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Latest revision as of 12:14, 9 March 2019

Central City
Date of Scene: 07 March 2019
Location: Central Park - New York
Synopsis: Jess and Barry find an ice cream monster in central Park... and they lick it.
Cast of Characters: Flash, Spider-Woman (Drew)

Flash has posed:
There is a working theory that it's always five o'clock somewhere.

That's sort of a misnomer in that to achieve this falicy someone would literally have to be in multiple points in time at varying stages of its passage because time is relative. More accurately it should be said; Metaphorically, it is five o'clock somewhere, provided that this unknown point across the globe is relative to the general passage of time as most people know it. The Japanese, for instance, don't observe Daylights Savings. So where it might be five o'clock there to someone in Los Angeles, it's actually four (or six) depending on the year. Nevermind cultures that observe time as anymore than the passage of astrological events.

When figuring in things like parallell dimensions, spartial anomolies, and space travel? THe realities of a simple statement seems really redundent.

Especially since it's just so a fella can get boozed up before noon.

The Flash, aka Barry Allen, is making his way through Central park a little after four fifty nine, a few seconds shy of five, where some guy in Texas will no doubt be anxiously waiting with his eyes glued to the clock in preparation for the days first shot. He has a sub in hand and a large gulp soda in the other, looking for a bench on which he can sit to start the early evening grub fest that is a sandwich from Angelos (They REALLY DO have the best bread) when his phone ring. The juggling act that follows is comical, trying to manage his load as well as get his phone up to his ear, "This is Allen.."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica Drew isn't being philosophical at all. She's considering ice cream. It's been a while since she went out, and with all the chaos surrounding the sentinels and an Avenger hospitalized, she needs to get out.

It's been forever since she saw, or even heard from, Flash. So before she goes out, Jess goes to fire off a quick text to Barry: "Ice cream monster in Central Park. Think we can lick it?" But no sooner has she sent the text, than she fumbles the phone and accidentally calls him. It's already ringing, so she decides to see it through. When he answers, Jess smirks. "Why are you calling me? All the time with the calls, and letters, and the whathaveyous..."

Flash has posed:
"Huh, who dis, new number." Barry jokes when he recognizes the voices on the otherline, grinning a little, "I was just thinkin- hold on I'm getting a text." Finally there's a bench and he's deposited some of his foodstuffs down so that he can more easily manipulate the cellular device. can you lick it? With the phone back up against his ear, craddled against his raised shoulder so he can positively devour this sandwich with the ruthlessness one OWES a sub from Angelos, "... did you butt dial me after sending a text? Jeez.."

Obviously he's heard about the sentinel attacks and... well.. he's trying not to bring it up! Because good friends who understand the super hero business don't do that inconsiderate crap like dragging their friends into painful recent events, "As it turns out, I'm in Central Park already.. are you spying on me?" He sucks down a good half his soda in several quick gulps and wipes at his mouth, "How many fingers am I holding up?" The answer is none, since he knows she's not spying on him. Or assumes she's not anyways!

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Fifteen," Jess replies without missing a beat. "And I didn't butt dial you, I fumble-fingers dialed you. My butt has too much class to accidentally dial anyone." She laughs, and sighs. "You're scarfing as we speak aren't you? Not that it'd stop you from ice cream next...I'm in the park now, where are you?"

Flash has posed:
"I'm a growing boy, aren't I? We need a lot nutrition." Barry defends his otherwise obnoxious eating habits with the flampentness for which he is all too well known. Food is good and he likes it. "Over by South entrance near Angelos." He glances up and around himself, finishing his drink in another series of gulps. To a receptical and back, lickity split, he's once more sitting at his bench. Now that his food is out of the way he's glancing around as if he might spy Jess strolling through amidst the endless sea of people who frequent Central Park in the early afternoon. "I could do ice cream..." Literally, there is no moment that Barry wouldn't be okay putting food in his face hole. "Hey, wait, I think I see you. Dance a little jig so I can know for sure."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jess obligingly does a quick softshoe and a jazz-hand flourish, then straightens up. "You better see me, otherwise you just made me do a little dance just for the sheer enjoyment of knowing people would think I'm crazy. But I think I'm close. The kiosk is the Dairy Dream. I'm closing in on it as we speak. I don't think it's spotted me, yet. But that dance, who knows. It might be onto us."

Flash has posed:
Well this is awkward.

"I regret to inform you, dearest friend, that it was not you..." Barry does not sound at all awkward, he sounds like he's probably laughing, because he's definitely laughing. Quietly because otherwise it's just rude, but still... he's laughing. "Oh, yeah I know where you are now, there in a flash.." The phone hangs up and he's standing behind Jess before it's even completely disconnected. Most people wouldn't even notice him appear, he's too fast for that. Besides, too many people, in New York City of all places, for them to pay attention to one nerdy looking fella in skinny jeans.

Dime. A. Dozen.

He puts his phone in his pocket and slips up beside Jess, with his other joined the first on the oposite side. He's got this far back lean walk that he's doing that isn't helping him look either less dorky or more subtle as he appears, "So where's the target and what's the rules of engagement? I favor the direct, ravenous approach, personally... but I'm negociable. Only cus we're friends though." Nudging at her with his shoulder, grinning.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
Jessica doesn't flinch. She's not at all unaccustomed to Barry flashing in and out. "The Dairy Dream is dead ahead. It seems quiet and unassuming, but don't be fooled. There is an evil there that beckons, and it does not sleep. Not before 7pm at the latest. Even later in summer." She slips her hands into her pockets and imitates Barry's walk. "I think a head-on encounter is best. Straightforward. In and out. No ice cream cone left behind."

Flash has posed:
Barry likes that about her, honestly he does. She falls right in line with his nerdy attempt to appear like an unassuming hipster with the greatest of ease and the pair of them make their way upon their target with the ruthless passion Batman would be impressed, ney, terrified of. "Copy that, cream leader. I'll draw their attention with a simple order of a dipper cone, you come in on the flank with the complex stuff when their guard is downed, over." He says to the woman standing DIRECTLY beside him. He may have even done the krrrrrk sound a walkie talkie makes.

We covered that he's kind of a dork, didn't we?

Barry leads the way, leaning way back. His arms slip from his pocket so he can wave them back behind him. For the unenlightened, this is the Boss Walk and it's very popular on TikTok. "Hello good personage of ice cream peddlers.. I request one of your finiest Chocolate ice cream dippers." Two fingers to his throat, "Take the the shot..."

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
While the vendor is getting the chocolate dipper for Barry, Jess comes in for the kill. "And I'll haaaave......a chocolate dipper, too." Her eyes go wide, and she looks to Barry. "I choked," she mouths to him silently, and apologetically. She pulls cash from her pocket and slaps it down on the counter in a panic, picking up her phone to fire off a text to Barry. "ABORT. WE'VE BEEN COMPROMISED."

'Flash has posed:
Barry throws his hands up in what amounts to the extent of his disappointment since he never actually loses his grin, especially not when she mouths her apologies. Then he goes right for his phone to tumb over a reply, "Snake... SNAKE?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!" With his phone back in his backpocket, he takes his dipper and tips his imaginary hat to the peddler who has no idea, NONE, how close he came... "Next time, you shant be so lucky." If he heard him it warrents only a roll of the eyes, maybe a
get the hell out of here before I throttle you or more accurately, Kid, there's a line behind you, move along.

Doesn't matter, Barry has ice cream and he's moving away from the kiosk with Jess, "Remind me that spec ops is not in your wheelhouse next time I agree to a high profile ice cream assassination, huh?" lipping off the pointed tip of chocolatey dipped chocolate with a quiet
.. "Nevermind, this is fan-tass-tic." Immitation of the Governator. Fundamental.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm a better dancer than special ops agent," Jess replies, nibbling at the tip of her ice cream. "But you wouldn't know, because you weren't there to see it. Besides, I could have gotten something else, but you ordered the same thing I wanted. I panicked." Jess decides not to mention her special ops track record. She may be in on the ops, quite often in fact. But she tends to get mind-melted every time.

Flash has posed:
"You dang right I wasn't." Barry agrees with a brisk nod of professional courtesy afforded him, "I'm a ghost in the spec ops community, to be sure. They're always saying of me: Who?" Which he seems to be quite proud of by the way he grins around another bite of ice cream. "I suppose, in lue of the fact we share a common weakness for chocolate, that I'll forgive you this once for leaving me hanging in the field." He squints one eyes at her in comedic scrutiny, "Woe be unto those who fool me twice and never a third time..." Slicing his hand through the air, delete delete delete fashion.

All joking aside. "How you been, Jess?" He gets around to doing friend questions eventually, but like all speedsters, takes his bloody time about it. "I heard about..." Craning his head to the side in a kind of jerking motion to keep from having to say I heard someone got hurt, ".. you good? Need to talk? Just ice cream? It's okay if you don't, I wont pry.." Rambling is the other thing Barry is surprisingly good at, but at least he rambles quietly whilst finding them a relative isolated location at which to engage in their conversation and/or just eat ice cream.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"I'm good," Jess replies with a shrug, licking her ice cream. "She's doing much better, going to make a full recovery. I just...I just needed ice cream. Time to think, and NOT talk about it." She arches her brows in an "if ya know what I mean" manner, and swirls the ice cream cone against her tongue, enjoying it far more immensely than she deserves.

Flash has posed:
"Yeah..." Barry completely gets it, "I only asked because I'd feel kind of douchy if I hadn't and you wanted to, ya know?" Honestly, it's the over indulgence in peoples business that leads to mental break downs amidst friends. "I always figure that when someone wants to talk about something, they'll tell you.. Why do we feel the need to pry? Not you specifically, or even me really, just in general ya know?" He talks fast, but not stream of consciousness fast. Like someone who downed a big gulp and has already finished half an ice cream cone, "I should have gotten two." He laments with a sad face. The metaphorical sadtrumbone is implied if not heard.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"We could get disguises. I have a moustache..." she pats down her pockets. "Somewhere. We could go back. Double tap, they'd never know what hit them."

Flash has posed:
"Now you're just being a rebel..." Barry says in a low tone of voice, patting the air with his brow furrowed like he's hushing someone spreading trade secrets, "You want the lactose intolerant to hear you? It's... I don't even know you anymore..." He jokes, but he's still glancing at that stall conspiratorially, "If we do this, we do it right.." Glancing slowly back at her, while equally slowly lipping more ice cream for emphasis, "We have him dip it twice..." Two fingers held up, eyes shock and awe wide.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"This is /madness/..." Jess breathes the words more than saying them out loud. "Fine...but if we're going back in..." She pulls up a thin black moustache likely purchased with a quarter, from a plastic bubble machine. She carefully sticks the moustache into place. "I'm Jacque."

Flash has posed:
"Moxie..." Barry nods slowly, turning his head during several such nods so it's kind of a swooping motion of his neck, "I dig it.." His cone literally disappears and he wipes his mouth with a napkin he most certainly did not have before. There was a breeze though, for like a second there, and he appears with a bowler hat and a monicle. "And Oi am Professor Esterhouse." In the absolute worst british accent that has ever been used in all of creation.

Spider-Woman (Drew) has posed:
"Excellent. The stage is set, and the players are prepared. Let's show this cart what we're capable of..." And so Jessaque turns and approaches the cart as an entirely new entity. Still carrying her half-eaten chocolate-dipped cone. Oh /so/ clever.

Flash has posed:
Barry stalks out of his seat with Jessaque and walks with the most uppity of postures as they approach their target with a renewed vigor to take on this unparalleled foe what has already bested them once over. "Sir, whom I have never met..." The kiosk owner bursts out laughing immediately and so, with one fell swoop, the dynamic derpo wins the day for ice cream lovers everywhere. No ticker tape parade for their heroics shall ever be seen, only ice cream. But it is the delicious ice cream of Victory and freedom!