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(Triplicate Girl takes Violet down to Earth to try some American food and they meet Kenan.)
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Latest revision as of 02:56, 18 August 2017

You And Me, and Me and You (and Me)
Date of Scene: 17 August 2017
Location: Queensland Park
Synopsis: Triplicate Girl takes Violet down to Earth to try some American food and they meet Kenan.
Cast of Characters: Triplicate Girl, 1272, Super-Man

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    One of the Luornu's had decided it was time to drag Violet down to Earth. There were, afterall, really delicious foods to be tried. As well as fashions, and clothing. And of course, places of learning which fascinated Luornu to no end. But, bringing Violet to a place where she might blend in more? Well, that seemed best to convince her. And the other Luornu's all agreed, and had prodded enough, until Violet really didn't have a choice in the matter but to get out of the ship, and tag along.
    "So," the Luornu in white is asking, while the Lu in grey, and the other Lu in black walk just a little behind, "Have you tried -cheese sticks- yet?"

Violet (1272) has posed:
    "They have trees made out of cheese here?" Violet asks, surprised. "I don't remember that in the Earth history I've read. Grife, things really are different, aren't they?" she wonders.
    She has her hair in her eyes as they wander. "Th... thank you for bringing me, Luornu. It's all very interesting, if a little primitive."

Super-Man has posed:
Do, the Diplomat Kenan has been assigned to play bodyguard to has decided to visit some of the American offices of some Chinese firms. Kenan is left outside...in fact is sent away so he can not overhear what they are talking about with his super hearing. As such he is taking in the sights...and kind of being gawked at bu some people too because of his costume. He catches sight of what looks to be identicle triplets, and fairly pretty ones at that. He is kind of interested in that.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The girl in grey giggles a bit, and the other two Luornu's look nearly equally amused, "No trees made of cheese. It is a name for a food of a very unhealthy state that would probably be illegal on many planets in our time. But they are -very- delicious. We shall have to get some," says the girl in the white suit.
    The girl in black smiles at Violet, "You're welcome, Violet. We've met a few friends here, too. Anytime you want to come explore, we'll come with you. And, you definitely should meet Atlee with us. She's pretty amazing. We are going to reccomend her to join the Legion, if it is decided to hold tryouts, while we are here."
    They haven't noticed Kenan yet, amongst the other people. "Earth is pretty amazing, especially in this time," she admits.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan kind of stands out...though whether people thing he is doing cosplay or is really something depends. He is in his costume, red tights with gold trim, five gold stars on each shoulder, a gold superman S inside an octagon on his chest, black boots, black gloves, and a black cape. He is actually just recently got back to Earth...he had an emergancy call involving Starro the other day and the trip back took a while because he was running the dregs on his solar boost. He has not mastered flying yet...in fact he it pretty sure it will be the last power he learns, so he can only fly while boosted. He hopes the psychic virus they infected Starro with works...he sure is not up to fighting a starfish the size of the pacific ocean that controls minds. Actually, he is pretty hungry...the preath mask gave him air to breathe on the trip but not food, he has a lot of eating to catch up on.

Violet (1272) has posed:
    "Oh." the dark-haried girl says, embarassed. Most of the blush is thankfully hidden by her bangs.
    "Y... yes, let's try them. Illegal food sounds interesting."
    Violet DOES notice the man, though. "Luornu, I think you have an... an admirer. That man is looking at the three of you." Violet advises, but she doesn't point, no... a subtle movememnt of her head indicate Kenan for the triple.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu is far less quiet about it than Violet is. Though, perhaps, thankfully for Violet after a glance to her two other selves, the three of them kind of form a 'Triplicate Shield' around the other girl to help her - well, shrink a little into the background, and kind of have a safe place. One of her, the one in black, finger waggles at Kenan, and smiles in a friend manner. "Hello," she says, cheerily enough.
    "He probably just had never seen triplicates before," says the Lu in grey who probably, being the more shy of the three Lu's, the one who can relate best with Violet.
Cheese sticks are not forgotten, but the grabbing of them has been slightly put on the backburner, it seems.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says in a friendly way (hopefully he does not creep anyone out), "Greetings ladies, I have seen triplets before, though not often as births are controlled in China. I heard you mention food, I happen to be very hungry and am not sure what would be a good place to eat around here...one that would accept foreign credit cards."

Violet (1272) has posed:
    Violet does feel safer surrounded by the Lournus-three, and brushes her bangs aside for a moment to have a better look at the man. "Is... is that Kal-El? No, it couldn't be. He didn't exactly look like that, did he?"
    "Be nice to him, Lu. One of you is too much for most boys. Three might have him blowing a gasket."

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    The girl in grey giggles, covering her mouth and she pinkens, just a little bit at Violet's statement, while the girl in black seems to have everything in hand, her voice conversational, but warm. Yet, even she glances aside at Violet, fondly, before telling Kenan, "I was just going to take my friends over to the local place of dining there," she says, pointing to a small college eatery that is half-in, half-outside, "And introduce her to some - food from this country. We are not from here. But I have been here a little longer than she has. You can join us, if you'd like," she invites.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan smiles, "Sounds good. I am not from here either, my home is in China, where is yours? You speak English well. How is mine, I learned it recently."

Violet (1272) has posed:
    Violet doesn't speak to the man, in fact her long bangs go back down before her eyes with a little flip of her head. To her credit, she stays normal size... though that's none too large to begin with. "Why does noone else have a uniform like his? Is he a law-enforcer?"

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "You speak it quite well," assures Luornu to Kenan, as leads them all into line behind a few other people. "We've been practicing," she confides to Kenan, without giving away their secret, or Violets. Though Kenan's eyes, depending on how perceptive the young man is, may be able to tell that the triplets as well as Violet are all wearing the same ring.
    "Good question. Are you law enforcement? Oh. By the way. I am Luornu," the girl in black continues. "And I'm Triplicate girl," says the Luornu in white. "Me too," says the girl in grey, quiet, eyes a shade down, but she's very, very amused at herself. She adds, "AndthisisViolet."

Violet (1272) has posed:
    Violet stands on her tip-toes to offer the Super-Man a little wave, then down again. "W.. we are..." and she tries to think of a historical nation. Something comes to her!
    "We are Prussian." she nods sagely, the touch of a satisified smile on her face.

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan says proudly (though not quite 100% honestly), "I am Chaoren, hero of China and Leader of the Justice League of China. I am visiting the United Statea as part of my assigned duties from the Ministry." Of course, the telepathic ear-plugs tell the Legionairres that Chaoren means Super-Man. He is not really the leader of the Justice League of China though, who leads a mission depends on what they are facing.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "I didn't know China -had- a Justice League," says the Luornu in white, surprised, before she can stop herself. Or any of her other selves can stop her. Still, the one in grey looks mildly suspicious as well as curious. "You do not look like -- Superman," she says, peering at Kenan. She almost slipped and said something else, instead. She is nudged by the girl in black, who steps forwards and tells the person at the window, "Two orders of cheese sticks, and four bowls of chili." She has made more than a few trips to Earth, and with help from a few people met, has become a near culinary expert on the foods from Earth of this timeline.

Violet (1272) has posed:
    Violet points at the menu, under the 'Drinks' section. "Grapefruit soda." and she considers. "Is that not 'wine'? A drink made from the grape fruit?" she wonders. There is a little laugh. "Yes, I'm glad you brought me. These people are clever in their wordplay."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan responds, "We just announced our existance three months ago, I suppose we are not particularly well known outside China." OK, so he was responsible for the public announcement of the team's existance, he tends to be a bit boastful, especially when talking to Laney Lan, a female reporter he has a crush on. He pauses and asks, "I am not great on geography, prusia is part of Germany, correct? He then answers another question, "You speak Mandarin? My name does mean Superman in my native tongue, I was granted powers much like his by Chinese science, though I am still learning to use them fully." He orders a Hamburger and Fries and a Milkshake. He actually can only use five of his eight powers so far, though he knows for sure he has two others that he has been able to use on occasion...he thinks he has one other but he has not yet ever made it work.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "So you are also from Krypton?" The three Luornu's exchange glances with each other, then with Violet. This potential Kryptonian was not in their history lessons, that she remembers. And Kon-El had never mentioned him. "We are also ... recently arrived here," she agrees, as they wait for their food.

Violet (1272) has posed:
    "There _were_ a number of Kryptonians, were there not?" Violet wonders, scratching her head. "I forget, but more than one." She notices a server pumping neon-yellow goo on a basket of tortilla chips. "that looks like Krellian Thorag mucus." and she looks at the grey Lu. "Do they eat that here?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan realizes the girls must have missed part of what he said...well that does happen when you are speaking a different language. What is Krellian Thorag mucus? Probably some german phrase that just sounds wierd in English. He explains more carefully, "I am human, what in English thay call Metahuman. The Ministry I work for, they induced an energy similar to Superman's into my cells, granting me something closely resembling his powers. I can pick up a train engine or look through walls or other feats. as a Superman should." Actually, that is his main limit, he has to be doing what he believes Superman would be going or he loses his powers.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "See? I -totally- told Lyle that's what it looked like," Luornu exclaims to Violet. "But no. They call it nacho cheese. They have like, over a hundred cheeses here. It's pretty interesting," the triplcate girl informs Violet, grabbing their tray, and leading the small group to a table big enough to seat six. Two of the Luorno's sit on either side of Violet, while the third will allow Kenan to sit near one of her, and her last self sitting on the other side of Kenan.
    The girl in black looks at Kenan, then looks over to Violet, and mouths the words: 'Ultra Boy?' with a hidden hand so Kenan can't see her.
    "That sounds pretty amazing," says another Luornu, catching what her other self is doing and trying to play it straight. She doesn't quite mention her powerset, yet, too interested presently in Kenan.

Violet (1272) has posed:
    Violet reaches for a 'cheese stick'. "Ooh, a bit warm still. Cooked in oil, it appears?" she dips it in the marinara that doubtless came with the order, then she has a dainty bite. "Hmm." and a light goes on, a smile. "very good!" and she peers into the bitten end and the now-liberated cheese. "Hot, but good."

    She looks at the bowl of chili. "What was this?" She stirs it with a spoon. "Beans and some sort of... meat, is it?" she leans to sniff the bowl. "Spicy?"

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan nods, "It has been interesting so far Bat-Man and Wonder-Woman and I have faced many dangers together, and Lately a Flash has joined our team as well. I keep trying to persuade the Director that we need an Aquaman, but she refuses to create one." He does not mention Briaxi's annoying robot sidekick, Robinbot.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    Luornu exchanges another look with herself, and then Violet again. "And, you uphold Justice? Yes?" There is something that bothers her, perhaps, about 'creating heroes', especially ones as powerful as those mentioned. It sounds too - villianous, in her future-mind. But she doesn't want to be rude.
    There's a quick nod to Violet, "Spicy," she agrees, "But very filling. And very good." And, almost as one, all three of them take a spoonful of the chili, together.

Violet (1272) has posed:
    Violet scratches her head a moment. "A... are we in the right place, Luornu? This all seems very odd. Wrong, even." but she shrugs and lifts a spoonful of the 'chili' to her mouth. She holds it there, considering. A quick chew and she swallows. "Not bad. Very interesting." that seems to be approval.

Super-Man has posed:
"We are the Justice League, we defend the people from villains and other dangers, it is what we were created for," Kenan replies. It is mostly true, though he is uncertain about the Ministry of Self Reliance. His father thought, before he died, that the Ministry was responsible for the death of Kenan's mother. Then there is Crab base, where Supervillains are held without trial. And what about the Cloned Starros? Why was such a weapon created...though granted it was useful to fight the monstrous Starro not long ago...

Kenan in particular is practically froced to act heroicly, he can not use his powers unless he is "thinking like superman", which means if he is protecting others and saving lives he has power, but he can not use his powers selfishly (though occasionally he can do a bit of showing off).

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "We'll talk to Qurel and Mon-El about it," Luornu assures Violet, gently, one of the girls at her side patting her hand gently, and smiling. "I know, right? Can I try some of your grapefruit soda? I haven't had that yet," the girl in white admits, with a little smile.
    "Good," says the girl in black, with a genuine smile of approval. "You must be very proud to be part of a new Justice League, then. And be a hero to the people."

Violet (1272) has posed:
    Violet passes over her drink to the white-clad Lu. "Of course." She goes back to enjoying the chili, motioning with her hand to pass the drink to the other girls too, of course. "They should just be called 'fried cheese'." Vi points out, reaching politely for another cheese stick. She experimentally dips it in her bowl. "Hmm. Not as good as the red sauce."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan wonders who Qurel and Monel are, possibly brother with names like that. He Eats his order in silence for a bit, wondering how much longer he has before he has to get back to duty.

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    White Luu's eyes light up as she drinks it, just a small sip, "Wow. You really have to try this, it's - not wine. At all." Luornu will soon be on a quest for 'grapefruit'.
    She looks over to Violet, "They have a place here called 'Coney Island' too. We should take everyone, it is a - place of rides, and games. Entertainment."

Violet (1272) has posed:
"Will there be a great deal of people?" Violet asks. She starts to appear to physically shrink but immediately goes back to normal size, surrounded as she is by her friends. Many of them. "I.. games? Rides? Do they have flying cars? I thought there would be flying cars."

Super-Man has posed:
Kenan pulls out a cell phone from inside his uniform somewhere and checks the readout. He already paifd when he ordered, so he says, "Excuse me ladies, but duty calls." With that he runs off at super speed, leaving a slight breeze and a cloud of dust behind/

Triplicate Girl has posed:
    "I imagine so. There will be - rides that simulate flying, from what I have seen. They go up, and down, very fast. It will be - educational. And, we can get many of our friends to go, too. It will be a good experience for all of us here on Earth," Luornu suggests to Violet.
    She waves to Kenan, "It was very nice meeting you! Good luck!"
    She watches Kenan go for a long moment, "Come on. We'll finish, and then head up to the Cruiser. I want to see if the files on history we have say anything about this Chinese Justice League. And we can start to plan a holiday to Coney Island."