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Latest revision as of 18:39, 3 March 2019

Just Like Starting Over
Date of Scene: 27 February 2019
Location: New Asgard
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Thor, Captain Marvel (Danvers)

Thor has posed:
    High above the Fortress of New Asgard the moon casts the settlement in a gentle silvery glow, augmented by the subtle haze of small golden spheres. Late enough at night that there are few people on the streets, but even at this hour there are a fair number of people visible in the town's square as well as a few senties along the tall defensive walls that encircle the homes of the last Asgardians.
    She'll have time as she flies over to see the white stone docks and the handful of ships at rest on their moorings. There's also an air strip some distance away from the settlement, though currently there are no vehicles resting upon it.
    Yet what might draw her eye the most would be the tall castle proper that stands atop the mountain-side, dominating the approaches from the land and the sea. It's not as beautiful as the elder palace from an age before, but there is something otherworldly and elegant to it that has not been seen on the Earth in some time.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol has a rather magnificent view of New Asgard and its breath taking castle. Asgardians below, would also have a rather exceptional view of Captain Marvel in flight, painting a glowing streak in her path. Her body engufled by a brilliant aura of energy, as she soars swiftly, before making a very rapid descent. She lands with an expert smoothness, stopping her incredible speed, seemingly, on a dime. Not that she was seeking to show off, but the thrill of flight has always been burning at Carol's very core.

Knowing she's coming into a place unlike any other on Earth, she is quick to announce, "I am a friend of Asgard," in case any who are not familiar with her would question this boastful manner of arrival, "I seek King Thor..." her eyes soon turn to the castle, the most likely location she would assume Thor might be.

Thor has posed:
    The settlement rises up quickly before her as she speeds to that abrupt stop, hovering for that half-second of deceleration and then settling down in that town's square where two guardsmen stand sentinel beside the central longhouse.
    She draws eyes from the few passersby, the settlement is quiet for the most part though she might see the glow of lights from inside the Broken Antler nearby. The taller of the two guards advances and slaps a fist to his chest even as he holds his spear in the other hand. "Captain Marvel! I am Orr, son of Grau." Recognition is there at the least in the man's older features. Tall, grey-bearded, but with bright blue eyes that seem to give evidence of the smile that's harder to see upon his features. "King Thor will be pleased to hear of your arrival."
    There's a moment as the guard turns back to look at the others and there is something akin to a silent conference, likely conducted through facial expressions as she might catch the younger's face looking blank for a moment. The elder guard turns back, "I believe his majesty is at the quarry. If you will grant me the honor I will show you the way immediately!"
    And as he says that he turns and begins to march in the direction of the castleworks and beyond.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Greetings, Orr, son of Grau," Carol is doing her best to speak as she believes the Asgardians would be most familiar with, at least in terms of phrasing. Then again, they are the masters of the Allspeak, so maybe she shouldn't concern herself about it. "I am very much hopeful that this would be the case," Carol acknowledges Orr's positive outlook.

"I would hate to trouble you," Carol says to the offer of accompaniment, "but if you will it, I will not object," she smiles warmly, hesitanting for a moment, waiting to be given a general direction, but turns out she'll just follow Orr's lead. "You are a very welcoming people, Orr."

Thor has posed:
    Orr's smile is warm, albeit hidden mostly by that scruffy beard even as he walks forwards, the haft of his spear at times clicking upon the stone road. Over his shoulder he addresses her as he walks in a deep resonant voice. "Ah, we are a people who know their friends." He says this with a nod, "As such can be said for any people who have lost their home."
    The path beneath their feet is curious, stone but not seemingly hewn or broken, more as if the stone had formed this way naturally with the curve of the Earth yet the precision of it is so clean that it might boggle the thoughts of a mason. Yet the guard takes no notice of it as he strides along.
    "I and some of the others have followed the efforts of our King. Know those he calls friend." He gives her a nod as if she had earned his approval thusly, and that was a gravely earned thing.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Knowing who your friends are is oft underlooked, but a very important bit of knowledge," Carol muses as she follows Orr, who couldn't possibly know how apt this very sentiment is towards Carol seeking out Thor.

Carol does take notice of the master craftsmanship taking place in the construction of New Asgard, and while she hasn't seen it in an earlier state, she does whistles in acknowledgement, sounding impressed, "this was not like this when you got here, was it?"

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, nay. Twas not." He says and there's a hint of pride there as they crest the rise and begin the curving descent towards the quarry. "At first we did as we could with what was provided us by your people." His footsteps are even and steady, and he perhaps allows himself to fall back a touch to be more in sync with her stride.
    "But once we took this place as our home fully, some of our magic returned and allowed us to bring forth what we could." He smiles as they continue on, "But even with our shapers working, there are still tasks that require a steady hand and a strong arm. Thus..."
    He gestures with his spear downwards into the quarry where from afar she will likely see the lone figure down partially in its depths standing against the side of the mountain that has been sliced clean as if by some great force. It's there that she'll espy Thor Odinson, a hammer in hand that is not Mjolnir as he marks out segments of stone for removal in the morn. Occasionally a soft 'tink tink tink' might reach their ears as he makes a mark in the stone surface.
    "I shall leave you to it?" Orr says as he cocks an eyebrow at her, his great helmet jostling a touch, "Or shall I come with and grant you announcement?" He offers her the choice, either way.

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Then I must tell you, I've been to many places across the universe, scracely have you found such fine worksmanship," Carol says with a smile to Orr, and as they walk, she does indeed take in the sights with every step, proving her words were not emptily spoken.

Carol does appear to appreciate Orr's effort to align with her stride, rather than make her adjust to his, a small touch, but very thoughtful. "I can't even begin to imagine how terrible it must be like, to move your people, and settle in a whole new realm." When her eyes follow where Orr is pointing, Carol looks surprised, "is Thor not your King? How come he works at the quarry?" That is certainly not typical of Midgard's Kings of old. "Most unexpected, thank you for taking me to him, Orr."

The rest of the way towards Thor, she makes in a much more hurried pace, calling to him before she comes too near, "Thor...got a moment? Hope you don't mind me dropping by..." despite what Steve told her, she's still somewhat uncomfortable about the whole thing.

Thor has posed:
    "Aye, he is," Orr says and smiles as he stands there leaning a bit on his spear, "And aside from him I have known two others. He is unlike those, that is for true." At that he gives a small shrug and then steps back, "I shall be within earshot if I am needed, Captain Marvel." That said he will step back and by that point she's already closing the rest of the way towards Thor.
    As she gets closer she will see what Thor is doing. Using that hammer to lightly mark each width of bright white stone, creating clearly delineated marks for where future strikes might best be aimed to strike them free. He does turn, however, at the sound of hurried steps and when she is upon him his features brighten.
    "Carol!" He tosses his tools down upon the ground and then advances on her with arms wide, "It pleases me greatly to see you. Come, embrace me." And as he says it he moves to put action to words, just one arm seeking to draw her in for a short /thump-thump-thump/ upon the back and a grasp of forearms before he steps back.
    "Tis good to see you."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
Carol looks curiously at Thor's work on her way nearer, but once she announces herself, her eyes shift to Thor alone. She's not quite sure what response to expect, and the fact he advances with arms open seems to surprise her. "Are things that much better than I thought?" Carol wonders aloud, she smiles somewhat awkwardly at the invitation for an embrace, but she does walks the rest of the way towards Thor, indeed embracing him, "I was worried you wanted to fight me..."

Thor has posed:
    Just a short sharp tilt of his head given as he holds her out at arm's length, his brow beetling above his nose. He seems to look past her for a moment and then back as he tries to puzzle out what may have passed to cause such sentiment. "Friends do quarrel at times, neh?" As if that was simply an expected possibility of things.
    But then his face brightens as enlightenment comes and he says, "Ah, Despana!" He gives her shoulder a squeeze as if trying to allay her fears before he steps back and starts to walk back towards the ramp that leads up the side of the mountain, in the general direction of the settlement.
    "Has something happened? Is something amiss?" He draws up short and turns to her, "Has she revealed her evil ways?"

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Quarrel at times?" Carol questions, furrowing her brow, "I know some things about your culture, Thor, and the fact you refused a drink I offered made me think the worst...you also gave me none of your thoughts when I offered my resolution," she sighs, lowering her arms when Thor squeezes her shoulder. "Yes, Despana," Carol says dryly, wondering how Thor could have possibly forgotten. Perhaps she misread the entire situation.

"No, she did no such thing, but my government forced me hand in allowing her in the company of someone not well regarded. A somewhat unscrupulous man. Lex Luthor."

She moves to follow Thor along the ramp, "she has revealed no such thing, I did hear from Steve that she wandered far too close to Avengers Mansion with some device she claimed was a measuring device, for whatever bullshit...but she hasn't done anything untoward quite yet. I'll keep my promise though, if your concerns prove true, I will fight at your side against her. To be honest, I'm sorry she fell to my jurisdiction, I hate having to make the call I made when it meant so much to you."

Thor has posed:
    "Ah, Carol." Thor chews his lower lip for a moment as he walks along, one large hand resting upon her shoulder as he pauses in his steps to turn and face her. "There are times I forget our ways are not yours."
    He furrows his brow and looks down, contemplatively. Then his good eye lifts once again, "I shared not the drink with you because indeed, it was feasible we would have had to do battle if the Norns so dictated. It would have been a foul thing for me to indulge in your hospitality with that potential in the offing."
    He lets his hand fall from her shoulder as he crosses his arms, "And aye, we did disagree with what was to be done. Yet I knew you were trapped within the role demanded by duty. It was for that I grieved. For the fact that we were creatures of duty."
    He smiles a little, "I was not trying to sway you. To try and push you away from your duty? Never!" Thor spreads his arms, "Yet even if matters unfolded that we had to do battle? Then what a glorious thing, aye! But afterward we would e'er be friends."
    His smile is warm, "You are dear to me, Carol. Muchly so."

Captain Marvel (Danvers) has posed:
"Indeed, there are quite a few differences, some of them are stark," Carol offers in a friendly manner, but also makes sure to jab at Thor playfully, "so I guess you could see how some things could be entirely misunderstood."

She does look a bit preplexed at the mention of the Norns, "so...who are the Norns again? Do I have to offer them thanks for not telling you to kick my ass?" Carol asks, before quickly adding with a playful wink, "not that you could, I fight fierce." She does get all serious once again very quickly, as Thor shares his feelings for once, "yes. That was something I wasn't pleased with myself." Then comes another light jab, "but you could have at least told me you recognize the fact! You stayed silent and walked away!"

She looks at Thor a moment, and then nods, quick to offer, "I value your friendship, now, if you could use another set of hands...I wouldn't mind pulverizing rocks to help around here."