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Latest revision as of 07:01, 6 February 2019

Ringing in the New Year with Van Dyne
Date of Scene: 01 January 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wasp (van Dyne), Captain Marvel (Danvers), Scarlet Witch

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet van Dyne doesn't go in for the big jetsetting playgirl bachelorette scene. But she *does* know how to throw a hell of a party! Her private yacht, the SS van Dyne 01, is parked down at the harbor. It's actually parked just a little out to sea so people take one of the little speedboats to be ferried over to the vessel. Or, the fliers can land on the clearly marked landing pad. The yacht is about 200 feet long, a respectable size without being the floating palaces of the truly decadently wealthy.

Janet's of course at the heart of the party, wearing a stunningly red ensemble. Her clingy dress has a daringly low back, a constrast of shimmering red and sunset oranges highlighting her lightly tanned skin. A complex piece of sewing bunches fabric over her shoulder into the shape of a blooming flower, and her three-inch heels perfectly match her dress. Diamonds sparkle at her wrist and ears.

She drifts back and forth between conversation and welcoming arrivals to the vessel. It's small enough that the invite list is largely social elite-- but Janet always invites her friends in the metahuman community. She squints skywards at the sight of a contrail glaring in the dark, and a beaming smile crosses her face as the energetic arc becomes a familiar face.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Captain Marvel flew her way unto Janet's yacht. Normally she's not one for parties with the rich and famous, but if Tony is throwing a party, she'll be there just to cut him down to size. Similarly, if Janet is throwing the party, she'll be there because Janet's a good friend and did a great deal to improve Carol's fashion sense. Heck, she designed several of Carol's uniforms from Ms. Marvel to Captain Marvel.

As she lands on the yacht, Carol cheats in using her power to telekinetically change from her Captain Marvel uniform, into a much more party fitting, sleeveless white flare dress. "Janet!" She immediately calls out to her teammate, a beaming smile on her face, "thanks for inviting me."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda forgets an alarming number of times that normal people use things like doors. And those gangplank things that lead from the dock onto the ship. Generally, Wanda shows up by.. wel, showing up. One minute not there. The next *poof*. Wanda.

She is dressed for a party, however. A pleasing pantsuit affair in a copper colour that accents her hair, hair left long and loose to frame her face, and because it's a part, heels upon her feet.

Once there, she looks about semi-awkwardly, a bottle of wine in each hand, as she realizes that when Janet said come to my place for a party, she didn't mean an intimate girls night out affair, and wow, there's a whole party going on here.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet dances back and forth on her feet, smiling fit to beat the band. When Carol lands she launches herself the last few feet and grabs Carol's hands. That lasts for a microsecond before she's hugging Carol enthusiastically, fairly hanging from the blonde's shoulders. "Aaaaah! Carol, you *made* it!"

She goes to plant one on Carol's cheek, brimming with affection, and starts trying to usher Carol towards the party with her usual limitless energy. "Of *course* I'd invite you! It's not New Years eve unless you're here! Also, I might have promised some people you'll put on a fireworks show at midnight. Wanda!" She goes from muttering sotto voce to addressing Wanda with that same endless enthusiasm. Forgetting she's still holding onto Carol's arm, she steps quickly towards the Scarlet Witch like an over-enthusiastic puppy seeing a friend. "You're here! Where did you come from? I didn't even see you show up! What's this?" She chatters rapid-fire, taking the wine bottle from Wanda's hands and reading the label. "Oh, wonderful! We'll have to do this with dinner. So sweet of you to bring it though-- ooh, I'm glad you're here!" She links her arm around Wanda's elbow and starts trying to drag *her* along as well.

For a moment she's a bit consternated, because she was also trying to move Carol along... It takes her a beat, then she just tries to drag both along by the hand. "C'mon! Let's go to the bar, I've been drinking champagne all night and I am *parched*."

"Senator! How are you? No I am-- I'll be back!" she says, ducking behind Carol for a moment so a pudgy older fellow with a bow tie can't intercept her, still trying to propel her friends to the bar.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol is quickly thrown off her element at such a warm greeting, and moves to wrap her arms around Janet in a warm embrace, "I told you I'd make it...I left a Kree envoy hanging too. But it's fine, this definitely counts as a very important rendezvous that cannot be postponed." But before she can even process the fact she's been volunteered for an aerial display, Carol finds herself dragged towards Wanda, and she offers an awkward smile and a slight wave, not really having the space to put in a word while Janet greets Wanda in rapid pace.

"The bar is more along the lines of my natural habitat," Carol jokes, giving the aforementioned Senator an solemn inclination of her head, and a bit of an unintentional glower at a certain bow-tied fellow that Jan seems to want to avoid. A Carol glare is usually good enough to do the trick, regardless if perceived as intentional or not.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda is like a deer caught in headlights when she arrives, and moreso when Janet makes a beeline towards her, Carol in tow. Bottle of wine claimed and arm linked through her elbow.

"Oh," she says quietly. "I did think you meant a .. there are a lot of people here." And then she's laughing. "I do think the bar may be a better place. We can make a united front, and laugh at the boys." A pause. "Maybe some of the girls, too."

Carol gets a shyness of smile. "Hi?" Because wow, Janet is a whirlwind. "I see you did come too." Wanda leans in, and asks of Carol, "Was there a door?" Because Wanda didn't use it.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
"As it happens, I know the bartender," Janet promises her friends. She pretty shamelessly uses the Carol Effect to duck out of anyone trying to waylay her. "God, ever since that tabloid article," she grumbles to her friends. "I keep getting these society assholes who want to introduce me to their son or whatever. If one more snooty Congresswoman asks me if I'm 'ready to settle down and have kids' I'm going to throw her into the ocean."

She gives Wanda's forearm a reassuring squeeze. "It'll be okay though! I promise you'll have fun. There *are* some interesting people here. I've got friends all over the world who are in New York for New Year's Eve. A bunch of us are capes, too, so it's not like it's all politicians and celebrities."

She makes a beeline for the bar and clambers up onto a stool. Sitting actually gives her a bit of a height advantage over standing and she perches her heels on a rung for support. "Hi Teddy! Can I get a vodka martini, dirty, up?" she requests. There's nothing on the shelf behind the bartender but top-shelf liquor. "Oh! And put this in my private reserve," she tells him, handing over Wanda's wine bottle.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"You know me, Wanda, Air Force comes in from the air," Carol states the obvious with an undertone of bravado that would make her flight instructor proud. To Janet she quips, "as if there's a bartender worth his salt that you don't know, Jan, which is by the way one of the things I like most about you. That, and fashion, and not to mention access and no waiting time for tables at the best spots."

Carol looks visibly in pain as Janet describes some of the flak she's taking after another round in the tabloids, "I'm so happy I don't have your pedigree, Jan, I don't know how you handle it...I'd be in jail for assault by now if I was in your shoes." She does take a moment to actually examine Janet's shoes, "though I must say, your shoes sure look tempting."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives a small laughing giggle. "I did just pop in. I didn't think there would be all the people." She gives Janet an apologetic look. "Next time I come like a normal person?"

It's still unlikely that she will, but the thought is there. As for the wine, it's a decent vintage. It's Wanda. She wanted wine to bring, so wine appeared. And because it's Wanda, odds were it could be your run of the mill plunk to an exquisite vintage. Janet.. lucked out in this one. It's decent.

"I think Papa was having a party," Wanda says, nose crinkling some. "It did sound stuffy. I was fine with the bonfire, but that was days ago now. There is only so much waving and smiling I do wish to do." She agrees with Carol, "Maybe not the assault part, but it does become all the tiring to have all the bowing and scraping and ma'am'ing. Sometimes I do not think Papa understands why I do not visit so much. I do love him, but the rest.." She gives something of a shiver.

"I would like one of what Janet is having, please," she tells Teddy. "Maybe two." Grinning at her compatriots.

Wasp (van Dyne) has posed:
Janet laughs merrily at Wanda, laying a hand on the Romani's arm and hugging her affectionately. "Oh my god, Wanda, you still have a lot to learn about American girls," she tells the redhead. "I don't know a single girl I grew up with who didn't want to be a princess."

She flickers a mischevious glance at Carol. "Except for Carol, I'm sure, who grew up wanting to out-fly Prince Charming," she says, with a sly humor. It turns into another tinkling laugh, and she twists on the stool to lift a shoe up for Carol to inspect. "Aren't they *adorable*?" she marvels. They're a minimalist sandal-type heels with a single strap around her slender ankles. "My cobbler in Milan is a wizard. Took him days to get the dyes right, but I think they were worth it. I can get you a pair if you like," she offers.

Janet pivots back to Teddy. "Okay so two martinis, and a virgin cuba libre for our resident valkyrie, since she's on duty," she requests of Teddy. Janet's more than a little self-absorbed, but one would be hard pressed to claim she doesn't unequivocally have her girlfriends' backs. "Carol, did you know Pietro's back at the Mansion?" she inquires of the blonde aviator. She nudges Wanda. "I mean, I knew Wanda knew. He's so sweet lately," she tells the redhead. "Still pretty cocky, but he's really trying hard to get back into the saddle."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"And the Princess is not in attendance...?" Carol teases Wanda, because, well, that's what Carol does. "Is your dad still hanging out with Mystique?" Carol asks Wanda, because, well, that's another thing that's just like her to do.

When Janet goes about telling Wanda how every American girl's dream is to become a Princess, Carol starts to open her mouth, but before she can correct her, Jan makes sure to invoke the Carol exception. That seems to make Carol pleased enough as she nods in agreement. "Prince Charming never stood a chance with me."

But back to the topic of shoes, wanting to be a pampered princess or not, Carol can appreciate a lovely pair of shoes, and Jan always makes impeccable selections. "That they are Jan, are they new?" She muses, with Janet, who knows, she probably has shoes from 5 years ago that Carol never even saw once. "You can...? Don't mind if I do."

She does shake her head at news of Pietro, "is he? Must have been in and out so fast I hadn't even noticed. But hey, if he's well behaved, I can live with that."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's expression wavers through many things, settling on something akin to hurt. "Pietro is back? He did not..." She pushes her drink away and excuses herself. "If you do not mind, I am not so much feeling a party anymore. I am so sorry, Janet. Carol. We can visit again? Another day?"

She doesn't wait for an answer though, simply disappearing from where she is, leaving behind an untouched drink.