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Quinn (Scenesys ID: 7611)
Full Name: Quinn Morgan
Gender: Female
Species: Enhanced Human
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Mental Case
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Nomadic
Education: Commune
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 21 Actual Age: 21
Date of Birth 17 December 2005 Actor: Ni Ni
Height: 155 cm Weight: 49 kg
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Stormy Grey
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Quinn Morgan was born in the sideshow circuit, and continues to live her life as if she's still there. After an attack on her sideshow family by nightmare creatures left her parents dead and Quinn injured, she has altered her path to that of a vigilante who seeks out these creatures in order to protect the marginalized people who often fall prey to the shadows. But don't expect Quinn to play by society's rules. Or even stand still for more than a few minutes. Her mask is not her only facade, as her humor and irreverent and deadpan sarcasm serve as walls to keep everyone out. Because you can't lose anything or anyone that you never had to start with...



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Quinn is petite. But that's not the first thing that strikes the eyes. No, that would be the overall appearance of this little fighter. At 5'1", she lacks the size to intimidate. Her visage, however, is a different story. No one alive today has ever seen Quinn without the shimmery white paint that covers her face and body. Her face is most often accentuated with black flourishes in the style of a renaissance harlequin. Her hair is long, falling straight and onyx black to her waist.

Quinn's lips, always intense deep crimson or darkest black, rest in a curve that suggests the slightest of secretive smiles, or an altogether lack of emotion. There is no hint of sparkle in her eyes, which appear dark, stormy grey or black, depending on the light, and are often wide and vacant - a void into which she gathers the information around her, always in some way geared toward her ultimate goal.

Her dress is often showy, given her past in the sideshow. Sparkle and shine are her calling card, in sequins, crystals and rhinestones. Her curves, however scant, do little to enhance the costumery, which seems to accentuate what little she has. She wants the world to see her coming. Let her prey be prepared. After all, there is only honor in a /fair/ fight. Upon her back is slung a plain wooden bow, stained in charcoal hues so that the woodgrain shows through. Nothing fancy, and likely handmade. Her quiver is black leather, reinforced and hand-tooled, resting on the slant alongside that bow.

She is most often seen in the company of a black and white pied crow named Ansel, either perched upon her shoulder, or someplace nearby.


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Quinn Morgan was born into the sideshow circuit. Her mother was an undocumented Chinese immigrant who married an Chinese American citizen, and her parents were members of a sideshow that toured the United States until their deaths in 2015. Quinn continued in that circuit until increasing pressure from animal rights activists shut down many circuses in the US due to the ill treatment and exploitation of exotic animals: a cause that had Quinn's wholehearted support.

Raised in the sideshow circuit, Quinn was a member of extended family of oddities and extraordinarily talented people, who all worked together to educate the children in a communal fashion. She showed extraordinary skill as an archer, and was trained and put into the sideshow herself from an early age as a trickshot. Her parents were loving and protective, and called Quinn their "Little Diamond." Given her sideshow name, Harlequin Morgan, there were few people who ever knew her given name. Even now, Quinn would struggle to remember it.

It was on one fateful night in the wilds of Wyoming, en route to the West Coast, when the sideshow encampment came under attack by assailants as then unknown. Quinn's parents were killed, along with a number of other members of her extended family. Quinn herself suffered an injury, which results in a scar that is still visible above the neckline of most of her costumery: four slash marks on the diagonal across her right collarbone, identical in size and shape, with only small variations among their texture and outlines.

But the physical scar would prove to be far less influential than the deeper scars which remained when flesh healed. No, she had not become a lycanthrope. But somehow, Quinn's injury caused changes in her body. For example, as the injury healed, her body became stronger and more agile. But as she would learn in the days and years to come, there was another change that would profoundly influence her life's path. For here and there, along life's journey, Quinn became acutely aware of a sudden ache in her bones which always seemed somehow familiar, and yet she could not place it. Sometimes it was dull. Sometimes it was excruciating. But she would not learn until another attack on the sideshow in the wilds of Montana that the ache was caused by proximity to the race of creatures that had caused the injury in the first place. Simply put, Quinn's body reacts to lycanthropes whenever they are near. She can feel their presence in the ache in her bones, and it enrages her in ways that she never thought possible.

Sometime later, Quinn had a chance encounter with a man known only as Technomancer, from another sideshow. He exhibited skill and talent that enthralled Quinn, and she was drawn to his mysterious persona, and his work. The Technomancer offered to teach Quinn a rudimentary understanding of his trade. His price was high, but Quinn learned that no cost was too high for something she held in such critical regard. So the Technomancer set about training Quinn, dubbing her his "Clockwork Doll." And when her brief internship was completed, Quinn had learned the workings of clockwork - cogs and gears that would do her bidding, once she found the right way to entwine them. With this knowledge, she began to enhance her fletching and arrowcraft, to make herself not only effective, but quite terrifying.

When the sideshow ended, Quinn found herself with only loss and anger, and an increasing thirst to find and destroy the abominations who threatened and preyed upon marginalized people in society: those who needed the protection most. With an ache that was all too often physical, she set out to right many of the wrongs that had been inflicted upon those people. People who included her family. People who included herself. And that path is where she finds herself today, hunting nightmare creatures that most people believe only exist in fairy tales. Because fairy tales find their roots in the darker realities of a world fraught with the dangers that come to life in those tales.


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A light and lofty sprite of a young woman, Quinn Morgan is fun-loving and fantastically deadpan sarcastic. Nothing seems to touch her buoyant spirit, and everything can be a joke, given the right context. While her social graces aren't quite refined, she finds herself negotiating her path in society with few foibles, because she never stays close to anyone or anything for long. Self-preservation is key. Her walls deflect attachment to anyone, because she's seen how easily they can be taken away from her. But any misgiving there is veiled by her humor and sarcasm, even as her painted mask betrays no emotion.

Quinn takes only one thing in life seriously: The Hunt. She has set out to find the abominations of this world, borne of shadows, which threaten humankind. Her protections particularly extend to mutants, who often find themselves lost in their search for identity. She protects them as she does all humankind, against the undead, the demons, the lycanthropes, and other shadow creatures which prey upon those she would see as her own kin.


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Due to an injury inflicted upon Quinn when her sideshow family was attacked by werewolves, Quinn can now sense them. She was not transformed when she was clawed, but now her bones ache when she is in proximity to lycanthropes. The pain intensifies as they come closer. While it allows her to know their presence and helps her locate them, it does prove painful. For this reason she often focuses her hunt on other abominations. For more information, see the Weakness by the same name. (This does /not/ extend to mutants who display lycan abilities or powers. She can neither sense them, nor does she hold any hostility toward them, as they themselves are often like Quinn - overwhelmed in a world that can be dangerous for them.)


While Quinn is still a human, she has gained a good deal of strength and agility since the night that her sideshow family was attacked. She couldn't outrun the fattest cheetah on the planet, but she can run up to about 40 miles per hour, and she can lift several hundred pounds without flinching. Her reflexes are lightning fast. Nothing serious, as superpowers go, but it is a tremendous boon to her in battle. It is unstudied and undocumented, mostly because someone has to stand still long enough to be studied. Good luck with that...


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Quinn's upbringing in the sideshow circuit proved her to be a prodigy with a bow. Her skills were unrivaled as a sideshow trickshot, and she awed crowds from a very early age. Her skills have become more honed as time went on, and she utilizes them to the fullest in her hunt.

With an affinity for clockwork and other such intricate designs, Quinn has found ways to incorporate them into her equipment, particularly arrows. This way, her arrows can include devices that allow for a delayed explosion after impact, and a shrapnel-based explosion upon impact, to inflict the type of damage that she's going for.


Quinn crafts her own bows, her own arrows, and many of her own accessories. Her bows are carefully carved to compensate for a weakness on Quinn's right side, owing to the injury she sustained in her attack. She /can/ adjust her aim with regulation equipment, and still be more accurate than most. But she doesn't have to think about it, if she's using a bow made by her own hand. In a split-second shot, that can make all the difference.


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Quinn has a companion who goes nearly everywhere with her. His name is Ansel, and he is pied crow - which is to say that he looks like a black crow wearing a white doublet. Quinn is often known to project human-like qualities on Ansel in her dealings with him, despite the fact that he is in no way enchanted, powered, or altered. He's...just a crow who's really devoted to his Painted Girl, despite her possible madness.

Quinn has an array of bows crafted by her own hands, for various purposes. Her collection of arrows is impressive by any measure, containing arrows with clockwork devices that project hundreds of needles on impact for maximum damage, and incendiary devices that can detonate either on impact, or a predetermined amount of time after impact.


The paint that Quinn wears everywhere she goes may be pretty - white and shimmery. But it has been carefully infused with silver dust to inflict damage upon creatures that bite first and ask questions later. In addition, there is a secret ingredient - a bioluminescent fungus - which serves as a hallucinogen to disorient those same bitey things. However, unbeknownst to Quinn, the paint also has an adverse effect on Quinn. (See Weakness by the same name.)


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Nightmare creatures hate Quinn Morgan. She killed their father, and she's prepared to die. Quinn doesn't exactly make many friends outside of the hunt, either. Other monster hunters, maybe? But she trusts no one, and she further distrusts fate's ability to take away anyone at any moment, regardless of kinship. She's a loner. Mostly.

Quinn's pain in the proximity and presence of true lycans can cause her skills to become weaker or even fail. While she harbors anger toward a race of nightmare creatures that killed her family, she will often focus her hunt on undead, demons, and other "monsters."

The paint that Quinn uses as a secondary defense against bitey creatures contains a hallucinogen which, while bright and shimmery, causes disorientation and hallucinations when consumed. Unbeknownst to Quinn, the paint has poisoned her over years of skin absorption, and her personality may or may not be affected by a madness brought on by the paint itself.


Quinn's temper is flash-fire hot, but fades quickly, as do most emotions that cross the painted girl's path. When she throws a tantrum, she's usually alone, except for Ansel. And while the bird has little to fear, as her targets are always inanimate objects, the pied crow knows to stay out of the path of thrown objects, as they can often crazy-bounce, and there's no telling where they'll land, or what they'll hit.


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