenly takes off flying through the subway and the street above at breakneck speeds and with no remorse or care for any bystanders or innocents.

Rogue has posed:
"Hey!" Rogue says to 'herself' as 'she' takes off up and through the ceiling. "Damnit..." She says then and she too suddenly flies up into the air and through the same passageways that the 'thing' had just created. She moves pretty much just as fast to trail after the 'thing' and keep herself as close to it as possible to try to catch up with it, weaving her way through the debris and other stuff falling down above her as she goes skyward!

Cyclops has posed:
    The thing is in the skies above Brooklyn and Rogue knows how fast she can actually go. This thing may not, but as soon as Rogue breaches the hole herself, she sees people running and screaming as a second person comes flying out of the ground covered in clay and dust. There is no immediate sign of where the thing went off to it is gone.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue reaches up to pull her baseball cap off of her head and to shake it off of all the debris it had collected on it... but she's covered in the stuff now, her whole outfit is. But who cares. "What the hell." Rogue says then as she floats there amongst all the people who look shocked and awed by what just happened. She eventually just drops out of the sky and back onto her booted feet where she takes a few confused steps and continues to turn around looking for WHEREVER that thing went. "Where'd it go?" She asks a random bystander.

Cyclops has posed:
    The bystander has a phone out and was pointing exactly at Rogue, obviously filming the event. "Whoa I don't know nothin'. We was just makin' a video for my friend's son-"
    "Yeah! My song! Top Trendy Fourts. With a U in Fourts. It's gonna be huge!"

    When a third bystander chimes in and points at the same time, "Shut up you two! She dat avenger, Dat lady went t'manhattan! You gonna kick 'er ass?!" The woman asks eyes wide and hopeful, she doesn't like people smashing up her city.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue listens to them all in turn and she then vocally GROWLS in frustration. "I hate flyin' in the cold!" She exclaims before she throws her hands in discontent and leaps up into the air again and TAKES off. This time she angles herself toward the open sky and in the direction of Manhattan, leaving her friends behind and the subway station... all while scanning the chilly air and looking for any sign of anyone else flying!

Cyclops has posed:
    Rogue's lack of SUPER VISION, wouldn't help in the dark skies and the bright lights of manhatten across the bridges and river, no. She wouldn't be able to see a teeny tiny humanoid flying away from her at Mach speeds. Not at all. The doppleganger, seems to have gotten away.

Rogue has posed:
Eventually Rogue would give up the chase too and make her way to her friend's house. She'd be pretty grumpy about it all too as she'd no doubt explain to them what she just went through, she liked to be open about her various 'adventures' within the city, people liked hearing the stories too. It was fun social interaction because of that and she found it helped her troubled mind stay calmer and more collected to talk about things like this with others. All the same, it still bothers her that whatever that was had gotten away!