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Latest revision as of 01:17, 20 February 2019

Date of Scene: 19 February 2019
Location: Phone call between Xavier's School and Gotham
Synopsis: Jason Todd and Kitty Pryde chat on the phone while Jason is staking out some bad guys
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Red Hood

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty put the number into her phone as soon as she was in the uber driving away. It is very late when she gets back to the school, being dropped off at the gate and then walking the distance up to the mansion proper. It's cold too. She shivers a bit, but pulls out her phone and dials the number from Jason's card. Ring ring. Ring ring.

Red Hood has posed:
Outside of Gauchos Du Sol - 1:57 AM.

The restaurant was just closing up for the evening - and Suzie Su still hadn't left yet. Instead, a black car pulls up in the back alley, and a greasy looking Spaniard steps out. The contact.

On a rooftop across from the alley, Red Hood is in position, waiting for the fat lady to come out so he can make her sing when there's a chirp on the inside of his helmet.

>>> Incoming Call: Pryde, Katherine - 914-555-3509 <<<

Huh. Didn't actually expect her to call considering how many one kiss and ghosted dates I've had. Starting to think I'm a bad kisser.

Clicking the muting button on his helmet, Jason answers the call within the Hood. "Hello?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles as the phone connects. She steps on a mud puddle that is frozen over, the ice giving that pleasing cracking as it gives way. "Jason? It's Kitty. Just wanted to call you and tell you that I made it home. And, also that I had a really nice time tonight," she tells him.

Another frozen puddle, the water all suspended in the layer of ice. Crack! It's like Jack Frost's equivalent of bubble wrap.

Red Hood has posed:
"Hey, Kitty. I was just sitting up and.. you know, thinking about our date too." It helps that he's at the very restaurant that they were visiting. Down below, the man is heading around the back of the car to open the trunk of the car, pulling out a briefcase.

"I enjoyed our evening as well. Was hoping to get a second one, since we were talking about it." He hears the cracking of the ice underneath her feet and he arches a brow.

"You still out?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yes, just walking down the driveway to the school," Kitty replies into her phone. "It's a beautiful night. This far out from the city, you can see so many more stars than can in Gotham, or New York," she tells him. "I wish you were hear to see it."

Another iced-over mud puddle. Kitty steps on it. Crack! Only this one had enough to still have a few inches of water left after the icy cover formed.


So glad he didn't see that.

Red Hood has posed:
"I'm just relaxing on the couch, getting ready for bed. I'd tell you what I was wearing, but I wouldn't want you to get thoughts in your head." Jason comments teasingly.

Women dig the giant red hood.

When he hears the crack and the splash, there's an amused little noise. But he tries his best to sound 'concerned'. "You alright, Kitty?" he asks.

Though now, coming out of the rear entrance of the bar, comes a waddling Su. Her gunmen come out first, before she makes her exit. And as they do so, they head over to the hood to start to talk to the contact.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Oh, yeah, I'm great. Just... ah... stepping into mud puddles. Actually," Kitty says, giving a soft, self-deprecating laugh. She reaches the door to the school, opening it and going inside. Lockheed is on her in no time, having been keeping an eye out. He flies around her and then immediately goes to curl up on her shoulders.

"There you are!" Kitty says, giving the purple dragon a soft rub on his head. "Just greeting my bestie," Kitty says into the phone. "So... I'm thinking boxers," she says, looking around to make sure no students are about to hear the conversation.

Red Hood has posed:
"We'll see how the next date goes, maybe you'll find out." Jason plays coy when she greets the dragon. "Yeah, just looked out my window. No stars. It'd be nice to see them in your eyes."

Smooth. Straight from the book of Grayson.

Down below, there seems to be an argument that is starting between the large woman and the spaniard. They're gestulating angrilly at each other, and Jason recognizes it. He feels himself tensing. He'll need to make a move. Soon. Not yet though.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde walks along the halls and starts up the stairs to her room. "Yeah yeah, Mr. Cool," Kitty says with a soft chuckle. "I am looking forward to next time," she says as she walks down the hall. She passes Piotr's door, glancing over it and drawing a breath, too quiet to hear over the phone. "I don't want to keep you up too late," Kitty says to Jason over the phone. "Talk to you later, about making plans, yeah?"

Red Hood has posed:
"Sounds like a plan, Kitty." Jason responds.

Su apparently has had enough. She screams something incomprhensible, and suddenly gunshots start to ring out in the alley as the goons and the Spaniard's own men start to fire at each other. That's his cue, Red Hood moves from the rooftop to start to soar towards the alleyway.

"Sorry, unmuted the TV. Talk to you later, Kitty!"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Ok, talk to you later, Jason," she tells him. "Night." She hangs up her phone, slipping it in her pocket as she gets to her door. "Huh. Must have a really good sound system and a movie with DTS, I swear you could hear the shots echoing off buildings in the distance," she says to Lockheed.

Kitty goes inside of her room and closes the door. "Go ahead and lie down if you want. I'll just be a few minutes. Have to make a few deliveries," she tells the dragon. Kitty picks up about two dozen tinfoil origami cranes and grins. This prank is going to go on for weeks.