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Latest revision as of 17:14, 23 February 2019

Welcome to my parlor said the spider to the hawk..
Date of Scene: 20 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Lex Luthor, Thomas Raith

Lex Luthor has posed:
It's been weeks in the making, since the Gotham operation to clean house on a potential ally-turned-vermin. Lex Luthor had used his warsuit sensors to scan the building Thomas Raith was in... and found very interesting results. Sure, the other two had shown magic in the debrief with his mercenaries... but Thomas Raith was an oddity, and oddities were something Luthor did not like to leave uncategorized.

Specifically choosing a time and place with privacy and time for Raith -Luthor can control his own schedule, but Raith is not an employee, after all- and has called ahead to Thomas. Axe has already buzzed Lex through, along with his two bodyguards, Mercy and Hope. Weapons have been surrendered, and he's already coming up to Raith's office.

Thomas Raith has posed:
the man who greets the billionaire looks very different then the one that was part of that raid. Oh the face is the same, and fitting the description he was given, but that man was a petulant but effective warrior. This man, in his white silk suit, Armani without a doubt, looks like a business man. Someone LEx might face across a board room table, if a bit young certainly capable. "Mr. Luthor, a pleasure if unexpected surprise. What can I do for you? He offers Luthor his hand, but also holds the door for his guards, offering them east smiles that, possibly would draw uncharacteristic responses from the usually implacable females. "I know it's early, but I can offer you coffee or tea.. I assume you aren't the sort to want something stronger before noon."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I've been investigating potential buyouts for LexCorp Entertainment for a while now, Mr. Raith." Lex Luthor offers in reply, before he steps inside. Hope and Mercy are a few feet to his back, left and right respectively. Lex adjusts his business suits tie briefly, before he offers a hand for a handshake, looking Thomas directly in the eyes. Face to face, he's bringing all his skill in the human psyche to bear in reading Thomas, "I came across your club here as a possible diversion for myself. I've been recently getting into Jazz, you see."

He glances behind Raith to the office proper, "shall we sit down? I don't expect this will take very long." Lex inquires with all the professionalism that one might expect of Luthor.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods slightly, gestuing to a small conversation area, rather then the seat by the desk. "Certainly, though I have to say, I'm not really interested in selling the Blue Lady at this time Mr. Luthor, if that is what you are getting at. I've sunk a not insubstantial portion of my personal holdings into building up this club and it seems rather silly of me to abandon her just when owning her is becoming less a grind and more fun." He has a firm handshake, meets LEx's eyes with confidence but not cockiness. He's built this place to spite his family, and is a man currently enjoying the fruits of his labors.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I got that impression from my research on the matter." Lex notes as they continue to the conversation area as directed. Mercy and Hope give Lex a respectable distance, "and I wouldn't be interested in buying out a passion project anyway. Everything I've seen about this entire endeavor tells me you see this as a means to an end beyond a profit." He gives a charming smile of his own, "I came here actually, because I have an interest in you, personally."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith raises an eyebrow at that one, "Me personally? I'm not sure what about me could interest you." He says, affecting a rather baffled expression, though a good telepath would tell him the man's thoughts are running at about a mile a moment at the point trying to peg down what it might be. Does Luthor have an interest in Silverlight? In Dresden? Did Thomas accident sleep with the man's wife?

Lex Luthor has posed:
It doesn't take a telepath to read body language, and Luthor is a master at that skillset. Nonetheless, he's pressing the right buttons, and keeps going. "I've been very interested in figuring you out, Mr. Raith. I have clear evidence from my own homework that you are something a bit beyond human, and I wanted to give you a chance to tell me about it yourself."

He shrugs, "I'm not looking to make a fuss about this. If I wanted to do that, I have plenty of methods. Consider this a courtesy meeting, out of respect for your work." Lex offers in explanation.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Slow inhale, slow exhale...And an easy smile crosses his face. "There are a great many people that the definition 'a bit beyond human' fits Mr. Luthor. New York is positively drowning in them, and MEtropolis has more then it's fair share too as I recall. Why the interest in me specifically?" he asks, before rising and beginning to use some sort of contraption that looks a bit like a piece of steam punk art to apparently brew coffee.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Because you obviously take pains to keep it a secret from the general public." Lex replies without hesitation, "I don't know what you are yet. Not exactly... but I do know that you have some sort of driving desire." Lex gives a glance around the room, "this club, as I said, has all the signs of a passion project. Everything I see about it tells me you've been in the black only recently -a milestone I commend you for, by the way- and that you're unlikely to sell even for triple the estimated value. You want to keep it for some reason, and are learning as you go. Is that about accurate?" Lex asks politely.

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith waffles his hand back and forth as if to say, yes and no... "I learned business at my father's knee." he says simply, "And since I assume you know who my father is, let me disperse any misconception you might have. Running one of the world's biggest porn empires is a major business undertaking." He sets the coffee pot on the silver tea tray along with cream and sugar, bringing the service back to the conversation area and setting it on the small table. LEtting Lex serve himself if he is so inclined. "That said, commendation coming from someone such as yourself is extremely appreciated."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"I built LexCorp from the foundations myself-" His hands come up as if to display his fingers, "-with my own hands. I had nothing but my intelligence and wits, and a few investors willing to take a risk for a couple of my early ideas."

Lex nods, "I see a bit of myself in you in that respect... though I wanted to get out of the hole I was in. You... you're a hard one to read. You have this... oddity about you, even now." Lex gives with a careful tone. Then, he holds up a hand as the coffee is offered, indicating polite decline, "so I'm left to wonder; what is it you want, Mr. Raith?"

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith glances from LEx to his guards and then to the coffee pots, as if to tell the women 'Help yourselves," There is something in his eyes... proof that there is something that Thomas wants very much. SOmething that he suspects Luthor might even be able to give him.. and yet after a moments hesitation he says, "My pond is much smaller then yours Mr. Luthor, but I am the rather big fish in it. It's a rather comfortable existence. I'm not sure what you could offer me to be honest. You could certainly do things to help me, and I'd even be willing to perhaps sell you a steak in the Lady, though far from a controlling one to get access to that help. I'm just...not sure how it would be benifical to you. HOnestly your main office likely spends more on office supplies in a give quarter then I can hope to bring in in annual profits.

Lex Luthor has posed:
"As I said, Mr. Raith... if I wanted to mess with your investments and portfolio... I would have done it by now." He gives a placating set of upward hands, before he folds them in his lap, "As you say, smaller pond. You have my every confidence you will get this project of yours profitable. By all indications, people enjoy coming here; that's the best endorsement any club owner could get." Lex offers in a semi-explanation, "I have no interest in a direct stake in this club. Too much work for too little gain. I could ask LexCorp Entertainments CEO if he's interested in the location... but I don't get the impression you're interested in that."

Then, he leans forward, "you don't have to tell me right away, but consider this an olive branch. I always have an interest in learning all I can, and I'm willing to offer you the help you achieve your desire." He gives a charming smile once more, "I would need to know your desire, of course... and almost certainly would need to know what you are if it is a personal matter." He brings up both hands in an hand-shrug, "what helps me... helps you. In this case."

Then, he moves to stand, "As it is, I'm happy to extend a phone number to reach me for now, if you need time to think on the matter."

Thomas Raith has posed:
Thomas Raith nods and takes the number, and it's obvious that the gears in his head are turning. Likely the man will be doing his own bit of research. He's not the sort that is likely to jump into bed with just anyone...at least not in business. But Lex has him, if not on the hook at least giving the bait a good looking over. "It was very nice to meet you Mr. Luthor." He says placing the card on the tea tray and extending his hand to the other man. "I'm almost certain that we will be speaking again."

Lex Luthor has posed:
"Then I'll leave you to your business." Lex offers politely as he shakes the hand, then uses his other hand to reach into his business suit and offers a business card. "Most people deal with my subsidiaries, but you seem like you'd need a personal touch." Lex offers for a bit of context. After a moment, he releases Raiths hand, and turns to head for the door.

"I look forward to hearing from you, Mr. Raith." Lex gives in a polite goodbye as he steps out.

The carrot is dangled. Time to see if the hook sinks in.