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Latest revision as of 17:58, 23 February 2019

Getting To Know A Daughter
Date of Scene: 23 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Phoenix, Marvel Girl

Phoenix has posed:
It has been a while since Rachel Grey arrived uncerimonously in Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, leading to one loss of conciousness out of a notoriously calm and collected Scott Summers, a very awkward episode of Jean and Scott going out of their way to avoid one another, and finally a very forceful push to bring them together. It all should not have been. It all was extremely awkward. But whatever it was, Jean finally got enough of a grip to do what should have been done much earlier.

<<Rachel...>> a familiar voice would ring in Rachel's mind, <<we need to talk. It's time. Please come to my room...you know the way,>> and even if Rachel didn't know it, she now does, as Jean provides her directions.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Jumps from her Taste test of various coffee's having had kaydin get her coffee around the world. She quickly gets up and half rushes up the stairs only to stop outside the door and blink starting to chew her lower lip. She looks down and in the blink of a mixture goes through like 5 different outfits shaking her head and walking from the door. She turns and walks backstops at the doorknob and her hands start to shake before she closes her eye's grabbing her wrist " come on stupid you want this " . It takes her another 5 min but she takes a big breath

     She opens the door and peeks in with those eye's that are just like jeans and a small voice so close to her own "Hi ". if it wasn't for the youth it would be easy to mistake them for twins. Jean could also see those facial marks seem hidden but also some psi power is involved.

Phoenix has posed:
"Good to see you Rachel," Jean starts, somewhat officious, likely a defense mechanism to avoid breaking down emotionally. She is sitting on her bed, and motions for Rachel to come join at her side, "please sit down, I want you to be comfortable," and should Rachel forget to close the door behind her, she'll see to it with telekinesis.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Doesn't forget but she uses tk without thinking as she quickly moves and sits down looking down at her lip but can't help as she's constant glancing at jean as if trying to etch her face into her mind. She's a mess shes' got her shields up but they are a mess too if it wasn't for raw power she wouldn't be able to have shields right now.

Phoenix has posed:
With the door close, and Rachel sitting at her side, the two share a long silent look into each other. But eventually Jean talks, and there's great sorrow in her voice, she can't help herself the bleeding heart that she is, "Rachel...what happened to your face? Is that something you're comfortable enough to tell me about?" She takes a deep breath, and adds, "I've been wanting to ask for the longest time, but didn't want to do that with other peoples around."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks up then her mom goes for the weak spot her eye's go so wide. She wants to hide she even covers her face. Memories flood the brain things she's done things she's seen the horror of it all. Emotionally it's like a War vet going face to face with the horror of it again. But even as she hides tears start to leak out, this is her mom the person who she would talk to in her sleep the face she would use to draw strength from after the torture.

     The smallest voice possible maybe it's telepathic hard to say <<thier hound marks >>

Phoenix has posed:
When Rachel reacts so strongly, she may feel something that may or may not be familiar, an engulfing sensation of warm reassurance, as empathic love and acceptance pours from Jean towards Rachel, wrapping her daughter with positive emotion at the sight of her distress, seeking to guide her into balance to lean in, should she not fight the offered serenity. "Rachel...I understand it's a difficult topic, and if you wish it, we can stop discussing it. But, you are my daughter, and I am your mother. I wish to know all I can about you, just as you may learn all you wish about me."

There's a slight twitch in Jean's visage when the answer does finally come, her green eyes starting to tear, "hound marks? What sort of twisted horror is this? What sort of torture did you have to endure?"

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Can't stop it now that it's started she wants to hide to forget but it's hard to forget even as she leans into her mother. Comfort is there but it's not the same as having real arms around her she's against her mother but she can only shake her head as tears are there.. But it doesn't stop the images from bubbling forth strong enough for jean to easily see them.

     Images of Rachel in a cage, Another of her in a chair forced to watch videos... Her strapped as a child to a post and whipped. Then images of Rachel and the others Howling like dogs, Chasing Leaping even an image of Rachel attacking an older ragged pixie.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean can sense the desire, and soon her arms wrap around Rachel, drawing her against her, holding her tightly against herself as she starts to get shown images. "They wanted to make an animal of you..." Jean states inaudibly, a horrified reactions to seeing the images, as she starts to caress Rachel's hair. "You're so strong, Rachel...I'm so proud. Look at how complete is their failure...a testament to your will, Rachel." She soon falls to silence, and takes a few moment to let Rachel cry or brace herself, but otherwise doesn't press further conversation until Rachel had some time to adjust.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Closes her eyes try to pull herself together she didn't want to leak the images but it's too late now her mom is a telepath may be as strong or even stronger than her so not point. Her mind floats to Ellie then sam .. finally, another face one filled with love deep love and sadness the face of Franklin Richards in the future, Thier are others too older looking versions of kitty, Wolverine, and Magneto.

She sniffs and rubs her eye's but doesn't move from those arms, She can't the smell the sensation it's too strong she doesn't want to move. But she nods to the statement " It worked for a while till I broke the programing."

Phoenix has posed:
"Rachel, when someone wants to negate you, to tell you who you are and steal what you really are, they don't do it for a week, a month, or a year. They do it with the intention of erasing you, and creating you anew...those monsters who treated you this way? They failed. You defeated them with your strength, your will power, and your desire for life. You are incredible, Rachel," Jean offers that much, before falling to another several moments of silence, while observing the images Rachel reveals to her. In a way some of these images are surreal, though the shock of the torment Rachel endures stops Jean from asking much.

It is only after she manages to feed enough empathic support to Rachel to the point she can feel her daugher calmed a bit, that she mentions, "Scott told me you revealed to him that he dies...do you know how?" Curiously enough, she doesn't ask about herself at all.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Stays in her moms arms but she pulls her legs up and leans in a bit harder her voice so small and childlike , she's calmer but it doesn't mean all the emotions aren't so very very raw, she's so angry and sad at the same time and no idea how to deal even with jean helping. She looks up " You died in a nuclear explosion that wiped out a place they used to call Pittsburgh before it became Rad town." She still has tears running down her face " They attacked the mansion, you guys were always a secret but they found out and got even more scared so they sent missiles and troops and flattened the school " She sniffles " I was too small .. I I couldn't stop them.. I couldn't protect anybody " .

% images of a small little girl Rachel arms out screaming as explosions rained around her building exploded, Even then you see it the wreath of the phoenix force wrapping around her to boost and protect her.

Phoenix has posed:
Jean all of a sudden puts up a mental shield that disrupts free sharing of images between the two, if only to avoid getting a glimpse of herself dying, which is not something she would like to experience. It wouldn't do any good, and part of the reason she asked about Scott and not herself, was to avoid learning of her future. Sadly, she didn't calclulate the possibility that their deaths are related. But she does know one thing, her approach to stick to Xavier's methods towards attaining his dreams are correct, and she was doing the right thing to remain steadfast on secrecy when Sam had aspirations towards ending it.

"It seems we are experiencing dangerous times, where key decisions will shape the future drastically..." she gives Rachel another squeezing embrace, "we're lucky you were able to come and warn us, Rachel."

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel Grey Looks up and nods "This isn't my time .. things are different here, " She says softly a she sighs " You have hero's I've never heard of , aliens are a thing " she shakes her head " It's so different here it's not my time at all " . She thinks " But mutants are still feared and hated I want to help, make sure it doesn't happen again Senator Kelly and sentinels were the starts for us " .