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Latest revision as of 18:13, 3 March 2019

The Date: May Checks In
Date of Scene: 24 February 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: May helps Darcy get ready for her date. Don't worry, the tables will turn soon enough. Or this is why Darcy is sometimes the WORST person to have at your back.
Cast of Characters: Darcy Lewis, Melinda May

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy was getting ready for tonight's date. Her hair and makeup were done and the spanx was in place. The dress was hanging on the hook of the bathroom door as she finished rubbing in a softly vanilla scented lotion into her legs and arms. Not that she expected the angel to get frisky and go for a feel but Darcy rarely had the chance to pamper herself and dress up like this. She was going to do it right, even if it was fake. Underthings in place, she collected the dress and moved to the living room so she had the clear floor space to let it puddle. She'll have to step into it to avoid getting some of the make up on the fabric.

Melinda May has posed:
May is standing in Darcy's living room when she emerges to put on her dress. No, she was not there last time Darcy looked. "Lewis. Do you have a moment to give me an update on your progress?" She steps over to help support the dress while Darcy steps into it. And if the younger woman leans on her for balance, that's okay too.

"Though I'm guessing from all of this that he's reached the final exam of sorts?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy jumps only a little. She's getting better about the Random Appearances of May, it seems.

"Sure. You have until five-thirty. I'm testing him to see if he is late or early or right on time. I'm checking to see how he does in public and not just here in the food court. I talked him through what I could, but now I've got to see what he brings to the table himself and if he can adjust in the moment," Darcy replies, setting her hand on may's shoulder to lean while the dress is shimmied into place.

"We still planning for me to be in his ear or am I going to be a party crasher distraction if ya'll get in hot water?"

Melinda May has posed:
"Overwatch might be reassuring for him, knowing you'll be there to coach him through anything unexpected." Because she's fully expecting him to be even more gawkward fish out of water weird than usual, and having another person to help keep him at least somewhat on script would be very beneficial.

The dress is, unsurprisingly, a VERY snug fit, but May is able to get the thing's zipper done up without any fuss.

"You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

Darcy Lewis has posed:
Darcy nods to May's confirmation that she'll be playing Overwatch on the Big Night: The Date.

"I'll use tonight to draw up some just in cases, so make sure I have a feel for how he's going to think night of," Darcy reassures, pulling in her midsection so May can get the zipper up and into place. And then the SO Asks.

"A little bit," admits Darcy, chuckling and turning to face May. "He's fun to tease." That's her excuse for not telling him.

Melinda May has posed:
"You HAVE impressed upon him the importance of this mission, I hope? Not just taken this chance to play with your expense account and boss around a nearly immortal being?" She takes a moment to lightly tug at the dress here and there, the shoulders, the side seam... making sure the garment is laying just so.

What? It improves the appearance of the garment's tailoring AND makes is just that bit more comfortable.

"Lewis, this is a crucial mission," she admonishes Darcy. "He needs to be fully aware of what we're trying to achieve there, not just that he's going to a fancy dress party and needs to mind human mannerisms."

Darcy Lewis has posed:
The last time Darcy's dressing got fussed over like this, she had been standing in her childhood bedroom with her grammy tugging at a taffeta monstrosity as they waited for her date to take her to the homecoming dance. It didn't help Darcy's nerves one bit.

"Of course I've told him exactly how important this is. He doesn't want to let you down. He thinks way too highly of you, May. We all do," Darcy replies whithout really answering the question as to whether or not Castiel knows this is an op.

Melinda May has posed:
There's a moment of skeptical silence before May nods. "All right. The mission briefing is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, make sure neither of you are late." She's been so stupidly busy having to cover for Maria Hill that she's had to resort to planning her days down to the minute to get everything done, and tardiness will throw off her entire schedule.

"Good luck this evening." And she's heading for the door. She'd better have a report on her desk first thing in the morning detailing how Castiel is fully prepared to handle this upcoming infiltration mission.

Darcy Lewis has posed:
"Why do you think I'm checking his ability to be on time?" Darcy retorts, sly grin covering the flicker of guilt over knowing the game will be revealed in that moment. Darcy's head turns to follow May's progress out the door, her shoulder's squaring.

"Thanks. I'll try to be home by ten and I promise not to put out on the first date."