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One Thousand Origami Cranes
Date of Scene: 10 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School
Synopsis: Rachel shares more with Kitty about her past, before they join Logan to watch hockey
Cast of Characters: Marvel Girl, Shadowcat, Wolverine

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Knocks softly on the door to kitty's room chewing her lower lip . She stands complete with peace offerings she has a box of something that smells amazing and a tray of what look like hot beverages.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is sitting on her bed. A bunch of the tinfoil from the pile is on the bed beside her. And there are about a dozen little origami cranes lying there on the bed beside her. Kitty is diligently folding another one as she hears the knock and looks up. "Rachel! Come in," she says warmly. "Ooo, what is that!?" she asks as she catches a whiff of the aroma. Kitty sits up a little straighter.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Opens the door and frowns cocking her head " did you get telepathy when I was not looking? How did you know it was me " she moves in "So I found this thing and I'm already addicted Fresh donuts from France and Americano expresso from Italy.. have you tried this coffee and donut thing it's insane".

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde scoots the tinfoil out of the way, finishing the crane she's working on. "13 down. And..." she looks at all the tinfoil. "So many more to go." It can wait for another time. She pats the bed for Rachel to join her. "Fresh? From France? Wait, you mean you..." Kitty asks, and makes appropriate hand motions for zipping across the ocean and back. "You can do that? Or... oh, Illyana?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Sits down as she puts the tastey items down " Yeah kinda I can fly pretty fast " she says with a grin as she looks " What are you working on? " She takes out a donut and bites one her eye's crossing getting that omgazim face on.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes one of the donuts and brings it to her nose to inhale the aroma. "Ooooooooohhhh. I love you," Kitty says warmly, smiling to Rachel as she takes a bite. She gives a shiver down to her toes. "So good," she says. "I am going to get Bobby Drake back for wrapping everything in here in tinfoil. I want to fold it all into origami cranes and start putting them everywhere. Every pocket he has, every cabinet, cupboard, desk drawer, his uniform. Just on and on until they run out." She looks at the HUGE pile of tinfoil. "I probably should have chosen a revenge that is less labor-intensive on me."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks " Why didn't you ask Kaydin or me, " she asks taking a sip of her coffee " Ohhh so warm " she shivers " I love you " She turns a bit red but she grins " I mean I can fold like a 100 at a time and he can just ZIp get it done.. that's how I got the food, Just flirt with him a bit and boom " .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits back on one hand for a moment. "I didn't even think of it. I'm so used to not having people with powers around me," she says with a soft smile. "It's been a while since I was with Excalibur." She looks at the pile. "I'll definitely take all the help I can get," she says. "Kaydin you say? I'll have to talk to him. He was the one in the kitchen that zoomed in, I gather?" Kitty takes another bite of the donut. "Mmm. Mmm mmm mmm." Then a sip of the espresso. "What I really want... and don't tell anyone this... is after I torment him with these things for a week or to... see if Megan will... I mean, if they are, you know, serious... maybe slip one in her bra sometime. Though, oh I'd probably blush to death asking her."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles softly " yeah he's super fast.. sooo handy you have no idea for getting stuff " she beams brightly " He's a sweetie .. cute but too sweet". Sh shrugs " besides I got 2 already I'm good. " She drinks some more " goddess I love this stuff. " . Then you do your suggestion and she looks shocked " Kate! " then she giggles " You should sooo should.. but I heard he was with pixie?".

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quick nod. "That's who I meant. I'd ask Megan if she'd slip one inside /her/ bra. So if they got intimate... there's another crane. But, it's kind of personal, and making an assumption she's being intimate with. And I don't know her well enough to broach something like that. But, maybe by the time it gets to that point."

Kitty gives Rachel a little poke. "What do you mean, you have two? You're seeing two guys?" she asks.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Snorts " hell no I'm that silly I stick to one girl one guy thank you.. well maybe 2 girls but " She shrugs and leans back with a grin " Ohh right I didn't know her first name. "She closes her eye's quickly trying to shut out the flashback she gets before she shakes her head and bites the donut trying to stop the PTSD from starting.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde seems to note the moment that Rachel has. She reaches over to slip her hand into Rachel's and give it a squeeze. "Oh! I didn't realize," Kitty says. "So, you and Sam are together I take it then? He's always seemed like a pretty great guy," Kitty tells Rachel. She lets go of Rachel's hand if the moment seems to have passed. "I gather Ellie is the girl, or one of the girls? Judging by the fact there wasn't an explosion throwing us out the window after the hug?" Kitty gives a soft, amused grin as she says it. She seems to accept Ellie for Ellie, from their interaction so far.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods " Yeah Ellie is " She stops " She's Ellie " she smiles " We roasted bobby on twitter it was fun." She stops " And Sam.. is well I dunno I like him I dunno why he's a stick in the mud and rules this and rules that but I like him. Maybe somebody is wrong with me. "

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a shrug of her shoulders. "Sometimes you get attracted to people you might not have thought. All you can really do is follow your heart. Even if sometimes you just want to rip their metal arms off and beat them to death with them," Kitty says. She takes a sip of her espresso. "Pretty sure I read that in an old Dear Abby one time," she confirms.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Lifts her eyebrows and grins "He loves you trust me I know.. cause your the same as my kate so he has to be the same ". She chuckles " Though you're like my age and that is kinda messing with me.. then again moms like barley older than me " She rubs the back of her neck " Still not sure about that. "

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gets a look that is a little wry, and a little sorrowful, and quite a few other emotions as well. "Well, we're... I don't know if people talk about it. Or if he has. But we haven't spoke in a year now," Kitty says. "We had a big fight about me going to Oxford." She has finished that first donut, and her fingers wring together. "And... I'm not really sure how I feel, at this point." Though her emotions sure came out in a rush when she heard of the future that awaits him. Might await him. Please don't let it be that.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey She reaches over and hugs kitty this time she just gives a big warm, soft hug "He did he saved you in my time. He showed it". She looks up " he just was scared to lose you.. I mean come on your kitty like the best your mega shway " .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde hugs Rachel back. "I'm really glad you're here. Having someone to hug is one of the worst things about Oxford. Not that it is bad there. I love it actually. But I don't have this," she says, taking a moment to bask in the warmth of the embrace. "Well, I don't know what will happen with him. If anything. I was... I said some things. He said some things. I... shouted some things. Sometimes I wonder if we can go back. Or if either of us want to." She gives a little shrug then and says, "But I'll... figure that out in time I guess. So, what about the other students here? Anyone else interesting to hear about that I haven't met?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Thinks " I've only been here a week I dunno, " She says honestly " Logan hasn't changed even from my time. Uncle erics apparently hated that was news I'm too chicken to check on Franklin" .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft smile. "Figures Logan would still be around. Death herself couldn't catch that guy," Kitty says. She takes a sip of espresso and then picks up a piece of tinfoil, beginning to fold another origami crane. Though she might - read: will - end up letting the others do the bulk of them? It will be sweetest if she makes a few more by hand at least. "I was thinking I might stick around for awhile. Maybe take a semester off." More than thinking about it. It's why she brought so much luggage. "Need to probably talk to Jean. See if there's something to do around here. Maybe be a counselor or something."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Gives one of those tight smiles that says more than it should. She squeezes kitty's arm " you'd be the best I think you should stay kitty we need you and anybody that says otherwise is lying ."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits up with a mock look of alarm. "Who is saying otherwise?" she asks all concernedly. Kitty relaxes again and smiles. She takes another donut. "I still haven't seen so many people. I guess word is probably getting around fast that I'm back? Especially with that picture Bobby posted. I need to find out how he knew I was coming back, anyway. He was waiting at the door for me. Is there a fortune teller in the school now?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Frowns and cocks her head " I dunno maybe " She shrugs " honestly I've been doing nothing but trying not to cry every time mom hugs .. and kinda been with same and Ellie so I dunno and pixie .. she was there, I Right and not trying to kill dad but he made up for it . "

Shadowcat has posed:
Some of that seemed to whiz past Kitty too fast for her to catch. "Wait, what? Who was where, and not trying to kill Scott?" Kitty lost track of who was doing what by the end of that. "That was from your time, or something happening now?" she asks, voice touched with concern.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Sighs she blurted it out cause well kitty has that effect on her.. but like always she caught everything. She sighs " When I first got here I called Scott dad.. He basically said nope and fainted dead away .. I thought he didn't want me " .

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft aw and slides her arms around Rachel. "I'm sure you've had a chance to talk to him by now? Just a surprise to have someone near to your own age, tell you that they are your child." Kitty gives Rachel a gentle grin. "Or call you Aunty. But that's ok, I kind of like it. I swear every other person has a different nickname for me. But that one is extra special." Kitty pats Rachel's shoulder and says. "What do you say we wander on downstairs and see what's going on?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Grins " Can we phase down? " She asks witha giggle " It always tickles when you did it to me after I broke your collar " She beams clearly happy.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde laughs and says. "Sure thing." She takes hold of Rachel's hand, makes sure she has anything that she needs. "Here we go," Kitty says, taking the pair of them out of phase, heading down through the floor and across some walls and into the Rec Room.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty and Rachel descend from the ceiling, as Rachel gets her first phase-ride since traveling back in time. Once they are back on the ground, the transparent effect fades, the two young women returning fully to normal reality. "It does save time over using the stairs," Kitty agrees with a soft grin as she looks about to see who is in the Rec Room.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Squirms and giggles " And tickles like crazy how do you not die of laughter every time I have no idea aunty kate." She says trying not to laugh as she looks around as well .. kind of she's looking and scanning to see what's around, looking every bit her mother since she's hiding her tattoos .

Wolverine has posed:
    In the Rec room the big screen television rumbles with a steady low white noise of rambling sportscasters and clips of previous play while the pre-game show is so far underway. It's a ritual in some ways, requiring completion for the day's Hockey to be enjoyed and thus Logan has embarked on successfully managing that ritual.
    It requires;
    1. Pennant, this time in the colours of the Winnipeg Jets.
    2. Six pack of Molson's Ice, chilling in a small cooler on the coffee table.
    3. Oversized Winnipeg Jets Jersey.
    Annnd 4. Peace and quiet from the peanut gallery.
    No sooner are they there for a moment than they'll get the growling snap of the Canadian mutant, "Now is game time. Not giggle time." But a moment passes and he squints sidelong, "Pryde." Oh right. Kitty's back

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's expression grows into a smile as she sees Logan. Kitty gives a small grin over to Rachel and then motions over towards the couch. If Rachel is agreeable to it, Kitty would take Rachel's hand, phasing them both through the back of the couch to the front, then back to normal so they can sit down.

"He's very grouchy if his hockey is disturbed." Kitty whispers. Knowing to Logan, a whisper is as good as talking in a normal tone of voice. But at least she made the effort. "Just cheer for Jets though and he won't stab us. Too much." She rests her hands in her lap, fingers laced all nice and calm. "Logan," she says, nodding her head to him, returning the greeting finally.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Nods and goes with her but she floats up and flops over the back of said huge Lazyboy so her arms draped/hug logan " I thought he was an Oilers fan" . Hmmm, some things do change. " She peers at this mythical hockey she heard about but never saw.

Wolverine has posed:
    Answering Kitty, Logan's voice is a low rumble, "Super grouchy." He affirms her statement, but then he eyes them sidelong. "Heya Kitty." Warmer than before but his lip twists into a wry smirk. He waves a rough calloused hand to the side, "S'just pre-game. So..."
    Of course that's the moment when Rachel gives him a hug and Kitty's good enough at reading him to tell... he's not comfortable. And there's a moment when there's a potential for some serious negativity. But to his credit he rests a hand on her arm and lifts it slowly, and tells her sidelong. "Look kid. I know yer new. From the future. And ya knew... someone like me but who also ain't me. At least not yet."
    There's a pause as he peers, then he adds. "So I understand yer lookin' fer positive safe harbor whatever. But I ain't yer Wolverine."
    Then, perhaps to show some level of awareness that others might disbelieve he at least offers, "You two can keep from squawkin', you can stay over there." He motions to the couch where Kitty's at.

Shadowcat has posed:
The great thing about having a telepathic future-timeline daughter of your friends, that your future you sort of adopted after unbrainwashing her? Actually there's /all sorts/ of great things. But one of them is the telepathic part. Especially when dealing with grouchy, adamantium claw-equipped hockey fans.

<<Don't mind him. When he doesn't stab you, that's as good as most people giving someone a smile,>> Kitty jokes in her thoughts to Rachel. Kitty glances at the television, seeing the pregame still underway.

"Thought I might stick around for a semester," she tells Logan. "Going to talk to Jean anyway. Maybe see if they could use another counselor." Kitty sends her thoughts to Rachel. <<So, you call me Aunty Kat. Was there anything special I called you, where... when... you're from?>>

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Grins << Oh I know him.. actually funny enough I feel better cause he said that.. makes me think everything's okay cause he's still just logan you know he always tells you the truth and you know where you are with him >> Thinks for a long moment and shakes her head << You mostly justled my by my name.. Or kid or Red like Logan did >> .

Wolverine has posed:
    Curiously enough, Logan's answer to that is to just shoot a glowering glare sidelong towards the two of them. He holds up a hand and waves them off. But then to show there's no hard feelings he offers, "Feel free ta grab a brew." And after he says that he puts words to action as he takes one for himself. There's a quick twist as he pulls the cap free, takes a drink.
    Meanwhile on the screen more talking heads are speaking about the coming games, along with the players to watch out for. A guy even comes on to draw on the video screen to show what's likely to happen in the next few hours. Exciting!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde 's thoughts go back to Rachel. <<I know exactly what you mean. You always know where you stand with him. And he hasn't ever expected me to be other than I was. It meant a lot. We've been through a lot together.>> Images flit through Kitty's head. Memories. Trying to kill Logan. Training under him. Japan. The memories pass quickly, too much for Rachel to get more than glimpses unless she chooses to go digging.

<<Alright. Well, I might not call you kid. Unless I want to be ironic!>> Kitty thinks back over to Rachel. Kitty's thoughts, not meant to be shared, but readable anyway, that she should probably avoid things that make Rachel think about the future too much. Future? Past? Oh this is confusing! <<So any tips on getting Kaydin to help with the origami?>>

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Smiles << Well hows about we come up with new names? Like a start over but with hugs >>. She says as she watches the game here and there multitasking is a telepath thing after all. She does also float over a pair of brews she's wondering what they taste like.. she remembers sneaking into a compound and doing a lot to steal just one for logans birthday once.

     She taps her chin << Flirt.. like Stupid flirting the kind that it's clear your using him he eats it up like candy.. >> She snorts << Sorry no .. just be nice to him and ask he likes doing stuff, mostly to show off >>

Wolverine has posed:
    For his part, Logan is watching, listening to the game. And blissfully unaware of the tips being shared on how to manipulate a Kaydin. He does, however, take a sip of his beer and remains seated in his chair, staring at the screen with an inensity that might border on the intimidating.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde pulls out a little origami crane from her pocket. It looks like it is made of tinfoil. <<Yes, I don't want to send the wrong impression to him. If he likes being helpful though, hopefully he will be on board with it. I wonder how long it will take him. That is a /lot/ of tinfoil and it takes a bit of manual dexterity. I mean, different than just running somewhere really fast, you know? I wonder if he has that kind of delicate control while moving quickly?>>

Kitty gives a soft laugh, for no apparent reason that someone who doesn't hear her thoughts, or suspect she is talking telepathically, would realize. <<Wow. I sound like Hank there!>>

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks << Who's hank? >> She asks curiously she knows a lot of people and knows a lot of fates.. but she knows the bad ones via their code names which is telling. though she grins << He does everything fast it's crazy, even his brain is going a million miles an hr I swear >> She wiggles her hands like she's trying to show speed << to him were going super slow >>.

Wolverine has posed:
    Sidelong towards Kitty she'll hear Logan grumble. "Stop it." Though he doesn't look away from the television. He keeps watching, but when he perceives what is likely a quizzical glance as to what she should be stopping he elaborates. "That. The whole telepathic giggling thing." He lifts the beer bottle and gestures, "I can smell the telepathic goofiness." No, he can't.
    But he does seem to settle in further as he leans the chair back, the forward leg support /kachunk!/ing into position as he furrows his brow and keeps on watching television.

Shadowcat has posed:
On the television, a breakaway develops. Two of the Jets and one defender. They drive up the ice, forcing the defender back. Only to have one of the Jets move into the zone too soon. Whistle! Offsides!

Kitty grins over to Rachel at Logan's grumble. She answers Rachel in her thoughts. <<Hank? Hank McCoy. Really super smart X-man? Big and blue fur. Deep, smooth voice that you'd like to get him to narrate stories or something when you hear it. He's sort of the resident genius. Always thinking about science.>>

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Blinks << Oh Beast right I know about him >> She frowns << He was yelling at me when I showed up about who I'm not allowed to be here, and jean isn't allowed to, believe me,>>.

     She grins she can't help but tease him " But this way were not squawking at you, even if we're talking about you " They weren't but she likes to poke the bear, She's been hanging out with Ellie too much.

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan's answer is flared fingertips waving in her direction. His eyes do widen a little with that mildly pained look reserved for adults enduring the trials of Job, or at least what he's pretending to be such trials. He does, however, keep on watching the television...
    And then commercial!
    He's up out of the chair with another kachunk and he's running towards the kitchen. But he skids to a halt in the doorway and asks. "You want anythin'?" He points at the two of them and unless they come up with something right quick...
    Well then he's already moving.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde calls out to Logan. "Box of cereal! And the milk! And a bowl and spoon! Make that two bowls and two spoons!" She looks over to Rachel. "Right, Beast. Sorry, I should have led with that. Oh, I imagine he was all over you with meters and measurements and... tachyon... things?" Kitty kicks off her shoes and draws her legs up on the couch, legs pulled to her side. "So you've only been here a week. And... how is that you got back here? To our time?" Kitty asks, going back to verbal while Logan is in the other room.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Chews her lip for a moment and sighs " bad stuff " she says after a moment. She pulls her legs up but moves to telepathic << Don't tell anybody okay, Mom told me to keep it quite, but the pheoniex force pulled me here..I don't know how to go back, I'm stronger, but I have crap control >>

Wolverine has posed:
    Hurled back the short distance from the rec room to the kitchen, Logan's growling voice throws back to them, "Anythin' else ya want, yer majesty?" But there's no real malice in the words, she's gotten used to his tones over the years. That's hardly stage 1 in the Logan Annoyance Richter Scale.
    There's the sound of clanging and clattering, then the whir of a microwave oven firing up. It takes roughly 3 minutes and then Logan returns, almost in time for the game to come back on. But when he enters he's carrying a bowl of popcorn, the cereal under one arm, the milk... and then there's a jangle as he tosses a few spoons and two fairly small plastic bowls on the coffee table.
    Back to watching.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches over to gives Rachel's shoulder a squeeze. "It's ok, you don't have to talk about it," Kitty says for the benefit of anyone with animal-like levels of hearing. <<I didn't realize it could do that. Do you need to go back?>> A pause. <<I guess there are people there still,>> Kitty says, working that out for herself moments after the initial thought.

The return of Logan causes Kitty to sit up straighter and smile to him. "Thanks Logan," she tells him. She begins pouring two bowls of cereal unless Rachel does something to forestay the second bowl. Before long Kitty will be leaning back in the couch, munching away on sugar-frosted, shaped bits of food-like substance.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Lays her head on kitty's lap and just decides to close her eye's and go to sleep instead .. Kitty can phase away later so she can escape rachel dosn't mind.