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Latest revision as of 16:14, 23 February 2019

The Heist
Date of Scene: 15 February 2019
Location: Gotham City
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Ventriloquist (Riley), Spoiler

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
It's midnight. Which means for most businesses, time off - But for some, it's when the most important work gets done. And hidden away in an industrial part of town, something less than savoury has already gone down. A non-descript warehouse has a few extra cars in the parking lot... And the security guard normally posted at the reinforced door is gone, the door left partially open and the cameras obscured with a flash of white paint.

Inside, it's more obvious that this is a security firm. Four armoured trucks, are lined up infront of the roller door. Just inside the ajar entrance, a limp figure in a security uniform is propped up against the door. Three desk jockeys have been shot in various positions, as if they tried to flee from the assault. Six masked criminals are currently tossing everything of value into the armoured trucks, while an elegantly dressed woman sits atop of one of them, legs elegantly crossed - And a wooden puppet on her arm, sitting in her lap, as they converse. "Y'gotta watch over ya boys sometime." Scarface mutters, his cute little hand grasping an equally little shotgun.

"I'm sure they're capable enough without you threatening to kill everything. We should be laying low. Between the assassins, the new boys on the block, and the Bat... Well, keeping our heads down should be far more important than getting our hands on -- And what exactly are you even planning with these trucks?" Peyton's voice is rich and full. No disguise for her. All the cameras are currently destroyed, after all.

"Ain't none of ya business, girl. You just keep smiling and do what's ya told." The gentle clacking of his jaw moving, as it seems the Ventriloquist is talking to herself

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler was nearing the end of her patrols for the night. She was cruising along on her bike mostly on autopilot mentally as she reflected on earlier encounters. It was the first time Batman had actually asked her to come speak to him. And he didn't even lecture her. Then again every conversation is, really, a lecture in disguise with him. No one can ever live up to his expectations. They always end up just a little short. Somehow. But she was still determined to do what she was capable of doing.

Her mental reverie is interrupted by an update of the robbery. It's only a few blocks away. Changing direction she speeds up to close in as quickly as possible. Cutting the engine as she got close, she let it coast into the back alley before she ascended to the rooftop to get a better view from across the street. Trying to see how many were there. How they were armed.

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
The roller door is opened, the mechanical motor whirring to reveal the scene within. Only one of the bodies visible, but four of the armed gangsters lingering by the drivers doors of the trucks are easily seen - A mixture of shotguns and handguns, nothing automatic. And strangely, sitting on one, is the Boss. "We gots da cars, we gots the cash. Erryone ready ta get dis show on da road?" The puppet enquires.

"Gettin' the last of the data now. We'll be ready in sixty seconds." A voice hidden from view states. And then comes a quiet coughing from behind the door, a sick, wet sounds. "I'm on it." The same voice instructs, followed by a muffled gunshot.

Peyton slowly steps down onto the bonnet, an elegant feat in heels, and then looks at Scarface. "You know I can't stand babysitting. Shame you can't sit on one of these goons." A kiss placed upon it's cheek, before it issues it's own snappy comeback. "Dere's only one gal for me."

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler frowns and murmurs to herself, "Well that's something new I have to admit.." She fires off her grappel and drops off the edge of the building, swinging across as she builds momentum. Adjusting her angle, she drops off, arcing gracefully into a forward flip before extending her booted feet to impact one of Scarface's men.

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
New and exciting. Peyton smirks a little as she delicately jumps down from the bonnet, dressed as she is and with that toy still balanced upon her. The callout comes from behind one of the desks. "I got it. Let's go!" And a call to move causes the remaining two previously hidden men to comes into view as they make their way towards the trucks. Driver one turns - And finds himself facing a masked heroine - And her boots meet his chest, sending him back straight into the door of his truck and dropping like a sack of potatoes.

The noise has Scarface's head twist a full hundred and eighty degrees, to stare at the person who dared attack them. "We gots a problem. Get da trucks! Newman, wit' me." One hand reaching out, the shotgun gripped in it bucking as a /very real/ gunshot comes from the weapon to where Spoiler was.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler springs off the guy's chest into a backflip and lands in a crouch, cape settling down about her. She looks over at Scarface and the woman. Talking to her, Spoiler quips, "You know.. you really do look to old to be playing with dolls, ma'am. How about you put it down and step away before someone really gets hurt, mm?" And with that she sees the shotgun and rolls to the side just before it fires or she'd have taken some if not all of the pellets in the blast.

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
The sound of large diesel engines firing up fills the warehouse, as Peyton looks at her doll for some kind of advice. "We should go." She murmurs to it.

Newman approaches from the side, shotgun raised to his shoulder as he aims at Spoiler. And Scarface chuckles. "Nuh-uh. We gonna teach dis hero a lesson. C'mon, mouthpiece!" The definitive click of heels upon concrete as the red-clad woman rushes for the heroine, and then dropping low into a sliding kick. For a girl who plays with dolls, she doesn't mind taking orders from it.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler doesn't stay still. That's a recipe for being shot. She looks to 'Newman' and flicks an S shaped throwing star at his weapon. On the way there it begins hissing softly. By the time it impacts with the wepaon it explodes into a sticky mass of rapidly expanding foam that begins to harden the longer it is exposed to air. It's going to be very difficult to safely fire the weapon if he tries.

As she is kicked in the leg by the blonde, Spoiler rolls with the blow, dropping down onto her back before kicking her legs up and springing into a reverse summersault. "Nice kick. But really. Playing with toys. And guns? It's just a recipe for disaster." Her gauntlet covered hands are busy while she talks. activating a collapsible staff that she spins easily and swings toward Peyton to try and dislodge the toy sized shotgun or Scarface himself if possible.

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
Newman's weapon catches the throwing star, and within a few seconds he realises it's useless. Instead, it's tossed, and he turns to catch a ride on one of the running boards of the trucks as they begin to leave. Leaving Peyton, Scarface and the unknown hero alone.

"Dat's all?" Scarface mocks the staff, the puppet strangely articulated - As Peyton approaches, one wooden hand slaps the staff aside and the other points the toy gun at the heroine's kneecaps, firing directly at them. Mouthpiece-slave Peyton whips her free hand around, her fingers flat and the blade of her hand directed at Spoiler's neck - A typically underarmoured part of any hero.

Spoiler has posed:
The tip of the staff is deflected. But the thing about a staff is that it has two ends. And the shotgun goes off. Never has she been so thankful for having connected with the Bat and the Birds. Her armor holds as the slugs slam into the armor of her shins. She topples from the impact but won't suffer this time from more than bruising. But as she goes down? The blade from Peyton comes toward her. This is where the second tip of the staff comes into the situation. It strikes the blade and deflects it away with enough force it may well knock it from her attacker's hand. "You really need to get rid of that doll. It's starting to annoy me." She rolls away, working to spring to her feet. But her shins do ache and she may not be completely stable at first, leaving a chance for either a followup attack - or a chance to a jump on a getaway.

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
Peyton's knife is deflected away and skitters over the floor - But elegant as a gymnast, she twists and launches off the floor, an elegant flash of red before she slams pointed heel down where Spoiler is rolling to, while Scarface follows it with another shotgun blast at the heroine. Both slam into the concrete where she was a second ago, chipping it away. Apparently they're a deadly duo. "Quit fuckin' about and kill da bitch!" Scarface orders, while Peyton raises her gaze to the masked woman. "You should leave. Now. Scarface /will/ kill you." A moment of... Mercy? Her other fist is raised in a guard.

Spoiler has posed:
That moment of guard is enough to allow another throwing star to be thrown. It streaks across the space and strikes against the torso of Scarface and, as before, it erupts into that sticky foam that spreads quickly over his body and limbs but only just stops short of covering his mouth. It also adheres to Peyton's clothing and arm thus limiting her on that side.

Jumping up, Spoiler brings her staff back around to a defensive posture, "I'd suggest you stick around, actually. Now that Pinnochio is out of hte picture there's time for you to wait while GCPD arrives. So just.. chill. Or you're gonna get hurt yourself."

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
Peyton looks at Scarface as he's hit, and the woman seems... Only a little bit concerned about the expanding foam that starts from his chest and begins to cover him. "Ah. Inconvenient." She assesses the situation, before she looks back at ther Heroine again. "Seems like you've got some fun toys. Friends in dark places." Her arm is stuck straight out, ripping a hole in the elegant dress she's wearing where the foam stuck it down, revealing mostly smooth skin with an angry scar under her rib.

"Doll, ya better gives me up ta dis broad. She's wit da bat, and ya don't want none of dat." Scarface can't move much to drive the point home, but he turns to look at Peyton. "Take care, sweet cheeks."
    Peyton slowly releases her hold inside the puppet, and sets it down upon the ground. A few slow steps away from it, it's mouth failing to move as it's voice instructs. "Go, dammit." The lady in red turns, and begins to run away - Taking the chance to disengage, and vaulting the fence in a way no lady in heels should be able to.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler looks at the dropped puppet. "Seriously? You tried to kill me with a puppet and a midget's shotgun and now you're going to just dump it and go after acting like he was your boss? That's messed up." She watches the woman run away and takes out an evidence bag and tucks the abandoned puppet inside. "guess you're gonna get to meet some of my big'ah frien's..." she mutters mockingly.

In the distance GCPD sirens can be heard as Spoiler makes her way out of the area.

Ventriloquist (Riley) has posed:
Peyton has escaped, leaving Spoiler with an empty secrity warehouse, four bodies and a puppet. A strange story. A minute after the lady in red is out of sight, the warning comes in a series of rapid ticks from the bag he has been stuffed into. A few seconds later, a deafening blast comes from the bag as several pounds of C4 Scarface had been stuffed with explodes, and the toy - And several feet around it - Is nothing more than splinters.

Spoiler has posed:
Spoiler frowns as she hears the ticking. "oh you've gotta..." The bag is tossed into a dumpster and she rolls away, using her cape to shield herself as it explodes into splinters, the sound of the blast magnified with the also damaged dumpster as the blast was largely deflected upwards.. "Yeah. This went -really- well" she mutters as she gets to her bike and leaves the area just as the police arrive.