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Movie Night with the Stars
Date of Scene: 20 February 2019
Location: Gotham - Chelsea
Synopsis: The second date between Kitty Pryde and Jason Todd finds them realizing that there's something more there than a love of good movies and laughing.
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Shadowcat

Red Hood has posed:
Jason had called Kitty earlier in the evening, and sent a car up to the school to pick up the young woman from the school. He only gave an address - it leads to a brownstone in the residential area of Chelsea, standing among the other homes - it seems quite nice and homey. However, when she's dropped off outside the home, she'll find a little sign that reads 'Come around back'. Little glow in the dark stars on the ground light the way.

When she makes her way around, and past the gate, there's another sign next to the stairs in the back. 'Climb on up'. The stair railings are decorated with little led lights that twinkle against the wood.

At the top of the stairs, set up on the roof of the brownstone, she'll find Jason, dressed comfortably for the cold weather in a sweatshirt and jeans with a pair of tennis shoes. A portable propane heater is providing ambient heat, and a billowing sheet has been set up like a canopy. Across from the canopy is a screen with a projector connected to a video player, and Jason is putting on the last bit of cheesy powder on the popcorn.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks at the sign curiously, and then does as instructed. She follows it along until she finds the stairs. Smiling at the lights, she makes her way on up until she reaches the roof. Kitty's eyes sweep across the rooftop, seeing what Jason has set up, and a soft, warm smile grows across her face.

"Need a hand with anything?" Kitty asks as she walks over to join him. Once she's over by Jason, she smiles and reaches out to brush her fingers over his arm gently. "Cheetos powder," she says with a grin as he prepares the popcorn.

She looks over at the screen and asks, "So what's the movie for tonight?" Kitty moves a little closer to the heater, feeling how much warmth it is putting out. Enough to keep off the worst of the cold, at least.

Red Hood has posed:
"Hey." Jason greets, waiting for Kitty to join him. The touch to his arm brings a smile to his face, but he doesn't move to kiss the woman, letting her lead for now. His blue eyes watch her, and his fingers brush against hers. "I decided that I'd split the difference between our favorites."

Holding up the vid disk, he grins. "The Apartment - the original - not the remake." he offers to her warmly, as he gestures to where a wicker loveseat has been set up with a small table in optimal viewing position.

"Didn't know if you haven't eaten yet or not, so I was torn on ordering dinner." Hey, he can't do everything perfect, after all.

"But I do have our choice of sodas - from regular cola to orange drink." He grins at that, reaching up to caress her cheek lightly. "You look as beautiful as the first time I saw you, Kitty."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde pulls off her gloves and slides them into her pockets. "I had a little snack, since I wasn't sure if we were doing dinner or not," Kitty says with a soft laugh. "I guess maybe we should have been clearer?" she suggests as she smiles over to Jason.

"Excellent choice," she says of his choice on the movie. The young woman looks over to him, and as he gives her cheek that tender touch, Kitty smiles and looks down to give a shy smile. "Now you're just trying to flatter me," she complains.

"And worse, it's totally working," Kitty adds as she peeks back up at him. She moves over the rest of the way to Jason, and slips her arms about him to give him a hug. "Thank you for going to all of this work for me," she tells him as she looks at the furniture and the screen and projector and everything. "It really is flattering that you cared enough to," she tells him, looking up into his eyes as she stands close with him.

Red Hood has posed:
"What, this?" Jason grins at Kitty, feeling her close the distance as she embraces him. The warmth of her body against his is it's own intoxicant, and he breathes in the scent of the shampoo in her hair. "You were talking about how much you enjoy the stars - I wanted to bring them down for you." He's no superhero, he can't just reach up and bring them down - but he'll do his own budget version of it.

"And now you're trying to distract me, and it's working." he murmurs in response, tilting his head down to look at her in return. His hands rest lightly on her shoulders, and this time, it's his turn to bite his lower lip as he considers the young woman that he finds the eyes of.

"We could just call in a pizza." he suggests to her, before tilting down, his lips brushing gently against her cheek as he murmurs against her ear. "And we totally forget about the movie." he adds playfully.

Shadowcat has posed:
Not just shampoo in her hair. Up close, the perfume that Kitty applied sparingly is noticeable. A beautiful scent that she got from Illyana one year for Christmas, and that she only wears on special occasions now.

That must make this a special occasion then. But Kitty gives a soft laugh and says, "Oh no, not after you set all of this up. The popcorn, and your company, will be more than enough," she tells him.

Kitty pauses to look around the area at the rooftops of the other buildings. And the Gotham skyline, those taller buildings rising in the distance, many of them adorned with fancy gothic statues and corner pieces.

"And you said coming to Gotham too often was a bad idea," Kitty says, turning back to Jason. "It seems like so far I'm two-for-two on it," she says. She smiles and moves over to take a seat on the wicker furniture then as she watches Jason.

Red Hood has posed:
Grinning as she becomes the pratical one, Jason laughs. "Ah, the fruits of my labor deny me again." he says with a chuckle. As she goes to get comfortable, he heads over to the player to set up the movie, grabbing the remote. Heading over to the bench, he takes up a blanket as he sets it at the foot of the seats and moves to settle in close to Kitty, setting the bowl nearby.

"So what's been new at the school? You never told me what you were teaching there." he admits as he settles into the seat and reaches up to press play on the remote.

"I've had a couple of contracts come up - in town stuff, shouldn't keep me from having to do too many late night, but if I don't answer for a while, just wanted to make sure you knew it wasn't because I didn't want to."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles as Jason comes over to join her. With the heater there, and Jason, she slips off her jacket, though keeps it nearby in case it gets too cold. She's wearing a light blue sweater, the sleeves extra long, and two-toned pants, with a pair of nice boots.

Kitty snuggles over for warmth once Jason is settled, happy to have the blanket over her. "Not teaching. I could, but really, I'm not sure that teaching is what I want to," Kitty tells him. "Guidance counselor for the time being, along with my friend Jubilation. Though she told me that I have to be the bad cop if it comes up," the brunette tells Jason.

"Mmm. So, contracts, not out with your other girlfriends then," Kitty says, giving a slow nod as if seeing how it is. She leans in against Jason as the movie starts up. As they are lying there, watching the open credits, a few snow flakes start to drift down. Just the lightest fall. Kitty sits up, holding out a hand and looking up. "Ok, if you arranged this, you went all out," she says with a grin.

Red Hood has posed:
As she presses close to him, his own scent is there - fresh linen and just a hint of sandlewood and leather cologne. "Guidance counselor. So you mold young minds with granite and dynamite." he offers with a grin down towards her as she gets settled in and comfortable. His hand trails against the corded wool of her sweater, enjoying the feel of it just as the snow starts up.

She sits up to take it in and he chuckles. "No, Kitty, that would be just dumb luck on my part." he admits with a warm laugh as he sits up to watch some of the flakes hit against the heater just to evaporate immediately.

"When you're done being a guidance counselor, what's your plan after that? Going to become a principal? Maybe run your own school?" he asks her curiously.

Shadowcat has posed:
That is a good question. Run her own school. Run Xavier's school? Just hope that she's still alive. The future isn't something that Kitty has given as much thought to of late, focusing instead on where she is.

"I still haven't really decided," she tells him honestly. "And it's probably just for the semester, the guidance counselor part. I will probably go back to Oxford after, finish up my degree in astrophysics," she tells him. She had mentioned degrees in computer science and English literature before, or where those already obtained?

Kitty watches the movie, and rests her head over against Jason's shoulder. "So you mentioned having two brothers. Do they both live in Gotham as well?" Kitty asks him. "Do you get to see them very often?" She turns her head from the movie to regard Jason after asking the question.

Red Hood has posed:
"Sounds like you're planning to be an astronaut teacher professor." Jason says with a grin. "I'm starting to think I'm a little out-classed." he admits with a small chuckle, as he closes his eyes, feeling the warmth of her against him.

"Most of my education is from the streets - Bruce made sure I had a proper education, but college wasn't exactly in the cards. A little too thick headed for that." he says with a casual smile. Not that he doesn't have other skills, after all.

"I don't really get along with my brothers." he admits finally. With his arm settled around Kitty, his hand moves, tracing the cover of her arm to find her hand and caresses it with his own. "We see each other on occassion, but they run in their own circles, and I have my own. It's usually a rare occassion that brings us together."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's fingers brush back against Jason's. Very gently, seeming to explore his touch as she has her head tilted up to listen to him. "I'm sorry that you're not closer," she tells him quietly. "Did you say that you were 13 when you were adopted? If you don't mind me asking about things like this, that is? I was just wondering if you ever got closed with your new family. Was it more like a foster family to you, or were you still at an age you could adjust to seeing a father and brothers?"

Kitty's fingers slowly lace with his, if Jason allows it. She glances to the movie, but really her attention is on Jason right now. She turns a little bit more towards him, her head resting against his shoulder as she cradles in the warmth of his warm beneath the blanket.

Red Hood has posed:
"By the time I was adopted, Dick had already moved out." Jason explains. As he feels their fingers twine, and combine, his own fingers gently squeeze hers as he watches her and feels her turn to him. The movie's slowly becoming forgotten about as the two get cozy with the other as the snow continues to lightly fall.

"Tim came along after I left to go figure myself out." An easier way to say that Tim came after he died. "We're thick as thieves when we need to be, but most of the time, we're doing our own things. It's how we all would have wanted it, I imagine. Bruce is givng most of his attention to Damian these days." there's a nebulous shrug in his shoulders.

"Did I ask you if you had any siblings? I mean, you mention that the girl in the painting was your best friend - but I don't think I got any further with your family than that." he admits quietly, his other hand settling on her side as he lightly turns into her touch, bringing them closer together.

Meanwhile on the screen, Karl had just punched Bud, and Fran kisses him afterwards, grateful for not revealing her affair with Sheldrake - and prompting Bud to respond that the punch, 'Didn't hurt a bit'. "He was actually supposed to dodge." Jason says with a smirk. "But he zigged when he should have zagged and was really hit. Wilder decided to keep the real punch in the film."

Shadowcat has posed:
"No siblings. Only daughter," Kitty tells him after listening to Jason's family tale. "Lost my father a few years ago. My mother is still back home in Deerfield, Illinois," Kitty tells him. "I left to go away to school when I was 13. Don't have much other family. One cousin," Kitty adds. "But I have a lot of close friends from school. I've been very fortunate in that regard," the young woman tells him.

She looks back to the movie, watching it for awhile with Jason. Kitty gets some of the cheese popcorn to nibble on. Sure enough, before long her fingers are turning orange. The powder builds up on your fingers so you either need a napkin hand - a bunch of them - or else you just have to suck them clean. Kitty tries to do it discretely at least.

"What was life in the home like, before you got adopted?" Kitty asks him. Her eyes are soft and compassionate. "I think you said you had some hard times there?"

Red Hood has posed:
"I'm sorry about your father." Jason states quietly. "Mine died when I was young. Mom bailed. I was raised by an aunt and uncle. They weren't any better." Jason admits quietly. "Spent a lot of nights under the table with my dog while they fought. Forced me out into the streets." he shrugs his shoulders, reaching over to snack on the popcorn. "I don't want to ruin tonight by talking about them." he admits quietly.

He watches the movie with her, the two of them loosely holding hands, before he considers. "You asked about exes." She made a joke about it, but he caught onto it. "I haven't had anything I'd consider a girlfriend in a few years." he admits quietly. "And that was when I was in Asia. I've had some dates, but nothing that ever really panned out."

"Guess what I'm saying is, right now, there's only you- and I'm not changing that. I mean, not like outright asking if you want to go steady or anything like that, but like you said, I enjoy our time together. And you make me want to try harder."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's attention is pulled away from the movie again. She reaches up as he talks, fingers gently picking a snow flake from his hair. Holding it on a finger tip while it melts, though her eyes stay on Jason. As he relates his family history, and imparts his lack of desire to go into it deeper, the young woman seems to understand, and doesn't ask more about it.

Kitty smiles softly, nestling her head against his shoulder anew as Jason says the last part. "I've enjoyed spending time with you as well, Jason," she tells him. "I'd had a kind of serious boyfriend for a few years," she says softly. Her tongue moves over her lips for a moment, wetting them before she looks over to the movie screen rather than to Jason, as she says, "Until about a year ago. When I left for Oxford again. We had quite a fight about me going. I probably said some things I should have. I'm normally pretty good, but sometimes when I get upset I can go off a little bit," Kitty admits, blushing.

"Well, we haven't spoke. Texted. Emailed, the whole time I was gone. And... it's not like it's his fault. I could have reached out to him too. But I think that neither of us did, maybe it's run its course," Kitty says quietly. She looks back to Jason finally. "Part of why I came home was seeking closure. Not necessarily to reconcile but just... to not wonder." Kitty reaches her hand up to softly touch Jason's face. "I figured you deserved to know that. I am not going to let a great guy like you go, not without giving this a try. But, just, you should know I do have that baggage. He wasn't here. when I got back. He's in Russia. The painter? Peter," Kitty says softly.

Red Hood has posed:
Jason listens thoughfully to her as she speaks. His attention is turned away from the movie as he nods slowly. "You're your own woman, Kitty. You deserve to pursue your dreams." he says finally, before drawing in a breath and considers it.

"So he was here, and could come back. I suppose I could wait until you make up your mind on that." The fact that she mentions it was the very painter that the pair of them met over causes him to tense, ever so slightly, beneath her. "I'm not exactly a fan of letting you go, myself, Kitty Pryde." he says finally. "I mean, I don't usually go.. this far out to try to impress someone that's clearly out of my league."

Even as she touches his cheek and leaves little cheese powder marks there on his skin. "I don't have any big complications like that - but if anything does come up, we'll talk." he promises her. "I want this to work as well. Because you're pretty great yourself."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks up at Jason as he speaks of not being a fan of letting her go. "Then don't let me go," she tells him. Kitty looks into his eyes and then she slides a leg across his body unless Jason stops her. Straddling him beneath the blanket, and lying forward, her body resting completely atop his. She's very slender, but also toned. And she's developed curves that she didn't have when she was younger, their softness felt against Jason's chest as she lies there, her face just before his.

"Don't let me go?" she asks him. Kitty's touch touches her lips and then she leans in towards Jason, head tilting so her lips might find their way to his more easily. So long as she senses him wanting the kiss, senses him leaning towards her. Kitty's heart races even as she feels a hand try to close around it and squeeze as she opens herself up to the possibility of rejection.

Red Hood has posed:
There's surprise on Jason's face when Kitty takes charge and settles over him. There's a movie? What movie. Her statement - then her question cause him to blink a little. And for once, there's no quip. There's no smart little remark that he wants to make to try to defuse the situation.

He realizes when there is something more serious as she leans in to him. There's no backing away - instead, he accepts. Her. All of her. He will not let her go. Despite the softness of her curves, he can feel her heart racing - his is too admittedly as he looks into those warm eyes of hers. "I told you I wanted to see the stars in your eyes." he whispers.

There's a gentle tilt as his hand settles on her sides, holding her, drawing her closer to him. There's a gentle tangle to them as he leans into her, meeting her mouth softly at first, warm electrcity racing through him as he accepts her mouth to his - and his eyes hood slightly as he pulls her closer. Not letting go.

Shadowcat has posed:
Will Jason ever know how hard that was for Kitty. For all of her feeling like a grown woman, a confident woman during her time in Oxford? She finds herself trembling rather than being able to close those final inches to him. Until he looks up into her eyes and he gives her that acceptance. Kitty's eyes shine with such warmth when he does.

And then he's drawing her to him. The hand of fear that gripped her heart is banished as Kitty gives herself over to his guidance. Letting her lips be drawn in to his. Kitty's shivers are good things now as she gives her lips gently into his kiss. The strength of his arms about her, pulling her body up his are a balm. Feeling safe within his strong embrace, Kitty surrenders the sweetest of kisses to his lips. Kissing Jason back, cradled in the safety of his arms.

Red Hood has posed:
His arms leave her sides to settle around her back, and Jason kisses Kitty for several moments, before finally breaking it. There's warmth in his eyes. He wanted this - just as much as she did. The fear was mutual, as was the acceptance.

The warmth and softness of her are eagerly enjoyed, taken in, relished for what they are. He draws strength from her conviction - her making the first move emboldened his own, and then there's a warm smile, his eyes bright and playful.

"You taste like Cheetos." he whispers gently.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde blushes a little, looking down and laughing as the kiss breaks and he says that.

The kiss? It was so sweet. So tender. It was the kind of kiss that a woman doesn't give unless she is developing feelings for someone.

And the humor after is the perfect touch. Jason puts her fears to rest. Kitty smiles and looks back up into his eyes. "I hope that's not a kick me out and make me go home offense," she tells Jason. She reaches up with the fingers of her not-orange hand. Softly touching his cheek as she just gazes so deeply into his eyes. "I like you," she tells him softly, her head resting on his chest.

Red Hood has posed:
"Nope." Jason says and grins up at Kitty as she settles in and gets cozy and finds himself lost in those eyes. "..I happen to like Cheese puffs. But I'm not going to call you that." There's a lightness to his voice, one that is trying to find his way - and it is her guidance that is bringing him to her.

"I just got you. Why would I want to kick you out? Now, if you eat crackers in the bed, we'll have to talk." There's a warmth to his tone as his hand reaches up to cover the one on his cheek, he meets her eyes. "I like you too." he responds quietly, honestly.

The movie has long since been over, and the splash screen is just playing over and over. "..do you want to go downstairs?" he asks her quietly, opening the invitation - and the suggestion to her.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty looks back into his eyes. It's one of those moments she doesn't really have to say anything for him to know how she is feeling. The students at her school must find it easy to talk to eyes like this. Though hopefully none of them are getting quite so much light shined out of her eyes as Jason is getting!

"It will cost me. But I'll forgo my Ritz addiction. For /you/," Kitty tells him with all of the sincerity she can muster before breaking out into the warmest of smiles.

As Jason asks her if she wants to go inside with him, Kitty looks down, her cheeks taking on just a little bit of color. A demure smile as she looks back up and over to him. Giving a silent little nod of her head, and that smile, letting him know she very much would like to.

Red Hood has posed:
"I'll just have to find something just as drastic to give up for you." Jason responds, leaning up to kiss her again, warm, soft, affectionate. And then his eyes open, and he studies her. Perhaps he's a little nervous at the idea, but he chuckles as he nudges her gently.

"Have to let me up first." he reminds her playfully, and if she does let him up, he'll make sure the projector and heater are off before leading her to the roof access door and down into his room.