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Latest revision as of 18:36, 27 January 2019

Raven Deals with Demons
Date of Scene: 22 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Doctor Strange, Raven

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Part of the Sorcerer Supreme's job is to protect the realm from invading forces from outside the global sphere and from other realms, dimensions and any alien source. The Justice League, Avengers, and SHIELD tend to keep the physical part of the Sorcerer's job safe, lending more time to observe and protect from the other sources.

    This is a story of Raven having her first encounter with the being from the Dark Dimension has begun to encroach upon this dimension with a ripple that was traceable back to the dark dimension. Seems Dormammu is beginning to test the new Sorcerer Supreme with a simple volley of sending his minions into the barrier between worlds.

Raven has posed:
    Raven has had her attention split about ten different ways for the entire amount of time that she's had the mantle. Between studying in a genuinely overwhelming library, solving minor mystical threats wherever they might spring up ('I didn't mean to summon a demon, I swear, I just liked the way the album cover looked!'), looking for Strange, and occasionally changing the way that the Sanctum modifies its internal structure so as to momentarily confuse Wong, she almost -should- have her hands all too full... But whether it's an amazing poker face, or just a top-notch level of time management, Raven is at least not letting on that she's swamped- if she even is at all. Likely, it's because nothing major is popping up on the mystical radar, with Nightmare dealt with.

    However, Raven did make a big enough show of being the Sorcerer Supreme that it was only a matter of time before another of the bigger threats decided they'd see if the guardian was weak enough. For the moment, it is credit enough that Raven was able to detect this attempted incursion rather swiftly- but exactly what to -do- about it was another matter. She knew of Dormammu, and the threat he posed. For now, Raven is standing in front of, and staring pensively at, the Orb of Agamotto. Her cloak closed around her, she stares into its light as if trying to glean meaning from something imperceptible, alone in her thoughts.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Upon the Orb has been a few interesting spikes of late, Illyana in the Xavier mansion was doing something like she usually does. There was a spike in Brooklyn a couple of nights ago as well as during the Rogue Clone attack yesterday, but the X-men seemed to handle that. This latest spike where the ripples seemed to wash across the mystical globe hints that it was a huge attack with a singular source. Tomes would have told Raven that the Dark Dimension is likely the source and further reading would inform her about the mindless ones, and the ruler, Dormammu.

    While looking at the Orb today, the would be a sudden wave across the surface of the globe, unseen and unfelt in the world, but the globe reveals it before a singular spike appears as a bright light meaning it's a huge push from the dark dimension as a swarm of mindless ones is pressed against the breach.

Raven has posed:
    Raven's attention doesn't shift from the orb to the rest of the Sanctum. Wong hasn't come out of any other room to speak to her yet, and as such, Raven figures he's likely off, well, doing important Assistant To The Sorcerer Supreme work. To his credit, Raven has learned that Wong is very good at figuring out what, exactly, that is.

    Without him present, Raven simply zeroes in on where the Orb is telling her the pressure against the breach is increasing. Still silent, Raven's shadow lurches up, around her... And then a moment later, she is simply gone. A short moment later, at the southern tip of the island of Manhattan, a small flurry of animate shadow heralds Raven's arrival at the site. She has plans, of course- the books say that there has never been a breach. She is here to make sure that if there is one, they have time to operate.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    At the tip of Manhattan, where the view is incredible, the Statue of liberty is visible from here, and in the twilight hours, it's not too busy as only toursists are in this part of the city, but it's a monday so it's even less busy. Thankfully the appearance of Raven is in a timely manner, the presence of the mindless ones can not go unnoticed for the pressure of the countless hoards against the membrane holding the dimensions apart is beginning to stretch thin and the large red eye of a single figure of the Mindless Ones starts to be visible.

    The being's hand stretches the fabric of reality even further, making the dark dimension slightly visible through the filter. Something's causing the ripple and the tear to start, something on that side of space/time.

Raven has posed:
    Raven's attention is on the place where the Mindless Ones are assaulting. She approaches it, and waits not a moment longer to get to work. This takes concentration, and time- but Raven figures she has enough of it. As well, what she is weaving is not exactly a -spell- per se. Instead, floating upon naught but air, Raven's legs fold and she assumes a meditative pose.

    The shadows upon the floor stretch out, taking the shape of a giant bird. Her chanting grows just loud enough to be audible. "Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos." Again and again she speaks these three words.

    The breach itself is the major concern: Raven has to close it. However, she cannot risk anything getting past her- there cannot be an escape. If this is meant to test her, Dormammu may find the current Sorcerer Supreme to be rather... Cheeky. All around, Raven is spreading her soul-self. If given some time, she doesn't need much- maybe some minutes or so- she can wrap the area inside of it. If she's lucky, she'll have the time to set the trap.

    Said trap is, of course, only a stopgap- she cannot face the tide of Mindless Ones alone... No matter how many she teleports into the moment they exit the breach.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    The mindless ones are beyond easy to manipulate and the push against the dimensional barrier is quickly releaved and restored by the sudden lack of pressure. The stopgap will work, but how long is unknowable. At least on this side of reality.

    However there's a man in the other realm and he sits upon a throne made of fire with his finger rasping against the arm rest. A plan is beginning to form into his head, and he grows a sickly smile across his face. "So the new Sorcerer Supreme isn't entirely useless." He says to himself.