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Latest revision as of 18:21, 27 January 2019

Surf 'n Turf
Date of Scene: 19 January 2019
Location: California
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Fathom, Aqualad

Fathom has posed:
It's a beautiful, sunny day in Southern California. Another storm is churning offshore but looks to be passing to the south, without even rain expected in the area. The storm cell is sending a lovely series of waves along the coast though, bringing out the surfers on this gorgeous weekend day.

With larger waves than normal, Aspen hasn't had to go far at all to find decent surfing. Stepping out of her small but comfortable beachfront place, the brunette looks at her array of surfboards, choosing the one best suited for the waves. The home is colorful, decorated with the smooth curves of driftwood by some shorebound artist that she bought the place from. A brilliantly blue surfboard adorns the shack up near the roof, quite visible from the water and frequently used as a landmark by boaters.

Aspen carries her surfboard down to the water, slipping out of a pair of cut-off jean shorts, leaving her in bikini bottoms and an aquatic sports top done in light blue. There aren't many other surfers here, and only a few eyes altogether to be drawn to the vivacious young woman as she trots out into the water. Soon Aspen is paddling out, diving her board through breakers until she's out in the quieter area. She sits astride the board, eyes scanning the incoming waves.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur'ahm was never one to surf. He was the type, like all Atlanteans, to swim. Faster than a submarine, a man with dark skin and blonde hair with tattoos on his arms, and of course, some blue swim trunks, swims through the waters like a dolphin.

Perhaps Aspen would catch sight of this mystery man? He does, though, swim under Aspen like she was in the way, though it could have been him just being playful. He seems to not even need to breathe air, but rather the sea. Must be because of the barely-noticeable gills on his neck.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen's eyes are focused out on the waves, though she closes her eyes after a few moments. Savoring the warmth of the sun on her skin. More than that. Enjoying the feeling of the ocean. Her fingers dip in the water, swirling through it and feeling it move. All of her life she's been drawn to the water, whether surfing, swimming, and even when it came to education and career. Sometimes she almost thinks she can feel the waves before she sees them. Like there's a set just a little further out but coming in.

Aspen's eyes open as something feels different, disturbing her fanciful imagination she could feel coming waves. The brunette looks down in time to see the form swim past underwater, moving at speeds that men are not capable of in water. To say the marine biologist's attention is drawn would be an understatement. "No fins or... I swear that's a man," she says, turning to try to follow the masculine form as it flows past her underwater, the young woman anxious to see him better.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur kept swimming through the ocean waves, still sometimes emerging like a torpedo to do a little twist before that same motion allows him to dive into the water with absolute perfection. Atlantean? Probably. But, he feels the motions in the waves. He can feel Aspen following him, perhaps. Eventually though, she'll see Kaldur emerge from the water, just above nose-level as he stares at Aspen.

Why was she following him? He says nothing, but remains cautious nonetheless.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen stands up on her surf board in an attempt to better see him. Standing on the board when it isn't in motion without tipping over is a feat in itself, and more so with Aspen's attention fully on the Atlantean rather than on her balance. Her hands go to cover her mouth for a moment in astonishment. She's heard stories. Seen the news. Conjectures within the marine biology community, but no real hard data.

As Kaldur's head slowly rises out of the ocean surface, looking at the young woman, she slowly pulls her hands down from her face, smiling to Kaldur and offering a gentle wave. Perhaps she senses the cautiousness, as her motions gentle. "Hello," she says, giving Kaldur a smile that grows a little larger and warmer with each passing moment of observing him. Warm wonderment is writ across Aspen's face, the violet-blue of the woman's eyes shining like a Caribbean sea where shallows are just giving way to the beautiful ocean depths.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur just looks at Aspen with equal curiosity. He saysnothing though. Eyes trail over her form, wondering if she too is an Atlantean. She has the physique for it. Curious and rather taciturn-looking, Kaldur lifts the rest of his head above water, causing his full facial appearance t obe revealed.

"Hello. Who are you, and why do you follow me?" he questions, wondering who she is.

Fathom has posed:
The young woman's delight only grows as the Atlantean addresses her. "My name is Aspen. Aspen Matthews," she tells him. "I'm curious about you. I've never seen someone like you before. I study the oceans, trying to understand the fish and eels and whales and... and even the currents. And you... you are simply marvelous," Aspen tells him. "As graceful as a dolphin in the water," Aspen says. Her eyes drift down to what she can see of him in the water. "Or more so," she adds, looking down, the smile for a moment bashful.

Her balance has been admirable, especially not focusing on it as she stands on the surf board. But finally enough of a wave comes through to upset matters, the water swelling just as she suffers a moment of extra distraction. She falls off the board. Though it isn't a graceless flailing of limbs. Feeling herself tipping, she just lets herself sink into the water's embrace, as accepting of it as a child going into her mother's arms. Her head emerges after a moment, the woman brushing back her dark, wet hair and wiping the water from her face as she looks to return her eyes to Kaldur.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur hums softly. "Aspen Matthews." he repeats the name as if to commit it to memory. He points to himself. "Kaldur'ahm." he emerges further from the water, as if to feel the texture of her surfboard, yet he seems to listen when she tells to him that she's a big time biologiest in simple terms. His eyes shift to Aspen.

"You are scientist? researcher?" He asks her curiously, not seeming to mind that she joins him in the waters.

Fathom has posed:
:treads water beside Kaldur, movements smoother than most humans would manage. The woman's supple musculature accentuated by fit swimmer's shoulders and a lean torso not unlike Atlantean women, and gracefully long legs. She doesn't reach over for the support of the board, but instead just treads water with him.

"Kaldur'ahm," Aspen repeats, looking to his reaction as if it matters to her that she learns to pronounce it correctly. "Yes, a researcher. We humans know so little of what is below the waves. I want to learn and understand. Help other people see the wonder and majesty in what is there. Respect it," she tells him. She looks off in the direction of Sub Diego. "I attended a university which is somewhere beneath the waves now, after the earthquake," she says quietly. There's a gentle sadness at the memory, showing in the woman's expressive face. But she looks back to Kaldur, the sight of the Atlantean pushing those memories back. His presence draws out a smile from her. "I can't even begin to imagine how wonderful it must be, to be able to stay down, to dive as deep, as you probably can," she tells him.

Aqualad has posed:
"That is my name." Kaldur responds to Aspen's repetition of his name. Thoug hhe seems to nod softly. "I was there when the city fell. We call it Sub Diego now. We tried to help ush the tectonic plate back to the surface, but our technology and strength was insufficient. I apologize that it ever happened."

Then his ability to dive is questioned in terms of how it feels.

"It is like no other feeling. I could swim to the deepest depths of the ocean undisturbed. Perhaps one day the Surface World will be able to accomplish such a feat."

Fathom has posed:
The expressive violet-blue eyes measure both surprise and gratitude at hearing of the efforts to save her home. "I hadn't realized that your people had done that," she tells him. "Thank you for the attempt," Aspen says to him quietly. A few sea gulls drift on the ocean breeze above them, observing for a few moments before moving on after realizing there are no scraps to be had there. "I live over there now, the one with the blue surf board along the roof," she says, pointing towards the small structure on the other side of the sandy beach.

Aspen tilts her head back to soak her hair, so when she rights herself the wet tresses arrange themselves neatly. "I wish I could experience that. It takes so much for us to go below. I've never been deeper than three hundred feet," she tells him, the human woman's disappointment evident. "Do you talk to many humans?" she asks him, her head tilting to the side in curiosity."

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur nods softly. "It is what any would do. We all share this world." he then looks over to the house that she points out. "It looks comfortable." Kaldur says rather casually, though as he's told she can go down 300 feet, he looks curious even more. "Strange...do you do this with one of your mechanical devices? Like a submarine?"

Does he talk to other humans?

"Yes. I speak with about four or five on a daily basis. They are what you would call 'best friends' of mine."

Fathom has posed:
Aspen breaks out in what sounds like a soft laugh directed at herself. "Not that I thought you were solitary, but I didn't know if you spent time with people on the surface much," Aspen tells him. "Forgive me though if I've tripped over my wonderment in how we're different. I should probably spend more time reflecting on how we're alike."

Aspen shakes her head then in answer to his question. "Though I've been that deep in a submarine, I have been down that deep just on my own. But I have to bring a tank of air down with me to breath. The deeper I go, the less time the air lasts," she tells him. "If you'd like to see what it looks like, I could show you. I have a boat that most of my gear is on, but I have a set at home too. Are you hungry? I could make something, if you have time to stay and talk, that is?"

Aqualad has posed:
"Food sounds nice." Kaldur agrees. "I will follow you to your home, if you are willing to lead." Kaldur'ahm smiles very gently. "It's okay. There is nothing to forgive." his stomach does lightly growl. "It appears I was more hungry than I initially thought."

He seems to look for this boat that she speaks of, not finding it immediately.

Fathom has posed:
There are docks fairly nearby, just down the beach a little bit. As Aspen sees him glancing about at the appropriate moment of her comments, she says, "It's docked over there. The Paradise Found. Blue trim on the top. Crane and booms on the back. There's a fishing vessel next to it, and two wealthy yachts in the next set of berths," she says, which should allow him to spot it easily enough. It's a medium sized boat, fitted out as a marine research vessel.

"Sure come on in," Aspen says, grabbing her surf board and climbing on. She begins padding in, knowing Kaldur will have no trouble keeping up. The opposite, he'll have to dawdle to stay with her, given the speeds he was moving at. "What types of food do you prefer?" she asks him as she paddles in, seeming to have taken to heart fully that he's likely familiar with her culture even if she knows little of his.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur looks towards the docks, seeing her ship. "I see. Seems like you are in the middle of a great variety of ships." Once Aspen climbs aboard her ship, Kaldur follows, showing his entire muscular physique as he stands aboard the vessel. "Seafood, preferably. Though, I believe surface worlders have a host of food options that I have been interested in trying. I will have whatever you serve." he smiles gently then.

He takes the time to look around the ship, as if curious to his surroundings. Of course, Kaldur knew of things like Pizza and Hot Dogs and hte like.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen paddles the surfboard into the beach, rather than going to the ship. Once there she carries the board, smiling at Kaldur assuming he follows her, walking out of the surf. The young woman's swimmer body is fit, bearing a sun-kissed tan everywhere that is revealed. She stops to pick up some cutoff shorts from the sand though doesn't put them on while wet.

The little home is modest but comfortable looking. The outside has been adorned with drift wood, some of them carved, and various aquatic touches like old shells, and the bright blue surf board that is mounted up on the roof. "Seafood I can do," she tells him with a smile. "I'll grab a few things we can put on the grill. I do a semi-decent fish taco," she tells him.

Aspen rinses off the sea salt at a little outside shower fixture before going in. He's invited inside. The interior is comfortably furnished. Just a little bit of clutter. A computer sits by boxes of magnetic tapes. A ceiling fan spins lazily, cooling the warm day. There are a few pictures here and there, mostly of Aspen with an older man, some in which he's wearing a captain's hat. Others show her and a blond woman. There are also pictures of a squat bulldog.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur was in her house! Yes, his eyes did wander over her sleek (and seriously vivacious) form, wondering how her clothes can be that tight, like he wonders if she's trying to get people to look at her, but now his eyes were on her home. Seeing her with the older fellow, who he assumes is her father or grandfather, and the woman? He assumes is her friend. If that same dog was somewhere around the house, he would quite regularly assume that it was her dog.

"Fish taco? I like the sound of this, thank you." he smiles very softly.

Fathom has posed:
Aspen grabs a towel to dry off, getting one for Kaldur as well. Not seeming to mind if either of them drip in the meantime. It's an eminently soft, high quality terry cloth towel. Most of her home seems aimed at comfort rather than worrying about luxury or cost. The towels seem a splurge, by comparison.

Aspen doesn't seem to notice any reflections that her guest might have as she's walking into the house in front of him. "Fish tacos it is then," Aspen says. As she sees Kaldur's smile it brings out one of her own. A somewhat shy one that makes the young woman look down as it emerges.

Something else emerges then too. The sound of trimmed canine nails on the Spanish tile as the bulldog from the pictures comes out of the bedroom, apparently woke by the voices. Aspen hesitates just a moment, as if wondering how the dog will react. Will she notice he's not a normal human? But the bulldog is her normal lovable self, tail wagging as she trots over fearlessly to sniff at Kaldur's leg. "This is Matilda," she says. "If she's being a pest let me know," Aspen says. She'll wait to make sure Kaldur doesn't want the dog to stay away. If there are no issues, though, she goes into the kitchen and begins pulling some things from the fridge. "So do you have some sort of job or employment amongst your people?" she asks him. The young woman is working on the food, but she keeps glancing up and over to him. Frequently.

Aqualad has posed:
Kaldur tilts his head as he sees Aspen give a shy smile and look away from him. Did she have a crush on him? Kaldur doesn't question it, but he does smile as fish tacos are officially selected as the meal for the day.

Then there's the bulldog.

Aqualad looks at the bulldog and he kneels down. "Hello, Matilda." he pets the dog and gives it much affection, before he looks to Aspen. "I am a member of hte royal guard of Atlantis. I serve as one of it's many defenders."

Fathom has posed:
Aspen watches as the man from the ocean interacts with her dog. The bulldog is happy for the petting, giving all sorts of feedback in the way of wiggling legs and happy woofs. It puts a smile on Aspen's face as she moves about the kitchen, and goes outside to start the fish grilling. "That sounds like a prestigious position," Aspen says, the young woman looking impressed.

"Is life amongst your people very different than what it is for humans?" she asks him. "Do you have the same sort of family structures as we do?" Aspen asks. She pauses a moment from the cooking to motion to a picture. "This is my father," she says. "Adopted me when I was 11. And this one is my best friend, Tyler." If Kaldur watches much television in New York City, he likely would recognize Tyler. She's a TV news person there.

Fathom has posed:
The pair end up eating fish tacos and chatting amiably into the night, until finally the Atlantean departs. Aspen having made a new friend.