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Captain Crunch, Now With More Jubilee
Date of Scene: 26 February 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jubilee and Kitty have a late meal and talk shop
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Jubilee

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde is sitting in the kitchen. It is late. Many people are in bed, but Kitty has so many irons in the fire that she is likely going to be up most of the night. There is a lot of data to be analyzed.

But, she needs food. And that means cereal. Kitty sits on a counter, legs dangling over the edge while she holds a bowl of Crunchberries. She carefully picks out the non-crunchberry bits of cereal, so that when she's finished she'll have a bowl that consists of nothing but the tasty pink bits.

Jubilee has posed:
Heading down into the kitchen is Jubilee, who is wearing pink pajama bottoms, a simple white t-shirt and a pair of dolphin slippers that squeak as she walks in them. Yawning, she gives a stretch of her body as she heads for the fridge.

"Yooooo. Why're you awake?" She asks as she opens the door, then leans in to root about for something to snack on.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Been working on the data streams," Kitty says. "It's looking like there might be two clusters in particular, along with a few others spread out. At least two different types of patterns, too." She points over to a laptop that is sitting on the kitchen table, though closed at the moment.

"How about you? What has you up, and over here instead of in your cabin?" Kitty reaches out a foot, rubbing it against Jubilee's leg when she passes in range. "Or did you run out of stuff to eat?" she asks with a soft grin.

Jubilee has posed:
"Why buy groceries when I can eat for free." Jubilee says with a yawn. "Nah, got my stuff and crashing in a guest room. Got an early day with Booger Boy in the morning and I'd rather not take the journey over." She takes out a bottle of strawberry milk, then fishes out a box of fruity cereal. The strawberry milk goes on to the cereal after pouring it into a bowl.

Heading over, she flops down across from her, then digs in. "Hung out with Petey today. He was out in the garden getting dirty." She says as she stirs the spoon about, then takes another bite.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde finishes off the non-crunchberries. Now comes the burst of flavor that's so good... why don't they make a whole box like this!? Kitty takes a bite of the crunchberries and sighs. Lockheed comes flying in, landing on her shoulders and curling up about her neck. Immediately closing his eyes. "Sorry Lockheed, didn't mean to leave you in the room," she tells him.

"I keep missing him," Kitty says. "It hasn't helped all the other stuff going on." Kitty clears her throat before taking another bite of cereal. "So, um, how is he? Did he say anything?"

Jubilee has posed:
"He's fine. I mentioned you twice and he didn't even bat an eye. He traveled all over France working on cow farms or something to get fresh air, then came home." Jubilee says as she takes another bite. "Now he's spending time in the garden. Already talked to Scott and Jean so he's teaching again, and he's back on the team. Will be like the old days I'm sure." She says with an amused smirk, taking another bite. "Coulda swore he was..." She trails off. ".. Nah, it's nothing."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde eats more of her crunch-berry cereal. How many boxes of regular cereal would it take to garner one whole box of nothing but the berry bits? Probably like, eight. Maybe she could make something to sort the pieces out, a filter, and then put the berries back in a box?

Kitty's serious thoughts about cereal don't last more than a few moments though as Jubilee starts to dish. "Cow farms," Kitty says. "In France." Her jaw presses in a little bit of a line, realizing how near he was while she was in England. Kitty draws a deep breath and lets it out, shaking her head. "Doesn't matter," she says to herself.

Kitty refocuses on Jubilee. "Coulda swore he was what?" Kitty asks her bestie.

Jubilee has posed:
"Well, I don't know if they were cow farms. He said farms. I immediately think of cows. For all I know he was farming baguettes or something." Jubilee says, utilizing her expansive French vocabulary to pull that word out.

Chewing through half the bowl of cereal, she tips the bowl up to slurp the milk down, then gives a lick of her lips. "Uhh... I ... /think/.... he was... flirting with me?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde's eyes don't lift from her bowl. She takes another couple of bites for the cereal, finishing it off and then basically left with strawberry milk, which she drinks down. The bowl is set aside with a little clatter on the counter beside her.

"Well, if so... he's a great guy. You could do worse," Kitty says softly. "And he's free to see anyone he wants. I mean, he always has been," Kitty concludes. She leans back on her hands as she sits on the kitchen counter. "So, you know. It's cool," Kitty says, looking over to Jubilee and giving her a smile.

Jubilee has posed:
Eyes rolling upwards, Jubilee gives her a pointed look, then lifts her bowl upwards to give another slurp. "/Anyways/, it's like whatever." She says as she takes her empty bowl to the sink to rinse out, then wipe it clean with a rag. "Like I need that type of drama in my life."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Worth if you find the right person," Kitty says. "Just takes a while to figure out maybe if they are or not, right?" She reaches up and gently runs her fingers over Lockheed's head while he snoozes about her shoulders. "So anything else exciting happening around the school? Sorry I was gone there for a bit," Kitty says. She'd called and said she was taking care of an injured friend for a few days, would be back soon. Which she was, in time for the Gotham trip.

Jubilee has posed:
"Worth it if I was looking, which I'm not, because, boys are dumb and still mentally deficient until they're at least thirty, or Scott Summers .. or Hank ... or Captain America. Outside of those three, boys are dumb." Jubilee hops upo n the counter, legs dangling. "Nothing exciting happened. It was school as usual. Booger Boy this time got himself stuck in a tree, dangling upside down by his snot. I swear to God, Kitty, if someone comes out with an anti-mutant serum I'm sticking him right in the ass with it. First in line. Bam. Go forth and be normal young dude. Stop trying to use your snot as a superhero power."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde does her best to not laugh at that. And mostly succeeds. "Well, everyone takes a little while to work their powers out," Kitty says. She hops down from the counter and carries her bowl over to wash it out. Lockheed lifts a head at the motion, then just settles back down. "Alright, I should get back to the computer. I might be at this for awhile. Let me know if there are any guidance counseling emergencies though. Ones that don't involved mucous?" Kitty pats her friend on the shoulder then picks up the laptop, letting out a yawn as she heads for the stairs.

Jubilee has posed:
"I outrank you, Kitten. I'm gonna transfer him to your side of the room for at least a semester." Jubilee says, then hops off the counter to exit as well. She yawns. "I'm going to bed anyways. It's an early day tomorrow. Peace out." She says with a pair of fingers upwards for a peace sign.