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(Created page with "{{Log Header |Date of Scene=2019/01/27 |Location=Unknown |Synopsis=Summary needed |Cast of Characters=1747, 68 |pretty=yes }} {{Poses |Poses=:'''{{#var:1747|Carrie Kelley (174...")
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Latest revision as of 22:51, 27 January 2019

So, we meet once again!
Date of Scene: 27 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Red Hood

Carrie Kelley has posed:
It wasn't an unusual sight in either Gotham or Bludhaven to see the occasional figure leaping from rooftop to rooftop -- Each had their own vigilantes after all. One of the newer figures was seen perhaps an hour ago leaping past the row of apartments in Bludhaven that were occupied by none other than everyone's favorite gymnast hero. Of course he was still out and about doing the more 'dangerous' stuff that he felt she wasn't ready for yet. There's no sight of her for quite awhile. Obviously this mysterious Kestrel was just on her way elsewhere.

Carrie Kelley however steps out of the apartments only to turn and lock the door behind her. A gym bag is slung over her shoulder and her hair is still shower-damp in little dark ringlets of ginger that would no doubt freeze up on the cooler night air. Likely why she pauses to pull up the hood on her hoodie as she turns once again to face the street.

Red Hood has posed:
Patrols often cross over each other - and when Dick showed up with a newbie in tow, it got Red Hood's attention. After all, he's more associated with Babs, or you know, some alien chick. So trying to figure out which one Kestrel was is a new game to him.

Though like learning that Optimus Prime comes back after his death, he has to admit that he's disappointed that after following Kestrel to her roost that it seems that the new bird is another redhead. <Typical.> comes the rumbling thought as he moves to wait just inside the shadows of a nearby alley as Kestrel comes wandering by. "Tsk. Just when you think you know someone, he has to run off and get a new Babs."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
That voice... Along with the mention of an all-too-familiar name has Carrie pause and peer from beneath the edge of her hood in toward the alley. Her glasses had been taken away in favor of the contacts she currently wore but they would return once she got home and comfortable. For now she's left squinting into the alleyway with an arched eyebrow. "Sorry?"

There's a little hesitation as she grips the bag over her shoulder tighter just in case she needed something to swing at someone. Her weight shifts, and she steps into the alley with a little cluck of her tongue. "I meet the most interesting people in alleys."

Red Hood has posed:
"Ain't it grand?" Red Hood asks as he watches Carrie enter into the alley and he perches on his fire escape. "Well, I guess I can stop humming 'Someone's in the kitchen with Dinah'." he offers dryly before leaning back. "So. You the new sidekick, the new squeeze, or sidekick with benefits?"

Swinging his feet idly, the hooded vigilante doesn't seem all that nonplussed. "I mean, not that it's any of my business. Just always curious how that Dick always seems to pull it off. Always gets the girl, somehow."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
There's a little snort of derision from the hooded Carrie where she stands peering up from below. With him on that fire escape it meant she had to look up to see him. A quick glance to assess the alley locates a bit of dry and reasonably clean cardboard. Her bag is swung lazyily toward it freeing her hands up entirely. All the better for her to race at the wall opposite the fire escape. A quick leap has her feet impact and she rebounds off with arms outstretched. The ladder is caught and she swings back and forth, just a moment, before hefting herself up to land beside him on the escape proper.

"Sidekick works," she finally explains. "There's nothing else going on there," she assures in a rather dry tone before adding, with a hint of a smirk, "He hasn't even brought me out for dumplings."

Red Hood has posed:
"Dumplins? No idea what you're talking about, kid." Jason comments from beneath the helmet before he gives a little laugh as he leans back. He really does know, and it brings a rise of his brow beneath his helmet, but he's not going to push it any further without an explanation.

"Like I said, seems everyone's getting sidekicks these days. My pass to get one must have got lost in the mail." he says with a low rumbling laugh. "Not that one would probably spend too long with me anyway."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley just 'mmhmms' in response to his feigned lack of understanding. She'd figured out who was under that red hood the other night. It didn't take a lot of deduction, really, as Jason was the only missing member of the Bat Family unaccounted for in her recent discoveries. Funny how he was the first she'd unknowingly met and the last she'd figured out. "It's not really something I signed up for. I helped the Bat out, he let me in on the secret... which I was pretty close to figuring out anyway. That meant that he had to keep tabs on me now. So here I am. I'm either here or with the Birds." A faint shrug is given before she reaches out to abruptly punch him in the shoulder.

"THAT is for vanishing for months, by the way."

Red Hood has posed:
"Oof!" Jason reaches up to rub his shoulder, before moving to slip off his helmet. Unhooking it, there's a hiss of air before he removes it. And even below it, he still has the domino and modified Robin's mask beneath it. "I had things to take care of." he admits with a slow shrug of his shoulders.

"Doesn't mean I didn't think about you and leopard prints, though." he points out with a small snort of a laugh.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley watches as the helmet comes off only confirming her guess. Mask or not that hair certainly wasn't something that would easily be copied by someone. He's regarded with a self-satisfied smirk before he mentions leopard print. That earns a resounding, "Ew!" and her tongue sticking out in response. "Your taste in fashion is questionable, you know." Lightly shaking her head she leans forward to rest her arms on the railing while peering below.

"I met Tim shortly after you. He told me you'd died years before... Then I couldn't find you anywhere. I was suspicious to say the least. Glad to know you're all right though."

Red Hood has posed:
"My taste in fashion? Have you seen the duds Robins wear?" Jason asks as he leans against he railing next to her, considering what she's saying before he gives a small snort of a laugh as he glances aside to the redhead. "Tim's a damn tattletale." he says flatly with a smirk that pulls on the corner of his mouth.

He turns his attention back to the skyline. "Ah, you missed me. I don't know if I should feel flattered, or ask you if you were just curious as to how I came back from the dead."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Why do you think I made my own suit?" Comes the easy retort to mention of the Robin outfit. "Though D wears it well enough." She wasn't using out and out names here... Except Tim maybe. It's the rest that earns a lift of her eyebrow as she fixes him with a look of rather... confused curiosity.

"I figured you were faking. Rich guy loses a kid in a skiing accident? Family doesn't speak of him? Family photos are there, but kind of out of the way? Of course I looked around." Shrugging she continues, "I knew *something* was up. I just didn't know what. Then I started getting more into... well, *this*," she states with a gesture at his helmet. "And it all finally clicked."

Red Hood has posed:
"So, what's your grand theory on it all. I like hearing the ideas get tossed around." Jason comments with a small chuckle before he considers. "Well, you do look pretty good in the outfit." he admits to her finally, before his attention turns back to the fire escape.

"Ski accident, huh. That's a good one." Jason blows out a breath before shrugging his shoulders in a rather nebulous fashion. "So I faked it. What, think the big Bats sent me off to rehab?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"I figured that he found you too 'difficult to deal with' and prefered his single, bachelor lifestyle, so shipped you off somewhere you'd be out of sight and out of mind where he wouldn't have to bother with you." Apparently she wasn't considering the Bat as being the one that shipped him off. No, she had a far less pleasant view of Gotham's favorite playboy.

"And I was making damn sure I was keeping an eye on him to make sure he didn't do it again to my student." There's just a hint of protectiveness there mixed in along with her distate for the rich of Gotham.

Red Hood has posed:
"So, you figure that's the truth of the matter?" Jason asks, considering Carrie for a moment. "Well, I guess you can't make a good son without breaking a few eggs." Was that a pun? Perhaps. Instead, he returns his attention back to Carrie.

"So, you're just in this for what? Tim? Nightwing? The brat?" he asks curiously. "I mean, when I met you, we were roughhousing, but I didn't think you'd want to be part of this life."

He gives a small scoff of a laugh. "Though I suppose that's my fault for not following up and asking you out."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley bites the inside of her cheek a moment only to shake her head. "I had my reasons for taking that class in the first place. I was looking for something. I just didn't know what. No, the rest was just ... things that happened. I met lots of people that helped guide me this way before the Bat was ever involved." Pause. "And he's not a brat." A deep breath is drawn and let out slowly.

"No, I know I was wrong now about that aspect of things at least. There's a lot I don't know. A lot I probably never will. But for the first time in a long time, I feel like I'm not just heading down some dead end road with my life struggling to stay afloat."

Red Hood has posed:
"We'll agree to disagree on that one." Jaosn says with a small smirk aside towards Carrie. Pushing himself to his feet, he considers the woman for a long moment. "Still don't think you know fully what you're getting into, C. None of us did." he admits with a sigh that speaks of experience.

"And who knows, maybe you can coax me into tell you about it someday. Though not much to say really." he admits with a laugh. "I was dead, then I wasn't." He offers his hand to her to help her to her feet. "Want a ride home, my bike's not too far from here."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley reaches out to take hold of his hand. It's squeezed tight as she gets to her feet with only a hint of being stiff from the position she'd been sitting in. Maybe it was due to her earlier patrols. Who knew. "I probably don't, but... that's kind of life to begin with. It's better than where I came from and I'm doing something at least." For better or worse was yet to be seen.

A grin is given at the mention of the motorcycle. "Sure. Otherwise it's the L and that's never fun this time of night," she has to admit. "If you're heading back to Gotham at least."

Red Hood has posed:
"Noone should have to ride the L in the first place." Jason responds as he gets the woman to his feet. And he feels the squeeze in his hand, returning it to her. His eyes search hers for a moment, before he reaches for the helmet to put it away. Once that's done, he dares to wrap his arm around Carrie's waist, taking out his grapple gun and firing it as he starts to carry them from rooftop to rooftop to where his motorcycle is parked a few blocks away.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is about to say something when that arm goes around her waist. The sudden grapel gun changes her mind as she clenches her jaw, and wraps her own arms around him to hold on tight. The one time she rode on one of those while holding onto someone else she was left unnerved after. "You could warn me!" she blurts out before just hanging on tight with a laugh as they swing over to where his bike was.

Red Hood has posed:
"Warning you takes all the fun out of it!" Jason retorts with a laugh. Plus, it has the added bonus of getting her squeezed against him. When they finally land in the alley near the bike, he sets the woman down on the ground with a wide smirk. "Anyway, nearly the best ride in the park." he points out in a teasing lit as he moves to get the bike from behind a Chinese takeout dumpster, pulling it around.

He realizes he doesn't have a second helmet for her. And after a moment's pause, he offers her the Red Hood helmet. "Don't slobber in it." he warns her with more than a little smirk as he settles on the bike and starts it up, waiting for her to take her place behind him.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley takes a step back once on her feet to get her sense of balance returned properly. There's a little stomp of her feet before she's satisfied that she is indeed on solid ground. Then the helmet is offered to her. It's taken in both hands only for her to fix him with a smirk. "I don't know, do I have a big enough ego for it to fit?" Even so she lifts it up to slide it on before he could answer. Moving over she swings her leg up on the bike getting situated quickly. Knowing him he might take off before she does. "Wait... Do you even know where I live?"

Red Hood has posed:
Of course he does. "Oh, are we going back to your place?" Jason asks in a clear tease, before he shakes his head. "Sure, where's it at?" he asks innocently enough. Though really, he probably could figure it out easily enough - if he didn't already know.

His helmet doesn't light up or do anything special - though really, that's probably a security feature, as only the eyeslits come to life to allow Carrie to look out around her.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley smacks her hand on his side by means of retribution to such a remark. "Just head for campus." It was close enough to there after all. Cheap multi-person apartments were plentiful in the area. Her attention shifts breifly to the interior of the helmet, much as she can see, with a small hum of thought. "You guys get all the neat tech."

Red Hood has posed:
"Well, you know. Cash fights cash, or something like that." Jason says as he weaves the bike in and out of traffic. And as much as Carrie could imagine, he drives like a maniac. Or much like one would probably expect from someone who doesn't even bother with a driver's license, or you know - insurance. And don't even ask if the bike if registered.

Feeling the smack on his side, his hand moves, covering hers and giving it a quick squeeze before he returns his attention to getting her back to campus.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley tries not to hang on too tight in spite of his crazy driving. After the second time they cut someone off by shifting lanes abruptly though she opts to lean against his back resting her head between his shoulderblades. Maybe it would just be better not to watch as things speed by. The light squeeze to her hand has her mind going back over the conversation of the evening again to help distract her further from the ride. At least it wasn't long at the speed he was going.

Red Hood has posed:
Indeed! Arriving at the campus, Jason doesn't take too long to pull up to the girl's dorm. Pulling up to a stop in the grove of trees around from the parking lot, he turns off the bike as he moves to dismount and wait for Carrie to get off the bike first. "We're here. Fare's 3.50."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her head as he moves to dismount. She's quick to get off herself, pausing only to lift her hand to rest against the side of the helmet which was a bit awkwardly heavy on her due to the size difference between them. "Great. How's this come off?" She asks with an obviously amused tone. In spite of the question she does reach up to attempt unlatching it following the movements she'd seen him perform earlier. Whether it's right or not? She'd find out in a moment. "You'll have to put the fare on my tab."

Red Hood has posed:
With Carrie fumbling with the helmet, Jason moves to help her with it, and lifts it away. "That's why most of them has cowls and masks." he says with a mirthful smile before he finds himself close to the girl and meets her green eyes again. "And how much of a fare should I have you build up?" he asks her playfully.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The helmet is raised and her hair tumbles out... in a complete disarray. Partially thanks to the damp state it was in before she put it on to begin with. Partially due to not having much experience in helmet wearing. Her eyes meet his with a little lopsided smirk even as she reaches up to smoosh her hair back into place as much as she can. "Good question. I'm just a poor college student after all. Maybe enough for dinner sometime," she reasons only for her cheeks to burn with a blush at her own stupid remarks.

Red Hood has posed:
"I think I already did that one." Jason reminds Carrie with a gentle smirk. "Though, you know." he studies her for a moment before he chuckles. "Anyway. Should I let you go for the night, Carrie?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"Yes, I guess you did." Carrie glances over toward the dorms then back toward him once more. "Thanks for the ride, Jason." She does keep her voice low when saying it just in case someone were nearby to overhear. "It's good seeing you again. I guess we've got a lot of catching up to do."

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah. We'll have to get together again sometime to catch up." Jason responds, and reaches up to touch the side of her face. "Thanks for missing me." he offers cryptically, and before she can retreat, hopefully, he leans in and presses a kiss against her mouth.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
There's a little noise that comes up in the back of Carrie's throat. A little squeaking catch of breath when he leans in and kisses her. It's the only response for a half second until she rises up on her toes just a little to press back into that kiss. It's breif, and she pulls away a moment later obviously red-faced. His chest gets a little push away nudge with her hand even as she laughingly jokes, "Get going before you get in trouble being out here or something. I need to get *some* sleep before morning."

Red Hood has posed:
"Right, sleep away." Jason says as he gauges the reaction from Carrie. "See you around, Leopard." he comments with a wink at her, before putting back on his helmet, turning his attention to starting up the bike and watching Carrie walk away before driving off.