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Jason Goes To Westchester
Date of Scene: 22 February 2019
Location: Harry's Hideway - Salem Center
Synopsis: Kitty introduces Jason Todd to Rogue
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Red Hood, Shadowcat

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had been here tonight to hang out with friends that had gone to NYU with her who were up here in Westchester for the coming weekend. She'd been playing pool with them earlier but they'd left as of about ten minutes ago and now the southern belle finds herself standing near the bar... she's got a coke in her hand, no beer. Scott had told her not to drink and she was trying to uphold those wishes, even if Harry let the 20 year old girl with the brown/white hair have all the booze she wanted, or could afford at least.

So a sip is taken of the bubbly sugar water and she then sets it down and shakes her head. "That, is awful. How do people like that crap?"

Red Hood has posed:
The rumbling of a motorcycle announces the arrival of someone at Harry's. Usually, that someone is short, hairy, and angry. Tonight, however, it's someone a bit taller. Opening the door of the bar, Jason's the first one to enter as he looks around. "Sure someone from the school's going to be here to pick you up? I could have just dropped you off at the front gates." Though is anyone understands the need for security and privacy, it's Jason Todd.

Dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a flannel shirt, he moves aside, in a grand gesture - totally playful for the person with him. "But one drink, and then I need to get headed back to Gotham to make it to work on time."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde comes in the door behind Jason Todd. She's wearing a light sweater and some two-tone pants, with a leather jacket overtop, and gloves that she's peeling off. "That wasn't as cold as I thought it would be," she tells Jason as they come inside. "There's pretty much always someone or another here," Kitty assures him. "If not I can catch an Uber easily enough- hey, there's AM!" the brunette says, brightening up at the sight of Rogue.

Kitty motions to Jason to follow and moves over to join Rogue. "Anna Marie, hey. And drinking soda," Kitty notes with a soft grin as she realizes that might mean grouchy mood. "Anna Marie, this is my... my boyfriend Jason. He's the one I met in Gotham, when I went to look at the painting of Peter's," she says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is grinning at the young bartender who had given her the drink, they were exchanging words about that very soda she'd just sent back when Kitty and Jason arrive. She spies kitty and a big smile appears. "Hey!" She says to her friend, moving to give her a hug. A glance is given to the bar and the soda, and then back to Kitty. "Yeah, Scott was here...." She states with a sly grin, she'll understand that from there.

Rogue's green eyed gaze then goes to Jason and she tilts her head and looks the man up and down. "Oh really?" Rogue says in her clearly southern accented voice. "Well now, you don't immediately strike me as an artsy type. Far too handsome, and tough lookin'." She shows Jason a grin then, and Kitty too. She's flirty, everyone knows that.

Rogue leans over and gives Kitty's stomach a light pat with the back of her gloved right hand. "Good catch." She whispers to the other.

Red Hood has posed:
There's a chuckle from Jason and a grin given towards Kitty. "Feeding me to the sharks right off?" he asks her playfully before he extends his hand in greeting. "I'm not really, I was there on the behalf of my father's foundation." he admits with a shrug of his shoulders.

"But I knew a real piece of art when I saw one." A glance is given towards Kitty at that. "May I order you a drink before I need to get going?" he asks curiously.

As Rogue sizes him up, his own blue eyes study her in return. "You were in the Avengers, if I recall?" he asks curiously.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a soft grin as she realizes that if Jason makes it past Rogue, he'll probably do fine with her friends. Well. Except Logan. He might still get stabby. Or just grunt and sit there. It's about a 50-50 shot with that guy.

At Rogue's pat, Kitty breaks out in a soft chuckle. She gives a bit of a shy smile and looks over to Jason. "Thanks. I'm pretty happy with it," Kitty admits, turning the smile to Jason briefly.

Kitty looks back to Jason and says, "Oh, no, thanks. I'm good without a drink." And then Jason recognizes Rogue. Kitty gives one of those sighs and a knowing look, as if used to people recognizing her famous friend. At least that's what she hopes it comes through as.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has her hands on her hips now, her elbows out, she's wearing a dark green sweater and some faded brown jeans with heeled dark brown leather boots on her feet, a simple outfit. She grins at the both of them and lets her eyes dart back and forth between them, she seems to be entirely way too amused by all of this, the meeting of Kitty's boyfriend and all.

When Jason brings up her former Avengers-ness, Rogue nods her head and smiles brightly. "Ya got me pegged." She says in response. "Spent a whole year with'em, tryin' t'keep New York... and everything else safe as possible. Lemme tell ya... that is a job where the pay is very well earned. Havin' t'catch helicopters before they crash inta buidings filled with people who're just tryin' t'live their lifes? Its stressful... damn stressful!"

Rogue then stands up on her pointed boot tip toes (its pretty easy when you can fly at-will). Then she drops back down to the heels. "Scott left, so yeah, you can order ME a drink!" She eyes the soda for a second. "A real drink that is." And she grins at the both of them.

Red Hood has posed:
"Well, with friends like you, I am sure that Kitty will be safe, then." Jason offers with a grin as he turns his attention to Kitty. "You don't mind if I buy her a drink, do you?" he asks, "After all, it only seems fair, since she has done a lot to protect the planet." That's pointed out diplomatically, as he orders a water for himself.

"I hate to drop and run, but sadly, I have to get back to Gotham so I can go to work." This is admitted as he reaches up to run his hand through the back of his hair.

"I can only imagine how stressful that all is. But you tried your best, and you definetly earned a drink." he agrees, waving to Harry to get Rogue whatever she wants to order as he takes out his wallet.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a soft laugh and reaches a hand over to rest on the small of Jason's back. "It's fine, she deserves a-" Kitty stops and looks behind her. No Scott. She turns back to finish, "... drink."

Kitty tells Jason, "It was nice of you drive me back here all the way yourself. You really didn't have to, but... well, thanks," she tells him softly. Kitty glances over to Rogue and says, "You can give me a lift back to school from here, can't you AM?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to grin at Jason and she nods her head also. "It was quite an experience... one I won't soon forget. Fighting along Captain America... not really somethin' I ever thought I'd do in my life. I mean, I'm just some country girl who grew up chasin' frogs and rollin' around in wildflower fields."

She then looks between them. "Ya'll drove the whole way from Gotham t'here, on a harley?" She asks. "I heard it pull up. Thats a long drive in this weather!" She flashes a big grin then before she looks back to Kitty, a second later and her jingly car keys are pulled out of her pocket and tossed at Kitty's midsection. "Its parked outside, you can drive when we leave." She says with a sly smile. Her hand reaches out to accept the drink from the handsome young bartender that Harry employs to work here. "Thank ya, sugah." She says to Jason then. Her beer has been restored, take that Scott!

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah. And I get the feeling the weather's not going to get any better before I get home, so I better start on my way back. But next time I visit Westchester, I want to hear all about it, Anne Marie." comes Jason's response as he downs the rest of the water quickly.

"And you. I'll see you tomorrow night." he promises Kitty, pulling her into a brief but warm kiss before he steps back, drawing his hand along Kitty's arm before touching her hand and heading for the door. "Good night." Though the way he says it, it's the last thing he wants to say to the brown haired girl. Smitten, perhaps.

And with that, he's out the door and preparing for the ride back to Gotham.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde catches the keys and grins to Rogue. "One step ahead of me," Kitty tells her. The young woman then returns the kiss from Jason affectionately. She rubs his arm and says, "Be safe driving home, ok? Especially in the dark and all."

Kitty walks him over to the door, watching him leave before finally rejoining Rogue. "So?" Kitty asks, laughing and blushing a little bit as she smiles over at her friend. "What'd you think?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's drink is lifted up to her lips where she sips it as Jason prepares for his departure and as she lowers the bottle down she raises a gloved hand up and wiggles her fingers in a wave at him. "Bye bye now." She says to the man, grinning at him as he goes.

Her eyes then dart over to Kitty after he leaves and she raises her eyebrows at the question. "I think you pick'em good, Pryde. Real good!" She says, flashing Kitty a big grin.

Rogue leans over to her left then, her elbow planted on the corner of the bar and the beer bottle held in that hand. "Did ya talk to Colossus yet?" She has to ask then, while smiling lightly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a grin back to Rogue. "He's kind of swept me off my feet a bit," Kitty says at the first reaction from Rogue. "Wasn't really expecting any of this to happen. I guess that's when they say it tends to happen though, right? When you're not looking for anyone?"

Kitty moves over to take a bar stool as Rogue drops the bomb on her then. Or, nearly does, but it doesn't quite hit Kitty yet. "Nah. I kind of thought I did, but it was Illyana's friends in his room making noise. Illyana told me he's in Russia," Kitty says, giving a shrug of her shoulders. "We haven't talked in a year. I guess if we ever do, he can hear about Jason then," Kitty says.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes another drink of the fresh beer that Jason had kindly bought her before he sauntered off. She lowers it again down to hold it between both of her hands and she has to softly shake her head at what Kitty says then in response.

"Then what giant hunky metal Russian man did I hug when he pulled up t'the mansion in a taxi cab just the other day?" She has to ask with a knowing grin. "I think ya might have a bit'a outdated info on your hands."

Its about then that a couple people in the pool hall are signaling Rogue. She raises her drink and nods toward them. "Lets go play some pool." She says then to Kitty and moves to abandon the bar and walk back to join those others.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde stands there look pole struck. Or maybe the term is Russian struck. "Piotr is back? Now!?" she exclaims softly. She sighs and rolls her eyes. Of course he is. Because life could never be easy, could it?

Kitty walks over to join Rogue at the pool table. Though her thoughts have nothing to do with billiards for the rest of the night...