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Latest revision as of 17:29, 23 February 2019

Bad Influences
Date of Scene: 22 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Wolverine, Rogue, Cyclops

Wolverine has posed:
    A few hours and some ago the faculty from Xavier's had guffawed and laughed it up in Harry's, bringing some life to the normally sleepy bar. The locals had a long time ago gotten used to the lively people from that strange private school, but the vibe for the saloon definitely shifted when they weren't around.
    Wolverine, though, when he enters the place... he doesn't change the vibe at all. Maybe, at the most, a slight tension in the air. But nothing like... ugh, laughter. Or even cheerful conversation. Usually he shows up, does his drinking, pays, leaves.
    Perfect customer.
    And tonight likely would have been no different as he sidled up to the bar, slapped down some bills on the surface of it, took the bottle of whiskey and his glass... and headed off towards the corner booth where he embraces seclusion.
    For him, it was a perfect way to unwind.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue had already been in the bar when Logan had arrived. She'd been back in in the pool table area and she'd been with a few friends. She'd seen him come in and watched him move to a booth. Rogue has been coming here more often now because Harry is letting her drink. Either the older man finds her attractive and likes to let her make the bar that much prettier, or... well, thats likely it!

With another swig taken off of the bottle she's holding in her right hand, she separates herself from her friend at the pool table and a moment or so later she slips into the booth across from Logan.

"Heya, Grumpy." She says to him then, leaning back against the back of the booth and crossing her legs at the knees, a pair of jeans on and a baggy dark green sweater, gloved hands too of course. "Whats up t'day for you?"

Wolverine has posed:
    "Oh good, it's you." Logan says as he tilts his bottle on the side, pours himself some caramel coloured liquor, but then offers her a half-smirk as if to prove that his grumpiness is an act. At least in this case. One hand waves her to the seat, granting permission after the fact even as he turns to the side and lifts a boot to heavily thump down on the seat beside him.
    "Just gettin' a break away from all the crazy." He scritches his chin with a fingertip as he lets his eyes distance for a moment, then tilts his head back towards her and adds, "Well, most of it anyways."
    It's then that he tilts back to whiskey and swallows, then says, "N'you?"

Rogue has posed:
Rogue holds the bottle of half finished beer in her gloved left hand just in front of her chest and she grins at his response. "Mostly the same." She replies. "Soma'a the people I want t'school with at Xavier's are here, some'a the graduates that... ya know, graduated and actually left?" She grins lightly then takes another drink and leans forward to set the bottle down on the table and fold her arms together, forearm over forearm now. "They asked me t'come down here and hang out with'em. But most of'em have already left. Got work in the mornin'." Which she does too, but hey! She's young! Live it up!

Rogue glances at what Logan is drinking and then leeeeeans to the side enough to read the label. She then sits back where she was and puts her eyes on him. "You even capable'a feelin' any kinda effect'a alcohol at all?" She has to ask him, already suspecting the answer though.

Cyclops has posed:
    The door opens again and this time a brown haired man walks in wearing a red and black checkered shirt, flannel and buttoned at the cuffs around his wrists. Scott's glasses remain on, even at night but such is his life. The leader walks into the bar and finds exactly the two mutants he's looking for.

    His steps are weighted with a pressing issue and he quickly sits down, claiming a seat and taking the bottle out from in front of Rogue and takes a sip, keeping it in his hand after he sets it back on the table. Out of the girl's reach. "You could be a better influence Logan." Scott begins but shuts any follow up down by continuing. "I need to speak to both of you about ... Remy."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Mmm," Logan twists the bottle around so Rogue can get her eyeful as she likes. "S'all a matter of saturation in a timely manner." He grips the bottle by the neck and says, "Observe." And with that he lifts it in one hand, tilts it back, and takes three quick swallows, his adam's apple working with each draught.
    Then the bottle clinks glassily as he sets it down and meets Rogue's eyes, still holding onto the whiskey as he tries to affix suddenly bleary dilated eyes on her... He sways. A little left, a smidge right. But then as quick as it came... the haze leaves him.
    "There, s'gone." He nods and flares one hand, "So yeah. I can. Just not fer long usually. Unless I keep it up. But then the ole bladder starts ta complain."
    And as if by magic, Scott appears. Logan, still a little hint of haze in his eyes, turns to watch the man wander over and join them. He seems inclined to make some noise or object, but then holds off as the topic is declared.
    "Yeah?" He says succinctly.

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is laughing lightly by the time Scott approaches. "The ol' bladder, huh?" She's saying when Scott settles in to see them. She shifts her green gaze over to Cyclops and when he speaks of Remy she just frowns.

"Whats he done now?" She has to ask as she settles back into her seat and starts to tug her gloves off of her hands. Worst part about drinking with gloves like these on is they get wet from the bottle's sweat. So she pulls them off and drapes them over the table, leaving her hands gleefully bare of those damn cursed coverings she always has to wear.

"Did he finally tell ya all about his plan? Cause he hasn't told me a damn thing about it." She seems spiteful, clearly.

Cyclops has posed:
    Scott hugs the bottle close to his shoulder as he leans in slightly with a whisper, "He thinks the X-men are a military force." Scott says, lowering his voice to just a whisper that only the table here can hear. "He wants to try to run his own clandestine force." Scott says, his eyes leaving Rogue to linger on Logan. An unspoken history between the two would be well understood, and yet he doesn't risk saying it even here and now with only Rogue present, though she has never been asked to run anything like that despite being capable, Scott has always viewed her as too young.

Wolverine has posed:
    That sobers Logan up right quick. He straightens up slowly, rubbing at the bridge of his nose thoughtfully, a rare gesture seen from him. Usually one reserved for when he's actually giving something a good heaping helping of actual focus.
    "Hnh," Is all he offers at first, mulling it over. "I'd need ta know more before I figured one way or another if it's a bad thing." Though he does lift a hand towards Cyclops to perhaps stay any initial objection before he finishes.
    "My meaning is that I could kinda see somethin' like that havin' it's uses. But not sure if Remy is the one I'd choose ta run such a thing, and what his thoughts are about what it should be like. And for."

Rogue has posed:
Rogue is just all eyes on Scott as he speaks of the man whom she's gotten most close with here at Xavier's since she's been here apart of it all for two years now. Its been a rocky road for the two of them, ups and downs... with now being a bit of a gray area. She's kinda pissed at him for not being around on Valentine's Day for instance! She had to go to a movie by herself! The nerve!

While Logan responds, Rogue leans back in her seat with her legs still crossed at the knees and folds her hands together now that she's drinkless, fully planning to get another one once Scott inevitably storms out of this place because its designed for fun and relaxation, two things of-which are known as Scott-repellants. "What would be the point of a team inside'a a team?" She has to ask then. "I mean, aren't we already kinda secretive, doin' secretive' stuff when we can t'help mutants in need? Why do we need t'build... another team, inside'a that? Like some kinda Russian Doll?" She shakes her head then. "Doesn't add up to me."

And she wasn't invited to it! The nerve!

Cyclops has posed:
    "That's what Jean and I said, but ... to get him to calm down and shut up for a moment, we invited him to run his own mission. Gather a team, get intel-" Scott shuts up as someone walks near the table and he lifts the pilfered bottle to take another sip before he continues, "And run the op with the risk that the X-men can not be involved in any way. That team will be entirely on their own. Solo vigilantees." Scott says with a frown and a look from Rogue to Logan and back to Rogue. "Not something to be taken lightly, like Remy takes everything." Scott sighs. "He's a great thief, but he does not blend so well."

Wolverine has posed:
    The Canadian mutant squints first at Cyclops, then spares a look for Rogue as he considers what to say next. "I dunno." He offers at first, setting the tone and clearly a touch dubious. "I mean, the idea on its own might not be bad. Since there are sometimes things that need doin' and aren't exactly heroic."
    He pushes his bottle aside, leaving it alone for now and just focusing on the discussion. "Thing is, I can't say I've ever thoughta Remy in a position of leadership." He tilts his head to look between them. "Not sayin' that in a bad way. Just literally... never thought of it."

Cyclops has posed:
    "He what!?" Scott says, raising his voice and looking from Rogue to Logan and back to Rogue. "How long have you known this?!" The X-man asks, not idea that they were housing someone so incredibly dangerous, and around children for gods sake. "Were you planning on telling us or waiting for him to do it again with the students?" Scott instantly goes to the worst case senario.