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Time To Talk Hero Stuff
Date of Scene: 10 March 2019
Location: A Gotham brownstone
Synopsis: Kitty shares that she's part of a super hero team to Jason. Plus other impossible events.
Cast of Characters: Red Hood, Shadowcat

Red Hood has posed:
Even though Kitty had spent the night, Jason had left the house early in the morning. Damian's message had hinted at something desperate enough to pull him out at two in the morning to head to the Redcave to take care of some things. When he arrives back at the house, he tries to be quiet, though the motorcycle makes a distinct noise. It was nearly four am when he came home.

Making his way into the kitchen, he took out a bottle of water and opens the freezer to find a pint of ice cream. He's not quite gotten into the whole 'buying enough for two mode' that new couples have to figure out as he fishes out the mint chocolate chip ice cream and heads into the living room to turn on the TV and takes a seat on the couch.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sticks her head through the floor surreptitiously to make sure that Jason is alone, and then floats down through the ceiling to land on the floor. There's no ghostly apparition, see through thing when she does it. Just Kitty seeming to pass right through the ceiling. She lands and moves over to Jason, wearing one of his dress shirts.

She moves over to join Jason on the couch, curling up against him, the sleeves of the shirt hanging halfway down her hands. "Everything ok?" she asks, without seeking more details than just that basic question.

Red Hood has posed:
Glancing up as Kitty sticks her head through, Jason chuckles as he wacthes her float down to join him. "Okay. That is going to take some getting used to." he says in amusement before he feels her more solid form curl up against him. Opening the ice cream, he takes out a spoonful to offer to her first, before he responds.

"Yeah. Friend needed some help."

Can't really tell her that my fifteen year old brother is fleeing town to go who knows where and I just kitted him up with enough gear to survive anywhere for a week. That'd go over well.

"So. The woman in white tonight." he says, taking his own bite of the ice cream. "You said her name was Emma? Who is she to you? Because I don't think I've ever seen you scared. But you yanked me out of there tonight like the building was on fire."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde slides her mouth around the spoon. "Mmm. Good choice," she says of the ice cream. He knows that's what she orders at Baskin Robbins. That he remembered just makes Kitty smile and rest her head against his shoulder. "I don't think she would have actually done anything to you. She... I think she's trying to be better. But I'll never really trust her," Kitty says. She lets out a sigh. "This is a story you should hear though. Because it is... The Beginning, I guess."

Kitty brushes her hand over Jason's chest. "When I was thirteen, these people came to see me and my parents. Mutants. They told my parents of a place I could study and be safe from the prejudice of the world. And they would help me learn to control my powers too. One of them took me out to the mall to get to know me. And while we were there, Emma Frost sent goons to abduct us. I got away. They couldn't hold me, of course, and didn't know my powers. The one who was with me gave me a number to contact the rest. And I helped them free the one that Emma took captive. When I think of evil, of what it looks like? I think of Emma. She wasn't above using her ability to read minds for her own gain, even forcing them to do things, or see things. I was afraid if you pissed her off like that, she might do something to you. Though she's... sort of become... well, she's not the enemy to us she once was. But I don't trust her."

Red Hood has posed:
"Considering that you've heard my own beginnings.." Jason laughs. "I forgot the obscenely large waffle bowls and chocolate sauce." he teases, before he settles in to listen to the story. She wasn't much older than him when Bruce found him.

Though the differences are obvious. She was recruited, sought after. This makes him frown. "Does this happen a lot?" he asks quietly as he settles his hand over hers, bringing it up to his heart - so she can feel it beat. Knowing that it's there and working - especially after he had told her he had died.

"Have you seen me do anything I don't want to, like ever?" Jason asks finally with a lift of a brow. "I'm not exactly a pushover when it comes to the mental willpower thing."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty leans up to brush a kiss to Jason's lips. "I have a lot of experience around telepaths. I've seen entire buildings of people put into paralysis, not remembering anything that transpired. They can be extremely powerful," she says. "Not that I'm doubting you. But you have secrets you don't want found out, and she's the worst kind of person to be around for that," Kitty tells Jason.

She returns her head to his shoulder. "I've been part of a team since then. Not every mutant that we help is part of it. Most are not. We work very hard to stay unknown. But we have been through a lot," Kitty says. She lifts her head to look up at Jason. "I've been off the planet. Several times. Been a part of -saving- the planet. Several times. I even have a dragon. I wanted to introduce you to him, that day we had ice cream. But I figured it was an introduction that maybe should wait for a little longer. When you're in Westchester next though? I'll introduce you to him. His name is Lockheed. He's small, fits on my shoulders. An extra-terrestrial actually," she tells Jason.

Red Hood has posed:
"You know, just this morning, I doubted someone had a dragon. He just had to go prove me wrong. Except his is ridable sized." Jason responds, as he listens to Kitty's explanation on things. Then as he digests the rest of her story, he considers. "Have you ever recruited anyone?" he asks, looking over to meet her eyes as he takes a bite of ice cream, and then offers her a bite. Cooties are no longer cared about here.

"I believe it was the Queen of Hearts that said to Alice, 'I've believed in no less that six impossible things before breakfast'." he comments thoughtfully.

"So far, you've hit me with two. You got four more to go." There's a wink at her. "After that, I don't know how I'm going to react. But in case you're wondering? Remember. Green tights, bright yellow cape? Yeah. I'm not going to discount what you're saying, Kitty. It's pretty amazing, though. Me? I'm just a down to earth street hood. Sure you can love that still?"

Shadowcat has posed:
"Yes, I've recruited many people," Kitty says. "But again, it's not normally recruiting them for a super hero team. It's giving them a home and a place they can be safe and around others like themselves. Anyone who that isn't right for? Doesn't have to," Kitty tells him. "We do a lot of good. We have worked alongside a lot of good people. I'm actually... I'm probably going to be revealing my identity to the Avengers very soon. To work together with them on these Sentinels," Kitty says.

She looks up to Jason. "So... you asked me about sharing the truth about myself with Carrie? I realize you have others you work with. And I have others I work with. And... it's always a sensitive thing. I mean it's not my place to reveal anyone else. If there are people you think I can trust with my identity, and you would like for them to know? I trust your judgment. But if they are someone who isn't a part of the life that you and I are? Then I have to think carefully. Because, well, you know. You went through those worries with me. Bringing someone in that doesn't have to be, carries danger for them sometimes."

Red Hood has posed:
"This is what I believe." Jason says as he returns his attention to his girlfriend. Setting down the ice cream, he turns to face her fully and twines their fingers together. "We both have people we work with that we probably don't know that are in the biz, as it were. There are some on the peripherary. Like Barbara."

"I agree with you. It's their decision if they share what they are. I'm not asking you to tell them that you put on tights and go out and fight evil. But they will not hold the fact that you are a mutant against you. It's a difference between sharing that and sharing what you do with those abilities." he points out to her, and lets out a breath. "I mean, I don't want you to start introducing yourself as 'Hi, I'm Kitty Pryde, Jason's mutant girlfriend'. It's not a badge of honor type of thing. I know who I trust. Just as you do. I was wrong yesterday in suggesting you tell Carrie. That's your decision to make. You have to decide if you trust someone with that secret. And for that, I apologize. It's one thing to share that you're a computer genius to Barbara. It's something else to tell them that you're more than human, but the most human woman I know."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde slides her hand over into Jason's, lacing fingers with him. "I think we're of a similar mind. I think what should happen would be... I say, Jason, there's someone in my life I would like it if you two knew about each other. Is it ok if I approach them and see if they are alright with mutual sharing. And if it's good both with the one of us and with the other friend, then we can do it."

Kitty pauses. "I don't normally tell people I'm a mutant though. I mean, usually if I'm sharing that it's because they are also in a position of wanting them to know I'm Shadowcat. If there are people like Barbara where they... well, if she's your computer support, but stays out of the rest of it? I am fine just revealing those kind of bits as well."

Kitty smiles up to Jason. "I trust your judgment though, when it comes to who you would like to know what about me. Just I want to be the one to introduce myself to them, and have it be a mutual introduction if so."

Red Hood has posed:
"Right now, Kitty, I'm still getting comfortable with, 'This is Kitty Pryde, the girl that's in love with me, and I feel the same about her'." Jason responds with a little smirk.

"By the way? That's the third impossible thing. You have three left." he teases as he squeezes her hands. "We have to trust each other - we're carrying pretty powerful secrets of each other. And the rest will come and unfold in time."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde brings Jason's hand to her lips and kisses it. "I do love you," she tells him. "And... sometimes I just break out in a smile out of the blue, thinking about how you feel about me," she tells him. "I've gotten a few curious looks for it," Kitty says, laughing and blushing slightly.

She slides over further, moving into Jason's lap. She holds up a hand. One finger. "I decided to get a degree in astrophysics because the last time I piloted a spacecraft, the interstellar navigation was a pain." Two fingers. "The last fancy ball I went to wearing a dress anything like last night? Was thrown by the ruler of an alien empire. Not related to the dragon."

Kitty sits quietly then for a moment. "I have darkness inside of me too, Jason. That wasn't always there. But I can't deal with it how you deal with yours. I can't... embrace it and accept it. For me, it is one or the other."

Three fingers.

Red Hood has posed:
"You already told me you've been to space. So.." Jason reaches up and lowers the first two fingers. And leaves only the middle fingers standing. "And sometimes, that's what you have to say to that darkness inside of you." he says with a fond smile for her.

"The most impossible thing is that you are here. Now. And slowly, I find myself wanting you to be here. And missing you when you're not. Your scent lingers in the pillows. I find a shirt of yours in my stuff. I find something you left behind. Like a toothbrush."

It's his turn to blush. "And I enjoy it."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde reaches up to brush her fingers along the edges of Jason's face. "I still have most of my stuff in the UK. Now that I'm not planning to go back... I'll get a friend to help me teleport everything back. Maybe... I could leave a few more things here, on a permanent basis then?" she asks, eyebrows going up just a bit hopefully.

"I like wearing your shirts, the ones that you've already had on," Kitty admits. So I can smell you on them when you're not actually there with me." She pulls the collar over to inhale his cologne that he wore with the shirt. Though he's there with her, so Kitty leans in to nuzzle her face to his shoulder and draw a deep breath. "Love you, Jason Todd. And Red Hood. And, any other name you go by. Love all of you," she tells him.