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What's your problem, Pryde!
Date of Scene: 11 March 2019
Location: Roof Tower - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kitty hassles Logan and tells him she's dating some weirdo.
Cast of Characters: Shadowcat, Wolverine

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde has been burning the candle at both ends. No, that saying falls short. Kitty has cut up the candle into multiple pieces and is burning each of them at both ends. The latest addition, a rigorous physical training exercise to not only get her back into true X-man shape, but to get her in the best shape she's ever been in.

But she needed a break. So a tub of caramel-coated popcorn was made, and the twenty-year-old and Lockheed made their way up onto the roof. Seating herself on the very edge of the castle wall, Kitty lets her feet hangout into space, an extra sweater pulled over her shoulders. Though with the sun out, and a bit of warm weather finally come up to upstate New York, the extra layer of clothing is only barely needed. The faintest of breezes stirs her hair, and carries her scent downwind. She's started wearing perfume more often over the course of the last few weeks, and today is no exception there, mingling with her own scent that has changed much in her time away in England.

A glob of the sweet treat is tossed in her mouth, and then she passes a few kernels over for Lockheed to snarf down. "I'll take you next time I go," she tells the purple dragon. "Image enhancer for safety. Make you look like a cat. But I did mention you already. So you're not going to get to be all shocking this time," Kitty tells the alien dragon, reaching up to run her fingers over a ridge on his forehead that he particularly likes. He eats the popcorn then returns his head to Kitty's shoulder, curled up around her neck.

Wolverine has posed:
    It's warm today, compared to the last few weeks. Still some snow left on the ground with the griminess and grayishness that is all granted with the passing of time. But it's turned more to an icy cover, making any attempt to remove it a tedious effort.
    Then again that doesn't stop some people from trying.
    There's a steady scrape from the shovel stabbing into the mound of snow that's piled onto the angled basement storm doors. Just a repeated stab and scrape as the X-Man known as Logan tries to get the several feet of accumulation off the side of the steel doors. A scowl's settled on his features and then there's a /kachunk/ as he stabs the shovel into the bank beside that door.
    Sometimes it seems like he's the only one doing a damn thing around the place. Though he knows that's not true... sometimes /feels/ like it. He takes a moment to shield the cigar he places in his mouth as he applies a lighter to its end. A few puffs, then the wind changes...
    And on that wind comes the scent of a curious melange that he hadn't smelled in some time. A small chuff carries with it a puff of smoke as he smirks, looking upwards as he takes a drag. Caramel Corn. Dragon. Perfume. Kitty. He shakes his head.
    For a time he considers just leaving her to her reflection. Often times kids grow past their usual crowd of folks. Got her own interests, and he did his best helping her become the best her he figured she could be.
    It'd be downright selfish to steal a hint of that nostalgia. But then again... sometimes he gets to be selfish.
    Doesn't take long. Back into the mansion, cigar still puffing a bit. He gets an eyeballing from one of the other faculty in passing so he puts it out while rolling his eyes as he strolls on past. Some students give him a wave and he answers with a grunt. Stairs. Another set of stairs. Then it's out onto that rooftop, his arrival heralded by the clomp clomp of his shoes. He can move quietly when he wants to, now's not the case, however.
    "Hey, Kiddo."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde tosses a small clump of carmel corn up into the air, but Lockheed reaches up to snatch it out of the air before Kitty can. She gives a warm laugh, short of a giggle. The laugh hasn't changed, even if the girl has. Her time away at Oxford, and with Excalibur. She's turned from a girl into a young woman. Mostly.

But that doesn't stop her reaction as she sees Logan. Kitty sets the tub aside and hops up, Lockheed taking flight as Kitty moves over to give Logan a quick hug. Quick enough he won't grumble too much about it.

"Hey Logan," she tells him warmly. "Come to take a break for a few minutes with me? If I didn't get out of the Security Center for a little sunlight, I thought I might change into a vampire or something. I'm still not sure that Forge isn't one already," she says.

She motions with a nod of her head towards where she was sitting, the movement setting her brown hair swaying where it hangs from her ponytail. Kitty hops back up on the wall, though this time turning sideways towards an open spot that is big enough for Logan. Lockheed floats back down to land on her shoulders again. "I keep hearing about you, but not getting to see you. Plastics factory? Been working with some of the data you brought back," she comments as she leans back against a crenelation in the castle roof. "What all has had you occupied?" she asks.

Wolverine has posed:
    He returns the embrace with one arm, lightly thumping her on the back as he manages to sneak a small grumble in there, but it's a grumble given the lie by the half-smirk on the corner of his mouth even as he moves further ahead and to the edge of the roof, resting an arm on the barrier and tilting a glance towards Lockheed.
    "Dragon," He greets the critter, but then turns and leans back against the supporting wall, hands flat upon the stonework. "Lil of this, lil of that. You know how it goes." Typical non-answer, but then unlike for most people... he elaborates. "Working on the Sentinel angle of things. Worked that op. Training." He lifts a hand slightly and waves it to the side as if brushing his words out of the way.
    "What about you, Pryde?" He eyes her and takes her measure, "Seem to be workin' yerself a bit ragged. But s'only to be expected after all that soft livin'." His lip twitches.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty lets out a laugh, though Logan can sense her agreement in it. "I turned your training in Japan into a Danger Room program. Just the exercise portion," Kitty says. "That got me into shape better than anything I've been through. Made the river a little faster, the snow a little deeper." Kitty's eyes shine with mischief. "Tried to make you better looking, but the room seemed to reject it," she teases.

"Working a lot on the Sentinels. Including two missions. Thought Cannonball died in my arms," Kitty says, eyes staring ahead vacantly for a moment before she shakes it off. "But he was ok. I still don't know what happened with that." Lockheed gives her a little nudge, sensing her emotions. The distraction brings a smile from Kitty and she strokes her fingers over his cranial ridge.

"Piotr and I broke up. For good. And... I met a guy from Gotham. It... might be serious even," Kitty says. She looks up and over to Logan, giving him a small little lopsided smile and a bit of a blush touches her cheeks. "Told him about myself. Going to take Lockheed to meet him next time," she says. "He's fine with it all. Still a lot he doesn't know. Just sort of taking it slow there."

Kitty undoes her pony tail and ruffles her fingers through her hair. "I'm not going back to Oxford for the next semester. I didn't stay when Piotr asked me not to go last year. But... I don't want to leave Jason to go back. That's when I figured, it's maybe serious. So, working out what to do. Finish my degree remotely, or transfer to somewhere closer."

Wolverine has posed:
    "Well yeah," Logan offers in rejoinder to her comment about changing the programming on that Danger Room program. "Hard ta improve on perfection n'all," He offers as he tils his head to the side, as if framing his profile properly for her to consider.
    But then he looks back and nods, "Somethin' about Sam seems off of late. Kid's always runnin' a half-step behind for some reason."
    Then she talks about her and Piotr and he gives a nod, as if he'd seen it coming. But then she mentions Gotham and he eyes her sidelong. "Gotham?" A grunt. Judgemental. But he doesn't voice why the negativity. Instead he simply advises, "Careful, lotta crazies runnin' around there."
    But then she reemphasizes the seriousness of her relationship with this Jason and he grunts. "Hnh." Again nothing further said, but yup. Judgement.
    "If ya do introduce me to the fella, better make sure it is serious. Since meetin' the guy creates all sorts of contingencies and expectations that ain't entirely pleasant for the guy if he messes up."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde breaks out in warm chuckles as Logan takes a moment to not-quite-Vogue for her. "I made sure you still shove me off the cliff into the river each time. For old time's sake," Kitty tells him, still grinning softly.

She digs in the tub, pulling out some carmel corn to nibble on. The container is slid Logan's way slightly in offering. "Yeah, Gotham's... a different sort of place," she concludes. "I'm probably going to get some martial arts training there. His family, wanting to make sure I'm as safe as possible. I expect it's going to be... excellent training. Even by your standards. Maybe after I've had a bit, we can have a go and you can give your opinion?"

Kitty leans back, the castle's stone holding enough heat from the sun to not add too much chill as she rests against it. "I'm introducing him to mom. She's coming for Purim. Dad's still in Genosha. But I'll wait before subjecting him to you," Kitty agrees with a faint grin towards Logan.

"So you have any new plans for the Sentinels? Could use data on their newer models in particular," Kitty says. "Speaking of... Forge and I are going to do a meet-and-greet with the Avengers. Exchange information." She leans back and gives a sigh. "I'm finally going to get to meet Captain America, and I have a serious boyfriend. Life can be so unfair!" she says in a comically upset tone before breaking out in a grin.

Wolverine has posed:
    Listening to her he sort of nods along with it, though he does finagle his cigar while she's updating him on the way of things of late. He'll get the stogey in the corner of his mouth and lights it with a flick of an old silver lighter. Pocketing it, he folds his arms over his broad chest and eyes her sidelong as she finishes speaking.
    "Everythin' I got, you got, kiddo." He takes a long drag and lets the cigar smoke drift off with the winds. "Some of that intel is gonna take facin' the things more directly at least fer me. You guys went a few rounds with them and it was..." A pause, "Tough."
    That said he snorts at the comment about Captain America, "Yeah, heck, if I were single mebbe I'd date him." Another smirk.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty's head leans back against the stone wall and she says, "I saw him briefly at the charity ball we went to. I don't know if you have much of a shot with him. Not while you still smoke those at least," she says, motioning to the cigar with a faint grin.

"Worried about the power nullification technology they've got," Kitty says, the young woman's expression turning more serious. "Forge is too. The older model, it was something they'd shoot. But what if they make it area effect? Would take out a lot of firepower if people like you and I lose our powers if we get close." She looks down at her hand as if contemplating being without her power.

"But fighting them isn't the answer. We need to stop them being produced. Kill the market of governments buying them. Otherwise..." Kitty trails off. Likely thinking about the future she's heard of from Rachel and Nate.

Kitty looks over and says, "Really glad being back." Though her expression as she looks at Logan says she's talking about him more than about the rest of the school just now.

Wolverine has posed:
    "Don't worry, kid." Sometimes it's a time for hard truths. "We haven't screwed up yet." And sometimes it's best to just tell someone that everything will be alright. "I mean, other than lettin' Rogue back on the team." At that he smirks and then rather presumptuously he reaches down and ruffles her hair from above, making it a positive jangle of a mess before he turns away.
    Stepping back towards the door that leads into the stairwell, he says over his shoulder while still trailing smoke. "We always come up with somethin'. Reckon this time ain't any different." He pauses there near the door and then ashes his cigar to the side.
    "But yeah." He turns and looks back at her, one eyebrow cocked as if surprised at the fact, "S'good ta have you around." He turns back and starts down the steps. After a few thumps as he walks she'll hear the words floating on the wind given as he parts company.