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FFS How hard is unpacking
Date of Scene: 07 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School Female Dorms
Synopsis: NWT is unpacking in her old room when she gets Erika and Rachel as company. Leather. Costumes. Spikes. Doughnuts. Sarcasm. Trouble is afoot.
Cast of Characters: Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Marvel Girl, Souvenir, X-23

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Wasn't the room that has several packed boxes in front of it empty. Does this mean someone is moving in?

Why is that one new freshman's name on those boxes. Several more seem half unpacked in the formerly empty room. Though the freshman isn't there right now.

Why would she be switching rooms. There has to be some reason. Her room was a pretty good one, nicely shaded by a large tree with conveniently close branches to the window, looking out over the backyard.

Her evidently now former room's door is open though and from inside it comes an annoyed bitter toned "I can't believe there are glow in the dark stars on my ceiling.. I should just burn them off. We have insurance for this sort of shit right."

Anyone looking will find a well abused duffle bag, several patches on it with AntiFa patches. Also several boxes that have attic dust on them, from being in storage for several months. Also Negasonic, wearing a shirt that says <Punch More Nazis>, is standing on the bed trying to peel off some glow in the dark stars from the damn ceiling and looking increasingly pissy.

That Freshman? She probably moved out of self preservation. Also someone may be in line for detention for threatening bodily harm.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Is walking past she seems to have a box of something when she hears the muttering. She stops and slowly walks back peeking into the room and looks at the roof " I can remove that for you." She says as she walks in "Wanna Donut I Just discovered them and they are soo shway".

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie could be doing so many things, that do not involve stretching or peeling sticky stars off ceilings. The interruption earns a reflexive glare from her leaning out balanced precariously on one foot. Then the offer to help processes. Also the fact the other woman is new, does not strike Negasonic as a freshman actually slow the biting comment that was going to follow the glare. Also the girl is wearing a lot of, is that leather or uniform fabric. Still the spikes are a strong sale.

Ellie actually rocks back fully onto the bed then hops down. "I love your spikes." said unironically, which is some people were walking by they may have to check to see if Ellie was a clone like Rogue evidently was briefly. "Also yes if you can get those fuckers off my ceiling that would rock. I'd hate to burn the mansion down trying myself." her phone is fished out of a pocket by pure reflex. "Also almost always yes to doughnuts, what the hell does Shway mean?" she is already googling it, she better not have missed out on a new word of the year in Genosha.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Nods " Thanks " she takes the compliment, She looks around "Moving in? " she cocks her head " you got firepower? " She asks even as she lifts a hand and you can see the stickers just starting to pop off and float straight into the trash.

     She cocks her head " I think I need more leather and Spikes she looks and her boots start to grow spokes as do her arms " Yeah more spikes works. Should I do spikes on my legs too?? "

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie walks over and hops up to plant her ass on her desk and types on her phone searching shway still on the internet. "Also good hair." She is paying a lot more attention to Rachel than she is letting on. "Uhuh. Tons of firepower. I make things blow up." type type "Negasonic Teenage Warhead." by way of introduction.

"Everyone needs more leather." says the girl whose not being used chair has a beloved leather jacket draped over it, complete with pyramid spikes. The trick that Rachel does not though is not simple telekinesis, which did not seem to even make Negasonic blink up from her phone. "Holy shit." wait act cool. Negasonic schools her expression now. "That looks shway." yeah she found a reference. "How are you doing that?" pause "Because I could use new boots."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods " Shway mutant name ... Phoenix not sure about it " She shrugs a little and cocks her head " What's that thing? " She points at the phone. She touches her hair and smiles " Thanks I respect the buzz practical." She looks " I can give you more leather and spikes to your outfit " She states "I can use my Tk to change clothes.. My fav power of mine".

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie narrows her eyes a the boots then her attention to her phone. Twit >Back at school. Lame #dorkchester<

"This is a phone, the greatest treasure a teenager can own. Ask anyone. I'm never wrong." she nods about her hair. "Mostly I buzz it to mess with people and their patriarchal beliefs on how girls should dress. Fuck em." then a nod "Also tactical and practical, no hair to pull in a fight. I do not get the ponytail brigade at all. Fucking rapunzels."

She pushes off her desk and walks over to touch a spike on your arm. "I had no idea TK could make stuff.. that..." pause "Ok that is maybe one of the shway powers in this lamestitution." Ellie is still trying out shway. "I totally have some outfits I want punked up. Can you just layer that shit on or can you make boots from other things like.. someones lame shoes?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks " Oh I got one of those " She taps her wrist to have a Screen pop up 3d like hovering " So you're using retro manual way of typing shway". Grins brightly she has no idea what you mean, but it sounds funny.

     She leans back and smiles as you touch the very real metal spikes. She sits on the bed and looks around for said boots before she looks back " I can do either I'm just moving the molecules around to do what I want. I tend to blow things up too " Her eye's glow as she lifts her hand wreathed in Fire for a moment before putting back out.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie's hands go from poking a spike to actually grabbing your wrist so you don't get away too fast with that holoscreen. Something about personal space and boundaries is forgotten for the moment because of a god damn holo phone. "Manual ... Your shitting me... is that .. did Dr. McKoy make that. I need one of those."

Ellie does let go though when your eyes glow and your other hand wreaths in flame "Hell yeah." looking you over. "Where have you been all my life." she jokes and fishes in a pocket to pop a stick of gum into her mouth chewing thoughtfully. Then she heads over to a box and rips it open digging around and pulling out a very beat up pair of steel toe boots. "Molecules.. that is some TK... can you restore these and spike them up?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks she doesn't seem to mind actually about the personal space, she doesn't get that stuff too much herself though touching her receives a connection so that she might pick up lots about you. But she blushes a touch " Umm I remade it from the one I had. I'm from the future".

     She looks at the boots though " Oh nice put em on.. easier for me to mold them around your feet that way " . She seems happy to do something like that and well Nobody else likes spikes.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Well Ellie had no idea touching would have that effect or she may have avoided it. The difference between what she is saying and fronting and what is going on in her head is pretty staggering. When she said she likes Rachel's look she meant it, she >likes likes< it. She also is hoping that Rachel may be a kindred spirit, vs. all the lame-os around here. There is also a nagging edge of depression and anger, lingering from the shocking nightmares from last night. Explosions. Dead parents. Dead new mutants. Dead everyone but Ellie.

"Okay." she settles on her bed and works her other boots off, pulling the combat boots onto her feet. "How do you type on the wristphone?" curious. Because well she is very fast at typing. Maybe it is mind controlled. That would be fucking amazing.

The door to the poor evicted freshman's room is still open. It definitely sounds like Negasonic and Rachel. Wait when did Ellie get back to school.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Is a bit shocked cause the pain and hate Ellie feels it's the exact same as her days ago she watched her friends and family get torn to bits by sentinels . She loosk down " Oh you can talk to it or think it " She says " it's neural feedback connection .. that was the rough part I had to remake since you don't have the tech".

     She rolls and touches the leg lightly " Ready?" She asks as she closes her eye's she's going slow so Nega can feel the tingling sensation of the tk going down and wrapping around her feet, It's soft, and she can watch " So umm do you want me to come up with the look or.. got something in mind? I can read it from your mind if you want. "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir opens the door to her room and half-bursts out of it in her usual attire with the black bag, black slashed jeggings, black leather gloves, studded belt, maroon T-shirt about a size too big ("I wish my lawn was emo so it would cut itself") and open flannel grey shirt. Excessive eyeliner and mascara. She waves and blows the hair out of her face. "Oh em gee, Ellie's back. Coolness. Wassup? And hey, Rachel."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Wel to be fair it is mostly self-hate since she is the one who blew up both her families, lot of rage against the machine and system though. "Okay I definitely want something that lets me do sick burns on twitter with my brain."

"Ready." her expression schooled neutrality as her leg is handled and then she feels the tingling slide down her leg and wrap around her feet. Okay Negasonic was not expecting that. Not sure what she expected but not that. Must not react. Must not react. "Oh uh.. not my head no" yeah she definitely is thinking about not wanting a telepath in her head, it's a messed up place and especially as she is getting a wildly strange pseudo foot rub from the telepath. "Like.. one second." despite all the distraction her phone is in her hand and she is typing rapidly then turns the phone to show Rachel a picture (https://goo.gl/AFejZP)

Oh look a distraction, annoyance flashes through her head but she is leaning away from Rachel to dig into the duffle bag on the foot of the bed. "Hey Snoops. she tosses an object from her bag to the other teenager. She knew a distraction would be useful eventually with Erika around. The object is a sheathed knife from the battles of Genosha according to the crazy antique guy she snagged it from on her trip. No idea what was done with it but it looked historic.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Jumps a little and pulls her hand back giving a glare. Like she got caught did those spikes on her outfit get worse? But she watches Ellie throw the knife. She Checks the picture " K." She points at the Feet, and the boots quickly start to morph into what's on the picture.. maybe with more spikes though along the straps and ankle.

     She waves her hand and pulls over a box she had put onto a table and opens it letting the smell of freshly made donuts fill the air " oh yeah this totally sway and yummy, They banned it except for the super-rich masters in my time."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir reaches up and catches the object out of the air. Ooooh... a souvenir! Shiny packrat stuff! Her eyes widen a bit as she turns it over in her hand, appraising and examining it. "Yeah, donuts are awesome. I can make some tonight if you want; the head cook makes them sometimes, so I can too. Anyway!"

Attention back to the knife. "This is pretty. Looks kind of antique, that's not my usual jam for appraising stuff, so let's see what we've got here..." She turns the knife around and presses the side of the sheath against the bare side of her neck, making a short, choked whimpering noise and rolling her eyes up, twitching a bit and checking what's stored on the sheath at least.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Rachel will get a flash of concern as she jumps pulling her hand back like that, which doesn't match the fronted expression on Ellie's face at all. Then Negasonic is watching the spikes and straps and all that morph into being. "Holy shit shway." still trying it out. Figures it means cool at this point right. Ellie wiggles her foot this way and then that way checking it out. "Okay SpikeyBird. Cooler power than Snoops."

There is pause and she pokes a sharper looking spike on Rachel's arm and nods. "All the spikes." she notes pleased and then tilts her head at the doughnuts. It all finally registers about being from the future, holophones, and now masters. "Masters?" anger clouding her face, though she does snag a doughtnut.

The knife meanwhile, or well the sheath. It is a dark object. The owner was an officer in the old Genosha military. Did not like Mutants. At all. The knife just became more ominious.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks " Who's snoops? " She asks cocking her head to the side. But the boot is molded to your foot, so it's ultra comfy and fits perfect despite how it looks.

     She grins " Your the first person to like em " She says honestly. Bites the food and clearly enjoys it before she nods " World went to shit..everybody went to war with each other.. mutants were hunted like animals " She pauses a moment showing a flash of self-disgust before her mask is back on. She looks up " They set up a system, they had me brainwashed till I was able to break it. " She shakes her head " Anyways I'm stuck here, so I'm gonna make sure it doesn't happen.. ever " her eye's flash dangerously filled with total hate.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmmms, frowning and looking the sheath over again. "Military officer. Genosha, right? There's some flashes in there that I don't like at all. I wouldn't want to get too deep into it. Probably some useful stuff in it, though, I'll just have to put a warning label on the thing when I catalog it. Totally ironic if I tapped it to smack down some bigots. I'll totally have to do that, just to piss it off, right?"

She listens to Rachel and makes a face. "Yeah, I'll totally save it to shank some jackhole who tries to make that happen. I can keep it by the wood stake. I need more kung fu souvies soon, though."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie points to Erika "Snoops. Not like the dog more like the bloodhound." still wiggling her feet around. "These are the best boots I have ever had.. and losers don't know what they are missing not liking spikes."

Then she settles down and looks, quite angry about the story unfolding there. Not angry enough for her to not ditch the gum she popped earlier, stuffing it in the wrapper and in a pocket now that she has a doughnut. Though by the end of the whole brainwashing and mutants hunted like animals. Well Ellie looks really pissed. "I.. fuck..." then gestures wordlessly to Erika. "What she said .. we will have to shank any assholes that would make that happen. Fuck that Noise. It was probably those fuckface Reavers or Purifiers."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods " It was a bunch of stuff that went wrong like a whole order of them but " She rubs the back of her neck " I dunno if this is even the same timeline.. I didn't know what a superman was till like 4 days ago". She looks and smiles " I molded them to your foot and added padding to how you walk very shway" .

     She sighs " Those fuckers mostly what make up the masters '. She looks to the nife " If you really wanna do well with that knife give it to me to melt into slag, But learning about stuff is neat I did it once or twice, but my control sucks".

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head. "Why would I melt it down? It's USEFUL. God. Why do I have to be the only chick with awesome packrat powers? Nobody gets me." She mock-sulks for a moment.

"Anyway, AWESOME spikes. I mean, they're not my jam, but on you? Hawtness, they totally work." She gives a thumbs-up. "I still have to figure out how to make a cool costume or something for me. I get sick of not having places to stuff things except down my shirt. I've got a couple arm wraps now, but eh."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic gives Erika a skeptical look at the whole talk about needing a cool costume. She has trouble picturing them letting the other girl out in the field even on the training wheel missions with her power. Then again there is a lot about it Ellie doesn't fully understand. "I recommend pouches all over. Bandoliers will make you look badass." that is totally sarcasm, they won't.

Ellie turns her attention back to Rachel as she finishes the swiped doughnut, licking some glaze off her fingers. "I knew it! Fucking Reavers. How long have you been here.. four days? Jesus zombie christ... I get why Snickters told Kentucky you had a lot to learn." yeah she figured out whose kid Rachel is. For some reason though Ellie almost chokes on the doughnut, her second, she jut took from the box, flushing as she clears her throat and recovers very quickly and .. 3..2..1 back to angry and sullen.

X-23 has posed:
New scents. Old scents. Sort-of-familiar scents. Laura comes to investigate all the people. All in black, from her boots to her turtleneck, she looks about...and looks vaguely pleased. "Ellie." She says, greeting Negasonic. "Erika." Her teammate gets the next greeting. Rachel gets looked at with vague suspicion, and then the question "Are you a clone?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks over her shoulder and shakes her head "Daughter, from the future." She looks laura up and down as if remembering her different. She frowns though " Okay Snickters is uncle logan but who's Kentucky? " She is curious about that..

She looks to Erika with a slightly shy smile just for a second before she's back to wall face like nega . She Shrugs " I can make you an outfit Like I did for her boots " she points.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir ehs, "That would be awesomesauce, I just don't know how to design it. I've thought through, like, ten different designs so far? The main thing is how to have pockets of different sizes that stick things up against my skin and don't let stuff slide around, I don't know how to do that part without, I dunno, weird alien stuff that turns me into like, a Katamari or something. That'd be awesome, I just don't know where I would find it, and I don't know what sort of stuff you can make."

"And bandoliers don't work and they haven't looked badass since my mom was a kid." She waves at Laura, brightly cheered at her friend showing up. "Hiya! How have you been?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Okay Negasonic's door is almost always shut. She was in the middle of moving in and suddenly her room is packed like a rave. She seems less upset about this than she should be. Perhaps she is the clone. That or she is getting free spikes on her clothes.

Probably free spikes. "Right in one for Snickters. Also Lassie but he really hates that one." Ellie looks to the door "Sup Laura" yeah Laura may be one of the few she doesn't insult all the time, especially when she looks suspicious like that. So sharp and stabby. Not totally immune to the biting sarcasm volleys but Nega picks her battles. "Kentucky is that Negasonic knockoff Teachers Assistant ... the pizza boy.. god what was his name..." she knows his name. She is just mean. "I want a phone like yours." she also wants more spikes too. Who wouldn't want spikes. Oh right lame-os. Her phone is back in her hand. "Does fishnet work Snoops?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks to Erika for a translation of what she means by pizza boy clearly still confused. She thinks and a Screen pops up on her wrist floating around " I can see about making another one.. I mostly fixed mine but I can copy it " She says even as the screen flickers and moves at high speeds as she's surfing. Like nega mostly checking for stuff that would work for Erika " You know there's always the skin option." You watch as her outfit slowly morphs and changes " Like this "

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs some, "Well, I thought about it, but it would have to be in places I don't rub against stuff. It's already bad enough having lamegasms every time someone tosses a paper airplane at the back of my head without getting them any time I sit in a chair. I mean, I don't mind flashing some skin, but like, I wear gloves for a reason. So I'm thinking strategic slashes to like.. I don't know, I tried wraps, but sometimes those don't hold souvenirs in place. I really need more skin covered, not less. Besides that? Probably enough bulk so I don't have all the souvies poking out of a body stocking like Rachel's. Can you picture stuffing knives and paperbacks and notepads and pens and stuff under that? Everything's gonna show."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic leans a bit to the side and gets a better view as Rachel modifies her outfit. "That is skin. It is a little nineties though. Definitely spikes and leather are better Spikeybirb, maybe leather, spikes, and skin." she likes the idea, though her expression gives away nothing! nothing!. Then Ellie is back to texting and web surfing as she talks with Erika and Rachel."

"Lamegasm. Hah." she twits that "Okay so you need access for it to touch you, but you can't have it always touching you. Also lot of coverage. This is a fucked up problem Snoops."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Is still typing, then Nega flips her phone. "How about something like this, loops for hooking stuff onto and lots of zippers and openings but mostly covered?" https://goo.gl/3914qs

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Thinks " how do your powers work do you get skills or something from touching the stuff or just reading.. if it's reading I can make you gloves that open. But if it's more, I can see why you wanna keep touching it". Changes back into her other outfit but leaves her flat stomach bare and adds a belt with spikes all over it to help bring attention to it.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir mms, "Oh, I can have souvenirs touching me all the time. It's best if they are. I just can't have stuff falling out or sliding around or poking out, and I can't be brushing against random junk. So like, say I want to shove a computer mouse, an inkpen, two spent brass casings, and an earring in my clothes. I want them all to stay against my skin, and not wiggling around or poking me, but I don't want them poking out looking funny. So far I have to shove everything in my bra, and like, I'm not big enough for some things. Or under an arm wrap, but sometimes things move around a little bit." She pulls her flannel off her shoulder a bit to reveal a wrap.

"When I touch the thing, it gives me one of those lamegasms while I, I don't know, compile it or something. I get a big flood of information and it takes a couple seconds before I can make sense of it, and I can't do much until it's done. So I don't like to have to switch stuff out a lot. And I don't want to have bare skin, because I don't know how to not read things when they touch me."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Huh lamegasm. That is never going to get old Snoops." she goes back to surfing on her phone though, popping her gum back into her mouth. Two doughnuts are her limit. Pop.

"So if it was mesh backed pockets, flush and tight so they kept contact in a really tight suit it could work then. I mean it is that or some sort of like corset with inner mesh pockets that really stick them to you and don't let them go anywhere. Unless they are crushable and fragile I suppose.. fuck." and Negasonic shakes her head.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Thinks " i could do something it will work but " she looks sideways " it feels totaly creepy " she says " it's a gel that's attached to your suit when you put it on.. it will let you slide stuff into your outfit and even seal up the cuts the objects make in your clothes.. but like I said it's total body and feels soooo creepy " .

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs some. "See? I had to read some cigarette butts once, and those are nasty to get out of a bra. I dunno, I think I could get used to some sticky stuff. As long as it could breathe and stuff and not just get insta sweaty. Would it look like someone took a half full Katamari and threw on some spandex, though?"

She hms, "But yeah, something like that if I could get some bulk to hide stuff. Maybe dark grey and maroon. Thick pads or something."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie will not admit to not knowing what a Katamari is, but google swiftly fills in the blanks and she snrks meanly as she looks at her phone and pops another bubble of her gum before going back to chewing it and fingers flying on her device. Damm her thumbs must be wicked strong.

"Okay I have to ask Snoops. Why are you getting a costume like you are going out and fighting Reavers?" Ellie is genuinely curious. I mean yes the teenage warhead was.. no is... a new mutant and allowed out on training wheel missions but Erika seems less .. explosive. Not like her and Rage and crew were.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Walks over " Want me to try i can change your outfit into it so you can try it " She says " I have an look in mind we can change it after the point is .. the outer layer is super thin though it has some armored bits to hold the goo so at least you'd have some protection . " She thinks

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shrugs some. "I do stuff. I ashed a vampire once. And like, sure, I don't do much, but I totally want to be able to?" She frowns and sighs. "Like when I am sneaking around in crazy places trying to hunt down souvenirs. Or whatever. Or if I have to show up and read stuff to help someone. I want to look the part if I ever have to show up at Avengers Mansion or something."

She nods to Rachel. "Sure, Go for it."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie would never admit it. but she is relieved that Erika isn't talking New Mutant stuff at this time. She kind of likes the emo girl and no she won't admit that either. "Fair enough. Always be prepared. I think that is someone's motto." googles it "Fuck the boyscouts like douchemeister Summers. Damnit."

Negasonic does half lower her phone to watch the costume change for Erika though, curious about this armored goo and having trouble picturing it in her head.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks and looks over her shoulders " Oiy don't insult us summers kay we take it ." But she places her hands on Erika's hips she dosn't have too but she has reasons. She slowly starts to morph the outfit giving fair bit of armor but lots of places to push in items and things as the gel also well wraps her up, it's like she says the gel will hold the items in place against her skin and she can just pull them in and out.. the gel sealing the outer shell of the armor, least at the thin parts.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir blinks and pinks a bit at the touch, standing very still. "Okay, that feels SO weird." Eyes look over at the mirror, hmmming. "Awesome. How armor-y is this, anyway? I'll have to try it out later to see how well I can move in this."

She runs her fingers up and down the suit, exploring where the pockets and such are. "Bad. Ass. okay, cool. What else have you been up to?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
The muppet balcony chimes in. "It definitely feels weird. Sort of like a massage. Though in this case I am pretty sure it is the blob giving you a massage." Ellie is paying attention, how she multi-tasks when studies prove people can't is a wonder. Maybe it is a latent mutant ability.

"Okay that is pretty shway." pause "Also Good question." she leans and flicks her finger at one of the armory bits, giving it about a tenth of a percent boom. If it is cosmetic it will ding it and scuff it, actual armory it won't at all. For those watching at home, Ellie is a jerk sometimes. Maybe she wants to keep the free clothing modification train or something to herself.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey While it's not something made by forge , it's clearly got armor bits it's still tought as kevlar and way thinner and lighter than that so the blast actually won't do anything. She thumbs up at the shway word " Nice " She says brightly and peers at the powers curiously. Thoughts he also notes ' The armor panels can stop bullets I'd say Most rifles but the upper-end stuff will rip it silly, but the gel also helps with the impacts, so there is that". She looks to Ellie " Your turn " she says softly almost too soft.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "It gets into all kinds of places. This isn't going to turn into some crazy hentai.. thing, is it?" She eyes Rachel briefly, not serious.

"Anyway, it's good to see you back. Do you have a class schedule and all set up yet?"

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
"Urotsukidoji fears Snoops?" Ellie eye rolls amused and is actually impressed at the lack of scuff from her minor blast on an armor bit of Erika's new clothes.

"Oh.. uniform idea time Spikybirb.. " her leather jacket is safe over on her chair, so the only stuff at risk are her jeans and nazi punching shirt. What the hell. "Okay lay it on me. No hentai though. Hard pass." snarkity snark snark. She watches Rachel closely.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Moves up maybe closer than she needs to be and puts her hand on Ellie's hips as she looks at her eye's " So what did you want .. " She asks already covering Ellie in that tk cover that feels like soft hands all over as she starts to slowly take control of the clothing , while holding onto Ellie.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir hmms and hangs back. Eh. She moves around, stretches, sits down to try flexing, stuff like that. Pulls out a notepad and takes some notes. Hmmm. She watches the process with Ellie some, tilting her head.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie remains sitting on the bed, the gum chewing stops as does her texting though as Rachel takes her by the hips and extends her power field there. There is a whole lot of concentration going on in her head on maintaining the stoic fuck the world demeanor as she gets a full body TK massage. Damn. She tries to not blush, because she would rather die then damage her street cred.

"I uh... leather spikes everything nice." Negasonic actually almost rhymed there, yes she is distracted. Then she just about chokes on her gum for some reason while trying to nonchalantly blow a bubble. She barely saves herself from dropping her precious phone.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Just slowly changes her into a leather spiked goddess the outfit will, of course, fit perfect but also show off all of Ellie's curves. She steps back slowly removing her hands, but she steps back and gives an what can only be thought of when the fox corners the rabbit smile. But she nods " yeah that looks amazing, " she says brightly " Very you and way more spikes " . She still left the punch nazi's like a logo on the outfit before she moves so she can look in the mirror.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods approvingly. "That's awesome. You're going to get looked at an awful lot, but hey. You probably were already. Does it get in the way of your boomies or anything? I don't know how that stuff works. Hmm, how am I going to get in and out of this fast, anyway?" She makes more notes.

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie coughs lightly and managed to keep the whole stoic thing pretty much together through the outfit change. "That is the weirdest thing. I say that living in a school full of mutants." deep breath and Negasonic looks at the mirror in her room. "I approve of the spike to leather ratio." her phone is slid into the new jacket pocket. "Good size for phones, though I still want a mind phone."

A look is shot at Erika "Also no goop. Which is a plus. People always fucking look at me because of my sparkling personality and excellent fucking bedsize manner. OR some shit. This is really good though. I like the black." of course she does, though her New Mutant uniform is nice leather and advanced material and traditional colors. Maybe Rachel can spike that up later.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Grins as she sits down and crosses her legs watching her kind of little proud as she enjoys the praise a little bit. She grins " Yours is tough too but not as much as her.. I put hard bits in and yes no goo you don' t need stuff on your skin ". She smirks a bit before she speaks " I thought it was your cute butt they kept watching or that nose that's a very button nose."

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir rolls her eyes a bit at the flirting and gets back up to her feet. "One plus, I think you scrambled the memories in this thing. I just have one set now. Not enough to sleep in, but hey. It's a plus. If I can just get it down to zero somehow, I can get your mom off my case."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Ellie's hand reaches out and the pillow, sans case because she is barely unpacked still with the distractions, is grabbed and thrown at Rachel. Very mature Ellie. Very mature. "At least the spikes will warn off the various horndogs. It is like bright colors in the animal kingdom. Also maybe I need a bigger nose ring then." defensive quills, metaphorically activate in the face of compliments.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Grins as she makes the item float and softly with a giggle, but she does grin " Oh yes big nice ring to hang onto "She winks at Erika she's so clearly moving to tease now.

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir shakes her head, vaguely uncomfortable. "Right. I should probably leave you two alone for now, or something." She climbs to her feet, getting used to the feel of the gel. "Maybe I'll go try to work out in this, before I have to find all the zippers and stuff."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Noooo Erika don't abandon Negasonic to a situation she is not at all trained to deal with. "Okay Spikybirb." she slips up to her feet "Unless you want to help me unpack these boxes, I should get finished moving back in now so I can eventually sleep." deflect and parry. She snags the pillow out of hte air and tosses it back onto her bed.

"Let me know if the suit attacks you or anything Snoops." is the next thing from Ellie as she starts to open her first box to unpack into the dresser. It is full of all black clothes.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Slides up and smiles " I should go before my mom comes looking, " she says simply " she doesn't like me corrupting the kids." She Looks to Erika and adds some zipps she kinda forgot the girl has to take it off ! but now that it's done she turns to nega " See you around Nega " .

Souvenir has posed:
Erika Kristasdottir nods. "I'll get back to you with any change notes that come up when I'm testing it out." She waves her notepad around. "I'm totally a believer in pretesting gear." She frowns a bit at the 'corrupting' comment. "ANYway. Ellie has stuff to unpack. I'm down the hall if you need anything. Laters, I'll catch you soon."

Negasonic Teenage Warhead has posed:
Negasonic straightens quickly. "As if. I'm the one Firebirb yells at for cussing around the toddlers." not that there are real toddlers. Ellie is being mean about the more gradeschool kids also in the school learning about powers and acceptance. It is true though, NTW is a bad influence on a lot of people in this school. She may have met her match though it seems. "See you Spikes and Snoops." back to her box unpacking and sorting her room.

Ellie is going to be so in detention when someone figures out she kicked that Freshman out of her room. Though Ellie frames it as convincing to trade.