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Latest revision as of 19:21, 19 August 2017

Practicing for Home Ec. Test
Date of Scene: 19 August 2017
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Wednesday was practicing for her Home Ec test and Havok happened upon her.
Cast of Characters: Oddity, Havok

Oddity has posed:
This Saturday it would seem that Wednesday is practicing for her Home Ec cooking test coming up and a menagerie of scents is echoing about and probably out of the kitchen. None of which smells bad. And she just so happens to be wearing a black frilly apron over her black and light pink gothic lolita dress with her usual black stockings and high heels accompanying it. And she seems to be in the process of grilling some chicken with a variety of Italian spices at top of them and if one looks closely, the chicken breast seems to be stuffed with something. There is also a skillet where she is sauteing quartered red potatoes and some broccoli being steam near that.

Havok has posed:
Food, he smells food. Or something akin to it - depending on the quality of the cook. He missed the festivities last night. More intentionally than accidently. He is still feeling out of touch with the people in the house as it's been 6 years (for him) since he's been here. Yet for them it was only a few weeks. Either way, Alex Summers presents himself in the kitchen through the door wearing sneakers, jeans, and a red tshirt. His blue eyes look about the room and spies the gothic girl of diminutative stature making foodstuffs. "Morning." is announced as he moves in closer to look at what's being made. "I'm Alex." - It's a dry intro. But he's already leading up to something and being cordial.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday looks over her shoulders to Havok with a smile as she says "Hi Alex, I'm Wednesday. I am practicing for my upcoming Home Ec test. I have no idea what I am suppose to cook so just practicing the things I know. Father always insisted I know how to cook and mend and clean. He was kinda old school." A giggle escapes her lips as she looks back to the food and carefully flips the chicken breast onto the other side and adds more seasonings. As she looks back to Alex she asks "Can you grab me a small sauce pot? I need to make the sauce for this chicken. I already have the ingredients I need to make it just... kinda forgot to grab the pan I neeeded. Silly me."

Havok has posed:
Alex hears her assessment of her father's intentions but doesn't comment. It could go horribly awry if he said the wrong thing and if that were to happen, he may not get any chicken. Instead he comments casually, "It smells great." under his breath. Then looks at the indicated direction for a sauce pot. If it's not completely obvious, he won't know where to look and will have to ask where to find it. <either way>

Grabbing the pot, he'll say, "So then you're practicing. I'll be glad to taste test it for you. I mean, it's the least I can do for a student and to help you make a passing grade."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday blushes softly as she is complimented and says to Alex "Thank you. I try." She takes the sauce pot, focusing on his blue eyes for a moment before she puts the pot on the burner and begins to turn it on as she says "Thank you. And a taste tester would e lovely in truth. It is something called Pollo Rosa Maria. And the chicken breast is stuffed with mozzarella and proscuitto. And... I have some cheesecake setting in the fridge. I did that before I started on this." More giggles emitting as she begins to pour all the needed ingredients to make the buttery, lightly garlic'd sauce. While that is beginning to hit up, she gets the sauteed potatoes out and put them onto two seperate plates as well as the broccoli. As she puts the used, now empty, pans into the sink she asks "What is it you teach her Alex?"

Havok has posed:
Alex is now assured that he will be getting food, he meanders over to the fridge to glimpse the cheesecake. Opening the fridge he listens to her words and then the question comes, "Tactics using our powers and combat power usage. Mostly stuff to get students ready for potential conflict." He reflects a moment, "Regardless of how much a person wants to hide and avoid conflict, it's gonna happen. It's in the contract for being a mutant." With the statements, it opens a segue for his question, "What is your power?" as he considers her tactical advantages.

Oddity has posed:
The cheesecake in question looks like it is a caramel swirled one and seems to be almost done setting. As he explains, Wednesday looks to him and says "Oh? I think I have your class. I am still.. well... learning how all my powers work and how I can use them in combat. And I am not as strong as I would like to be sadly." As he asks the question she begins to move the now done chicken onto the plate and pours the sauce over it as she says "Oh well... I see ghosts, like all the time. I can phasing through walls and such. I am a psychic but... people know when I am reading their minds, I can also move things with my mind, but a shield around myself and others though the smaller it is the stronger it is. And I can cause psychic illusions and also Astral Project, though... I have to have myself in a safe place when I astral project since it looks like I am in a coma when I do it." She grabs the two plates and offers one of the to Alex with a smile.

Havok has posed:
While she elaborates, he closes the fridge confident that he'll be having a slice of the cheesecake. Then while she gives the definitive list of powers, he stands in partial amazement. His eyes reflect the overwhelming list of abilities and there's a half smile on his face. When offered the plate, he will step forward and take it. He tries to review the list in his head and then says in observation, "So strong with the mental abilities along with phasing. Gotcha. How long have you been working with your powers?"

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday sets her plate down on a nearby counter and begins to put the other dirty dishes into the sink so she can let them soak and easily wash them when the eating is done. As she begins to cut up her chicken with the mozzarella cheese slowly oozing out she says "Oh um... I would kinda practice with my dad but it wasn't anything serious. He was protective. I had to beg him to even let me come to school here while he was still alive. His physical form is gone but he is still around, just like my mom. Some of the powers I didn't realize I had until maybe 2 years ago. I try to do new things with my mind to see if I can do it as well. I think I have learned all of them by now though."

Havok has posed:
"That's pretty amazing. Most of us didn't have more than one or two abilities. Though I have noticed a diverse crowed in recent years with scores of powers, like yourself. It's almost like the world is changing and evolving." Alex comments reflectively while the whole plateing of food is going on and will watch curiously only to ask when her last statement comes to mind, "But I'll say. When it comes to the diversity of mental powers, there are many stunts that can be performed. You may want to book as much time with the TPs and TKs possible while you're here. They know mentals way better than I do. I'm more of a physical and energy sort of trainer. Or like your TK, that's right up my alley."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods softly and says "I will. At least... I intend to. I just want to be able to fight back even without my powers if someone is like... immune to my powers. I well... I want wandering about the city the other night and came onto an... an underground mutant fight night or something. And... When I tried to use my abilities on someone... I got such a bad headache, I collapsed. Like... I can normally cause an illusion but... he was wearing weird armor and I... I wasn't able to. He was sooo huge... like... if I were to stand atop of my own head, he was still taller." She takes a small bite, chewing and swallowing before she asks "So.. when could we maybe work on my telekinesis things? For fighting and defense purposes?"

Havok has posed:
After taking a bite, Alex looks quite pleased, "This is great." he comments about the food. Then takes more into his mouth while she tells her story. He chews, swallows and then nods, "Yeah. That's pretty much the gist of it. I train you all how to use your powers for offense and defense. General usage isn't my gig. That's more the respective instructors who normally have the power in question or have had that experience."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday blushes deeply and bashfully looks to her food as she softly murmurs "Thank you..." Her eyes looking back up to him as she takes another bite of her food while she listens to him. She nods softly and says "Understandable. I need a lot of practice in truth. Never had to fight against someone thankfully. And not sure how I would favor to be honest. Kinda nervous about going into a battle or fight." And then more bites are taken.

Havok has posed:
"Honestly, the best thing for you and all the students is to do your best to avoid any conflict. Best defense; no be there." Alex states with a solid tone of conviction that suggests he's serious on the matter. He continues, "Running away isn't a bad thing. Calling for backup or being out with a skilled mentor is even better. In all my training here; I've noticed that new mutant survivability is low when it comes to power usage. Use your head first. Your feet second - to run. And your powers last."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday nods at Alex's words and says "I did run. Cause the building was going to collape. That fight... it got so intense. I was just watching. And I... I tried to stop it but... I couldn't. But it seems shortly after I left they stopped fighting." She has finished her food now and is putting the plate into the sink. Her hands beginning to soap up the sponge to hand wash everything as she says "It really was an amazing fight to watch. I... I don't even know how some of them did what they did. Like.. one guy called himself the Juggernaut and the other who has a cute corgi named Borgi, is Bjorn." She pauses before she asks "Are we allowed to have pets on campus?"

Havok has posed:
Slightly alarmed, Alex says, "The Juggernaut?! Yeah, you should have run. Don't look back, just run. He's far more powerful than a lot of us and even more dangerous. As for pets... Depends on the pet, I'd imagine. I don't make those decisions. You'll want to ask Ms Grey or the Professor. They set policy." he also stands with his plate, having eaten everything, he moves to the sink and deposits it. Still concerned tone in his voice as he reiterates, "... and yeah, you need to run from conflict. All of you do. There's a long list of people's names who didn't run and they paid the ultimate price."

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday blinks a bit at Alex's words and says "He.. he is very powerful I noticed... And I will ask them when I see them. I kinda wanna get like... a cat or something." She continues to wash the dishes and says "I will keep running in mind. That is something I am quite use to as of late. And I can crawl into small spaces and hide too. Or phase into the wall to escape. I find the phasing helps a lot to be honest."

Havok has posed:
"Oh yeah, Phasing. Kitty is the one to talk to about that. She's quite skilled with the tactical advantages of the power from running away to actively attacking others by phasing them into solid structures. If you can phase others, or want to learn, talk to her. That's probably the most useful power out there. It stops the villain in their tracks with significant damage and stunning possible." Alex notes while moving to the fridge to retrieve the cheesecake, because it's time to eat more.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday finishes up the dishes and places them in the drying rack as she says "I will definently do that. I want to get better. Not sure if I can phase others yet. I haven't tried and I am scared to honestly." She grabs two small plates and sets them on the counter as she sees him grabbing the cheesecake and says "I made the crust myself from scratch. Same with the cheesecake recipe. I just... I prefer to do things from scratch than that store bought boxed thing. I think it tastes better."

Havok has posed:
"Cheesecake is really one of my favorites. It's really hard to go wrong with any of the flavors." He sits it on the counter, opens and looks to cut and plate. He asks, "You want some? Considering you made it..." and smiles while sliding the slice onto a plate.

Oddity has posed:
Wednesday smiles happily as he says that and responds "It is one of my favorites to. If you are ever craving it. I can make it for you. I like to bake and cook. It helps me calm about stressful things. Whatever might be plagueing my mind." She giggles and nods as she says "Yes please. I adore sweets to be honest." She grabs the fork and takes a small bite off of it and slips it between her lips. A smile curls her lips as she chews with her mouth closed of course.

Havok has posed:
After placing pieces on each plate, Alex will return the cover on and the cheesecake to the fridge. He then grabs his plate, leans against the counter with his fork and begins to eat. He does indeed like it as demonstrated on his facial expressions. He doesn't comment on the offer for her to cook for him. To him it's a little too involved right now. He instead states, "This is really good. Thanks." then adds with little segue as he looks at the clock on the wall, "Oh heck.... I'm gonna be late for the training." He pushes off the counter. Still carrying the plate and will eat en route. He says, "Thanks for everything. This has been great. I'll look for you on my schedule."