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Latest revision as of 16:51, 23 February 2019

Rogue Ideas Are Best Ideas
Date of Scene: 18 February 2019
Location: Xavier's School, Westchester, New York
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Rogue, Cyclops, Jubilee

Wolverine has posed:
    The danger room is mostly bare, the walls marked by the red grid lines of its unmodified walls and the surfaces a shiny metallic silver. From above there's that bright halogenesque glow of light that simulates sunlight to a certain degree and is entirely unflattering on most of the people who wander in with it on its base setting.
    Currently the lights shine upon two figures far below, one of them being a frequent visitor to the facilities. The Canadian Mutant stands in the center of the room, scowling to himself with his hands on his hips and his gaze focused on the other figure that dwarfs him in stature. While Logan can pass for human, usually, the other is a twenty foot tall robot that seems to glower ominously as it stares down at him, one hand extended as if looking for a high-five that the Wolverine is unlikely to reach.
    "A lil taller." Logan says over his shoulder to the computer controlling the danger room.
    A flicker of light flares and the robot suddenly is a good two feet taller. "Nah. One foot shorter." Another flicker and its proportions rearrange to fit his perception.
    "Hnh." He says, arms folding over his chest as he scowls.

Rogue has posed:
From the main entrance to the danger room come the sound of boot heels clicking on the hard floor surface. The silhouette from the well lit corridor outside shows its obviously a female and as she gets closer the light around her adjusts and its Rogue! Her hands are stuffed into the side pockets of her leather bomber jacket and beneath that she's wearing a black leather-like jumpsuit, one of the X-Men standard uniforms pulled out of the uniform storage, its legs are tucked into a pair of thigh-high leather boots of a matching shade, with tall heels on the back making her elevate to somewhere around 5'10" in height.

"Well hey there, Angry Bird." Rogue says to when she spies Logan, grinning at him lightly, her eyes look over whats going on in here and she looks a bit more suspicious. "Do I even wanna ask whats up in here? Or should I just turn around and go back the way I came?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "This," Logan says without looking at her, "Is me tryin' ta figure out the proportions of onea the robot things that've been attacking mutants." He turns then, cocking an eyebrow as he shifts his weight to his back foot, taking a moment to give her a once over.
    "Went on an OP. Gained some intel, but there was evidence of a bigger one. Tryin' ta... I dunno..." He grimaces as usually this isn't his bailiwick. "Ta collect all the info we got inta somethin' that we can maybe work against. Or have an idea of what we're gonna face."
    That having been said he rests his hands on his hips again and shakes his head. As for Logan, he's not in a uniform. Just jeans, too tight t-shirt, and work boots. He shakes his head and then says over his shoulder at her, "What've you been up to?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just looks between Logan and the robot that he's constructing to try to get the dimensions right on the Sentinels. She just stares... at both of them, for a lingering moment before his last question makes her just shake her head and glance away, back the way she'd come.

"I don't know. Nothin'. College work. Teachin' Assistin'... I gave my dog away. I went t'tell Gambit and he just got kinda mad at me, then just wanted to..." She shakes her head. "He's puttin' some secret team t'gether that he doesn't want me involved in."

Rogue just clears her throat then and shrugs her shoulders inside of her leather jacket, and leather suit, a lot of leather noise resulting from that body motion. "I'm ready t'beat the shit outta some'a these sentinels though. I'll tell ya that for damn sure."

Wolverine has posed:
    A grunt is given. Just a pause before he offers a few more words sidelong at her. "You know my opiniona Gambit." Not that Logan has a staggeringly high opinion of a lot of people, but some people he goes the extra mile to snarl about. He turns to face Rogue, and it's likely he knows some of the ins and outs of that rocky road of a relationship.
    So, just in case he wasn't clear, he adds. "He's an asshole."
    That said he pushes past the topic, moving toward the simulation of the robot and gestures up at its open palm. "We got bits and pieces so far. Will have more once we get the other stuff we stole online. It's gotta be made safe so it can't be traced here."
    He rounds back to her and he says, "So right now all we got is broad strokes. How durable the armor might be, how much heat its hand blasters can put out. Things like that." He folds his arms over his chest and leans against the Sentinel's leg, "We can set a few up for you ta knock down. Or we can head to Harry's and you can tell me what all went down."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue just shows the old warrior sharing the room with her a small smirk. "Yeah... well..." She digests the 'asshole' declaration part of it and shakes her head dismissively. "Sometimes its great, sometimes things are wwkward. But I'm twenty years old now and in my time'a seekin' the attention'a men, most all'a them have run for the damn hills once they find out how my 'gift' works." She holds the smirk and starts to walk around the robot that Logan has been making.

"I was lookin' for someone t'go drinkin' with all weekend. Even spent Valentine's Day alone. Went t'the movies by myself."

She reaches her gloved left hand out to place it on the back of the robot and she just slides it over the surface of the thing. "I don't mind smashin' some'a these things, in fact I entirely wanna. But should we ask for others also? Make it a team thing?" She asks then, peering over the robot's shoulder to look at him for a response.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Won't exactly be a challenge," He pushes away from the sentinel leg and murmurs, "We don't have anythin' about their motive abilities or their adaptation things we've seen them do. Right now it'd be like punchin' big mannequins." He does, however, wave a hand to the side. "But knock yerself out if it'll make ya feel better."
    That said he steps away and starts moving towards the control room door even as it begins to fade back into view, having disappeared when Rogue sauntered further into the place.
    He does stop at the door and turns back to look at her, "You mind answerin' a thing fer me though?" Logan slides his hands into the pockets of his jeans, looking at her curiously. "Why'd you ditch out on the Avengers? Seemed like things were goin' good there for ya."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue continues to just stand behind the faux-Sentinel with the one gloved hand resting on its back over where a spine would be if it were a human, behind its shoulders. "I guess we gotta get a lot more information about them then. Know our enemy, know how to win..." She says this before he meanders off back toward the doorway.

When he speaks back to her and asks that question she looks back at him over her left shoulder, her white bangs blocking most of her face, but her eyes are visibly peering back at him.

She doesn't stare long though before she look forward again, her head shakes right to left. "I got no answers for that. Just a buncha different bullshit reasons. The best I can say is I got issues, Logan. Have trouble stickin' around anywhere for very long. Got the feelin' it was time for me to go. Thats the best way t'put it."

And with that she lowers her hand from the robot and then slams her right fist forward to send it flying across the room in multiple pieces! And then she's just hovering about a foot off the ground with her lips parted, her heart thumping in her chest and a bit of heavier breathing escaping between her lips.

Wolverine has posed:
    The debris scatters, pattering against the wall as it reaches that point and then flickering with that blaze of light as it reaches the edge of the 'playing field' where it phases back into nothingness, leaving it to just being them there in the austerity of the Danger Room. Just the two of them.
    He looks across the way towards her, frowning. Then he hits the cut off sequence on the control panel next to the door, the energy and illumination in the room goes mostly dark save for the emergency lights in their yellowish haze. But it also gives them a brief respite from the oppressiveness of it all, the weight of everything, and whatever regard might be held by whomever might just happen to be in the control room.
    Logan, however, steps back into the room towards her and stops just a few steps from the twenty-year old heroine. "Marie," He says in that level tone of voice, usually used when he's imparting some folksy wisdom. So she likely has a vibe for what's coming.
    "If any of the weirdoes here know that feelin' it's me. So m'not gonna tell you to not follow it. Since sometimes you gotta. All I can say is if you start to feel that way again, then stop and say bye first and gimme a chance ta talk you out of it."
    He rests a hand on her shoulder and meets her gaze, blue eyes level, "A'right?" He asks.
    But then a half-smile touches his lips, "As fer the other stuff. Yer twenty, kid. Ya got all the time in the world. You're beautiful, and not entirely a jerk. You'll fine a fella that fits in yer heart. Mebbe not Remy. But m'pretty sure you'll find someone."

Rogue has posed:
By the time that Logan steps back over to her, she's floated back down onto the ground so that her heeled boots are touching the floor again. When he puts his hand on her shoulder she looks back at him past her white bangs and when he says those kind and heartfelt words she smiles and looks down toward the floor of the room.

"Thanks." She says back at him, her hands going back into the pockets of her jacket. "We'll see about what happens. Thing that brings me back here is people are just... more messed up than they are with the Avengers. Makes me feel more... comfortable." She says that last word with full-on southern belle influence in the accent, making it syrupy and sultry.

"I'm happy enough here right now, read t'help fight these dumb machines. Smash'em inta little parts. Or, whatever..." She smirks then and turns around to face him while she reaches her hands up to put them behind her head and start to wrap her brown hair into a ponytail behind her head. "So we smashin' stuff or we gonna get drinks?" She asks with a grin.

Cyclops has posed:
    Over the intercomm, Scott's voice fills the danger room. "You're not old enough for drinks." The fearless leader says with a smirk as he lets go of the 'talk' button and chuckles to himself before he presses the talk button again, "Could you two come up here or would it be better for me to come down there?" Scott asks, noting that they do have the Danger Room's safety protocols set to 'nil'. He would be surprised by this but really, Logan is the weak link down there physically, and that's saying something.

Wolverine has posed:
    An exasperated grumbling sigh is heard probably up on the speaker in the control booth, though its origin is there in front of Rogue. Logan turns and looks upwards and he says, "If the kid's old enough ta get married, then she's old enough ta get drunk at her weddin'."
    That said he turns and starts to walk towards the door that also could well lead up to the stairway towards the control booth. His hands slide back into the pockets of his jeans as he says over his shoulder towards Rogue, "So drinks it is." If only to spite Scott. He walks along and undoes the power kill button and lets the Danger Room come back online.

Rogue has posed:
Its not often that something actually startles Rogue enough to make her react to it, but whne Scott's voice comes online over the danger room's internal comms and just talks over them like Scott-God, Rogue actually jumps and actually yelps. It scared her pretty good. Even a powerhouse like her is still human and can be startled.

She THEN is glaring over to the command room and listens to Logan's response. With her hands stuffed back into her jacket pockets she starts walking with him at his side and grins over at him. "Thats why you and I understand each other, Logan. Cause'a wonderfully sound logic like that." She says back at him.

At/Toward Scott she has to speak out though. "Have you been hidin' in there the whole time?!" She shouts, hopefully loud enough to hur this ears over any speaks before she's able to get to the control room.

Cyclops has posed:
    "No I haven't been in here long. I just got finished with a meeting that you both might find interesting." Scott warns as he watches Logan flip the killswitch and Scott leans back in his chair and watches the powerful duo get back to their training.

    WIth his fingers lacing behind his head, Scott watches the monitors with a curious look, knowing anything in there would be able to kill almost anyone but those two, he can't help but smirk at the idea of them running with dangers on or off, what's the point either way. "Fine, she can drink as long as she doesn't leave campus." The leader requests with an audible frown.

Jubilee has posed:
The doors swish open to reveal Jubilee who gives a curious look. "Hey." She lifts her hand upwards in a friendly manner. She's dressed in a pair of loose fitted jeans, a solid black shirt and a blue zip up windbreaker. She looks rather casual tonight. "I heard a little birdy tell me that my bestie was getting a once over down there and was hoping to watch." She says as she tucks her shades on the top of her head as she heads over to Scott's side. "How's it going, boss man?"

Wolverine has posed:
    Logan's first up those stairs from the Danger Room and now into the control area, the door sliding open and him likely with Rogue a few steps behind him. "We were gonna head ta Harry's." Is his way of announcement once he's within more direct earshot of Cyclops.
    But then he lifts a hand in Jubilee's direction. "Jubes. Counselled all the guidance lately?" He asks as he steps in and then drops with a /thud/ into one of the swivel observer seats, hands still in his pockets so his slouch is pronounced.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is indeed up the steps behind Logan, but she remains standing at the top step with her hands inside of her leather bomber jacket side pockets. "Harry's is practically on property, ya know. Its just down the street..." She says that with a grin, looking from Logan as he thuds down into a chair, over to Scott. "What are we gonna find interesting and how come the way you just said 'interesting' makes me think what you really meant was 'depressing'?"

She spies Jubilee then and she flashes her friend a grin. "Whats up?" She asks Jubes. "I've been thinkin' about those hotdogs since we went there. I had no idea a 'hot dog' could be quite that tastey." What exactly she's referring too? Food, of course. God. "Gonna have t'go back there soon."

Cyclops has posed:
    "It's swimingly." Scott replies to Jubilee with a soft kind of smile as it a bit uncharacteristic for the man, he's seeming a bit more chipper. Then Logan shows up and claims the one squeaky chair. "It's--" Scott starts to begin but then there's a Jubilee in the room and he closes his eyes and his mouth for a moment. "Just keep an ear out for Remy." Scott says, using some short hand and some odd language.

Jubilee has posed:
"You know me. Shaping young minds one day at a time. Though these days I may need to sit Bobby down since he's prank warring across the mansion. Kid is bored. Needs a hobby, or a pet, or a personal one on one beat down by yours truly." Jubilee says as she makes finger gun motions towards Logan. Pew-pew.

Ambling over to Rogue, she throws an arm about her shoulders, carefully, leaning in to bumpity-bump. "Let's do it tomorrow then. Have another girl's night out and chili dog it up."

Giving a smile to Scott, her brows lift upwards some curiously, then rubs the back of her neck a bit with her hand. ".. He okay?" She asks a bit softer as her energy buzzkills briefly as it seems this is more of a serious team talk.

Wolverine has posed:
    Legs extended to cross at the ankles, the Canadian mutant looks in turn at each of the others, cocking an eyebrow at Rogue and Jubilee. But a moment later he shifts his attention over towards the X-Leader.
    For now Wolverine stays slouched in the chair and is staring at Cyclops steadily, his own expression grim and impatient as he says with a low rumble. "You were sayin' somethin', Cyclops? Somethin' important?" As if to keep the man on point. There's a beat, then he adds. "Still waitin' on the robot data ta come through from the op." There's his little intel tidbit.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue grins at Jubilee's response. "I'd be down for that. But... I also think we should expand our net and draw everyone we can in. A full X-Men hotdog Extravaganza. But... thats probably harder t'organize than it might sound. What with prankster Bobby Drakes and... whatever the heck Remy's done t'make Scott make that expression." She motions toward Scott then with a gloved hand.

"Do ya need me t'talk to him?" She asks then. "I can try. Not sure how well it'll go. I think he's pretty mad that I gave Aces away... But, I don't know, its hard t'tell. He stays locked up in that boat house a lot these days."

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott stands up from his chair, brushing his tie down flat against his chest as he does so and gives the three other x-men a small nod before he looks at the door and then back to the team, "Make sure you're keeping up to date on your Danger Room scenarios." Scott says, rather flatly, and almost robotically. Yeah. There's something he's not telling everyone and then the x-man marches for the door. The pace is fast enough in his gait that it tells that he's got a lot of work to get to.

Jubilee has posed:
That doesn't seem to really put Jubilee at ease as it seems Scott is holding something about. She's a guidance counselor, she's got fairly good at the empathy bit. She cuts a look to Rogue, then over to Logan as her eyes widen a bit with concern.

Wolverine has posed:
    With his arms resting on the supports of the chair, Logan flares his hands wide even as he waits for the X-Leader to make his departure. He does shoot a glance betwee Rogue and Jubilee and murmurs. "No idea what's up with him." Said with a touch of exasperation or annoyance.
    There's a beat, then he adds. "Other than the obvious." Since really, it's still Scott Summers. He then slaps his hands onto the arms of the chair and /pushes/ himself to his feet as if it were some great ordeal and he was weary from the weight of the world on his shoulders.
    "Alright, Harry's." It's stated in a way that that is simply that, and that's where he's going. Or they are. Whatever.

Rogue has posed:
"Hey." Rogue calls after Scott as she watches him walking out, but he's already gone. She frowns super big, glances over to Jubilee and shakes her head before her eyes trail over to Logan.

"I think I know what happened." She replies to them all. "Remy's been hold-up in the Boat House working on some project, with a lista names that he wants t'recruit t'do stuff... off the table, or something. Under the table? Whatever the expression is, I dunno."

She lightly clears her throat then and tips her chin toward where Scott went off too. "I'm guessin' he pitched it to Scotty, and I'm guessin' it didn't go so well. Especially with this sentinel shit goin' on now."

Her bottom lip is chewed on for a second before she nods to Logan. "Harrys, definitely... for sure now." And her eyes look over to Jubilee. "Wanna go drink and play pool?" She asks her friend. "Logan and me are gonna, either way."

Jubilee has posed:
Rocking a bit on her feet, Jubilee's brows pinch a bit, then runs a hand back through her hair. Her shoulders roll upwards into a shrug. "Yeah, sure. Whatever you guys are up for. I'll join." It seems that her balloon has been popped.