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Jason Blankenship (Scenesys ID: 7691)
"It's only after you've stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow, and transform." -Bennett
Full Name: Jason Blankenship
Gender: Male
Species: Metahuman
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: Spy
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: Washington D.C.
Education: PhD, Stanford University (Psychology)
Status: Active
Groups: {{{Groups}}}
Other Information
Apparent Age: 34 Actual Age: 34
Date of Birth 1 January 1993 Actor: Matt Bomer
Height: 185 cm Weight: 82 kg
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Agent provocateur. Detective. Fall guy. Spy. Jason Blankenship has been all of the above and more during his time at the CIA. Special Agent Blankenship uses his keen powers of deduction and observation to insinuate himself into the lives of persons of interest. Often this means watching from afar, but occasionally it means strategic assistance. Or interference. He is able to be anyone and can go almost anywhere. Perhaps you've already met, and perhaps you never will.



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Jason Blankenship likes to change up his look, but there's still one that is inherently him.

Tall and dark, if the man were handsome he would be a triple threat. While he is good looking, there's a lot of boyish charm in that smile. His confident demeanor usually reads as "boy next door makes good" rather than "handsome rogue". It's a carefully cultivated look designed to appear anything but, from the crisply parted dark hair just starting to become disheveled to the small scar just below his chin. It's as though he doesn't have it all together yet, but he's having fun just getting there. While he must have a walk in closet worth of clothing, there's no denying he looks most at ease in a stylish black suit.

The statistics are all recorded somewhere: just over six feet tall, brown hair, blue eyes, and approaching his middle thirties. It's in a number of databases already. Too bad it's already obsolete.


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There's a serious and carefully delineated history here. This is how you make a spy. Graduate in the top ten percent of your class, but never take one of the top two slots. Keep off of social media. Why bother? People are too interesting to worry about fake points on the internet.

Get accepted to a top tier school and graduate a bit early. Turns out, your Deviations in Human Psychology professor reports on people with abilities -and- people who have a knack for skills the CIA might find interesting. It turns out, the CIA is glad to pay you to finish your schooling, just take the summer off and come visit a few folks at The Farm. Indoctrinated, on your way to becoming a real life secret agent, you go ahead and get your PhD in Psychology. You're a natural at reading people, and now you have a good understanding of why they do what they do.

Follow that squirrely professor into the bowels of the biosciences lab late at night. Get doused with experimental motile stem cells and blasted with a lethal and rather stimulating dose of ionizing radiation. You still have to call it in to the CIA.

Then, the most important part. Don't die. The CIA runs tests. Everyone runs tests. And then, they give up (they watch you in secret) and let you get on with your life (secretly engineer situations to try to bring about some sort of power awakening). Turns out, you really can be everything to every one. It's not just your personality that changes when you need it to, but also your body. "Welcome back to the CIA. We call this the Root Cellar, and it is so far below the Farm that there's no roots at all."

Months of testing, psychological, physical, emotional, and any other -al they can engineer. It's inconclusive, which means they can kill you or they can use you. There's always a chance they are following you, but as long as the intel stays good and you need them to back off so you can get it, you can buy more time. Who knew? It's actually really important work. Be super good at your job, travel the world, play make believe.


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Affable, charming, and fun. Jason Blankenship is all of these things. He's also a laser minded clinical psychologist capable of dissecting a persona and laying motivations bare in a matter of moments. To him, the only real intimacy is knowing the truth of a situation.

Everything he does is for a good cause--getting closer to the truth. It happens that he has an obligation, one made under duress but now embraced freely, to share that truth with his superiors at the CIA. He does this according to his own judgement, making him a perpetual pain in the ass and unreliable source with always actionable intel.

He likes the fine things in life, and enjoys doing things with style.


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Jason Blankenship's unique control over his physiology refreshes and regenerates his form as he changes shape. The smaller the wound, the longer it takes to heal as he has little control of cells. It may take minutes or hours for the small, cellular traumas of a bruise or broken capillaries to knit themselves back together. Ironically, large traumas such as a broken limb can be healed much more quickly and be structurally sound by shapeshifting, though the bruising and microtrauma remains.

This regeneration does not deal well with the removal of large amounts of tissue. The removal of an organ would prove fatal long before the tissue could be regenerated, unless given intensive medical treatment. The removal of a hand or arm could be survived, though it would take months or years to fully regenerated the missing tissue. Regeneration requires biomass and caloric energy, so Jason's appetite and nutritional needs skyrocket as a result.

Jason Blankenship is able to alter his form into that of almost anything he can imagine, be it organic or inorganic. It must, however, be solid and no more than an order of magnitude smaller or larger than his baseline size and mass. Additionally, he can also partially shapeshift to gain a useful trait such as the crepuscular vision of a cat or the powerful swimming tail of a dolphin.

Shapeshifting into anything that is not approximately humanoid is taxing and requires concentration and stamina. This stamina drain is about the same as working out, making it easier to achieve these shifts in several short bursts through the day rather than one long and punishing effort. Further, while the shapeshifting may give him an advantage in reach or strength because of increased muscle mass, he is not able to duplicate the powers and special abilities of someone he is mimicking.


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Jason Blankenship is not an assassin. That doesn't mean that he isn't capable of being one when the need arises. He is exceptionally familiar with the topic, from an academic and psychological point of view. There are a great many behaviors that are dangerous and abhorrent in even a normal human being, such as charismatic cults, genocide, and serial murder. These behaviors from superpowered or technologically advanced individuals is a recipe for tragedy on the national or global scale. There are times the CIA has decided that one death was worth preventing the deaths of millions.

Jason, however, is something of a glass canon in this respect. His keen psychological awareness and empathy mean that he cannot be used in this way without permanently damaging his psyche.

Jason Blankenship seems to know everyone and be able to get into anywhere. He's got the hookup for that one club in Ibiza you always wanted to go to, and he is a hell of a lot of fun to go out and have a beer with. It isn't that he's likable, though he certainly can be. It's more that he seems like the kind of person you would want to be. To almost everyone.

Jason Blankenship has been trained by the CIA to be proficient with most modern firearms. Additionally, he has been trained in a mishmash of martial arts predicated on the need to subdue or escape from an opponent.

Above all else, Jason Blankenship is a keen investigator with a watchful eye. His intuition for human behavior and the best spy training the CIA can manage has turned him into a formidable detective, though he seldom has access to the lab equipment needed to arrive at forensic conclusions.

With a network of dozens of persons of interest alloyed with one of the most intense bureaucracies in existence, Jason Blankenship has had to learn how to manage large groups of people with wildly different interests and goals. Not only is he capable of managing an intense network of contacts and superiors, but it turns out that he is good at it.

Jason Blankenship is an adept mimic, able to anticipate and manipulate the perceptions of others. Aside from his more remarkable abilities, he has a gift for voices and accents.

Jason Blankenship is a top tier field psychologist. He has spent the majority of his life analyzing and trying to understand individuals, and he graduated solidly in the top twenty five percent of his class at Stanford University--by his own design. He furthered that education to its utmost, all the while putting his skills to the use observing, classifying, and providing intel to the CIA. He is skilled at provoking specific responses by playing upon the needs and motivations of others, as well as identifying and capitalizing on motivations and influences that are invisible all but the most adept students of human nature.

Also known as tradecraft within the intelligence community. Jason Blankenship is extremely adept at the techniques, methods, and technologies used in modern espionage. This includes clandestine entry, lockpicking, safe cracking, surveillance, and forgery, among others. Most importantly, spycraft is about getting it done without being caught.


There are liars and then there are liars. Jason Blankenship is as skilled a deceiver as one is ever liable to meet. He is able to convincingly lie, cheat, and steal to get what he needs, and if caught, he is able to spin a remarkable story as to why it is far more benign than it seems to be. He is a consummate sneak, and does so seemingly without pangs of conscience and with the ease of breathing. He has spent the majority of his life taking others apart and has a vast library of stories to pull from when he needs to be convincing, and he is exceptional at submerging himself in the story and making himself believe it if only for a little while. Even without his unique physiological control, his ability to believe in his own deceit obviates the involuntary signs of dishonesty, making lie detectors all but useless.


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Jason Blankenship is a special agent with the Central Intelligence Agency, which comes with access to equipment, intelligence, and travel. There is almost always a cost for accessing these resources--frequently a matter of filing report after report after report--but having the ability to suggest a course of action to the US government is usually worth it.

Who knows who he will be next? Or where he has been before? Jason has many secret identities, some made with the help of the CIA and others totally unconnected.

Access to safehouses is a must for any spy. Frequently they contain ways to securely contact the CIA, medical supplies, and weapons. These things are fortresses in miniature meant to sustain and protect agents in the field. Of course, a master spy doesn't rely solely on the Company for these things, and Jason maintains more than a few of his own just in case.

Jason has rubbed elbows with the rich and famous and had drinks with the elite. Some owe him favors, and others just like having him around. He has friends in high places and the inclination to use them if it makes things easier.

Why does everything have to be about law and order? About money and fame? Power is just as often concentrated in the seedy underbelly and hidden off camera. A career spent undercover and associating with those in the know means that some of these people owe him favors, and others just like him. He is as apt to call upon underworld favors as he is on those above board.


Jason doesn't report everything on his taxes, and has money stashed away in places that don't even have taxes... much less extradition agreements. While he isn't wealthy per-se, it is almost impossible to keep him from getting his hands on cash and other tokens of wealth when he needs it.


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The CIA knows who and what he is. He frequently slips the leash, and they in turn tighten it whenever they can. Restricting him too closely ruins him as an asset, but the CIA is under no illusion that he could disappear or even turn on them given the right provocation.


Despite his ability to manipulate his physiology, Jason Blankenship remains more or less as susceptible to poisons as any other person. With extreme and extended effort he could foil the biochemistry needed to make some poisons work, but it is a chancy thing.


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