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Latest revision as of 15:39, 23 February 2019

Mysterious Codex
Date of Scene: 12 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Balder Odinson meets Lara Croft at an exhibit in the Natural History Museum.
Cast of Characters: Lara Croft, Balder Odinson

Lara Croft has posed:
A mysterious relic has come into the possession of Lara Croft as of recently. It had been stolen from a Hungarian Museum and Lara had gone to recover it. She'd needed the book because she believed it had information regarding a long standing 'case' she'd been working on.

As of right now the book, having been recovered by Croft was now being graciously loaned to her by the Hungarian Museum that it had been taken from under the pretense she'd return it at a later date.

Today, the book is on display to the public, and Lara is there helping to answer questions to anyone who has any. Dressed in a black leather jacket and a dark steel blue sweater, gray slacks and black leather shoes, Lara is speaking with a pair of men in suits, casual conversation about her exploits around the world thus far in her young life.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder has long been curious and delightfully intrigued about human history. Thus is he informed of one of the best epicenters of such a thing in America! The museum of natural history! Huzzah! Except...he's noticed that he shouldn't go in his full Godly regalia, and instead, dresses in midgardian wear.

Turns out he's at least not half bad about it.

He wears dark blue jeans with some converse shoes on his feet.

He seems to be just in wonder of it all! Multiple artifacts of ancient human tribes and others about great american heroes like Abraham lincoln. Oh, not to mention wax replicas of this 'teddy roosevelt' whoever that guy is, and even a depicton of mammoths and their hunters!

He notices Lara pretty easily, she's one of the most beautiful people there and he overhears some of her words, and they depict great stories of adventure! how could he not notice her from these traits?! Thus, he approaches her, his hands hanging at his sides as he listens to her words, but does't interrupt, given he assumes that she speaks with important people.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara spends a minute longer with the men she's conversing with before they part ways and her hands come up to press together over her phone. She takes a second to swipe across a message before her phone is lowered again and put into a pocket on the left side of her leather jacket. Its then that she turns and takes note of Balder, he looks... familiar.

The young woman offers the large man a nod and a smile of friendliness. "Hello." She says to him, working as a Museum representitive today, she's got that public-politeness ready to go.

Her right hand extends. "I'm Lara. Croft." She staggers her name delivery a little, its common for her to do that. "If you have any questions regarding the exhibit today. Feel free to ask." Her accent is different to most here in New York, she's clearly from somewhere else, likely far from here in Earth-distance terms.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Baldur is unaware he's depicted in many Norse legends. Especially in ones popularly known as Ragnarok, when Asgardians appeared on earth and shared this ancient prophecy. But, he looks to Lara, extending his hand to gently shake Lara's hand, as if he was in fear of accidentally crushing it.

Clearly he has no idea how crazy durable this chick is.

"I am Baldur Odinson. It is a great pleasure to meet you Lara." he smiles brilliantly. His teeth are unnaturally bright and perfect. God of Light has it's perks! But he eventually releases her hand, looking to the artifact that she spoke of. but, he is distracted.

"I apologize, I have not heard the....erm, what do people call it, an accent? before. Where do you hail from, Lara, if I may ask?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara returns the handshake, her squeeze is firmer than most around here thats for certain and her hand's skin is soft... but not overly soft, she clearly has used her hands in her life.

"Odinson?" She asks, tilting her head, the familiarities are too strong now. "You're related to Thor then?" She asks him. "I've worked with him extensively... I even helped recover his lost hammer. That was, quite an event." She shows a slight smile then.

"I'm from London. England. Its to the east of here, across the atlantic ocean." She now knows Balder enough to further explain things in ways that she might not explain them to someone from Earth.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Woah. Crazy soft. But, Balder doesn't stress it. Instead, after he releases her hand, he smiles to her. "Indeed! you know my brother? I reunited him with recently in the rebuilding of our home. I am glad that he is alive." he seems to look truly at peace, then.

"London? England? I know not these places, but judging from many of the artifacts in this museum, they have played quite the pivotal role in the events of Midgardian history. But if it is across the sea, I would one day like to see it." he looks excited at the possibility.

"So...I apologize, but I overheard some of your conversation with the gentlemen in black. You are an adventurer, yes?"

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara shows a light grin then. "Yes... I was... there when the Asgardian vessel crashed into the ocean. I work for... with SHIELD, which is an organization formed to help around the globe in any events where it is possible to help." Thats a brief summation of SHIELD anyway.

With a deep inhale, Lara then nods and releases a light and short laugh, its a melodic and charming sound. "England is far older than the United States. It has... had a colorful history, many ups... and a great many downs. But it is a prideful people striving to do their best, for the most part, today."

Then the British explore cracks a faint grin. "It is okay. I've a bit of a reputation as an adventurer... I suppose its well earned, I'm an archaeologist by trade. But my life's events have swept me up in more than a few... less than archaeology-like situations, far more... harrowing, than I might normally prefer." Which is possibly a lie. She's a bit of an adrenaline junkie and still suffers from those needs on a regular basis.

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder smiles brightly. "You DID help? Then you have my eternal gratitude." he bows his head respectfully. "You were here to help when I could not be. For it, I cannot owe you enough." he smiles, reaching for Lara's hands to bow once again, though this time resting his forehead on her knuckles.

A sign of gratitude too sincere to put into words. But the gesture if brief, if allowed, and he releases her and looks concerned. "Ah, I see. many empires share...interesting histories. I would not assume this one be any different." he takes a breath.

"But I am happy to meet another who seeks and finds thrill in exploration and discovery! Perhaps one of these days we will go on an adventure together. Yes, truly, that would make my heart happy."

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara, of course, allows the gesture since it is him thanking her for her assistance and she's gracious toward other culture's and their customs. "I did my very best. It wasn't as much as some do... those with powers far greater than anything I possess, but, still. You are welcome." She ends with a smile.

At the rest of what he says she nods her head lightly to him in return. "If something should come up that you feel an experienced archaeologist might be able to assist you with, you can just reach out to me. If I am free, then I am likely stationed here in New York at the Triskelion complex. Which is SHIELD's headquarters in this area. Working with them has... given me a lot of freedom that I otherwise might have had to struggle to obtain without it. I've been grateful for them as a resource in what it is that I do."

Balder Odinson has posed:
Balder seems to nod softly at her words. "Your best is all that is required and necessary. You honor us with your assitance. If there is anyway I can help repay, you need but say the word." the God of Light grants his favor on Lara! what a day.

Though he also looks to the artifact again, before he looks to Lara. "I will take this into serious consideration. Thank you...though, I wonder...what IS this object?" he points at the one that Lara most recently donated to the museum.

What can he say?! he's curious!

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara returns his words with a light and firm nod. "If anything comes up I will gladly have another famous Asgardian to confer with." She says, showing him a slight but sincere smile.

Its then that she looks over to the book on display inside the glass case. "Oh, this is... This is called the Rohonc Codex. It was discovered in a foreign country from here almost two hundred years ago. Its filled with written languages and illustrations that are unexplained yet to this day. They're believed to be the languages... from other worlds. Which we all know today is far more likely than we did back we it was first found. Yet still, the text remains undeciphered and the books meaning and purpose a ever on going... mystery."

She shows another light smile. "Its something I may have some insight into though, but thats yet to be determined. One can certainly hope, however."