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Latest revision as of 17:18, 23 February 2019

Visitations in the Concrete Jungle
Date of Scene: 21 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Kid, Wonder Woman

Kid has posed:
It has only been a day since the diaster infront of City Hall. Needless to say the place was swamped with phone calls, news people, police officers comming and going as needed, etc. Some folks were arrested or taken in for questiongly, and other taken to the hospital. Overall, this is a class one PR catastrophy that may or may not get better. Only time will tell.

Still, one of these phone calls was to Diana Prince. A messege had be taken down for her to see too at her convience, weather it was early morning or late night. The recorded messege went as such "Hello Ms. Prince. This is the local police department on <address>. We have an inmate here claiming to know you, and wanting to see you. About what is hard to say." something is muttered about dumb animals. "Anyways we'll send you a picture to see if its anyone worth your time. Have a good day." and with that a picture of Jua is sent as well. Why he didn't contact the other gorillas in the embasy is anyones guess.

Wonder Woman has posed:
It would take some time for Diana to get to the Station, she's a busy woman after all. A few hours time, in fact. But when she arrives she arrives in civilian clothing, a black leather jacket and a white shirt beneath it, dark blue jeans and black leather shoes. Her hair is tied back behind her head in a ponytail. She spends a little time in the waiting area, but not much... considering who she is, it has quite a lot of pull in almost every police station, especially in New York City where she helps so many officers stay safer in this wild world.

Finally though, they bring Diana to an interview room where she's allowed to wait for Kid to be brought in and when he is, she's seated at a table with two chairs-one across from the other-Diana looks up to the Gorilla and she shows him a pensive smile.

"What... happened." She says to him then, cutting right to the chase, in a heartfelt tone of her Greek accented voice.

Kid has posed:
     Kid seemed...out of it. The way his eyes were wavering between closed and half lidded, it clear he was a bit drugged up or some such. The chair across with Diana was specificlly a restraint chair, often used with particular violent criminals or inmates....but it seems it was more a precaution. Only two other people where there - one a guard armed with what appear to be tranqulizers, and the other as Diana would come to find out was a translator.

The guard waves something infront of Kid's nose before jumping back, the half asleep gorilla, comming out of it. His fur stands on end as he looks around have paniked, before seeing Diana.

Kid takes a few moments to focus on what was being said...before he signs "...they stuck me in a box. Can we leave?" perhaps not knowing completly what Diana was asking. He constantly turned his head, tense, searching for a way out...planning on getting out. "please?"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana certainly doesn't need any guards in here to 'protect' her but she realizes this is likely protocol that is beyond her presence, so she doesn't speak on it. Instead she just focuses on the subject at-hand, this intelligent--and usually kind-Gorllia named Kid.

"I... have the ability to take you from this place." She says as she starts, leaning forward to fold her forearms atop each other on the edge of the table. She looks over said table right at his face. "But first I have to know what came over you. One second, I see you picking up litter from that horrible person who threw it at Miss Dane. The next, you are amidst the chaos... adding to it?" Her expression shifts to one of clear confusion.

"What came over you to do what they say you did?" She asks him now.

Kid has posed:
    The first words bring relief....but the second one takes it away. He bares his teeth, but judging by the look on his face it wasn't directed at Diana...he was remembering, going back to that day. His eyes dart back and forth as if rewinding time in his head. He licks one of his canines and seems to actually flinch at whatever thought came to him.

"....everyone. Everything." he signs slowly. "...it wasn't supposed to go down like this. It was supposed to be a peaceful protest. We were supposed to stand for something good, do something for peace."

He closes his eyes taking a deep breath "I felt it. The solidarity, the peace, the calmness. It wasn't my own...but it was nice to feel. And when that guy rose up...it seemed even calmer." he stops mid sign clenching and unclenching his fists.

"But than...it all shifted. Peaceful thoughts became undying rage. Soothed minds twisted with fear. Ever increasing. I felt it all...all of it. It just wouldn't stop."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana leans back in her chair as she listens to his side of the events and she lets her expression fall to a more neutral state. She stares at him with her full attention and her brows rise up just a little near the end of what he's describing.

Her pointed chin drops an inch or so as she prepares her response. "Has this... sort of thing happened to you before?" She asks him then.

"Because if so, that means that you could be a potential danger to the free people of this city, or... wherever it is you go? Which is to say... we need to get you help to prevent it from continuing to happen. For the safety of others, and for the safety of... you, Jua."

Kid has posed:
    Jua nods and signs "Aye. A few months ago, I was exposed to fear gas. Along with others. Even when the gas cleared up, the effects were significantly worse and wide spreading than normal." he doesn't look directly at her "Since...if I feel anything strong enough..I uh...cause others to feel the same"

The guard listens and comments "I remember that. Happened in the square due to a loon named Harley Quinn." validating the story, before going silent once more.

Kid nods, not exactly looking like he trusts the guard, mostly eyeing the tranq gun. But back to Diana, he signs "It normally not a problem, though it is why I like parks, the night, or quiet areas. As for prevention...well your not the only one to think so. Grodd, and another friend of mines were both shocked I don't know how to erect something called 'psychic shields'. Apparently most telepaths do, and it can apparently help if I learn such a trick. But guess that really doesn't help for the 'now'."

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana sits up straighter in her chair then and her hands drop down to her lap. "So you have had increase irritability since you were attacked by... Harley Quinn?" She asks then, slightly tilting her head in a way that suggests she wants to have that right. "Well then we need to get you medical attention. Its possible that you are suffering from some lingering effects of that... toxin, whatever it was that she used. She is a known associate to the Joker, and I know you are familiar with him, as you were there that day that he confronted me on the upper east side."

Diana releases a light exhale, a sharp expulsion of air. "I do not think that you are at fault." She tells him, preparing him for what else she has to say though clearly. "But, to get you free from here, I have to agree to have you 'check in' either with the police here, or... with the Justice League. They want to keep tabs on you while you are around the city now. At least for a little while. Six months... and I would like it if you saw a doctor about this gas that you were effected by. I know many."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "No...my irritability has been about the same." which is high, but he can at least normally keep his cool in social situations "It just...my nature." he signs "I am empathic. This crowd, and the fear gas are just the same effect caused by two different things - an over abundance of the same emotion."

But he none the less was glad to hear Diana didn't think he was at fault. He rubs his stomech and licks a canine again, and the same shiver repeats. His ears twitch and he signs "..I do not need a doctor...I don't like doctors" he actually shimmied abit away from Diana "But yea...I can understand checking in. Had to do something similar first time this happened"

Wonder Woman has posed:
Diana shows a restrained smile at his response. "Doctors are not always easy to like." She replies. "I understand that entirely... But... these are the terms for your freedom in this moment, Jua." She says then, her hands once more folding together over the table in front of her, fingers lacing between fingers. She levels a pointed gaze at him with her blue hued eyes.

"How about this." She says to him then. "I can also try to put you in touch with a telepath so that you can ask them about these psychic walls. It is possible, even if unlikely, that they can give you insight in how you might make this something you can work toward building?"

Diana's left dark eyebrow raises up then. "Are these acceptable terms to earn you your freedom back?" She has to ask.

Kid has posed:
    Kid stares at Diana a long moment. He signs something...but the translator hesitates a moment before speaking "Doctors arn't freedom...there death and misery."

Another moment and he signs "But fine. But if anyone tries to stick me with a needle...I am punching them out" he was already getting riled up, but it was controled unlike the halls. "And yea, Grodd was supposed to train me, but he can be busy at times. So guess any help on finding a teacher so this doesn't happen again is appreciated"

Wonder Woman has posed:
"Not all doctors are bad, Jua." Diana has to tell him because she knows that that is true, but it seems as though the Gorilla has had some bad experiences, which sadly is not all that surprising to her. "I assure you that I will find you a kind and gentle one so that you do not need to be worried about any aggressive reactions to their methods of helping you."

Diana shows him a soft smile then as she stands up. "I will go make the arrangements." She tells him. "If you can abide by these rules, then you shall likely have no more need to be in a place such as this. If not though, Jua?" She says to him then, once back to her full height. "I do not think that I can get you from a holding cell such as this a second time."

She would offer him a soft smile though, a caring smile, because she's HERE due to caring. But then she'll turn to nod to the guards to begin the process of getting Kid out of here at the agreed upon conditions.

Kid has posed:
    There is some doubt at Diana words, but she was good people. He shows her a smile back...but it quickly fades. The guard steps forward to take Jua back to his cell, which prompts him to bare his teeth...before it slowly goes away. He just had to hold on for a little while, thats all. He'll be fine...and yet as he goes away and glances back at Diana...his eyes are filled with utter terror. Not because he was being untreated fairly as far as inmates go - but just the idea of being in that cell seem terrify him completly, only hope was keeping him from flipping out.

And with that Diana is led away where the official arrangements of Jua needing to see a doctor, check in with the police or League are put forth for the arrangement of his freedom. If nothing else Diana wasn't just trusted and respected by the rilla, but by many people in the city due to her work and how she acts.