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Latest revision as of 06:48, 23 February 2019

Hey, you, look at this corpse!
Date of Scene: 08 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Illyana takes a gander at the corpse, and we find out that we lost Iceman's head.
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Magik, Cyclops, Rogue

Wolverine has posed:
    The ventilators in the under levels of Xavier's mansion had long ago been adjusted for the smoke that comes from Logan's cigars. Sure it makes the filters run a little stronger and requires they be canged once every 14 months instead of once every 16, but the benefit they provide is immeasurable.
    Not that Logan thinks of this as he walks down the hallway, the youthful sorceress Illyana Rapsutin at his side as he strolls along, hands in the pockets of his jeans and his gaze focused down the way on the storage area.
    "Folks were figurin' there might be some sorta magical element to the thing, somethin' you might be able to see that other folks can't." He takes a drag on the cigar, trailing a tendril of smoke in his wake, "I mean, I suggested checkin' with Dr. Strange, but I suppose you'll do."

Magik has posed:
That has Illyana cutting her eyes over at him, a slight frown on her face. "If Doctor Strange has not recovered from his amnesia, I doubt that he would be of much assistance," she murmurs with that slight Russian accent. "He didn't even remember he was a sorcerer, much less of the Supreme variety."

She looks back down at her phone, finger gliding over the screen and flicking things out of the way as she trails with him.Upon her return to this realm from Limbo, her phone basically exploded in her pocket. Text message after text message. There was even voicemail. Who called people instead of texting? "I sincerely hope that the school has unlimited texting or they have broken the limit just trying to reach me." She locks the screen and tucks it back into her pocket. She'll finish cleaning it up later.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott is in the hall, and looking towards the doorway to the Hangar, where the Blackbird sits, likely with Rogue still inside having her own kind of tantrum. Scott does admire her determination but she's still young. The red lensed man sighs to himself and starts to turn around, spotting Logan and Illy. "Oh, hello you two." Scott says, genuinely surprised to see them both, at the same time, in the same area... If Remy showed up, Scott vows to go buy a lottery ticket, the stars have obviously aligned. "What're you two up to?" The x-man asks.

Wolverine has posed:
    Sidelong towards Illy, Logan replies, "Yeah well, needs must when the devil girl drives." Making light, but the small smirk might steal away any sting from the words.
    As Scott comes into view, the cigar is taken out of the corner of Logan's mouth and he gestures with it towards the storage room where the Rogue corpse remains within and preserved. "Reckon we'll let Illy take a gander at the corpse. Let her see what she can see." He steps over to the storage door and pushes the security panel to disengage the locks and let the door slide open slowly.
    "Figure after that, I dunno. Tea and crumpets?"

Magik has posed:
"Hello, Scott. I apologize for being out of reach for so long. I saw you texted me. Several times." Illyana doesn't say how many. She suspects he may have left the voicemail too because if anyone might, it probably was him. "I was delayed." That's all the explanation she seems to have forthcoming.

As the door opens, she moves into the room and glances around. There should be a dead Rogue here. Which is a strange thought. Not an actual person but some simulacrum.

Cyclops has posed:
    "You could say delayed. That is a bit of an understatement though." Scott says with a frown, "There were at least, three different emergencies that we could have used your help with." The leader says as he walks into the room with the puppet Rogue and stands back against the door frame. Not much for him to do other than observe.

Wolverine has posed:
    On the opposite side of the doorjamb, Logan takes up a place to stand sentinel while Illyana works her literal magic even as he crosses his arms over his broad chest. The cuban cigar continues to stream a steady tendril of smoke upwards as he watches, his eyes focused on Illyana.
    For a moment he seems to hum to himself idly, eyes shifting to the side as he murmurs musically, "Bless your beautiful hiiiide." Though the rest is just a little doo-de-doo-de-doo.
    He looks back, recalling something as he says, "By the bye, the thing doesn't smell human. No old perspiration or decay really."

Magik has posed:
"I have my own emergencies to deal with outside of this realm," Illyana says, not the least bit guilted by the verdict from the X-Men's fearless leader. Her attention is fully on the bodybag though. She walks to it and, without hesitation, pulls the zipper open to reveal the body within more fully. Clinically, she looks it over then she steps back. "Will you give me a moment please? I need to retrieve a few items."

With that she steps back as a disc of light starts from the floor and rises up around her form. A moment later, she's gone.

Hopefully it won't take two weeks before she comes back this time.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott falls silent as Illyana requests, and he looks over at Logan with his own arms crossed. Nope, no need to talk while the 12 year old does her magic thing. That's still weird, but so is the fact his daughter is here visiting him and her mother, whom Scott hasn't even dated! Yay X-men.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is preceded by her cell phone playing music in her jacket pocket. She's walking out of the hangar and down the corridor toward the elevator, but the medical area just so happens to be in the interim between the two.

So she stops when she sees the door open and catches part of Logan on the other side of it, she walks toward him. Her leather pilot jacket is on, over her green tshirt, but her yellow/green jumpsuit is still unzipped down to her waist where its rumpled up over her belt there.

"Whats goin' on?" She asks as she looks to her right at Logan, then inside at the others. She sees the bodybag and gets instantly uncomfortable. She hasn't come down ehre for any of the stuff involving her would-be doppleganger up to this point.

Wolverine has posed:
    As for Logan he seems entirely fine just leaning there, smoking, occasionally a small smoke ring being puffed towards the ceiling only for it to float there for a time... then drawn into the ventilator intake where it is torn asunder and disappears into the ceiling.
    He shifts his legs a bit, uncrossing at the ankles, then recrossing them. Again he hums a little bit more of that song, seemingly entirely too pleased about something. But that's the moment Rogue saunters on up and he gives her a nod.
    "Heya. Illyana is gonna take a look at the simulacrum." He says that word firmly, as if trying to instill in the mutant woman that it's not her. It's this other thing. But then he nods towards Cyclops, "Cyke is here just ta help morale."

Magik has posed:
The stepping disc appears again, this time closer to the ceiling then sliding down her body to the floor. As it passes, Illyana reappears. She has hidebound book in one hand and a talisman made of bronze in the other.

"Here we go." She flips pages and opens it to a specific incantation as she holds the bronze piece over the head of the doppleganger. Words that are foreign and harsh are spoken as she reads from the spell.

Cyclops has posed:
    The body that Illyana is looking at is just that a body. There's not much more to tell than that. At least from Logan, Rogue and Scott's points of view. Illyana however, is learning something much more different than that. There's more to this than people might guess.

    "You don't have to linger Rogue, I know it's weird." Scott offers, knowing she out right avoided even coming down here last time Logan wanted to look at the corpse.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue looks over at Logan as he puffs on that cigar, then over to Illyana with her fancy discs that she entirely doesn't understand how those things work... but still loves them anyway.

But with a heavy inhale, she hears Scott's words and shakes her head. "I don't care." She says. "Whatever." She sounds... restrained with anger, like she's trying to keep it bottled-up.

"Are you alll tryin' t'wake it up?" She asks then. "I mean if ya are, then I definitely should be here. Cause like..." She glances at Logan. "If she touches him, she gets... ya know, healed up. In which case, you're probably gonna need me around."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Not entirely sure what she's doin'." Logan says as only /then/ does he finally extinguish the cigar, stifling its life between two fingertips with a quiet sizzle then pocketing the thing inside his jacket. Arms crossed once again he gestures with a nod towards Rogue. "Just stay frosty, if somethin' happens we'll take care of it."
    The closest thing that passes for a pep talk with Logan, he shifts his weight to the other boot and straightens up a little.

Magik has posed:
The doppleganger never moves but the talisman does. It begins to glow a sickly green color. A moment later, it starts to spin rapidly. Illyana's eyes have gone a solid yellow as she finishes the spell, closing the book and looking at the body with a new view.

"It was created by magic." There is a strange echoing quality to her voice that wasn't there previously. "It has her abilities but no mind. It is a puppet. A mind controlled it." She tilts her head to the side as though seeing something interesting. "The connection for that mind was severed by the Soul Dagger." She turns to look at the others. "I cannot tell precisely who cast the spell. With no mind connected, there is nothing for me to follow back to the source. Is there another of these that might still be functioning?"

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott looks over at Illy at her last question and his jaw drops. "We are only aware of the two." Scott says with a frown, "Both dead, the other, a copy of Bobby, is in much worse shape, though I don't know if we severed the mental connection, just broke him into a bunch of ice cubes." Scott says with a shrug and a look over towards Rogue, she was there, she might provide some insight.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue gave another glance to Logan and his peptalk, which could also be easily taken as a corpse-joke... but she lets that slide for now and chalks it up to Logan not being the most inspirational-able person.

Her forearms cross over her stomach then and her yellow-gloved hands grasp onto her elbows partially beneath the rolled-up sleeves of her leather jacket. She just stares as Illyana and Scott exchange words.

"Just a damn puppet... shaped like me." She says as she starts to walk into the room further then toward where the bodybag is. "Whats a 'Soul Knife'?" She then asks. As she draws closer she can see 'her' doppleganger laying there dead on her back and it makes her feel cold inside.

"We should just burn her." She then tells, everyone. She looks up to Scott, then over to Illyana. "Did we ever get Doctor Strange t'stop actin' like an asshole? He'd likely know whats goin' on if its magic-related."

Wolverine has posed:
    Stepping forward and off of the wall, Logan makes sure his hands are free of his jacket and he steps up to stand beside and a touch behind Illyana, just in case. He eyes the disabled doppelganger and then peers askance at Illyana, gauging the girl herself for now.
    Off-handedly he answers Rogue, "Magical weapon, Pixie has one." For some reason he's probably not very clear on.
    After the space of several heartbeats he shakes his head and grimaces. "Who do we know that has that sorta power and has a mad on for us lately?" Which, knowing the X-Men, could well be a pretty long list.

Magik has posed:
"If there was no Soul Dagger, it may still have a link to the puppet-master," Illyana says as her eyes shift back to normal, that pale glacier blue. The talisman is tucked into her pocket and she holds the book in the crook of her arm. They will be needed if she has another body to test.

"Where might the body be? I assume you did keep a portion of it to be checked." Since it would be silly to think Scott would overlook a detail like that.

Cyclops has posed:
    "Sam grabbed a piece of the Iceman, but I, do not know where he put it. Things got hectic. As they do around here." Scott says, his hand lifting up to scratch at the back of his head. "I mean, ... it's probably in one of the freezers, just to guess."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue's eyes drop back down to the mirror form of what she'd look like if she were dead and she just shakes her head side to side. "If this thing doesn't have a mind of its own, then we need t'just find a way t'dispose of it." She draws in a breath then. "At least keep Gambit away from it." So there's a bit of humor in her regarding this situation, if... she was joking.

She then quickly looks up and over to Scott. "Sam was in charge'a the Bobby head?" She asks then. "Jesus Christ, Scott... He's a pizza delivery guy. You know how many times he brings stuff home and just puts them in the kitchen freezers? Its become like second nature t'him!"

She starts looking around in here though, but she's not a real medically inclined contributor to the X-Men cause. "Please god, be down here somewhere."

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan's role for the moment seems to be akin to a line judge in a tennis match, eyes drifting back between the other three, looking left and right. At times he nods, when burning the corpse comes up for one. He also gives a smirk at the mention of Gambit and his occasional nocturnal proclivities. But then it comes up that Kentucky might well be in charge of the Bobby remains and he can't help but shake his head as he lowers his eyes, then turns to move back out into the hallway.
    "Good one, Slim." He's already moving out into that steel-walled hallway, heading towards the elevator. "I'll go check worst case, since yeah..." And with that he heads there.

Magik has posed:
"Rogue is correct," Illyana says as she glances to the doppleganger and back. She zips up the bag for the time being, cutting off the sight for everyone. Then she looks back to each in turn. "If it was magically controlled, they might be able to renew their link and reactivate the puppet. Fire will likely be a good choice."