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Latest revision as of 17:02, 23 February 2019

Date of Scene: 19 February 2019
Location: Harry's Hideaway, Salem Center
Synopsis: Several of the X-Men girls have a good time at Harry's Hideaway near Xavier's. Scott makes a cameo and acts like an angry school principal from an 80s movie. Its great!
Cast of Characters: Rogue, Shadowcat, Cyclops, Jubilee, Meggan

Rogue has posed:
Logan had just left. He and Rogue had come here to drink. He'd told her to either walk home or get an Uber to take her home, because she was on her way to going from tipsy to full on drunk. Right now? She's at the pool tables in the back with another beer in her left gloved hand, she's got a pool cue in the other and she's been shooting pool on her own, the music playing inside the bar is her style... classic Rock, the only kind there is in her eyes.

Rogue leans over the green felted table and lines her cue up for another shot. She hits it with confidence and skill, but dials her strength back to keep the ball from shooting across the room!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde does the phone and social media thing as needed to see what is going on tonight. Hearing that Rogue is out at the bar, with or without Logan, Kitty heads over that way. She comes in, wearing dark pants and a close-fitting dark top, with black boots that have reddish toes. A leather jacket and gloves keep off the cold, though she begins removing the latter, and unzipping the former once she is inside. Spotting Rogue over by the pool tables, Kitty makes her way over to join her. "Evening AM," Kitty says once she won't interrupt the shot.

Cyclops has posed:
    A shadow darkens the door way and the whole room could feel the owner's frown. Oh how he wishes the door was like an old fashioned saloon swinging door and he would kick it in with his heavy spurred boot, but none of that happens, no, the door is pulled open casually and the man wearing the red sunglasses steps into the bar with a hand lifted up to pull down the hood of his coat and to wave at Harry.

    Harry knows exactly who this is and why he's here and tries not to get himself into trouble as he simply points with his eyes towards the young ones and goes back to cleaning the mug in his hand.

    Scott nods and slowly starts to approach the pool tables.

Jubilee has posed:
Having tagged along with Rogue on this mission of drinking, Jubilee has been chatting up a few people here and there, while keeping an eye on her bestie with the white stripe in her hair. She'll be the Uber hailer tonight! She's only had one ... two ... drinks. Two. But only two. She's after all a lean Asian without the type of stamina made for chugging. Also, her drinks are real wussy drinks. Fruity types.

Glancing upwards at Kitty, she waves a hand and disengages from the frat boy who is hitting her up, giving him a friendly smile, then heads to the girls. "Hey, I'm buying, whatcha drinking?" She has not seen Scott yet. Dun Dun Dun.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is fully embracing this school night with some booze, for whatever(s). Perhaps egged on a bit by Logan opening the door to her getting as much drinks as she wanted out of Harry. She's got a dark green sweater on that ends just above her low-rise jeans so there's a fair amount of stomach on display too, fully embracing the 'night out at a bar persona' it would seem.

At least she has gloves on! So when Kitty approaches she looks up after her shot and grins. "Hey! Kitty!" The partially inebriated mutant with the white striped bangs approaches Kitty to hug her! "Glad ya made it, sugah!" She says, then motions to the pool cues. "Wanna play? I can get ya a drink too if ya want it."

She has no idea that Scott the Lawman has arrived. She does, however, look over to where Jubilee is approach. "Lookit, Jubes!" She says, shaking a hand at Kitty. "Its her!" She announces, a bit goofily, she's in a good mood... clearly.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins and she gives Rogue a big hug back. Being quite careful which parts of them touch, but not letting it lessen the warmth of the hug. "You look like you're having a good time," Kitty tells Rogue. She swings her gaze over to flash a beautiful smile to Jubilee. "Hey JuJu. Oh, Dr. Pepper, Coke, whatever they have, would be great," Kitty says.

She looks back to the pool table and tells Rogue, "Alright, you got a game, sister." She'll stay there with an arm around Rogue for now though, until the other woman wants to move to rack the pool balls. "So anything special going on?" Kitty asks, looking between the two women.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott stays near the bar and thinks better of it. He stops before he's been spotted and turns. He actually turns towards the bar and sits down on a stool. The look on Harry's face must be one of shock but he hides it quickly as Scott lifts a hand signalling for a drink to be placed before him. He trusts Harry to take care of him.

    Scott's not going to interrupt their night of fun, but he will pay attention and observe his students and friends. He wants to make sure they're okay and safe.

Jubilee has posed:
"Sure, no problem, I'll get you a Peppah, because you're so /spicy/." Jubilee drawls out to Kitty with a soft laugh. "I'll get winner. I suck at pool so consider it an easy win."

Heading to the bar, she slides up next to Scott. "Yo, Harry my dude. Hook me up with a Doctor Pepper." With a smile, she glances over, then double takes at the sight of Scott. Her eyes widen. ".. Eeeey.. did Logan tell you we're here?" Name drop the Canadian.

Rogue has posed:
The hud with Kitty is held for a while because thats what inebriated people do! She grins at the Dr. Pepper part and just softly shakes her head and sighs. "You're a better person than me, Kitty. Always have been." She then separates and moves over to get the rack and gather up the pool balls. "Put alcohol in it, Jubilation!" She calls after her friend. She's just kidding of course, kinda, sometimes its hard to tell with her!

Her hair is pushed back over her ears with her gloved hands and she starts quickly dropping all the pool balls into the rack, not having any idea which one properly goes into what position, even having to take the cue ball out of the middle of the triangle arrangement when she realized she'd put it in with the rest. "Sneaky little fella, ain't ya."

And with it properly set up-Rogue style-she steps back and motions to it, rolling the white ball to the far end. "Have it, Hottness." She tells Kitty, and its THEN that she sees Jubilee speaking to... is that Scott? He doesn't seem to notice her yet! Good! So she reaches out for her glass of dark amber booze and lifts it up for another sip.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde shares the laugh with Jubilee before turning her attention back to Rogue once Jubi is going over to acquire the soft drink. "Made a run into Gotham yesterday," Kitty says as Rogue is racking the balls. Kitty makes her way over to where the pool cues are hanging on the wall. She selects one and goes over to the table, rolling it to see how straight it is

"You'll never guess whose painting of his sister I found there," Kitty says as she picks up a cube of chalk to begin applying it to the end of the cue. Kitty seems clueless of their Fearless Leader sitting over at the bar, still. She takes off her jacket, finding a chair for it and then goes over to grab the cue ball and line it up.

Whack! The cue balls flies across the table and hits the balls, sending them every which way, but not managing to sink any.

Cyclops has posed:
    "He might have said something." Scott says to Jubilee but he sighs softly before looking back to Jubilee, "But for someone with an enhanced nose, he's easy enough to sniff out." The leader says with a frown and a look to Harry with a subtle shake of his hand with the fingers pressed together, he's cancelling his drink but he does pull out a bill and puts it on the counter. "Thanks." Scott says, as he stands up from the bar and turns his attention squarely on Rogue and slowly his fists find their way onto his hips as he eyes Rogue from behind his glasses. No words are spoken to Rogue or Kitty. Not yet.

Jubilee has posed:
"Harry, bring the man his drink." Jubilee says with an annoyed look towards Scott. "Sit, enjoy yourself, dude. We're off the clock and we can be normal for a few minutes." She bumps his shoulder with hers, then picks up the Dr. Pepper. "I won't even say a word that you're here. Enjoy your night."

Sliding off the stool, she heads back over to the girls, rounding the table so that they will have their backs to the bar as she grins. "Ooooone spicy non-alcoholic soda for Kitty." She says as she puts it down on the table next to them, giving a grin. "Okay, who is winning?"

Meggan has posed:
    Amazing the difference a few minutes can make, right, cause as the door opens this time a brisk breeze carries in the scents of spring... The hooded figure seems to float in and survey the room, no where near as ominously as the stalwart Crimson Quartz Spectacled paternal figure, but surprisingly taking up more of the doorway. As the door closes behind her, Meggan pulls back her hood and smiles into her cellphone, "Okay, so this is Harry's hideaway, most posh dive in the region, totally the place for fun when one is not getting your Gifted on at the nearby Westchester Private Schools. Now that I'm back from my wee two year hiatus of European Tour to find my origins and get in touch with my true self, I totally have to hit the hideaway for some drinks, dancing, and fun, because now I'm old enough to do the first one without the Profs scolding me. I will totally record any singing, dancing, or general wildness before the night is up." then blows a kiss to the camera and hits upload.

    As she catches sight of Kitty and Rogue, Meggan waves and begins skipping across the room, "Hey, ya'll." her voice almost mirroring Rogue's down to the drawl, "We havin' a party?" slipping ethereally through the patrons with ease. If she notices Scott and his broodiness, she is pretending not to.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue has to stare at Kitty for a second. "You found a paintin' of someone's sister? In... Gotham?" She asks then. "Who?? That place stinks like hell, its why I never go thtere unless I gotta... its no good, at all." She pauses then in reflection. "Course thats where I met Stark who first decided I had a gnack for the potential team membership... still though." She narrows her eyes then and asks again. "Who??"

Rogue's eyes dart back over to see Scott with his hands on his hips. She raises her drink up to her lips to sip from it again, making sure to get some of the dark brew's foaming cap on her upper lip so when she lowers the drink she can wave back at Scott now with a beer foamed lip... cause she likes to toy with authority like that!

Jubilee returns and with... "Meggan?" Rogue says. "Hey! Where the heck did you come from?" She's clearly happy to have another joining them though!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the soda from Jubilee. "Just started," Kitty says of the game. "Anna Marie's shot next." She smiles and then pulls out her cell phone as Rogue asks about the painting. "Piotr's. I had a search running for his name, and it pinged off this art showing in Gotham. Here, look," she says, pulling a photo that shows a field of yell flowers, with a young blond girl sitting amongst them, making a crown of braided flowers. "I thought maybe I'd try to buy it, but it went for $10,000. And it's going to be hanging in a home for children. So... I thought Illyana might like to know and see it," Kitty says with a smile.

She glances up then, spotting Scott thanks to Rogue's wave. And... "Meggan!?" Kitty says as she sees the woman. She goes over to give her a big hug. "Wow, it's been too long!" she says.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott raises his hands in the air in surrender, "I was having such a good week too." Scott notes to no one before he turns around and lifts his hands to grab the hood of his coat and pulls it over his hair. "Make sure they get home safe Harr." Scott says with his back to the girls and his feet stepping towards the door. Seems Meggan knew about it too. And is she parascoping this and talking about the professor. Scott does make all the mental notes. Notes that will be passed on to more, respected teachers.

Jubilee has posed:
Watching as Scott starts to leave, Jubilee has a disappointed look on her face. Her shoulders drop a bit and she lets out a low sigh, though the pair screaming Meggan's name causes her chin to lift up. "Oh! Holy cow. Hey you. Long time no see!" She says as she turns around to face her with a grin. "Come join us, we can do doubles now at pool. I suck, as a head's up. How are things going?"

Taking a peek over at the phone, the gives a wide grin. "Petey was always good with a brush. Wow. I'm still working my way through stick figures."

Meggan has posed:
    There a bemused look on Meggan's lips, "There are so many ways I kin answer that. I could say the school, cause I just came from there. Or perhaps, Connecticut, cause that is where I stopped on the way home, yesterday, for all the Dragon & Phoenix Coconut Curry Shrimp and Noodles that I packed the fridges with for everyone. Or I could say Ireland, because I came out of the portal from another dimension in a Faerie Ring not far from Cassidy Keep, I was there. Of course, turns out I'm part Faerie, so I could say from one of the Faerie realms, but that might be a trick the Faerie Folk were playing on me. And of course, I could say all kinds of places in Europe, cause I grew up travelling. Up to you which truth you wish to embrace." she giggles and hugs Kitty back, "Has it been that long? I think the dimension and time hopping affected me. Seemed not that long ago, but then again, I think I may have been swapping places with other versions of myself on various incarnations of Excalibur, so perhaps the Kitty I think I last saw was not you. Maybe we need to do that thing like Doctor Who and River Song where we compare notes?"

    Looking to Jubilee, there is a broad smile on Meggan's lips, her tone becoming almost valley, "Oh, I totally travelled the multiverse, met wierd versions of myself and Kitty, and other folks. Spent a few days in WWII. Felt like I was in a Star Trek or Doctor Who season a bunch of times. Learned I might be an actual genuine Faerie or Goblin Princess, even saw a dimension where I was a pregnant queen of a new Camelot called Avalon on some crazy mash-up Battleworld. You know, the totally normal stuff we go through every other day." winking, "Other then that, I've been learning about my powers, harmonizing with nature, and making a little quid on the side doing vids. Also, my Tik Tok followers just broke the 500K mark." yup, her priorities are straight, "Hanging with Kitty made me realized I need to graduate and maybe do some college myself... if I can get in anywhere with my grades. Though I was thinking of asking if I could start teaching a class at the Institute."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue takes the cue up again from her table and moves to take her shot when Kitty indicates its her turn. "You found a painting of Illyana for ten grand?" She asks. "And its in a... shelter now?" She asks before she leans down to take a shot again, in this new game. She pays enough attention to connect with a ball and drop it into a pocket but her mind is lost on the conversation a bit now. "I can give ya the money if you do decide t'buy it.

AS she straightens up again she watches Scott make for his exit and then she's about to speak again when Meggan starts up. Rogue stands there with the butt of her pool cue on the floor and her eyes on Megga and about every second that passes where Meggan keeps talking, Rogue's head starts to tilt a little more toward her right shoulder until she's just staring at the blond with a slanted gaze.

After she stops talking, Rogue grins. "I missed you so much, Meggan..." She says to the other. "I got no stories like you though."

Rogue offers her pool cue to Jubilee then. "You wanna take my follow up shot, Sparkles?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sees that Scott seems to be departing, even as she's giving Meggan the hug and listening to her tale. "Summers!" she calls out towards, just loud enough to get his attention. Hopefully. If she does, Kitty gives him a wave and welcoming smile for him to come join them.

Kitty says to Jubilee, "I know, it's really nice. It's going up in this orphanage owned by Bruce Wayne, so... I'll ask Illyana. But I wouldn't be surprised if she'd be happy knowing it might bring some little girls a bit of happiness to see. But thanks Anna Marie."

The sheer list of things Meggan has experienced cases Kitty to gape. "Wow. You know, the more this stuff goes on, the happier I am being here," she comments with a shake of her head. Kitty looks back to Scott. If he isn't moving their way, he'll get a second wave over assuming he saw the first.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott continues to the door as if he didn't notice Kitty's gesture but the second one is a bit harder to ignore and he doesn't. Instead he holds up one wrist and taps it twice with two fingers. Kitty would know that means he is expecting them home at curfew time. Even though none of them are in the high school program. Yet his departure also means he's letting her and Jubilee take control of the situation but to enjoy themselves in his own fashion.

Jubilee has posed:
"Uh..." So that is Jubilee's answer to Meggan's wikipedia of adventures that she went on. "... Wow. Uh.. Yeah, I got you, Marie." Reaching out for the pool stick, she saunters around the table, leans over and gives the white ball a whack as it corner pockets a ball, then moves around it slowly to bank a miss off the next shot.

Glancing upwards as Kitty calls out to Scott, Jubilee waves him over, wave - wave - wave. 'Come on.' She mouths to him, giving a tilt of her head to the tables. Once he leaves, she wrinkles her nose up and places the stick against the table. "Some things never change though." She grunts out as she looks back to the girls.

Meggan has posed:
    Moving over to the digital jukebox, Meggan pays for a few songs, ready to dance... and she hasn't even had anything to drink yet... though maybe she is feeling Anna-Marie's intoxicated giddiness. Perhaps inspired by her own ancestry discoveries, or perhaps by the sisterhood of mutants present, but the first song is Téir abhaile 'riú by the Celtic Women. She smiles, starting to sway and flow with the tune, looking to the others, "Come on, lets show this place what being alive looks like." then as as the words begin, she harmonizes and beings singing, ~Look now, the lights of the town, the lights of the town are shining now~, holding out her hand for Jubilation, Katherine, and Anna-Marie to join her... it isn't like there names aren't perfect for a group of women that would dance to the song or anything.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue watches Jubilee's shot and she grins at her. "I thought you were bad?" She asks. "You're a pool shark, ain't ya?" She then looks over to Kitty and considers that painting she mentioned again. "You gotta take me t'at least look at this thing some time. Illyana is... amazin', but she's one'a the team members that genuinely still freaks me the hell out. Like that bouquet a demon tongues with teeth she left in the school, TWO YEARS AGO and its STILL haunting the place." Yep, its all true... weird and true.

Rogue's eyes drift over to Meggan and she grins at her. "Someone's got the right idea on how t'have a good time though. That much is clear." She takes another swig from her beer and then moves over to join Meggan's place. "We gotta get you a drink!" She shouts to her over the music.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in soft laughter. "Well, I think she was going to take care of that bouquet actually. It as the source of some discussion recently. I don't know if she managed it yet though or not."

Kitty goes to join in the dancing, not singing, but happy to get her jam on with her friends. The quarter of young women probably get a lot of happy looks from the other customers as they dance and gyrate about. Kitty's sticking to the soda at least helps her keep a close eye on Rogue, making sure she makes it back home safely tonight.

Jubilee has posed:
"Lucky shot." Jubilee assures Rogue with a grin, then perks up at the idea of dancing. Already moving along with the beat, she heads over to join them and show off why she's a natural rave rat. Dancing is her passion and she plans on making a show of it for the spectators at the bar. Drool on your chins tonight boys.

Meggan has posed:
    The benefit of pretty young women dancing around, inhebriated or not, is guys are eager to keep them dancing and get them inhebriated to do so. Obviously Harry know better than to allow the amount of drinks to get too many, but a few isn't going to hurt any of them, especially Meggan. Prancing over, Meggan tosses her hooded jacket onto a chair, her kelly green dress billowing down (was she wearing a dress when she came in, who notices these things), grabs two shots, downs them both, waving to the guys, then pirouhettes and grand jete's back to her friends, continuing to sing the song... it is obvious she has been practicing. She tries to guide the others in the jig parts that goes with the song, but isn't going to push too much, since the main part is to have fun.

    As the first song ends, Meggan smiles, "I think we just got this party started. Though, that is song four, sorry Anna-Marie, I know you'd have liked some P!NK a bit sooner." her smile a bit mischevious as 'Round Table Rival', a wild rockountry song for those not familiar with it, comes on. Yes, Meggan has expanded her musical tastes, and has chosen some serious choices that are fun to dance to and maybe a bit empowering too... Hopefully the rest of the evening will continue to rock as much as possible, without needing Harry to send the quartet away...