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Latest revision as of 22:26, 27 January 2019

Siege of Olympus: Ill Tidings
Date of Scene: 25 January 2019
Location: New York
Synopsis: John Aaron comes home to find his son missing and his half-brother, Hermes, with ill tidings!
Cast of Characters: Thor, Ares
Tinyplot: Siege of Olympus

Thor has posed:
    The home of John Aaron is in a suburb of Manhattan, across the bridge and beyond Brooklyn and Queens. It's to the East, in the township of Freeport where the well to do make their homes, and where some can make an attempt at a life free of the city itself. Just a two story cape with a front yard and a gate that prevents entry. Usually it's quiet, and after matters the neighbors had all said that Mr. Aaron was a private man who kept to himself.
    Never had something like this happened before.
    It started earlier in the day. There were screams. Shouts. Loud voices raging and then several bright flashes of light that caused Mr. Swinson to look up while mowing his lawn thinking that lightning had struck. Then after the explosion that seemed to cause the top floor to burst outwards, the police had been called.
    That was how it was now. With the gate opened, the area cordoned off, and several emergency and public works vehicles present with the lights flickering and flashing, casting the neighborhood in the blues and reds of that illumination.
    Several police officer stand outside talking to the electric company representative, and for now things seem to be winding down.

Ares has posed:
    John Aaron had been at work, one of the big constuction sites downtown working on a new high-rise. He didn't have his phone with him, having left it in his truck. He'd learned having it on the site itself often led to him needing to buy a new one. Thus, it was his foreman who came with news that he needed to go home immediately. There was an emergency.
    He immediately was on his way to the truck where he pulled out the phone. A number of messages had been left from numbers that had no name attached to them. Alexander had made sure that all of the important ones had names. He pushed a button for voicemail and found they were mostly from the police requesting he return to his home.
    He quickly dialed Alexander's number only to go to voicemail. Not so strange as the boy seemed think everything should be typed out with thumbs instead of people speaking. Yet something was wrong. John could feel it.
    He pulled out of the parking lot and quickly headed for an alleyway nearby. With a thought, he opened a portal that took him to Freeport, into another alleyway. It was not something he did often as he preferred to live his life as normally as possible. Yet this time it was necessary.
    He pulled up in his old beat up truck and parked at the police line, leaping out of the cab and leaving the door wide open as he rushed toward his house. The damage was tremendous and one single thought ran through his head.

Thor has posed:
    The second story is a mess, fragments scattered all over the yard and pieces of debris having spattered all into the trees and the grounds. Whatever happened must have exploded with a lot of force. No burning, however. No flames. Nothing to extinguish. But then...
    "That's him, officer." One of the neighbors gesture towards John and the police officer turns. A quick nod to his partner who is across the way, near the mailbox, and the two move forward to try and intercept Ares before he advances onto the property. "Hold up, Mr. Aaron. Hold up!" One steps in quickly trying to put a hand on his arm while the other holds a palm out towards the man.
    "We're still tryin' ta figure out what happened here, Mr. Aaron. It's best if you hold up."
    The other officer says, "There's also the business of your basement, sir? Some kind of storage facility?" Or Bunker. Or Doomsday Prepper bunker they're likely thinking.

Ares has posed:
    Due to his sheer size and his focus on the most important thing to him, it takes about three steps before John stops his forward momentum. He was practically dragging the one holding his arm along while the one in front had a hand on his chest and was simply being pushed backwards, turf from the once perfect yard being dug up by his boots as he tried to resist the force that was John Aaron.
    The big man looked at the two officers with a furrowed brow, blue eyes intense. As for his basement, that was none of their business in his mind. Yet, he only said four words to the two men. "Where is my son?"

Thor has posed:
    The two officers exchange looks between each other and they say, "We haven't found him, sir." One steps back and holds up his hands, clearly trying to use kids gloves with this large man whose strength is staggering. Though, to be fair, he is rather built. "We've contacted his school, he left at the normal time. We're checking the area. He's not in the debris." He offers as if that's a positive.
    Of course that's the moment when a familiar voice reaches Ares from behind and to the side. Perhaps six feet up in the air...
    "He's not dead, Ares. If that is your concern."
    And should he look he'll see a staggeringly handsome blonde man with glowing red eyes and winged sneakers that hold him aloft. He stands there in the middle of the air, as if an invisible podium held him aloft with his hands on his hips. "Don't worry, they can't see or hear me. I didn't just spoil your little secret."

Ares has posed:
    That voice has John turning his head and glancing upwards. At least to the officers, it will look like he is examining the wreckage of what used to be the second story. Instead, he is looking at the floating man with the winged sneakers. He doesn't say the name that is on the tip of his tongue, knowing they have two officers with them. He needs to get to a location alone.
    "I should check the safe room in the basement." Although he is positive that Alexander won't be there by the words of the messenger. With that, he starts to walk toward the building again, intending to do through the kitchen to the basement door then down to the bunker beneath the house. It will give them privacy to speak, if the officers allow him to do so and don't try to tag along.

Thor has posed:
    "It's a safe room," One of the officers looks to the other who gives a small shrug who then says, "You don't have a permit for one, s'why we were askin'." But they see the look on the man's face and perhaps don't push on that issue for now. Instead an older police officer steps over, one of the NYNEX repair men walking with him.
    "Might be a good idea to let us check first, sir. Just in case." Since right now he's not exactly off the list of suspects. Unknown safe room, child lost, strange explosion. Right now until they get answers they're still on their toes with the man.
    But Hermes is having none of it as he says, "I have no idea why you tolerate these mortals." He crosses his arms over his thin frame, the oversized white t-shirt seeming to still flow around him like some gauze in the wind. "Shall I deal with them? I think I shall."
    And before Ares can object there's a flutter in the wind as Hermes is no longer there. Instead there's a rush of wind and a blur of motion that flickers back and forth seeming to collect with each and every figure of each and every person nearby and seems to run off with them. It's a cavalcade of wild motion and ends after a span of twelve seconds.
    "There." He wipes his hands, "Blessed privacy."

Ares has posed:
    "That is not the way to maintain my secret," John snarls when Hermes returns. He does take the opportunity to head for that bunker though, opening the door and striding into the interior. As expected, there is no sign of Alexander.
    "Speak quickly for your presence makes this day even darker. What do you want, Hermes?" He moves through the areas of the bunker but there is no sign that Alexander has been there at all. He starts to move through the rest of the house, taking advantage of the missing officers to do a little investigating of his own. He has no doubt it won't be long before they return. Likely with reinforcments and much anger.

Thor has posed:
    There's no hint of Alexander, no sign of him, that is until he gets up into the living room. The same room where his son takes his afternoons, takes a small bit of time to read and relax and watch some television with a few fruit rollups...
    It's when he steps further into the room, and sees the first of the blood. The shattered and sliced furniture. The scattered school books and the torn backpack. The half-opened wrappers for that fruit leather fallen to the ground. Whatever happened started in here...
    Then there's the heavy footprints in the stairs that crushed into the wood and shattered each step. The scoring of what can only be sword strokes in the walls... and then into the boy's room where the explosion took place.
    Yet Hermes follows and voices his own thoughts even as Ares perhaps already knows what has passed. "Your son has been captured by an enemy of Olympus. I am sent to gather our people, you included. You are to come home, Ares."
    There's a pause, then he adds. "Your father orders it so."

Ares has posed:
    Blood. He pauses there, reaching out a hand to touch the blood with a finger tip. He brings that finger to his mouth. tasting the crimsom droplet as he follows the path of chaos to the stairs. A sound much like a deep growl can be heard from within his chest.
    He doesn't touch where the swords dug into the sheetrock but knows precisely what those scores were caused by. He can even name the type of sword by what he sees. This is his domain. Conflict. Battle. War.
    As he reaches Alexander's room, he hears those words from Hermes and he turns to glare at the smaller man. "He...Orders? I do not heed the Orders of Zeus or the needs of Olympus. I know what you all think of me. I turned my back on you for a reason and this changes nothing. Tell me who this enemy is. Where can they be found. They have stirred something they should have left alone and they will pay for what they have done."
    Once he is certain there are no clues to be had, he heads for that bunker once more--and the hidden panel that slides open to reveal what can only be called an arsenal.

Thor has posed:
    Floating after like some ethereally beautiful teenager, Hermes groans and says, "Are you /still/ mad about all of that? It's been positively AGES." Though he doesn't interfere with the God of War, allowing him to do his own thing. He leans against one of the walls, checking his cuticles as he sighs a little.
    "The enemy who took your child, he lays siege to Olympus. Even now your family wages battle and the usual paths we take home are blocked to us."
    He perks up and smiles, "Of course /I/ know of several ways. But they are long, laborious, and dangerous. Moreso if I'm to be saddled with slow beings such as yourself. Thus why I am _gathering_ you. We must get everyone together if we are to make it."
    He floats ahead and peers over Ares' shoulder at all the weapons and frowns. "By the bye, more police are coming."

Ares has posed:
    That draws John's attention from the array of weapons before him. "Who took him, Hermes? Speak before I tear those wings off and shove them down your throat."
    With a thought, there is a ripple of power over the form of John Aaron. Where once stood a man known for being a good neighbor who always kept to himself and adored his son, now stood the being that embodied the darkness that was War. Dark body armor and quickly the weapons disappeared from where they were inside that panel to being worn on his body. Guns, knives, sword at his waist, a huge battle axe across his back. There was a bandolier with grenades across his chest. A silver and black helmet covered his head, leaving only his eyes and a bit of his face visible.
    The God of War turns away from the now empty panel, letting it slide silently shut behind him.

Thor has posed:
    "A god of evil, Ares." Hermes stops his harassment, his casual snideness for a moment as for once he seems to truly share some touch of empathy. "Amatsu-Mikaboshi, the scion of Chaos lays siege to Olympus." He floats up and starts to glow with golden power as he says gently. "I must be away, gather those you can. But I will find you in two days time and we shall make the journey then."
    His rogue's smile is barely there as he meets the gaze of his half-brother, "He lays siege, and the war goes poorly. So..." He lets that hang there then nods as he floats up into the air, sweeping backwards and otu of Ares' way.
    "In two days time, War." There's a golden flash, and then Hermes is gone.