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Masked Meetings
Date of Scene: 08 March 2019
Location: Carrie Kelley's Gotham Apartment
Synopsis: Carrie and Kitty bond while trying on masks for the charity ball, and Jason joins them with takeout
Cast of Characters: Carrie Kelley, Shadowcat, Red Hood

Carrie Kelley has posed:
The apartment that Carrie shared with a roommate was just off the Gotham University Campus. It was one of those cheap to rent places meant specificially for students wanting some off-campus living while not being so far off campus that they couldn't attend classes easily. What this meant is that, while an older building, it had been updated just often enough by the landlords to not be *terrible.* The brick walled apartment was spacious in the living area but mostly due to lack of furniture. There was an old couch, a bean bag, a small coffee table and then a bookcase that doubled as a TV stand. The rest of the room was primarily bare due to not needing much else. The kitchen was just against the inner wall, open to the rest of the livingroom, but they'd added a countertop cart with wheels to give more 'kitchen' space.

Having greeted Kitty at the door Carrie leads the way inside with a vague gesture of her hand. "Not much to give a tour of, but at least it's a two bedroom," she reasons with a chuckle. "Want something to drink? There's plenty of cold drinks but I could make some coffee or hot chocolate if you'd like, too." She pauses at that considering with a look cast over her shoulder at Kitty thoughtfully. "Though to be honest I'm not sure the hot chocolate mix is kosher."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde comes in, wearing a sweater and jeans, and then a heavy coat thanks to the cold weather that blew in just in time for the weekend. Old Man Winter doesn't seem to want to surrender his grip on Gotham just yet.

"Thank you for having me over," Kitty says warmly, offering a quick hug if Carrie accepts it. "Oh, sure, something hot. Chocolate, tea, coffee, whatever sounds good to you, if it isn't a bother?" Kitty asks.

She looks around the apartment and says, "Reminds me of my place back at school. Though yours is bigger. I'd say it's one bedroom but it is more like one room and a bathroom," Kitty says with a warm chuckle. "I'm not sure if Jason will make it or not. I left him a message."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley accepts the hug with a little bit of a smile. It had been awhile since she'd really had someone she could call a friend that wasn't involved in 'the business' she was training to be a part of. "Sure, of course," she agrees as she ducks around the little counter-cart to fish out some mugs and fill an old style hot water kettle up. It's placed on the stove as she prepares the drinks. "Yeah, we kind of lucked out on this. Some seniors were moving out that my roommate knew so they suggested us as replacement tenants. It's been good so far. And don't worry about Jason," she remarks with a little shrug. "I doubt he could handle us both together anyway. Besides, this way we can make him think we're talking about him and sharing awful secrets or something."

Carrie flashes a broad grin at this quite clearly joking about it. Maybe. He was fun to tease. "So I was thinking... I don't know what you've got in store for a dress already, but if there's not something in my costume closet that would work we *can* make some custom ones pretty quickly. If you don't mind a little paper mache on your face."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Aren't we planning to?" Kitty says of sharing secrets about him, though breaking out in a smile and a warm chuckle. She'll move along with Carrie into the kitchen as the beverages are worked on. "Oh, here, I have a picture of it," Kitty says, pulling up her phone. "The dress. My friend Anna-Marie has... oh you would not believe her closet. It's amazing. And she's about the same size. Just she's a little... ah... fuller than I am in some places," Kitty says, with a self-deprecating laugh.

"Though this dress at least that isn't an issue." The picture is Kitty in a black evening gown, perfect for the event. "She also is letting me borrow her car until I can manage to get some work to buy one myself. I'm not planning on going back to school for the next semester. Though, seeing if I can finish up my dissertation remotely and just go to defend it," Kitty says.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts up the mugs of steaming cocoa in each hand. One is offered toward Kitty when she moves to the kitchen to join her. It's the mention of Anna Marie being more 'gifted' than makes her glance down at her own chest with a sigh. "I get you there, sister," she responds only to shake the thought out of her head. Instead her attention is drawn to the photo on the phone showing off the dress. "Oh that *is* nice. You'll look great."

"I can drag out my boxes of masks and stuff to go through if you want to have a seat on the couch. I've one several plays with masks from Phatom of the Opera to stuff other students wrote. I kept all the masks no one else wanted to, plus I made a ton that didn't even get used in the first place." For a moment she pauses with a frown. "Though to be honest I still don't even know what I'm going to wear. I really wasn't planning on going to this. You don't think it'll be weird going without a date, do you?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the offered mug with a grateful smile. She wraps her hands around it to warm them as they talk. "Thank you," Kitty says warmly at the compliment of the dress on her. "I tried on a bunch of things, just for the fun of it mostly as I had settled on this one," she says.

Kitty follows along over to the couch. "Sure," she says as she takes a seat as requested. "I don't think it'd be weird. We'll be dancing some I'm sure, but you'll be with the group of us anyway. We won't let it feel weird," Kitty tells Carrie with a warm smile. "Do they have many dresses in the theater department? Maybe something there?" she suggests.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her own drink for a long sip of the warming drink before setting it on the coffee table gingerly. Coasters? Nah. "Oh, tons, but most of it is usually period outfits. Still I thought I'd probably borrow something from there to be honest. At the very least it's bound to be unique that way. Maybe something from a Gatsby production would work."

Even as she tosses the idea around aloud she moves off to the other end of the apartment to open a door, and duck inside. True to her word there were a few boxes she had stacked by the door already. They were the long style box one might use to keep comics in. Two are brought over, stacked atop each other, to set on the coffee table in front of Kitty.

"Here we go. Let's find something that'll work for us both." With a grin she takes the lid off the top box to reveal a carefully stored arrangement of masks. From simple black domino masks, to harlequin masks, to the larger more ornate and feathered masks that one might see at Mardi Gras or Carnivale.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde sits forward on the edge of the couch cushion to look in the box. She takes a long sip of the hot chocolate before setting it far to the side, making sure there's no chance of it being spilled on a mask. "So your major is theater? Or is this more of a hobby for you?" Kitty asks as she smiles, picking up a mask that is not at all suitable, but has such a goofy expression she cannot help but try it on.

"Did I remember right that you're giving Damian acting lessons? Is he doing theater in... well, he's not attending school is he. Home schooling. So is he doing drama somewhere?" Kitty inquires. She picks up a more suitable mask, trying it on. "I can't wait to see the ball. I've tried to not let on to Jason how much I'm looking forward to it," she says. "It's been a very long time since I've been to anything near to it."

A long time, and a -very- long way, at that. Empress Lilandra really knows how to throw a royal ball.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley sits back on the sofa watching Kitty try on the masks with a grin. It was always fun watching as someone else got to enjoy things she'd had a hand in making, or otherwise been a part of. It was one of the perks of theater. She sits back keeping her fingers wrapped around her mug to help warm them for now.

"Mm. A bit of both. I love theater. It was my home away from home in highschool. When my parents weren't around... I had somewhere to go that I was welcomed." With a sigh she adds, "But I know it's not got a lot of future there unless you're *really* talented. I'm skilled but I wouldn't call it talent. I'd rather direct, or ... Or that's what I'd thought at least. I've been having some doubts trying to figure out my future more lately."

Mention of Damian earns a smile as well. "I do, but he's not in any productions yet. I think he just uses it as a way to get out and socialize since he is taught by tutors at home. It's private lessons, but he's also done practice sessions with some others I teach. Plus sometimes we just talk about things he's having issues with. Fitting in. Things like that." Here she pauses with a little crinkle of her nose. "Don't tell him I told you that."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tries on another mask. If there isn't a mirror handy, she has a phone to look and see what they look like on her. Kitty gives a warm laugh as she checks out herself in a cat mask. "Ok, need a picture of this one," she says, snapping a selfie first with it on, and then with it up so people can see it is her.

The young woman is full of delight as she tries on the different masks. Giving infectious laughter as she sees each. Kitty puts another away and then looks back to Carrie at the answers about herself and Damian's dramatic interests.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm doing guidance counseling on the side right now, so... I try to look out for things like people's self-esteem and trust," Kitty says with a knowing nod. "He seems like such a great kid. I think more social time would be good for him from what I've seen," Kitty shares. Of course, he was putting on an act for Kitty. But she doesn't know that.

"So are you thinking about anything else in particular, if you move on from theater?" Kitty asks curiously. "Any other occupations that you find appealing?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley chuckles at the way Kitty was posing in the masks with a shake of her head. "Sorry I should have thought to bring a mirror out. I can get one." She reaches down to fiddle with the bag beside her on the floor which was likely where she stashed a lot of her college books. And apparently a makeup kit as she fishes out a folding compact mirror to offer out. "That does look pretty good on you though. Oh, try the peacock! Maybe Jason would work with that," she adds with a laugh as she relaxes into enjoying th emoment.

"Oh, I don't know. I kind of got into going to a dojo over the Summer. It was for self-defense at first but it's kind of addicting. I'm wondering if maybe I should look into physical therapy, or phys ed? It's kind of hugely different than my current major though so that's part of my hesitation."

With the mirror offered over she leans over to reach into the box pulling out one the one with the peacock feathers she mentioned. The nose part is done up like a beak while the sides splay back with large, volumnous feathers in myriad colors.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde takes the mask when it's offered. "It's probably more elaborate than I'd go with. I think just something to cover my face and fit in," Kitty says, giving a bit of a shy smile at the showiness of the peacock. "Though I'm sure Jason would have all sorts of things to say about it," she says with a soft, warm laugh.

She tries it on, looking at the result as she says, "That sounds like a good idea if you chose to pursue it. Finding something you love for a career, I think that's one good strategy for a happy life." Kitty pulls up the mask to shine a smile over to Carrie.

"I've always been into computers. A little bit of a geek girl, especially when I was younger. Thankfully I put on just a little bit of height so people don't seem to see me that way as much anymore. But, it makes for a good career opportunity for me," Kitty shares.

She passes the peacock mask back over. "Ok, let's see it on you now!" she says with a grin.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That's how I feel too. I enjoy what I do now, but it's not really something sustainable in the long term." Carrie grins back toward Kitty with amusement. "Oh, you too? Yeah I used to do computers, and some sound systems and electronics. I'd help fix the stuff around the theater a lot and work on video productions too. It all worked together."

Reaching out she takes the mask in hand. Her glasses are slipped off only to be replaced by the mask which she wears with a proud duck-face air smooch. "How's it look?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde flashes Carrie a smile. "I think the men at the ball would find you irresistible. And especially if as many of them show up in cat themes as I imagine will for a charity event centered around a big cat sanctuary," Kitty replies.

"Yes, actually that was what my first degree is in, computer science," Kitty shares. "I'm looking for some freelance work at the moment. To pay for a car. My friend offered to... well, she offered to give me hers. And it's just... wow, it's just more than I can let her do. Same one who is loaning me the dress. I just feel like I should earn that kind of stuff on my own, you know?" Kitty asks.

She looks over to Carrie and says, "So, this third brother? Dick? What is he like, anyway?" Kitty asks. "I haven't had a chance to meet him yet."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley can't help but laugh at that. "A bird with a bunch of cats. Now there's a thought! Hopefully no real cats." The mask is pulled off and set aside carefully to ensure she doesn't damage the delicate feathers. Her fingers smooth over them absently. Kitty's mention of work and the car, has her eyebrows jump upward. "Really? Just offered to give you the car? Man that's way beyond generous. Maybe you could work out payment plans with her though since she is a friend." A breif gesture is made out the window. "I've got an old beater that I bought off my Highschool drama teacher. Long as you have everything written out and keep up with it, it can be done without ruining a friendship." It may not sound it but she's trying to be reassuring.

Quickly blinking at mention of the third brother she blurts, "Dick? He's great."

"I mean," she corrects looking quickly toward Kitty. "He's a great guy. Very friendly and laid back but he dresses like a model or something. I can see why so many women go for him." She shrugs as if it doesn't matter at all to her. "He's actually a cop out in Bludhaven. He wanted to get out from under Mr. Wayne's shadow and find his own way, which I think is pretty admirable."

Shadowcat has posed:
"Well, if it was like, a 10 year old Honda Civic, that's something I'd do with her. But, it's this awesome Bentley. In great condition. And... she's so sweet. She doesn't need the money and just wants to use what she has to make those she cares about happy. But I still feel like it's too much, you know," Kitty says. "She actually was planning to get a new car. Already has it, just was going to wait until the snows were all gone first."

Kitty leans back against the couch back as she listens about Dick. "He sounds like a great guy," Kitty agrees. "And I think it speaks well of him, wanting to be his own person. I know Jason feels a lot of that too. It's also... not easy to do. I know. I mean, I don't want to accept a dress. But at the same time, I'm going to accept an offer he made for martial arts classes for me. He wanted to make sure I'm safe, what with the crime rate in Gotham," Kitty says.

"It's tough to turn down that sort of thing. As compared to... Bentleys and dresses. But it adds up quick too," Kitty says. She looks thoughtful and then shrugs. "So, it sounds like Dick has a lot of qualities you admire. Have you ever thought about... you know... you and him?"

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley blinks a little bit in surprise at the mention of Jason offering martial arts classes. A soft smile creeps over her, and she nods slowly. "That's how we met actually. All joking aside. I was taking some self defense classes, and he was there as a volunteer to be the 'bad guy' for our attacks. He really does try to look out for people he cares about. So that's really not a surprise there." A soft, warm smile creeps over her as she looks back to the box of masks.

"Yeah, Bentley is really... wow. That would be too much. Is that even good in the Winter? I don't know what kind of drive train they have..." The thought is broken at mention of her, and Dick.

Almost instantly she blushes in response. A hand comes up to clap over her face, scrubbing at her cheeks with a little groan. "No. No and I'm not going to. I am not going to think about that. He's dating someone. I'm not going to even think about it. Ever." The hand drops away with a sigh. "Even if ..." There's a sharp shake of her head as if to say it wasn't going to happen. "He's got a reputation with redheads. I am not going to get involved in that."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde picks up her hot chocolate again, taking a sip and enjoying both the warmth and flavor. "Oh, actually I meant his father offered those. Jason and I have talked a little of martial arts, but we hadn't gotten that in depth on it. But, Mr. Wayne was concerned about safety for a woman in the city," Kitty says. "Even then, I took awhile to decide. We still need to tell him I'd like to accept. Maybe at the ball," Kitty says, the last part more of a thought spoken aloud than anything else.

Kitty's head tilts a little bit and she gives Carrie a gentle look. "I think I understand," Kitty says, reaching over to give Carrie's shoulder a soft squeeze. "I had seen someone off and on for... well, for a lot of years. It took a long time to realize and accept it was over. But I finally have. Jason was part of that. Sometimes it just takes the timing being right, for two people."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley looks very guilty even when Kitty reaches out to pat her shoulder reassuringly. There's a softly exhaled sigh, and her head drops a little. "That's the story of my life though. Bad timing. I mean... when I first met Jason? I think if things had continued it might be different." Sheepishly she adds, "No offense. I realize the timing with us wasn't right, and then when I met him again it was months later. The moment passed. Then Dick... We're just friends, really. That's all I thought of us as."

She leans her head back against the couch staring up at the ceiling a long moment. "Dick found out his girlfriend might have been cheating on him. He was trying so hard to just blow it off like it didn't matter and I tried to cheer him up, and then... Then we kissed." The bad thing about having the last name of 'Kelley' was that it meant you were very, very pale. Which meant that blushing is very, very obvious. Again her hands cover her face with a groan.

"Nothing happened otherwise, but then it turns out she wasn't cheating, a guy was just hitting on her a lot. So we kind of... ugh. UGH."

A little childish kick is given as she kicks her heels against the floor a time or two. Then she drops her hands and looks at Kitty apologetically. "I'm so sorry to just dump all this on you, Kitty. It's so messed up."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a breath loudly, in a show of sympathy for Carrie. "Oh. Wow. Yeah that timing... ah. Wow. So I guess he's serious enough about the other girl that he's still seeing her then?" Kitty rests against the back of the couch, leaning over to find one of Carrie's hands and give it a squeeze.

"You know, sometimes that sort of thing, ends up working out? I mean, I know, you don't want to focus on it. Not while he's seeing someone. But who knows down the road where you will be?" Kitty says softly. She gives another gentle squeeze and a reassuring look to Carrie.

"And you're not dumping anything. I mean, well, ok, you are, but I'm the one asking you about it. I'm glad to chat with you about it. I mean, I could see it's something that's still on your chest right now. It always helps me to at least be able to talk about things like that," Kitty says. She lets out a soft laugh. "Though I probably end up yelling at the guy over it. I don't let my temper out often. But when I do I sometimes get carried away," she admits.

"So this other girl... you think he's serious or... is it more like something that just needs to run it's course?" Kitty asks as she turns sideways in the couch. Kicking off her own shoes, Kitty draws her legs up beside her as they talk.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
When her hand is taken, Carrie squeezes back thankfully. It was apparently something that had been bothering her. Having someone to talk to about it though wasn't possible. There just wasn't anyone who wasn't already involved until now. "Thanks," Carrie offers quietly in a tired voice. "He feels guilty about it. Our kiss I mean. He told me he admitted what he did to her, but didn't tell her who. So I guess he's going to keep on with things. I can understand that. He was dating her, so obviously was interested. There wasn't any reason to break up after all."

Shaking her head a little she reaches up with her free hand to rake through the length of her hair. "Mm. I honestly don't know. It's not really healthy to wait around on 'what if' situations to begin with. I know that. Maybe this ball will be good. It'll give me a chance to get out instead of dwell on things. I just need to get it out of my mind. I'd rather not lose a friend over this."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley adds with a serious glance, "Also I ran into her at a cafe by accident. She could *break me in half.* I'm not even joking."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a little wince at the break in half part. "Well, yes, maybe best to try to not well on that one too much then," Kitty agrees. "So is she... does she have powers of some sort?" Kitty asks curiously. She lets go of Carrie's hand, giving it a gentle pat before she reaches for her hot chocolate to take a little sip of it.

"Well, we will have to spend some time at the ball looking around for you then," Kitty says with a playful smile and a little suggestive wiggle of her eyebrows. "And, while I'm in favor of Jason or Dick making their own way as they choose? That doesn't mean it's bad to find someone capable of attending expensive charity events either," Kitty says. "As long as he's a great guy, that's all that matters, right?"

Kitty rests her elbow on the back of the couch, and her hand on her head. "Jason and I... we've been moving fast in some ways, but slow in others. But, I think we've taken our time in building trust with each other. And I think that's growing strong, because of it," she says with a thoughtful air. "He really... just... I'm so in love with him," she says, sighing and smiling. "I never expected this to happen when I came to Gotham that day."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley draws her eyebrows together thoughtfully at the question of powers. "I don't know. I didn't really ask much about her to be honest. She's built like an Amazon though, and since there *are* literal Amazon's in Gotham at times?" A small shrug is given. "I wouldn't be surprised if she did have powers of some kind. Not really my business if she does, so long as it's not aimed at me, you know?" A lopsided smile is given at that.

It was her turn to tug her legs up beneath her on the couch as she settles in listening to Kitty gush about Jason. A rather broad, knowing grin comes as she listens with burgeoning amusement. "Much as I give him shit, he IS a good guy. I'm glad you guys met. It sounds like you both could use a happy ending. I know he's fond of you too."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde smiles over to Carrie and says, "Thank you. He really is. I know he's been through some tough times in his life." Kitty's eyes go a bit distant as if into her memories, or at least her thoughts. "But you know, someone who has been through those kind of times? Who has been through a... a crucible like that? And he still comes out the other side as a good man? That means a lot to me."

Kitty looks down for a moment. "And, I know some of... whatever he's had in his past, still weighs on him. And, I hope I can help be there for him, in getting through that. But he keeps trying and... well, yes. I love him," she says, giving a little blush. "Ok, now I'm the one who is sorry for gushing a bit."

Kitty finishes off her hot chocolate. "So have you-" she says, when there's a sound of a car crash outside, and a horn or two blares. Kitty gets up and goes over to look out the window. She looks down at the street first, where someone drove through an intersection, it seems. "Hrm, looks like everyone's-" she cuts off as she sees the people on the street glancing up instead of at the accident. Kitty looks up too. A Sentinel, passing over the city, rockets flaring from its feet as it flies above the building tops. Kitty moves back away from the window, shaking her head. "Hate those things," she says, wrapping her arms about herself.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley lifts her own mug of cocoa to take a long sip while Kitty continues on about Jason. About his past. She takes a long, deep breath as she keeps silent on that topic knowing far more than she likely ought to about his past. It wasn't her place to tell such secrets. Even so, the way Kitty gushes about him, causes her to smile warmly in appreciation. If only she could feel like that about someone some day.

The thought is dashed from her mind when the sound of the crash comes. Shifting her feet off the couch she sets her mug down to join Kitty at the window. "Wow, that's really bad," she remarks about the crash before her gaze flits up toward the Sentinel. Both hands come down on the edge of the windowsill and she leans forward peering up with a scowling frown. "When the HELL did those things start showing up in Gotham!?"

Stepping away she turns back toward Kitty only to blink in surprise at the way Kitty was hugging herself. A glance is cast back to the window, and she reaches up to tug down the shade to close off the sight of outside. "Are you okay, Kitty?" It's asked quietly as she steps closer, and places a hand on her shoulder with a little squeeze.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quick nod of her head, her arms dropping. "Yes, I'm ok," she says, bringing a soft smile back to her face, though it's just a little forced to make it appear. "Just... creeps me out. Knowing they are about. And having seen the things they did in Russia. And the things I heard about them doing in Gotham. They are over New York, too," Kitty says, shaking her head.

"I just don't get people," she says. Kitty reaches up, resting a hand atop Carrie's on her shoulder. Squeezing softly as if in gratitude.

"It just feels like... bad forces are aligning. Like... like I feel like this must have been what it was like in Germany. In the forties. Only people didn't do anything to stop it," Kitty says. "And... it was easier to stand by and watch. Or... well now it's even worse, with people being so afraid and letting those with agendas plrey on that fear. I just... I don't want to see another shoah, another Holocaust happen. And I can't shake the feeling that is what this is heading towards."

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley doesn't say anything to that. There really wasn't anything she could say. Instead she steps closer to pull Kitty into a tight hug. "You're not the only one worried," she has to admit quietly while running a hand up and down Kitty's back. Trying to be reassuring. There's a particular steely tone to her voice as she adds, quietly, "But not everyone is going to stand by quietly. Especially here in Gotham. We fight."

"If you ever need to get away, or hide out somewhere, you let me know. You're always welcome here," she assures.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde hugs Carrie back in a tight hug. "My grandfather... he survived the Holocaust," Kitty shares softly. "And... it's been on my mind a lot. Ever since seeing the Russian videos. It just feels like... in a closed news state, it must be like... that's what the Kristallnacht would have been like," Kitty says, shaking her head.

"And it shouldn't matter who it is that such prejudice and hatred is aimed at. But it seems like there's so many that are ok with it, in today's world," Kitty tells Carrie. The Jewish young woman sighs. "Thank you. You're really awesome. I don't imagine I'd ever need to hide anywhere, but... it's good to know I have a friend in you. And I feel the same about you, Carrie. If you ever needed help, I'd do what I can for you," Kitty says.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley leans back away from the hug to catch sight of Kitty's face with her lips pursed into a tight smile. "Thanks, Kitty. I'm serious though. If you do..." A glance is cast out toward the window with a scowl. "I'm sure there's people in Gotham that don't feel like I do, but for the most part? Things like *that* are unwelcome."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde gives a quick nod to Carrie. "There are plenty I'm sure. I just hope people don't get used to looking up and seeing... that... and thinking it's normal. Or Ok. Or... good," Kitty says. She gives Carrie a last tight snug and then lets go, moving back over to the box of masks. "You know, this one looks perfect," Kitty says, picking up one that seems made to emulate stylish lace. "It would go well with my dress," she says, trying it on and looking to Carrie to see what she thinks.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley is glad to step away from the window. The car crash caused by the sight of the Sentinel would soon be cleared out, and she didn't particularily want to see the flying behemoth of a machine anymore, either. Returning to the couch she sinks down to sit watching as Kitty puts on the lace mask. A slow grin spreads and she nods with agreement. "That, with the dress you showed me, will be perfect. Plus it's light weight so you won't be all sweaty in it. That's the downside of a big feathery mask," she points out with a chuckle. "I cleaned them all though don't worry. I'm sure Jason will love how you look."

Red Hood has posed:
As he arrives on the rooftop, Jason notices the Sentinel looking down and scanning the area as it flies by. When it's optics settle on him, the Red Hood responds the best way he can.

He gives the Sentinel a Gotham salute. Two middle fingers raised high into the air. "Your mother was a trash compactor!" he calls out to it, before he reaches down to pick up the bags of takeout he bought.

He gives Carrie's door a firm knock, waiting for an answer before entering the room.

"I have chicken and vegetable samosas, chicken curry, meat saag with lamb and beef, and lots of nan, onion kulcha, garlic nan and rot. Oh, and lemon rice."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde hears Jason at the door. She breaks out in a big smile. "You made it!" Kitty calls through the door, letting Carrie be the one to answer it, seeing as it's -her- door after all. "I've got the best mask thanks to Carrie!" Kitty calls through the wood, not willing to wait to share her excitement.

Jason's arrival makes the whole thing over seeing the Sentinel just fade away. "I wonder if you have a good one for him," Kitty says, looking at the masks thoughtfully.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley glances to the door at the knock and call, and she moves to answer it. It's swung open and she gestures inside allowing him into the apartment. It wasn't much, just a wide open livingroom area, and a kitchenette against the wall. There were doors leading to the bedrooms, but they were shut. Kitty is sitting at the old beat up couch in front of a coffee table that had seen better days. There was a bookcase doubling as a tv stand against the wall, and a beanbag chair nearby as well.

"I'm telling you, the peacock one is perfect for him," she suggests with a grin. "I'm calling dibs on at least one of those samosas. Want a drink, Jason?"

Red Hood has posed:
"Peacock is totally Damian's thing." Jason retorts as the door's opened. Moving to set the bags on the table, he gives Carrie a nod. "Got a beer?" he quips, before glancing over at Kitty and gives her a smile. "Didn't miss too much, I hope?" he asks.

"Been a busy day, was visiting a friend of mine, and then had some work to handle back at my place." There's a rolling shrug of his shoulders as he moves to help Carrie prepare plates. "You got a preference?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde hops up from the couch to move over to Jason. She slides her arms around him and gives him a long, tight hug, and a soft peck on the lips. "There's a bunch that would work for you," Kitty tells him. She pulls her mask on to let him see it. "Do you like this one?" she asks him as she lets him go.

Kitty goes over to handle the drinks while they get the plates and food taken care of. "We've had a great time. Carrie's a blast, I'm so glad that we got introduced," Kitty comments. "We're going to have to pick her out a handsome thing at the ball," Kitty says, flashing Carrie a grin.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley grins faintly as she starts for the fridge. "I have ROOT beer because I am an underage college student, Jason," she responds. "And other forms of soda as well, or ice tea." It's all said for Kitty's benefit as she starts to get drinks ready, and she opens up the cupboard to pull out some plates. There were plenty of those it seemed even if it was a mostly mis-matched set.

"Kitty!" She gasps as if it were a scandalous suggestion...but she flashes a grin looking sheepish as well. "I still need to find a dress first. I might pull out some of my costumes while we're looking at masks. I've got one in mind that might work, but it's been awhile since I had it out." Growing thoughtful she looks back to Jason with an eyebrow raised, "They don't mind if people were color and not just black, right?"

Red Hood has posed:
"Soda's fine!" Jason responds as he starts to unpack the food, setting the Indian spread on the table. Kitty's embrace and kiss is returned, though he feels a little extra in the grip. "You alright?" he asks, a bit of worry tugging at his features before he starts to make a plate for himself.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde grins over to Carrie at her gasp. Kitty smiles and pats her shoulder as she goes past with the drinks to set on the table. "Fashion show time, Carrie," Kitty suggests, wiggling her finger as if suggesting Carrie should try some things on and walk the catwalk for her and Jason.

The question from Jason brings a quick nod from Kitty as if to let him know it's ok. "Yes, just... a Sentinel flew over, caused a car accident. And... I got a little upset. You know, my grandpa and the Holocaust and... well, those darn things make me think of that a lot," she says.

Kitty moves to rest a hand on Jason's shoulder. "By the way. When my mother comes in town. There's a holiday, Purim. And... I have a special request to make of you, that I can ask you about later. Just wanted to mention it so you can remind me if I forget,' she says.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley groans with a roll of her eyes ceilingward. Yet she does look toward the pair noticing their quiet remarks. Even if she didn't understand all of it, she knew it was couple talk. They could probably use a moment to check up on one another. "Okay, but only a few," she relents with a chuckle. "I don't want to bore Jason to death. I have a feeling fashion isn't his thing." There's a smirk as she heads out of the kitchen area toward one of the bedroom doors. "Give me a minute. I'll get the dress I was thinking of. Just... let me know if it's too much, okay?"

Red Hood has posed:
"I promise not to make out with Kitty on your couch." Kitty may see Jason cross his fingers behind his back - but that was pretty obvious. "Yeah. I saw it. Newer model. Not that crap that was in the park." he says with a shrug of his shoulders.

Then she's asking a favor. With her mom. "Whoa whoa, I've seen this movie." He says, picking up a samosa. "If this is about 'can you pretend to be my fiance for the weekend', I'm going to at least ask that I come up with the how we met story, and other negotiations to be discussed later. And pick out the ring." With that, he snacks on the samosa. "It always needs to be shorter, Carrie!" he calls after her as she retreats.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde lets out a soft laugh. She gently pushes Jason down to the couch then sits beside him as they start to eat. "No, it's not that. Um, short version... a part of Purim, the adults are supposed to forget, and drink... drink until they can't tell the difference between the blessed and the cursed," Kitty explains.

"So... I might normally ask you to come. However, my mother and I are going to be helping another family with a sort of, religious intervention that night. It wouldn't be the best idea for me to invite you. But... given that I'm probably going to end up three sheets to the wind that night?" Kitty asks. "Would you possibly mind getting a room at a place right near by?" She blushes a little bit.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
"That's a Jewish holiday? Dang, I need to expand my knowledge some," Carrie calls out from her room where she shuffles around. Then she adds, "It's not short Jason." You can almost hear the audible eyeroll from her. There's a pause though before she comes out, a bit of a hesitation. One hand on the doorframe she considers going out or lingering longer so they can talk. Then again... It wasn't as if she could go anywhere else. This was her apartment. With a grin she steps out of the shadows into the light.

The light catches on the golden fabric of the dress making it seem to shimmer as she moves. The length sweeps low over her legs making it likely more modest than most would wear, but given it was a silky form fitting number that only went so far. Out into the livingroom she goes, taking a little twirl to show off the low dipping back of the dress. "So... Suitable?"

Red Hood has posed:
"Yeah. But expect me to just put you to bed." Jason says quietly. He's not going to take advantage of a drunk girlfriend. "And then be there with juice and waffles when you have a hangover the next day. Maybe a bit of the hair of the dog that bit you." he winks, and then Carrie makes her appearance.

"Nice, Myrtle." he offers to Carrie when she makes her appearance. There's an appreciative look over the redhead and he nods his approval. "I think you're looking good."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tells Jason, "Well, I don't normally drink. You're the person I trust to make sure I'm ok and all," she says, blushing a little bit. Kitty takes a sip of her soda and then looks up as Carries comes back out. "I don't know what colors they wear at these, but you look fabulous in that," Kitty says warmly. "I think you'll have your pick of those handsome fellas we talked about, if so," Kitty tells her with a grin.

Carrie Kelley has posed:
Carrie Kelley laughs a little at the compliments as she sweeps a hand up through her hair getting it out of her face. "It's from a production of The Great Gatsby... but I thought it'd be nice for this. Just need a mask then." Grinning warmly she strides over... and grabs a samosa before Jason eats them all. It's popped into her mouth, and she winks at the pair before turning around to march back to her room. "Yes, well. I don't mind looking at the guys but it's not like I'm shopping. It'll just be fun to look." With a chuckle she adds, "Let me change again."