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Duskbringer (Scenesys ID: 7485)
"I got gold stars on every shadow puppet performance I was in during elementary school. Just kidding. I didn't go to school. But if I did, I would rule over them all with my gold star collection."
Full Name: Damar Vermillion
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Freelance Informal Investigator, Part-Time Street Acrobat
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: New York City
Education: No Formal Education
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 23 April 2009 Actor: Marcus Scribner
Height: 180.3 cm (5'11") Weight: 83 kg (183 lbs.)
Hair Color: Unknown Eye Color: Black
Theme Song: "Monster" by Imagine Dragons


Ever been afraid of your own shadow, or been worried about what truly walks in darkness? Peeked over your shoulder during the night because you felt something there? How odd that your shadow seems has a mind of it's own... Or maybe it just belongs to Dusk now.



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Dusk is a human male that stands at 5'11" and has a slim, yet defined body kept in fit shape. He has caramel colored skin, with 2-inch-long curly black hair that fades along the sides of his ears and on the back of his head. His eyes are piercing silver, deeply contrasting to the rest of his body. He has fangs due to the deity his form is imbued with, known as the Shadowfox. He also possesses retractable claws, though their points are always visible. He possesses a birthmark in the shape of a geometric fox on his left pectoral, a branding from the Shadowfox as a mark of its avatar.

Dusk wears an all black bodysuit in typical superhero fashion, except his hands and feet are bare, with the sleeves of his spandex suit hooking around his thumbs. He possesses a utility belt around his waist, as well as various strapped pouches and holsters for his 6 blades, which rest along his thighs (3 on each side). These belts and pouches contain various tools to help and aid in stealth, including lockpicks and smoke bombs. He also always possesses a small LED light, a small lantern that straps to his hip. He also possesses small thin disks that act as pocket LEDs that are capable of sticking to nearly any solid surface, also kept in one these pouches.


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Dusk was born into a relatively comfortable family in Indianapolis, IN, living in the suburbs with news reporter father Nathan Vermillion and real estate agent mother Veronica Vermillion. Dusk was an active kid, very imaginative with his childhood friends. His life was as average as every other suburban child in the world...that is, until his predetermined fate came to collect. Having been chosen by an entity known as the Shadowfox, a creature that holds reign over all of the Shadow Realm, his fate was to become the avatar of the beast: a conduit to draw darkness from the material world into the Shadowfox's domain in order to emerge and claim dominion over modern-day Earth.

The young one's body began to emit a dark cloudy fog, a sign that the Shadowfox has marked his new avatar. His parents, unsure of what was happening to their son, had taken him to see various doctors, scientists, even monks and priests to understand what was causing such an odd phenomenon. Sadly, out of desperation - and of fear - his parents had decided it were best if someone else take care of the problem... and abandoned young Damar Vermillion, subjecting him to a life of stealing on the streets.

Damar had gotten rather skilled at pickpocketing as he struggled to get by with what little he had. Learning to hide in the darkness, he used the shadows to his advantage as he stole from right under the noses of unsuspecting commonfolk...literally. He began to receive visions of his supposed destiny, little inklings of what he could with the power provided by the Shadowfox. He soon started mastering and manipulating shadows into tangible form: using inky tendrils of shadow to draw in loose wallets, hiding into dark spaces by letting his body fade into the shadow of a wall, etc. He was a phenomenal thief, and no one would blink an eye until he was already gone.

A little older, Damar had begun to grow more skilled with his abilities. His life changed when, on the night of his biggest planned heist of robbing a jeweler, he ran into a group of men also raiding the store. These men were a part of a thieve's guild called the Notched Obsidian, who served the very entity Damar became imbued with. He trained underneath them, learning to master his abilities in ways he'd never imagined. His test was nearly complete, with one final test before he fully became the avatar they needed him to be. But this test would force him to do something he found detestable: killing. Assigned to kill a high power official, Damar couldn't bring himself to do it. So he ran...far. Leaving everything behind, including the adoptive family of the Notched Obsidian he felt so close to, he took to the streets again with all of his newly acquired skills.

Back to his old ways of thieving, he found himself in the home of an older woman, raiding her things as he looked for a meal. Rather careless in his desperation, he didn't notice as she arrived, catching him red-handed. She offered him an ultimatum: work off his debt from the property damage he caused, or she'd call the police. A warm place to sleep instead of a cold cell (as if they'd catch him) sounded like the better alternative. He agreed, and didn't know how much their relationship would mean to him. They grew close, and he offered to help her around the house, even after his debt was paid. Their friendship blossomed, and he grew to care for her.

Returning one evening from shopping, he walked into find his old guild there, holding her hostage and providing Damar with a very different ultimatum: he return as their avatar, or they kill both him and his new ally. He agreed, to protect her, only for them to kill her with his back turned. In his rage, he quickly stole vengeance, killing the small number of minions sent to retrieve him as he force their shadows to suffocate them. Still with a bounty over his curly-haired head, he's been running ever since, making his way to New York where he's staying undercover as a freelance private investigator, and subtly keeping to the shadows.


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Solitary, cautious, quite analytical, not very trusting. He has a knack for reading faces, looking for signs of a person's true intent. With his upbringing, and the only true family he had being ripped from him, he has a hard time interacting and meeting new people. He sticks really close to those he's familiar with, which causes him to have some serious social awkwardness in new environments.


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Dusk's body drifts into the form of an animal of his choosing, a shadowy construct. This form looks as if the shadow of the creature literally took form. The body of the beast will have an ever drifting fog of its form. Depending on the density of shadow in his area, his new form can either shrink or grow a foot taller than his normal height.

Dusk's claws, a feature bestowed upon him as a result of being the avatar of the Shadowfox, extend to sharp points capable of doing some nasty damage to exposed skin and clothes. However, they're not capable of piercing thick metals or heavy armor. They extend about half an inch past his fingertip, and retract to about a quarter on inch. They're always at point, unless he were to damage them - in which case, they'd grow back to a point at normal growth rate for human nails.

Shadows coalesce on to Dusk's form into a thick smoky armor, defending him from the blunt force of attacks. This armor can withstand small firearm ammo, though not in a continuous volley. Such a consistent amount of fire against this armor will cause it to lose its density and become undone. This ability focuses his powers into defense, making any offensive shadow abilities inactive while his armor is active.

Given the nature of Dusk's abilities, he is capable of seeing in dim light without much strain or the need for external tools.

Dusk blends into a shadow and travels through the Shadow Realm, emerging from another shadow in a location he can physically see 200 feet from him.

His form becomes that of an actual shadow, allowing him to flatten himself into tight spaces, as well as blend into the shadows. He obtains the properties of a shadow, becoming intangible. He can't really be attacked in this form physically unless through magical or psychic means.

Dusk conjures a large sphere of inky blackness, 25-30 feet in diameter, completely void of any light. Inside this sphere (dome when in contact with the ground), tendrils of black lash out and restrain Dusk's targets inside while leaving them in pitch blackness. He must stay in one place when he does it, and he becomes completely drained afterwards.

Dusk's body becomes a shadowy construct of his human body, known as his shadow form. He can take on this form in a matter of moments, requiring only a few seconds to do so. When in his shadow form, Dusk can take on the form of any silhouette he's seen, including flat shadows. His body appears to be a solid black shape in the form of the subject. However, he can only change shape in his shadow state, not physically shapeshift his actual body into another form.

Dusk's solid body dissipates into a thick black cloud, allowing solid objects to pass through him. He is nearly invulnerable in this form, but is susceptible to strong winds and air currents. This form, however, is very straining on his body. He can only hold it for 10 seconds at a time. If any wind or current disperses this form too much, it will cause him immense pain and revert him to his physical form immediately. Freezing temperature have the same effect.


Dusk draws in the shadows nearby and makes them into tangible ropes of darkness, able to latch around an object. These tendrils, when at their maximum density, are capable of moving/lifting an object up to 3 times his body weight, or just over 550 lbs. These tendrils can extend outwards up to 20 feet, but can only form from shadows 2-4 from Dusk himself.


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No tail of rubber, but this fox can hop from wall to wall like a popular red-and-blue clad plumber. Dusk, when in the zone, is almost nothing short of a ninja. His skill in acrobatics makes movement easy, as well as a good preventive measure for dodging hits and escape.

His use of acrobatics is good for movement, but you gotta know when and where to step with missing a beat. Parkour is a skill every thief should possess. Dusk, with a proper perceptive eye, can analyze where to place a foot, the timing for a leap, or the necessity of a flourish - all while running from rooftop to rooftop.

Being a thief has taught Dusk how to work his hands in just the right movements, and if his good hand was incapacitated, he switched to the other one. Dusk can write, eat, and do just about anything his dominant one can (it's his left).

A fox has got to know where to hide all of his goodies. Dusk is pretty skilled in concealment when necessary, knowing how to keep things hidden from the naked eye. This, of course, doesn't negate any form of X-ray vision or magic sight used to perceive his person.

Lockpicking is a must when breaking and entering. If Dusk ever comes across a locked door, he could pick the lock easily - given the time, of course. This only goes for simple lock and key doors, however.

Blending into shadows requires one to be effective in silent steps and swift movements. Dusk is exceptional at this, light of foot and quick of body.

While his thieving days are over, sleight of hand is always helpful. Plus, it doesn't hurt to be able to snag some possible vital info for his clients. Might not exactly always be legal, but you know...justice and all that?


Dusk has a knack for investigation, having gained such skills during his thieving days. Now, he uses that skill to deduce his cases for his clients, keeping an open eye for any leads or clues for his assignments.


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With a past like his, Damar definitely wants to keep his place of rest away from his place of work. He works in his own suite out of a small office building, suited with a desk, a computer, a few chairs, and all the essential business needs.

His job as a P.I. makes enough to sustain his minimal choice of living. While he makes a lot less than he was used to selling as a thief, it keeps a roof over his head and food in his stomach.


His profession means he has to go around all over the city for info at times. He knows his way around New York - if he didn't, he could probably find out.


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The Notched Obsidian is still on the hunt for Damar, seeing as he walked away as the conduit for their idea of their personal savior. He stays solitary, at least will be, until he can find a way to put an end to the hunt for good. Thankfully, they haven't located him...yet.

Open areas with a lot of light prevent Dusk from being able to draw shadow from other sources, thus requiring the use of his own generated shadows. This makes any abilities requiring them less effective.

Many magical abilities are capable of pulling things from thin air, which could be bad news for Dusk. Dissipating into shadow, although powered from a supernatural entity, only affects his physical fortitude. The right spells could be used to force his shadow-form back into his physical self, pulling him from walls and from dense smoke.

Shadow can't exist without a lightsource. While there is shadow within darkness, Dusk's powers become unstable and uncontrollable in complete dark. He has no structure to draw his shadows to, thus making them without boundaries. For this very reason, he carries small LED lights on his person to provide some basis of structure when shadows are made.


Damar keeps his mental guards up for a reason. With enough force from a strong telepath or other psionic forces, those walls could crumble and cause Damar's powers to become unstable without his mental control.


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Rooftop Hopping April 11th, 2019 Summary needed
Log March 4th, 2019 Summary needed
A Foiled Caper February 2nd, 2019 There's a new name in town- Duskbringer. Who is he, and what does he want? Find out in this episode of...


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