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Jubilee Runs In All Frantic
Date of Scene: 14 February 2019
Location: Xavier's Mansion - Kitty Pryde's Room
Synopsis: Jubilee checks on Kitty post-boating accident
Cast of Characters: Jubilee, Shadowcat

Jubilee has posed:
No rumor or whisper is too small at Xavier's, and Jubilee finally caught wind that her best friend got a knock on the head while out at sea. Of course, the telephone game is strong. She was rescued by Namor! Then he fought Aauaman for the rights to court her! She was attacked by a giant sea-squid that shot laser beams!

So, of course, she has to get to the bottom of this mess. She reaches out and knocks on the door, bouncing a bit on her feet with anxious energy. "Kitty! You there?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Sure, come on in!" Kitty calls back. When the door is opened, there's Kitty sitting there on the end of her bed. One of the students is with her, one who is able to heal other people with a touch. "Thanks so much for looking at it," Kitty is telling him.

Looking at 'it'? 'It' appears to be a knot on her forehead, black and blue and sticking up like a 1/3 of a baseball attached to her forehead. Apparently there is some truth to the rumors.

The kid, Josh, better known as Elixir, looks over at Jubilee and gives her a wave. He turns back to Kitty and says, "Sure, I can help with this. Hey, if you want I can sort of, transfer it around to other parts of you," he says, motioning towards Kitty's torso.

Kitty lets out a gasp and covers up that part of her. "I have it on good authority the future will take care of that for me," Kitty tells him, shaking her head. "Hey JuJu," Kitty will say, assuming Jubilee has come in.

Jubilee has posed:
"Holy cannoli!" Jubilee says at the sight of Kitty's head. "Wow. That squid really punched the hell out of you." She will just keep rolling with that rumor until it's corrected. "Whaddup Foley? You fixing her boo-boo up?"

As she strolls forward, she wraps her arms about Kitty for a hug. "Okay, so tell me all about it. Is Namor /really/ a great kisser or does he smell like fish?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft laugh and she wraps her arm overtop of Jubilee's, accepting the hug and returning it in that fashion while she otherwise has to hold still for Elixir. "Oh yes. Giant squid. Ninjas riding on his back," Kitty says. She lets out a soft laugh. "Namor? Wow those rumors really get going fast," she says.

The bruise starts to go away and the lump receding as Elixir performs all sorts of awesomeness on Kitty. "Nah, you remember my friend Barbara, the nurse? I went to see her. She got called in early, told me to take her sailboat out. Little two-man thing, wouldn't try it in rough weather but it was nice out," Kitty says.

"Oh, that's so much better, thank you Josh!" Kitty says, giving him a quick hug as he finishes healing her. She turns to Jubilee then, pulling her onto the bed to join her as Josh heads out.

"So you got me all singing Dazzler lately and I had my earbuds in. Was heading back, it was getting dark. Fixing a sail that came loose and then I saw some light on the sail and turned. And pretty much just saw stars at that point. Think I maybe took part of the hull right in the head. Or maybe I hit on the sailboat. I don't know. I was out cold," Kitty says, shaking her now healed head.

Jubilee has posed:
Fistbumping Foley on the way out, Jubilee flops down next to Kitty to listen to story time. Her brows raise upwards a bit. "Don't you love student rumors? They're hilarious. Sometimes I confirm a few of them just to keep the juice going depending on level of hilarity. I once convinced the student body that Scott only wears the glasses because he's obsessed with that old Corey Hart song from the eighties."

Looping her arm about her shoulders, she lets out a huh. "So, that story wasn't as cool as I was hoping. That's actually really scary. So what happened next?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde leans over into Jubilee, her own arm going around her friend's waist. "Well, next thing I know there's this gorgeous Atlantean man looking down at me as I'm lying there on the sand. Flowing blond hair. Rich mocha skin. Eyes that were the lightest shade of blue I've ever seen. Just... totally ripped," Kitty says, giving a little sigh.

"And so I'm lying there, spitting up sea water out of my nose and mouth. You know. Making a great first impression," Kitty says, covering her face and laughing. "And he'd been giving me CPR. And I phase as I come to and he kind of falls into me onto the sand. His name's Kaldur. And he was really sweet too. Offered to bring me back here but it's hours by car of course. He has a boat he took me to, as I was freezing half to death. I warmed up in his shower there and wore one of his shirts. Fell asleep against him on his couch, and he let me sleep until morning," Kitty says.

Jubilee has posed:
"Okay, so you kinda made out with budget Namor, got naked on his boat and wore his clothes. Daaaang. That sounds like a pretty fun first date." Jubilee says with a giggle as she gives her a few nudges. "So ... you gonna see him again? I think hot ripped fish men is definitely step up than most guys you will meet in the city."

She hums to herself a bit. ".. and I think I have a date myself tomorrow night."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty breaks out laughing. "Ok that... is appalling more correct... technically speaking... than I wish it were. So CPR, with the breathing and hands on my chest, is that like first and second base right there?" Kitty says, blushing deeply.

"Oh, I don't know. I gave him my number, but... I don't know that I expect to hear from him or anything," she says. "And, you know me, Jubi. I'm kind of... slow on the uptake when it comes to a new guy." She toys with the blanket with her fingers. "He was cute though, I'll give him that. But it's not like I could go underwater with him or something, right?"

Kitty turns and pokes Jubilee with the arm that isn't about the other woman. "Date? Who is it? You didn't mention anyone. Are you holding out on me?" Kitty asks, laughing warmly and smiling to her friend.

Jubilee has posed:
"Hey, if he can breathe on Earth, then you can go on dates with him on tropical islands in which you eat fruit or something and lay about on a bikini. By the way, it's only second base if you liked it. Otherwise it's just CPR." Jubilee grins at her. "...annnnd... if he lives underwater, how does he have a phone? Do you have a conch shell or something to blow into that may summon him?"

The slim shoulders rise upwards on the young Chinese woman and she grins. "Ah.. Well.. Kurt, actually. Though I don't know if we're going to consider it a date? I asked him to dinner with me at a new salad bar so we can talk more about his time in Germany and just hang out in general. Buuuut.. I mean... I /was/ dropping at least some hints. Up for him to pick them up."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins over at Jubilee. "That's great JuJu. He's so very awesome. Just as sweet as can be. He was outside when I got back finally after being run over by Tre and the Yacht of Doom. It was so good seeing him again."

Kitty smiles and says, "If you want any help dropping hints let me know. I could wander by a little before you're supposed to meet. Drop that I stopped by your place and you were getting ready to go out somewhere, and I've never seen you worried so much about whether you looked nice. Though only if you want me to of course," Kitty tells her friend.

Jubilee has posed:
"Oooh, girl tactics. He may be wise to them. He's quite charming and you have a terrible poker face." Jubilee teases her with a wink. "But, I don't know.. I'm not getting my hopes up. I'm probably suuuuper in the friend zone with him. Just like I am with most of the guys here. I am always going to be seen as the obnoxious prankster slash sidekick to Logan."

She is all grins as she says it, as if it doesn't really upset her in the least. "But yeah, it's great seeing him again. I'm glad he's back because he was always one of the good guys."

Shadowcat has posed:
"I'm not really in a rush to find someone," Kitty says. "Kaldur, that's his name, he has a boat. And it had a phone I used to call Barbara, so... who knows. I think you have much better odds with Kurt though," Kitty tells Jubilee. "I'll cross my fingers for you."

Kitty gets a grin. "I mentioned how every other person has a different nickname for me, all the Kat, Kitty, KitKat, etc. I asked what my name would be in Atlantean and he said I'm Ke'ra. So that's what he calls me. Kind of beautiful isn't it?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Very beautiful! I dunno, Kitty, I think he likes you. To me, that sounds like a spark. I hope he calls you. I really wanna meet him, you know, give him the bestie side eye to size him up." Jubilee glances down at her phone, turning it about in her hands a bit. "And I will cross my fingers for you too, even my toes if I can twist 'em just right. But, I'm glad that you're okay. I should get going though. Come find me later? We'll snag Rogue and maybe Lorna and do ice cream and just kick it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde rises from the bed. "Will do," she says. "Good luck with Kurt. I won't say anything. Just let me know how it goes," Kitty says, giving Jubilee a big hug before letting her depart.