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Latest revision as of 06:34, 23 February 2019

Balder arrives.
Date of Scene: 06 February 2019
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Balder shows up and is all, 'Thor, WTF?!'
Cast of Characters: Thor, Balder Odinson

Thor has posed:
    The day starts early in Kvalvika, heralded by the dawn as the sun lifts over the mountains and washes New Asgard in its rays. The changing of the gaurd happens then, when some of the soldiers step down from their watch towers, sparing greetings for their replacements as the settlement itself begins to yawn and stretch and begin the tedious efforts of existence for the morn.
    Though they are a people that celebrate greatly, who drink well into the night, they are also a hardy folk who shirk no responsibility and arise to the day's efforts. Two hours after dawn and the crews at the Castleworks are well underway. Bjarke the crew chief focuses the men, sets them to task...
    But a problem they face, inevitably, is what to do with Thor? It is a pity that Odin while having given him a hammer had not trained him in its use in peacetime. As a carpenter he leaves much to be desired. A mason, his efforts were not as clean as the runeshapers. A plumber? Certainly not.
    What the elder Asgardian did was almost inevitably...
    "Milord Thor, please shift that tower's base to the side by twelve degrees. And once you have done that would you be so inclined to bring another load of stone?"
    "At once, Bjarke!" The One-eyed monarch did not bristle at being ordered arond so, for in this matter it was only important to him that he be of use. Such is enough.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder has been...adrift in the cosmos. To all, Balder was killed by the ruthless Dark Elf Malekith, defending the halls of Asgard alongside his father, the Wise King Odin. But instead of having his spirit go to the halls of Valhalla, his spirit in a sort of limbo.

There was much unfinished and even more yet to do.

Though as Thor, the newly crowned King of Asgard, aided the rune craftsmen and masons in the continuous rebuilding of their magnificent people, a bright light appeared in the sky.

It was not the sun.

Balder's soul returned to his body, fulfilling a prophecy that had long been known to only Odin. Thus would his form crash against the hallowed ground of New Asgard....and it was he! The Fallen Prince And God of Light, Balder!

Thor has posed:
    At first the gleam of light had been cause for a moment of hesitation. Hands shielded eyes as gazes were lifted upwards towards the sky. A few men stopped to point, and even Bjarke took a moment while Thor hefted the large stonework that needed moving, just enough to begin his efforts when the first call had gone out.
    "What is that?" A man gestures upwards. The stone crackled as it was set back down and Thor cast his one-eyed gaze upwards. Only for the light to flash further into being, lashing the crowd with a /WHASHOOM!/ of impact that shook the foundation of that very structure they were building.
    "Get back!" The God of Thunder rushed forwards, footsteps quick as he reached a hand out. Mjolnir whommed to life as it flashed out of the tent it had been resting within, just on a wooden table that was now knocked over onto its side as it flashed to its wielder's hand.
    A quick stride, a leap over a half-built rampart and then Thor /lands/ upon the ground beside... Balder? Balder!
    "Haha! Balder!" One moment Balder is recovering and the next he is being hoisted to his feet.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder was as tough as his siblings when it came to impacts that would kill others. Hell, he's known for his invulnerability! A moment after he makes contact, Balder stands up, golden sword (while sheathed) ready to be drawn until he can figure out his location. Purple cloth and brown armor make up his attire, a fur cloak hanging from his shoulders. No helmet.


A wild Thor! Suddenly, Balder smiles as warm as the sun. "Thor! my brother." he hugs Thor. yes he does. Then he's alarmed! "What in the name of our father happened to your eye?!"

Thor has posed:
    Wide smile, Mjolnir's at his hip and his hands are upon Balder's shoulders as he looks the man over. Shaking his head, "Indeed, tis I." Then his eyebrows lift up, though one emerges from behind that strapless eyepatch. "What you say?"
    He lifts a hand to tap around brow and seemingly finds the eyepatch as his good eye widens. He affixes Balder with his gaze, "Bor's Blood, my eye!" As if he just now discovered it and then his features twist into a smirk as he again /shakes/ Balder before he finally answers.
    "A parting gift from Malekith before he was slain. Ah Balder, much has passed." He gestures with a nod, then raises his voice upwards to the onlookers. "Work is suspended for the day, my brother returns!"
    And as quick as that the men cheer, mostly for Balder though assuredly for the day off as well. But then Thor is urging his brother along with him to walk at his side. "Come. Sif has made it as well. As did Loki. Vintridr and some three thousand souls of our people. We rebuild though Asgard has fallen."

Balder Odinson has posed:
"Brother, why do you tease me so? I traveled across the cosmos to return home." Balder smirks at Thor with amusement in his tone. Abd yet the God of Light is granted a welcome worthy of a king. He does seem to frown as Malekith is mentioned.

"I am sorry brother." a beat. "I could not stop him from killing father, or me for that matter. I failed Asgard."

He hangs his head in shame and regret. A mighty warrior who rightly deserves a place in the halls of the most valiant, but then he's shaken!

then there is a feast declared as well as a day of rest. "They made it too?? truly, that puts the heart at ease."

Thor has posed:
    A hand is lifted as if to stay the man's words, "Twas a dark day. There was not a warrior alive in Asgard who tried their hand and succeeded. All failed, even me." Which is the truth, ultimately.
    Cries go up as word is spread quickly, some of the younger Asgardians rushing ahead to make sure the people speak of what has passed. A few bells ring out even as Balder and Thor take their time to make their way to the settlement proper away from the Castleworks.
    "But with Loki's aid we were able to at least insure the 9 Realms did not suffer, not the rest of the galaxy. An all powerful Malekith would have ill suited most as ruler." That having been said he snaps his fingers as if remembering something.
    "Ah. Also." He nods slowly, "It seems we have... a sister." He imparts that easily enough, incredulous though he may be. "Older than us by a good sight. Father exiled her apparently for her overzealosuness. She goes by Hela."

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder is welcomed back into open arms, and for some reason, Balder can barely comprehend it! But he nods softly. "I am saddened to hear that all this horror and death has occured. Yet, my heart is lightened by the knowledge that we have managed to start anew, and that our people may yet prosper again." He knows Loki's mischief, and while he loves his brother truly, there's a hint of distrust in his features.

"I trust that Loki is well. I take it he has not quite given up his mischievous ways?" he asks curiously, before his eyes subtly shift to ahead. "Beg pardon? A sister? Well....so she's the firstborn by right? Is she friend or foe?"

So many questions. How long has he truly been away?!

Thor has posed:
    "Indeed, she is firstborn, though she wishes not the crown." As he says this his lips twist as if to signify that he might not be /that/ naive. But he gestures to the settlement as they stroll along while the rest of Asgard makes ready. "She held much ill will for our father. But with what has passed... she would not wish to inflict a civil war upon our people in such dire times."
    That having been said he gestures to the side, "Loki is Loki. Though he is tasked with some of the worthies of Midgard to return the Bifrost to its former glory. A great undertaking but one he has embraced with enthusiasm."
    He pauses for a moment upon the pathway that leads down to the settlement, casting his gaze over the entirety of it and the wash of waves against the beach nearby. "So you come to us at a good time. Though I would wish for more good news to impart." He thumps Balder on the back, "Come, let me show you what we have done. It is not much, but it's a start."